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Student Name: Kaidyn Rogers

The Significance of S. Resolution 440

Directions: Use your analysis of S. Resolution 440 to draw conclusions about why we celebrate Cinco de
Mayo. Be sure to include a quote from the Resolution for each answer, along with your own original

1. What are some reasons the resolution gives for why Cinco de Mayo is significant?
The reasons the reasolution gives for why Cinco de Mayo is significant is that it reconigizes the
historical significance of the battle of Puebula, Cinco de Mayo is also important becuase it shows
the ties between american and mexico.

2. What are some of the words the resolution uses to describe the Mexican fighters? What words
describe the French? What words describe the United States? Why do you think the U.S.
Senators chose this kind of language to characterize each country?
The US would choose this kind of langauge to charchterizes each conutry becuase they want to
give feeling to the battle, they use words like courageousfor the Mexican army, to show that they
were strong fighters, with maybe not the best equiplnmnet. They use words like confident and
superior to describe the french army to show that mexico beating the french was a major victory.
The resolution talks about the civial war, to show that the US was also in a war, but with ourself.

3. What are some important and controversial issues missing from this resolution? Why do you
think they were left out?
Some important and controversial issues missing from this resolution is how the way we
celebrate now became commercialized and kind of like a cash grab, not really Honoring the
Mexican soldiers who lost their life, insead it's became an advertisement. This might have been
left out becuase it could be argued as a state of opion, and the document did not want to offend

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