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* This Observer interface is the observer part of the Observer pattern.

* @author Robin Kadergran
public interface Observer {
* The override method for the observer pattern.
default void update(){}

* This Subject interface is the subject part of the Observer pattern.
* @author Robin Kadergran
public interface Subject {

* This override method registers the observer to the list.
* @param o Observer parameter.
void register(Observer o);

* This override method unregistered the observer to the list.
* @param o Observer parameter.
void unRegister(Observer o);

* This override method notifies all the observers in the list.
void notifyObserver();
Observer in ”action”:

* This subclass contains graphics, images and hitbox linked to the bass
* @author Robin Kadergran
public class Boss extends BaseCharacter implements Observer {
* This constructor adds the Boss class to the observerList in
* @param gameSetting class parameter.
public Boss(GameSetting gameSetting) {

* This method overrides the superclass BaseCharacter and provides data to
the observer pattern to the viewer.
public void update(){

Subject in “action”:

* The controller part of the MVC pattern and the subject part of the
Observer pattern.
* @author Robin Kadergran
public class GameSetting implements Runnable, Subject {
* This override method registers the observer to the observerList.
* @param newObserver Observer object.
public void register(Observer newObserver) {

* This override method is for future addition when enemies die and get
unregistered from the observerList.
* @param removeObserver Observer object.
public void unRegister(Observer removeObserver) {
int observerIndex = observerList.indexOf(removeObserver);
System.out.println("Character " + (observerIndex + 1) + " is died and

* This override method notifies all the observers in the observerlist.
public void notifyObserver() {
for (Observer observer: observerList){
* The override run() method of the StartGameLoop()'s fixedThreadPool and
uses the notifyObserver()
* from the Observer pattern.
public void run() {
long lastFrame = System.nanoTime();

double timePerFrame = 1000000000.0 / FPS_SET;

long now = System.nanoTime();

if (now - lastFrame >= timePerFrame){
lastFrame = now;

if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastcheck >= 1000){

lastcheck = System.currentTimeMillis();
frames = 0;

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