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Ведущий: Hello, everybody!

Today you’ll see Starlight travelling!. Let’s go to the airport

The first airport is the world of jobs in Canada.
So speaking about jobs in general, how can a person get a job? Of
course, answer the questions of an interviewer! Let us listen to one of
such interviews.2 интервью:
-Good morning, I’m Simon Jones.
-Nice to meet you, Simon. Please, take a seat.
-Thank you.
-So, Simon, tell me a little about yourself.
-Well, I am 18 years old, I’m a student, and I’ m looking for a part time
job to help to pay for university.
-I see. Why do you think you’ ll be a good shop assistant?
-Well, I think I’ m hard working and honest. People also say, I am
friendly and helpful.
-Do you have any experience in this type of work?
-Yes, I worked in a surf shop last summer, Here’s a letter of
-Oh, that’s great! If we offer you the job, when can you start?
- I can start immediately.
-OK, Simon, I think that’s all I need to know. I’ ll be in touch.
-Thank you very much for your time.
Ведущий:We'd like to tell you about one of the hot jobs.
1-ый выступающий:
1. When it comes to tough jobs, nothing beats being a
2. Smokejumpers are elite firefighters.
3. They risk their lives fighting forest fires in remote areas.
4. They bravely parachute out of airplanes into burning forests.
5. A smokejumpers’ duties are not easy.
6. They have to do long tough training before they can become part
of a team.
7. Smokejumpers need to be good parachutists and know how to
read maps.
8. When they parachute into a fire zone they wear padded jump
jacket and trousers, boots, gloves, a face mask and a helmet.
9. They also carry a backpack with some food and water, and a fire
10. The airplane drops the tools and equipment.
Ведущий: Let’s go to the airport! (Звучит голос капитана корабля.)We
are going to Egypt!( Звучит египетская музыка).
Here we’ll talk about interesting jobs! Here we can see Sara Campbell.
She is a world champion free diver! She holds four world records!
-Hello, Sara!
-How do you feel about your hobby?
-I feel terrific.
-What do you particularly like about your hobby?
-There are no distractions. It’s totally silent: dogs aren’t barking,
phones aren’t ringing and nobody is making noise next door.
-Which equipment do you use?

-I use: goggles, monofin, wetsuit, wetcap.
-Why can you hold your breath for so long?
-Because of practicing yoga and meditation.
-How long have you been practicing freediving?
-Ten years.
Ведущий: Let’s go to the airport! We are going to Australia!
We’ll know about how to work without getting money!
Доклад о работе волонтеров!
I’d like to tell you about voluntourism.
1. More and more young people are taking on volunteer work
2. Some even travel to the other side of the world and do unpaid
work for charity.
3. They help to build houses for poor families, teach children English,
take care of orphans, or help to protect an endangered species.
4. A volunteer holiday is for people, who want to make a difference
in the world.
5. Volunteers have to be realistic though.
6. They cannot change the world in two or three weeks.
7. To some volunteers it seems that they are not doing much by
helping out for only a couple of weeks.
8. But, in fact, every bit of help counts.
9. Thanks to young volunteers, the lives of millions of people around
the world are improving and, in their eyes, the sun is probably
shining brighter, then it used to.
Ведущий: Let’s go to the airport! We are going to Britain!

Work done – time for fun.
Hobby- is one of the best ways to have fun! We’d like to tell you about
UFO hunters!
I’d like to tell you about one of the strange hobbies.
1. Thousands of people see strange objects in the sky all over the
2. Most of these are planets, meteors or military planes- but what
about the rest?
3. People want to find an explanation!
4. They started a UFO club and mostly investigate sightings.
5. They interview witnesses and analyse videos and photos.
6. Sometimes they go out to a UFO “hotspot” too.
7. They usually go high up on a rooftop or a hillside.
8. If they see something strange, they record as much information,
as they can.
9. They use camcorders, cameras, telescopes, and other devices.
10. Then they analyse the information on their laptops.
11. Well, anyone can become a UFO hunter.
12. You just need to be enthusiastic and patient.
13. You also need to join a local UFO club.
14. This way you find out where the UFO hotspots are and you
have witnesses if you spot something.
Ведущий: Let’s go to the airport! We are going to China!
work well done makes rest sweet.

Chinese Opera- is the second amazing way to have rest! We’d like to
tell you about it!
Chinese opera.
-Where were you last month?
-I was on a trip in Shanghai.
-Who were you staying with?
-I was staying with my Chinese friend Mai-Li. He insisted that we go to
the Chinese opera.
-Did you like it?
-I have to admit the experience was amazing.
-Is Chinese opera young or old?
-It has a long history. In ancient times they performed on the streets.
-Are the costumes beautiful?
-They are like a Kaleidoscope of colour. Each colour has a special
meaning. Red means loyalty and bravery, for example.
-And what does black mean?
-It shows warrior or a wild character.
-Is the singing beautiful?
-It is strange: sharp and high-pitched. But the actors use not only their
faces, but also their whole bodies to act out the story.
-How was their make-up?
-It was incredible.
-What advice would you give?
-You must see a Chinese opera one day!
Ведущий: Let’s go to the airport! We are going to America!
After you have finished your work, you can put it out of your mind and rest:

Pop music- is the third wonderful way to have rest! We’d like to show
you the interview with Lady Gaga.
-Lady Gaga is a worldwide sensation. How did she achieve phenomenal
fame?Hello, Lady Gaga!
-Can I ask you a couple of questions?
-Yes, of course!
-What musical instrument do you play?
-I could play the piano by ear from the age of four.
-Who inspired you?
-I was inspired by Jonathan Sebastian Bach.
-What school did you go to?
-When I was 17 years old I went to school for young people at the Tisch
School of Performing Arts in New York.
-Who have you written songs for?
-I have written songs for Britney Spears and Pussycat Dolls.
-What do you use to create your image?
-I wear outrageous costumes, wigs and make-up.
-What social networks are you in?
-I am in My Space, Twitter, You Tube and in Face book.
-How many follows does your Twitter page have?
-My Twitter page has 7.5 million followers.
-Thanks for answering my questions.
-You are welcome! Good bye!
-Good bye!
Ведущий: Let’s go to the airport! We are going to Britain! We’ll have an
excursion in a Haunted house!
I’d like to tell you about The haunted city of York.
1. If you like the idea of exploring historic places around the world,
the City of York in Northern England should definitely be on your
list of places to visit.
2. The Romans founded this city in 71 AD.
3. It is full of fascinating history and culture.

4. It is one of the most haunted cities in the World, with over 140
5. One York ghost story, however, stands out above all the rest.
6. It is the story of the Treasure’s House, one of York’s many historic
7. One day in February 1953, a plumber, Harry Martindale, had been
in the cellar of the Treasure’s House.
8. He heard a strange noise,
9. He looked back and saw a helmet of a Roman soldier coming
through a wall.
10. Twenty more Roman soldiers followed him.
11. They were not walking on the floor.
12. He couldn’t see their legs.
13. He found out later that some Roman soldiers had gone
missing in York many centuries before.
14. May be the soldiers he saw were the missing soldiers.
Our journey is over. Thanks for your attention!

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