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9/1/2021 Akea/AkeaBattlerAfterImage.

js at master · comuns-rpgmaker/Akea · GitHub

// RPG Maker MZ - Akea Battler After Image
* @target MZ
* @plugindesc Akea Battler After Image
* @author Reisen (Mauricio Pastana)
* @url
* @base AkeaAnimatedBattleSystem
* @orderAfter AkeaAnimatedBattleSystem
* @help Akea Battler After Image - this plugins is under zlib license
* For support and new plugins join our discord server!
* Want to support new creations? be a patreon!
* Battle System Akea Battler After Image works on :
* - Akea Animated Battle System
* Configure the parameters to use as base parameters for the after Image,
* each parameter is explained how you can control the after image.
* After you configured each parameter you can call it on the Akea Animated Battle System
* in the same way you call actions/animations/hits in the notetag
* You can call a single id you configured on the parameters like this:
* <akeaAfterImage>id: 1</akeaAfterImage>
* You can also configure directly in the action all parameters Ex:
* <akeaAfterImage>
* id: 1
* shadowNumber: 10
* frequency: 10
* hueShift: 5
* hueVariation: 20
* fadeSpeed: 5
* </akeaAfterImage>
* You can also just alter the parameter you want from one configured on the Plun Parameters
* Example:
* <akeaAfterImage>
* id: 1
* fadeSpeed: 50
* </akeaAfterImage>
* The one above will have all traits from the After Image of id 1 on the Plugin Parameters,
* but the fade speed will be altered.
* To stop an afterimage during an action, just use
* <akeaStopAfterImage><\akeaStopAfterImage>
* @param After Image Configuration
* @type struct<AfterImage>[]
* @text After Images Base Configuration

* @param shadow number
* @type number
* @default 30
* @text Quantity
* @desc Quantity of after images
* @param frequency
* @type number
* @default 3
* @text Frequency
* @desc The lower, the faster the afterImages appear
* @param fadeSpeed
* @type number
* @default 10
* @text Fade Speed
* @desc The higher, the faster the afterImages fade away
* @param hueShift
* @type number 1/5
9/1/2021 Akea/AkeaBattlerAfterImage.js at master · comuns-rpgmaker/Akea · GitHub
* @default 0
* @text Hue
* @desc If you want to change colors of the after images
* @param hueVariation
* @type number
* @default 0
* @text Hue Variation
* @desc The amount of shift you want the color of the shadow to have from one another


// No touching this part!
var Akea = Akea || {};
Akea.BattleAfterImage = Akea.BattleAfterImage || {};
Akea.BattleAfterImage.VERSION = [1, 0, 2];

if (!Akea.BattleSystem) throw new Error("AkeaBattleAfterImage plugin needs the AkeaAnimatedBattleSystem base.");

if (Akea.BattleSystem.VERSION < [1, 1, 0]) throw new Error("This plugin only works with versions 1.1.0 or higher of the Akea Animated Battle System ");

// Akea Battler After Image
(() => {
const pluginName = "AkeaBattlerAfterImage";
Akea.params = PluginManager.parameters(pluginName);
Akea.BattleAfterImage.imageGlobaConfigs = JSON.parse(Akea.params['After Image Configuration']);
Akea.BattleAfterImage.imageConfigs = [];
for (const afterImage of Akea.BattleAfterImage.imageGlobaConfigs) { Akea.BattleAfterImage.imageConfigs.push(JSON.parse(afterImage)) };
// Sprite_Battler_AfterImage
// The sprite for displaying a battler After Image
function Sprite_Battler_AfterImage() {
Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype);
Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Battler_AfterImage;

Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.initialize = function () {;
this._realX = 0;
this._realY = 0;
this.anchor.x = 0.5;
this.anchor.y = 1;
Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.update = function () {

Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.setBitmap = function (bitmap) {

this.bitmap = bitmap;
Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.setAkeaParameters = function (maxWidth, maxHeight, maxFrame, akeaMirror, akeaMirroredMoves,
x, y) {
this.akeaAnimatedBSMaxWidth = maxWidth;
this.akeaAnimatedBSMaxHeight = maxHeight;
this.akeaMaxFrame = maxFrame;
this._akeaMirror = akeaMirror;
this._akeaMirroredMoves = akeaMirroredMoves;
this._realX = x;
this._realY = y;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this._zIndex = this.y + 1;
Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.updatePositions = function (x, y) {
}; 2/5
9/1/2021 Akea/AkeaBattlerAfterImage.js at master · comuns-rpgmaker/Akea · GitHub
Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.updateFrame = function (isActor, motion, pattern) {
this._motion = motion;
this._pattern = pattern;
if (isActor) {, ...arguments);
} else {, ...arguments);
Sprite_Battler_AfterImage.prototype.updateAkeaFrame = function () {
const bitmap = this.bitmap;
if (bitmap) {
const motionIndex = this._motion ? this._motion.index : 0;
const pattern = this._pattern < this.akeaMaxFrame ? this._pattern : 1;
const cw = bitmap.width / this.akeaAnimatedBSMaxWidth;
const ch = bitmap.height / this.akeaAnimatedBSMaxHeight;
const cx = Math.floor(motionIndex / this.akeaAnimatedBSMaxHeight) * 3 + pattern;
const cy = motionIndex % this.akeaAnimatedBSMaxHeight;
this.setFrame(cx * cw, cy * ch, cw, ch);
this.scale.x = this._akeaMirror ? -1 : 1;
if (this._akeaMirroredMoves) { this.scale.x *= -1 };
const _akeaBattlerAfterImage_Sprite_Battler_initialize = Sprite_Battler.prototype.initialize;
Sprite_Battler.prototype.initialize = function (battler) {, ...arguments);
this._akeaBattlersAfterImage = new Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages();
const _akeaBattlerAfterImage_Sprite_Battler_update = Sprite_Battler.prototype.update;
Sprite_Battler.prototype.update = function () {
this._akeaBattlersAfterImage.updateAkeaAfterImagePosition(this);, ...arguments);
const _specificName_Game_Battler_callAkeaActions = Game_Battler.prototype.callAkeaActions
Game_Battler.prototype.callAkeaActions = function (actionName, parameters, action, targets) {, ...arguments);
if (parameters.indexOf(':') === -1) {
switch (actionName) {
case "AfterImage":
parameters = `id: ${parameters}`;
case "StopAfterImage":
parameters = '';
let regex = /(\w+):\s*([^\s]*)/gm;
let obj = {};
let id = false;
do {
param = regex.exec(parameters);
if (param) {
if (RegExp.$1 == "id") {
id = parseInt(RegExp.$2);
} else {
obj[RegExp.$1] = RegExp.$2;
} while (param);
if (!id) { id = 1 };
if (actionName == "AfterImage") {
this._akeaAnimatedBSActions.addCustomAddon(id, targets, actionName, this, action, obj);
} else if (actionName == "StopAfterImage") {
this._akeaAnimatedBSActions.addCustomAddon(id, targets, actionName, this, action, obj);
const _specificName_Sprite_Battler_manageAkeaActions = Sprite_Battler.prototype.manageAkeaActions
Sprite_Battler.prototype.manageAkeaActions = function (action) {, ...arguments);
switch (action.getActionType()) { 3/5
9/1/2021 Akea/AkeaBattlerAfterImage.js at master · comuns-rpgmaker/Akea · GitHub
case "AfterImage":
case "FinishAction":
case "StopAfterImage":
// Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages
// The game object class for managing the after images.
function Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages() {

Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages.prototype.initialize = function () {
this._maxImages = 40 - 1;
this._afterImageSprites = [];
this._showingAfterImages = false;
this._frequency = 5;
this._hueShift = 0;
this._variableHueShift = 0;
this._fadeSpeed = 1;
Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages.prototype.loadConfiguration = function (action) {
const configuration = Akea.BattleAfterImage.imageConfigs[action.getId() - 1];
this._showingAfterImages = true;
this._akeaSequenceActual = 0;
this._maxImages = parseInt(configuration["shadow number"]);
this._frequency = parseInt(configuration["frequency"]);
this._hueShift = parseInt(configuration["hueShift"]);
this._variableHueShift = parseInt(configuration["hueVariation"]);
this._fadeSpeed = parseInt(configuration["fadeSpeed"]);
const params = action.getObject();
if (params) {
if (params["shadowNumber"]) { this._maxImages = parseInt(params["shadowNumber"]) };
if (params["frequency"]) { this._frequency = parseInt(params["frequency"]) };
if (params["hueShift"]) { this._hueShift = parseInt(params["hueShift"]) };
if (params["hueVariation"]) { this._variableHueShift = parseInt(params["hueVariation"]) };
if (params["fadeSpeed"]) { this._fadeSpeed = parseInt(params["fadeSpeed"]) };
Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages.prototype.stopImages = function () {
this._showingAfterImages = false;
for (const sprite of this._afterImageSprites) { sprite.opacity = 0 };
Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages.prototype.startImages = function (sprite) {
this._hueShift = 360 - sprite.mainSprite()._hue;
for (var n = 0; n < this._maxImages; n++) {
if (!this._afterImageSprites[n]) {
this._afterImageSprites[n] = new Sprite_Battler_AfterImage();
this._hueShift += n * this._variableHueShift;
Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages.prototype.updateAkeaAfterImagePosition = function (battlerSprite) {
if (this._showingAfterImages) {
for (var n = 0; n < this._maxImages; n++) {
this._afterImageSprites[n].opacity -= this._fadeSpeed;
if (n == this._akeaSequenceActual && Graphics.frameCount % this._frequency == 0) {
this.setAkeaAfterImagePosition(n, battlerSprite);
this._afterImageSprites[n].opacity = 255
} 4/5
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if (Graphics.frameCount % this._frequency == 0)
this._akeaSequenceActual = this._akeaSequenceActual < this._maxImages ? this._akeaSequenceActual + 1 : 0;
Game_AkeaBattlerAfterImages.prototype.setAkeaAfterImagePosition = function (n, battlerSprite) {
if (Akea.BattleSystem) {
battlerSprite.akeaAnimatedBSMaxHeight, battlerSprite.akeaMaxFrame, battlerSprite._akeaMirror, battlerSprite._akeaMirroredMoves,
battlerSprite.x, battlerSprite.y)
else {
battlerSprite.akeaAnimatedBSMaxHeight, battlerSprite.akeaMaxFrame, battlerSprite._akeaMirror, battlerSprite._akeaMirroredMoves,
battlerSprite.x, battlerSprite.y)
if (battlerSprite._battler)
this._afterImageSprites[n].updateFrame(battlerSprite._battler.isActor(), battlerSprite._motion, battlerSprite._pattern);
BattleManager.addAkeaAfterImages = function (sprite) {
const _akeaBattlerAfterImage_Sprite_Battler_onMoveEnd = Sprite_Battler.prototype.onMoveEnd;
Sprite_Battler.prototype.onMoveEnd = function () {
if (this.inHomePosition())
this._akeaBattlersAfterImage.stopImages();, ...arguments);
})(); 5/5

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