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Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872

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Environmentally friendly extraction of gold from refractory

concentrate using a copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate solution
Qiang Wang a, Xianzhi Hu b, *, Futing Zi b, **, Peng Yang b, Yunlong Chen a, Shuliang Chen b
Faculty of Land Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, 650093, China
Faculty of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, 650500, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The growing environmental concerns associated with the use of cyanides and their toxicity have led to
Received 3 March 2018 the prohibition of cyanidation-based gold leaching in many countries, necessitating the search for other
Received in revised form extraction methods. Herein, we show that thiosulfate leaching presents an alternative green way of gold
6 November 2018
extraction from S- and As-rich refractory gold concentrates, revealing the importance of oxidative ore
Accepted 2 January 2019
Available online 4 January 2019
pretreatment. Prior to leaching, samples were oxidized by roasting, with the optimum roasting tem-
perature (642  C) and time (240 min) determined using the response surface method. Subsequently, the
roasted residues were subjected to cyanidation, copper e ammonia e thiosulfate system, and copper e
ethylenediamine e thiosulfate system treatment. As a result, 18-h cyanidation achieved a gold extraction
Refractory gold concentrate efficiency of 80.6%, with the consumption of NaCN equaling 1.05 kg/t, whereas the corresponding values
Response surface method for 1.5 h copper e ammonia e thiosulfate treatment equaled 63.0% and 11.3 kg/t. Importantly, 4 h copper
Ethylenediamine e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate system treatment (5 mM copper ion, 10 mM ethylenediamine, 0.1 M
Thiosulfate thiosulfate, pH ¼ 8e11, liquid-to-solid ratio ¼ 3, stirring speed ¼ 250 rpm) achieved a gold extraction
efficiency of 80.3%, with the corresponding thiosulfate consumption equaling only 4.14 kg/t. Thus, copper
e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate leaching proved to be an efficient, environmentally friendly, and low-
cost method, being well-suited for gold extraction from roasted residues.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction prior to any conventional leaching treatment, with the main pre-
treatment methods for refractory gold ores being biological
The efficiency of gold extraction from sulphidic refractory ores oxidation (Guo et al., 2017; Mubarok et al., 2016; Roberto, 2016),
(e.g., arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and pyrite (FeS2)) by direct cyanidation is chemical oxidation (Alp et al., 2014; Nunan et al., 2017), pressure
usually very low (Badri and Zamankhan, 2013; Faraz et al., 2014), oxidation (Chan et al., 2015), and roasting oxidation (Michelis et al.,
since fine gold particles in these ores are mostly locked up in the 2013). However, most of these approaches exhibit certain draw-
bulk and therefore inaccessible to leaching agents and dissolved backs. The environmentally benign biological oxidation is overly
oxygen (Badri and Zamankhan, 2013). Moreover, cyanidation of slow. N. V. Fomchenko et al. have reported a two-step biological
sulphidic ores consumes a large amount of cyanide and oxygen, oxidation process of gold e bearing sulfide concentrates
leading to insufficient levels of these species in the pulp during gold (Fomchenko et al., 2016). Yet this environmentally benign process is
leaching (Dunn and Chamberlain, 1997; Nanthakumar et al., 2007). overly slow, needing 8 days to reach an extraction efficiency of
To increase the efficiency of gold extraction from sulphidic ores, 94.1%. Chemical oxidation, on the other hand, often incurs high
they need to be oxidatively pretreated to liberate gold particles reagent and maintenance costs. For example, Hasab et al. achieved
82% gold extraction efficiency from 200 g/L pulp concentrate by
using 200 g/L Ca(OCl)2 and 200 g/L NaCl at an initial pH of 11 (Hasab
Abbreviations: Response surface methodology, RSM; X-ray diffraction, XRD; et al., 2013). The calculated cost of leaching agents is very high.
scanning electron microscopy, SEM; energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS; Pressure oxidation is technically difficult to implement. In their
liquid-to-solid ratio, L/S; central composite design, CCD; atomic absorption spec-
pressure oxidation leaching of carbonic refractory gold ore, Zhang
trometry, AAS; inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, ICP-AES.
* Corresponding author. et al. reported a sulfur oxidation ratio of 99.35% at the conditions of
** Corresponding author. 210  C and oxygen partial pressure of 0.8 MPa (Zhang et al., 2016).
E-mail addresses: (X. Hu), (F. Zi).
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872 861

The high temperature and high pressure of this pretreatment Table 1 that the main valuable element for recovery in ore is gold,
process place high requirements on the equipment, resulting in which has a grade of 29.4 g/t. In addition, the content of the asso-
high investment costs, rigorous operational technology re- ciated harmful elements S and As reached 9.51% and 1.67%,
quirements, and high process costs. Thus, due to its high efficiency, respectively. In order to achieve the purpose of increasing the gold
technical maturity, and excellent reliability, roasting is still the extraction efficiency, it is necessary to remove or reduce the con-
most commonly used method of refractory gold ore pretreatment tent of harmful elements. The non-metallic minerals of gold con-
(Bas et al., 2016). centrates were mainly mica and quartz, whereas the metallic
As a mature, efficient, and reliable method of leaching gold, minerals mainly corresponded to fine-grained pyrite and arseno-
cyanidation was once widespread, supporting some 90% of the pyrite. Knowledge about the occurrence state of gold in ore is the
global gold production. The first recorded use of cyanide to extract important to improving the extraction efficiency of gold. Micro-
gold from ores was more than a hundred years ago. Gold can be scopic investigation revealed that the concentrates contained very
dissolved in cyanide solutions according to the following reaction: fine gold particles, with their maximum size equaling 8.5 mm, and
93.84% of the particles being smaller than 5 mm, which is typical of
4Au þ 8CN þ O2 þ 2H2 O ¼ 4AuðCNÞ
2 þ 4OH

(1) refractory sulphidic ores. There is 86.26% of the gold in the sul-
phidic ore, the gold in the gangue is 7.58%, and the free gold only
However, even relatively low concentrations of cyanide are
accounts for 6.16%, implying that these ores are barely amenable to
highly toxic to people and wildlife. This drawback led to the pro-
efficient gold exposure and leaching.
hibition of cyanidation in many countries, making it necessary to
search for other extraction methods.
Thiosulfate-based gold leaching has recently attracted 2.2. Methods
increasing attention as an alternative to cyanidation (Bisceglie et al.,
2017; Feng and van Deventer, 2010; Ha et al., 2010; Hilson and 2.2.1. Roasting test
Monhemius, 2006; Nie et al., 2016). This method has the advan- A certain quality of gold flotation concentrate was put into a
tages of high leaching rate, non-toxicity, cost effectiveness, and ceramic crucible. When the furnace reached the preset tempera-
tolerance towards impurities. Moreover, this leaching process is ture, the crucible was put into the furnace quickly, and the timing
carried out in a weakly alkaline medium, which is non-corrosive to was started. After roasting for a specified time, the crucible was
the equipment. Although thiosulfate is cheaper than cyanide and taken out, cooled naturally, and the quality of roasted residue was
enables faster gold dissolution, the conditions currently reported weighed. The content of gold in the roasted residue is calculated as
for thiosulfate leaching are severe and result in high reagent con- Eq. (2)
sumption (Aylmore and Muir, 2001). Recently, ethylenediamine has
been reported as an alternative to ammonia for gold leaching (Nie b ¼  a (2)
et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2014), forming stronger complexes with
copper ions than the latter ligand and therefore reducing the Cu2þ/ where b is the content of gold in the roasted residue (106 g/t), a is
Cuþ redox potential. Thus, copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate the content of gold in the gold flotation concentrates (106 g/t), m0
systems feature copper ions with decreased catalytic oxidation is the weight of gold flotation concentrates (g), and m is the weight
ability and thus allow the thiosulfate consumption to be lowered. of the roasted residue (g).
However, those studies only theoretically analyzed the feasibility of In the roasting process, the door of the furnace was opened a
replacing ammonia with ethylenediamine, while the performance crack to permit air flow over the sample. The samples were stirred
of this method for carbonaceous refractory gold ore high in sulfur by a stainless-steel spatula every 30 min.
and arsenic is unknown. Herein, we optimized the roasting of a gold
flotation concentrate for a range of temperatures (400e800  C) and 2.2.2. Leaching test
times (60e300 min) using response surface methodology (RSM) The roasted gold concentrate was used for leaching experi-
and subjected the obtained residues to cyanidation, copper e ments, which were all performed at room temperature (20 ± 2  C)
ammonia e thiosulfate system, and copper e ethylenediamine e in a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Leaching solutions were prepared by
thiosulfate leaching, additionally investigating factors affecting the mixing chemical agents and distilled water. The pH of the pulp was
gold extraction efficiency. adjusted with NaOH or HCl. During leaching, the slurry was
agitated at a constant rate using a mechanical stirrer, and after-
2. Materials and methods wards it was passed through a pressure filter. The filtrate was
titrated to determine the thiosulfate or cyanide concentration. The
2.1. Materials and characterization filter cake was thoroughly washed with distilled water, oven-dried
at 100  C for 4 h, and pulverized for gold content analysis. The gold
Gold flotation concentrates obtained from the Yunnan Gold extraction efficiency (q, %) can be expressed as follows:
Mine Group (China) were subjected to particle size screening,
which revealed that 80% of the particles had sizes below 74 mm. In mb  m1 g
q ¼  100% (3)
order to understand the chemical composition of the above con- mb
centrates in detail, the elemental contents of the ore were deter-
mined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission where b is the gold content in the roasted residue (106 g/t), g is the
spectroscopy (ICP-AES, Thermo, USA) and C-S analyzer (LECO, USA), gold content in the leached residue (106 g/t), m1 is the weight of
with the obtained results presented in Table 1. It can be seen from leached residue (g), and m is the weight of the roasted residue (g).

Table 1
Elemental analysis results of gold flotation concentrates.

Element Au (g/t) Cu Fe S As C Pb SiO2 MgO Al2O3 CaO

Content, % 29.4 0.05 16.7 9.51 1.67 8.29 0.23 42.1 4.67 7.98 5.26
862 Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872

2.2.3. Analytical methods addition, the presence of pyrite catalyzes the decomposition of
The content of gold in the ore was quantified by atomic ab- thiosulfate with molecular oxygen as an oxidant (Xu and Schoonen,
sorption spectrometry (AAS, PerkinElmer, USA). Concentration of 1995). This results in a large consumption of thiosulfate.
cyanide in the pulp was quantified by titration with silver nitrate,
whereas the concentration of thiosulfate was determined by an 4S2 O2
3 þ O2 þ 4Hþ ! 2S4 O2
6 þ 2H2 O (6)
iodometric method. In order to eliminate the effects of SO2 3 and
The above results revealed that the efficiency of direct gold
the cupric ions on iodine titration, a certain amount of formalde-
extraction from S- and As-rich refractory gold ores was very low
hyde and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, respectively, was added
due to the gold particles being highly dispersed and locked up in
prior to the titration with the starch indicator. The elemental con-
the ore bulk, hence indicating that these concentrates need to be
tents of the roasted residue were determined by ICP-AES and C-S
pretreated prior to being subjected to conventional leaching
analyzer. To investigate the microstructure changes of gold flota-
tion concentrates and roasted residue surfaces, the scanning elec-
tron microscopy (SEM, Phenom, Holland) coupled with energy-
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was adopted to characterize 3.1.2. Roasting oxidation pretreatment test
the morphologies. The phase change and crystal structure charac- Roasting was tested as a commonly used pretreatment method.
teristics of the gold ore before and after roasting were observed by Specifically, the gold concentrate was roasted for 3 h at 600  C, and
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD, Rigaku, Japan). the roasted residue was leached by conventional cyanidation under
the conditions described in section 3.1.1 to achieve a gold extraction
3. Results and discussion efficiency of 74.3%. Comparison with the above results shows that
roasting is an effective pretreatment method for S- and As-rich
3.1. Comparison test refractory gold ores.

3.1.1. Gold leaching from non-pretreated refractory ores 3.2. Optimization of roasting conditions
In order to determine the refractory nature of the ore, direct
gold leaching from non-pretreated refractory gold concentrates RSM is a statistical test method to optimize stochastic process.
was conducted by conventional cyanidation and copper e The purpose of the RSM test design is to obtain a higher precision
ammonia e thiosulfate methods. response surface model by arranging the test reasonably (Bahrami
et al., 2018; Markandeya et al., 2017). Roasting conditions were Conventional cyanidation. Refer to the actual production optimized utilizing RSM, and the roasted residue was leached by
conditions of the gold mine and studies reports (Bidari and conventional cyanidation under the conditions listed in section
Aghazadeh, 2018; Ellis and Senanayake, 2004), the gold concen- 3.1.1.
trate was leached used the following conditions: liquid-to-solid
ratio (L/S) ¼ 3, stirring speed ¼ 250 rpm, pH ¼ 11 (adjusted with 3.2.1. Test design
NaOH), cyanide (NaCN) concentration ¼ 1.0 g/L, and leaching The efficiency of gold extraction was taken as a response, and
time ¼ 24 h. After the leaching experiment, the pulp was passed roasting temperature and time were selected as factors of influence,
through a pressure filter, and the filter cake was pulverized for gold with their codes and levels used for response surface analysis listed
content analysis. The gold extraction efficiency was only 5.9%, and in Table 2. Central composite design (CCD) is one of the commonly
the cyanide consumption was 1.84 kg/t. Pyrite interferes greatly used experimental design methods in RSM. It uses the limited
with the cyanidation. On the one hand, the gold particles are highly number of tests to analyze the influencing factors and their inter-
dispersed and locked up in the sulphidic ores, so they cannot action, so as to obtain the optimal combination of factors in the
interact with cyanide during the gold leaching process. On the response process. Finally, it estimates a quadratic polynomial
other hand, as a major sulphidic ores, pyrite is oxidized in the equation in an optimal number of experiments (Çetintaş et al.,
slurry, and the oxidation product of ferrous sulfate reacts with cy- 2018; Lu et al., 2017; Lu and Xu, 2017). The experimental setup
anide to form ferrous cyanate, resulting in large cyanide and results of CCD test are described in Table 3.
3.2.2. Data analysis
2FeS2 þ 7O2 þ 2H2 O ¼ 2FeSO4 þ 2H2 SO4 (4) Multiple regression analysis of these results (Table 3) was used
by Design Expert Software. The dependence of gold extraction ef-
FeSO4 þ 6NaCN ¼ Na4 FeðCNÞ6 þ Na2 SO4 (5) ficiency as the evaluation index (dependent variable) on various
factors (independent variables) was expressed as:
These reactions also lead to an increase in oxygen consumption,
which is not conducive to the process of cyanidation.
Y ¼ e 190.64462 þ 0.62199A þ 0.60241Be0.00039375AB e
0.00041066A2 e 0.000728206B2 (7) Copper e ammonia e thiosulfate method. Similarly, in
accordance with the previous study of our laboratory and the
Where Y represents the gold extraction efficiency, and A and B
experimental methodology reported in previous studies (Jeffrey,
represent the roasting temperature and time, respectively. The
2001; Liu et al., 2017; Senanayake, 2005), the following parame-
ters were chosen: L/S ¼ 3, stirring speed ¼ 250 rpm, Cu2þ (CuSO4 )
concentration ¼ 5 mM, ammonia (NH3 ,H2 O) concentra- Table 2
tion ¼ 0.4 M, thiosulfate (Na2 S2 O3 ) concentration ¼ 0.1 M, pH ¼ 10, Codes and levels of the two factors used for response surface analysis.
and leaching time ¼ 12 h. The slurry was filtered and the filter cake Factor Code Level
was analyzed for the gold content, the extraction efficiency was
1.414 1 0 1 1.414
even lower (4.3%). The corresponding thiosulfate consumption was

20.4 kg/t. Similarly to cyanidation, the leaching solution could not Temperature ( C) A 317 400 600 800 883
Time (min) B 10 60 180 300 350
contact with gold, resulting in a low extraction efficiency. In
Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872 863

Table 3
Experiment design and results of response surface analysis.

Standard order Run A (Temperature/ C) B (Time/min) Y (Gold extraction efficiency/%) Predicted (Gold extraction efficiency/%)

1 6 400 60 19.9 16.5

2 4 800 60 59.8 58.7
3 13 400 300 64.3 60.4
4 2 800 300 66.4 64.8
5 7 317 180 23.5 27.7
6 9 883 180 59.8 60.7
7 8 600 10 36.2 38.4
8 12 600 350 70.8 73.7
9 10 600 180 77.5 77.0
10 3 600 180 78.4 77.0
11 5 600 180 79.0 77.0
12 1 600 180 74.3 77.0
13 11 600 180 75.9 77.0

positive sign indicates the synergistic effect of increasing the gold

extraction efficiency, while the negative sign indicates the antag-
onistic effect.
If the predictive value of the internal residual was a random
distribution, the homogeneity of the residual variance is consistent
with the optimization requirements. Moreover, a normal distribu-
tion of the residuals is an important tool for checking model ac-
curacy. When the residuals conform to the normal probability
distribution, the fitted curve of residuals is linear. Fig. 1 shows the
gold extraction efficiency between the experimental value and the
predicted value. The predicted value is estimated by the model, and
the experimental value of gold extraction efficiency is calculated
from the experimental data. According to Fig. 1, the results were
observed to be a good fit with the predicted values; further, the
fitted curve of experimental and predicted value is linear.
Furthermore, the measured response values and internal residuals
were normally distributed (Fig. 2). In addition, the internal re-
siduals of the gold extraction efficiency model were randomly Fig. 2. Normal probability plots of residuals.
distributed (Fig. 3).
According to Table 4, in the model, A, B, AB, A2 and B2 were
significantly different (P < 0.05). The P values for lack of fit were
found to be higher than 0.05 (Table 4, where the P value of Lack of
Fit was 0.0663), which meant that lack of fit was non-significant in
the gold extraction efficiency model. It indicated that the response
values matched the model, and the model fitted the experimental
data well. In addition, the relationship between predicted and
observed values for models of the gold extraction efficiency was in

Fig. 3. Plot of the residuals versus the predicted response.

good agreement, and R2 value was 0.9853 (Table 4). It suggested

that the model is adequate and that the model does not show any
violation of the independence or constant variance assumption.
Furthermore, the coefficients of variations (C.V.) were low (5.43%),
which confirmed that the degree of precision of the models and
experimental data were all very high and reliable. Since there is not
much difference between the experimental and predicted values,
Fig. 1. Predicted gold extraction efficiency versus experimental gold extraction the model is acceptable.
864 Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872

Table 4
Analysis of response surface variance.

Source Sum of squares df Mean square F-value P-value Significance

Model 5067.86 5 1013.57 93.93 <0.0001
A 1089.01 1 1089.01 100.93 <0.0001
B 1248.25 1 1248.25 115.68 <0.0001
AB 357.21 1 357.21 33.11 0.0007
A2 1879.76 1 1879.76 174.21 <0.0001
B2 768.87 1 768.87 71.26 <0.0001
Residual 75.53 7 10.79
Lack of fit 60.82 3 20.27 5.51 0.0663 no significance
Pure error 14.71 4 3.68
Cor total 5143.39 12

R2 0.9853 C.V.% 5.43

R2Adj 0.9748 RSN 27.114

***:P < 0.0001; **:P < 0.001.

Based on the results listed in Tables 3 and 4, it was concluded

that the utilized RSM could satisfactorily model gold extraction
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 present a three-dimensional plot and an asso-
ciated contour plot, respectively, showing the effects of A and B on
the gold extraction efficiency. For optimum conditions, these
models provided a visualization method to describe the relation-
ship between response and experimental levels of each factor and
the type of interaction amongst the test variables. The effects of A
(roasting temperature) and B (roasting time) on the gold extraction
efficiency were shown as a 3D-plot and its associated contour plot.
The elliptical shape of the contour plot illustrated that there was a
correlation between A and B. The influence of each factor on the
gold extraction efficiency can be seen intuitively from Fig. 5, and the
steeper curve indicates that the influence of this factor on the gold
extraction efficiency is greater.

Fig. 5. Contour plot of gold extraction efficiency showing interaction between roasting
3.2.3. Optimization and validation of roasting parameters temperature and time at variable levels.
CCD was used to determine optimal roasting temperature/time
(642  C/240 min) and the maximum predicted gold extraction

Fig. 4. Effects of roasting temperature and time on gold extraction efficiency.

Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872 865

efficiency (81.4%). The experimental mean extraction efficiency

determined under optimal conditions equaled 80.8 ± 1.43%, con-
firming the rationality of the RSM model. Thus, Eq. (7) could be
used to accurately predict the efficiency of gold extraction.

3.2.4. Mechanism of roasting

“Roasting” describes the high-temperature oxidative decom-
position of sulfides and arsenic in gold ores. During the calcination
of gold ore, some of its components undergo physical and chemical
changes, causing the metal sulfides to be oxidized into metal oxides
and exposing the wrapped gold. The main reactions in the roasting
process are as follows:

4FeS2 þ 11O2 ¼ 2Fe2 O3 þ 8SO2 (8)

2FeAsS þ 5O2 ¼ Fe2 O3 þ As2 O3 þ 2SO2 (9)

Different refractory gold concentrates have to be roasted at an
appropriate temperature and for an optimal amount of time. An
overly low temperature slows down the oxidation and does not
efficiently expose the gold particles. On the other hand, excessively
high temperatures cause particle sintering and thus result in the
physical encapsulation of gold, decreased porosity of gold
concentrate particles, and a lower gold extraction efficiency.
In addition, SO2 and As2O3 produced during the roasting process
are pollutants. Therefore, when roasting high-sulfur and high-
Fig. 6. SEM images of gold concentrates.
arsenic carbonaceous gold ore, a certain amount of fixative agent
may be added to convert these toxic gases into the corresponding
sulfates and arsenates (Liu et al., 2000; Nazari et al., 2017; Yang
et al., 2013). Commonly used fixatives include calcium oxide, cal-
cium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, and mag-
nesium carbonate.

3.3. Characterization of roasted samples

After roasting, the content of the valuable element Au and the

content of harmful elements S and As in the ore changed. The
elemental contents of the roasted residue obtained under optimum
roasting conditions were determined by ICP-AES and C-S analyzer.
The obtained results are presented in Table 5.
The gold content of the ore increases as the weight of the ore
decreases during the roasting process. A comparison of the
elemental contents of gold concentrate and roasted residue shows
that sulfur and arsenic in the gold concentrate had been effectively
removed. Considering the decrease in the weight of gold ore, the
removal rate of arsenic is calculated to be 73.9%, and that of sulfur is
In order to investigate the impact of roast on gold concentrate,
the morphology and the preliminary elemental composition of gold
concentrate and roasted residue surfaces were conducted by SEM-
EDS analysis. SEM imaging of gold concentrates and the roasted
residue obtained under optimum roasting conditions revealed that
the former particles featured a smooth and dense surface, whereas
those of the latter sample were porous (Fig. 6 and Fig. 8). Moreover,
elemental analysis and SEM - EDS analysis confirmed that roasting
converted the dense sulphidic ore into porous oxidized residues Fig. 7. Corresponding EDS spectra of gold concentrates.
(Fig. 7 and Fig. 9). Hence, roasting can destroy the gold-bearing
sulfide ore and expose the gold. The roasted residue has high

Table 5
Elemental composition of the roasted residue obtained under optimum roasting conditions.

Element Au (g/t) Cu Fe S As C Pb SiO2 MgO Al2O3 CaO

Content, % 35.2 0.05 19.9 2.97 0.33 0.3 0.32 49.3 5.72 9.87 6.84
866 Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872

Fig. 10. XRD spectra of (A) pristine gold concentrates and (B) the roasted residue
obtained under optimum roasting conditions.

arsenopyrite originally present in the former were converted into

hematite in the latter.
Thus, elemental, XRD, and SEM-EDS analyses revealed that
roasting destroyed the structure of gold-bearing sulfide ore and
Fig. 8. SEM images of the roasted residue obtained under optimum roasting
greatly increased the particle porosity, exposing the ore-wrapped
conditions. gold to leaching solutions.

3.4. Cyanidation test

Based on the above results, the optimum conditions for gold

concentrate pretreatment were determined as roasting tempera-
ture ¼ 642  C and roasting time ¼ 240 min. The roasted residues
obtained under these conditions were subjected to cyanidation at
NaCN concentrations of 1.0 and 2.0 g/L, pH ¼ 11 (adjusted with
NaOH), L/S ¼ 3, and stirring speed ¼ 250 rpm. As shown in Fig. 11,
the concentration of NaCN had almost no effect on the efficiency of
gold extraction and cyanide consumption. Specifically, the highest
gold extraction efficiency (80.6%) was obtained at a NaCN concen-
tration of 1 g/L after 18 h, with the corresponding cyanide con-
sumption equaling 1.05 kg/t. Thus, the adopted procedure achieved
a satisfactory gold extraction efficiency.
It is well known that cyanide is acutely toxic to humans and
environment (Akcil, 2006; Bisceglie et al., 2017; Johnson, 2015;

Fig. 9. Corresponding EDS spectra of the roasted residue obtained under optimum
roasting conditions.

porosity, large surface area, and chemical inertness. Such a loose

and porous structure and the removal of sulfur and arsenic are
beneficial for the subsequent gold leaching.
Additionally, pristine gold concentrates and roasted residues Fig. 11. Effects of cyanidation time on cyanide consumption and gold extraction
were probed by XRD (Fig. 10), which revealed that the pyrite and efficiency.
Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872 867

Kumah, 2006). Liquid or gaseous hydrogen cyanide and cyanides as a major atmospheric pollutant, and is considered as a respiratory
can enter the body by inhalation, ingestion, or absorption through irritant for humans at certain concentrations. These air pollutants
the eyes and skin. When there is a cut in the skin, the absorption of can cause direct adverse effects on human health due to over-
hydrogen cyanide or cyanides increases. The lethal dose of exposure (Artín ~ ano et al., 2018). Additionally, the effluent from gold
hydrogen cyanide is 1e3 mg per kg of body weight (Kuyucak and plants contains an undesirably high amount of ammonia, which
Akcil, 2013; Moussavi and Khosravi, 2010). When the concentra- pollutes drinking water and endangers the health of fish and
tion of gaseous hydrogen cyanide is 100e300 ppm, inhalation of humans. Finally, ammonia is difficult to decompose and eventually
the air will result in death within 10e60 min, while death will produces nitrate. The nitrate leads to eutrophication of water and
occur within 1 min when the concentration is 2000 ppm. Even soils, which shifts the nutrient balance for plant species and may
when at sublethal doses, long-term exposure to these compounds cause loss of biodiversity (Wichink Kruit et al., 2017). On the other
can cause loss of appetite, headaches and dizziness, optic atrophy, hand, the overly high thiosulfate consumption is also a drawback
depressed thyroid function, and damage to the nervous system since it can increase the operation cost. In addition, a large amount
(Hilson and Murck, 2001). In addition, if a sufficient amount of of thiosulfate is decomposed into polysulfate, sulfate, and sulfide,
cyanide is accumulated in rivers and lakes, it will threaten the which will complicate the composition of the gold leaching solu-
health of aquatic organisms and cause neurological damage to tion and passivate the dissolution of gold.
animals ingesting it.
Therefore, cyanidation has serious environmental and health 3.6. Copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate leaching test
consequences for miners and the community (Vela squez-Lo
et al., 2011). It is necessary to find a safe, efficient, and environ- Ethylenediamine (en) is an organic amine compound. It has the
mentally friendly gold leaching method as an alternative. typical didentate ligands and can form coordination compounds
with many transition metal ions. In view of the abovementioned
drawbacks of the copper e ammonia e thiosulfate system, ethyl-
3.5. Copper e ammonia e thiosulfate leaching test enediamine was chosen as an alternative to ammonia in the copper
e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate method.
Thiosulfate, showing considerable promise as an alternative In the copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate leaching system,
lixiviant to replace the toxic cyanide (Akcil, 2006; Stenson, 2006), the complexing ligands such as ethylenediamine and thiosulfate,
was herein utilized in copper e ammonia e thiosulfate leaching the Cu2þ/Cuþ redox couple, and possible oxidative decomposition
(0.1 M Na2S2O3, 5 mM CuSO4, 0.4 M NH3$H2O, pH ¼ 10, L/S ¼ 3, and reactions of thiosulfate are simultaneously present. Therefore, the
stirring speed ¼ 250 rpm). The performance of this method is gold leaching process also becomes very complicated.
illustrated in Fig. 12, which reveals that the extraction efficiency A possible mechanism for the thiosulfate leaching reactions is as
increased with leaching time, reaching 63.0% after 1.5 h, with the follows;
corresponding thiosulfate consumption equaling 11.3 kg/t ore.
Thiosulfate has proven beneficial as a fertilizer for many decades. It Au þ 5S2 O2
3 þ CuðenÞ2þ
2 ¼ AuðS2 O3 Þ3
2 þ 2en
has distinct advantages over cyanide due to its low toxicity. As a
þ CuðS2 O3 Þ5
3 (10)
traditional gold leaching method using thiosulfate, copper e
ammonia e thiosulfate leaching also exhibits several
disadvantages. 4CuðS2 O3 Þ5
3 þ 8en þ O2 þ 2H2 O
On the one hand, the high concentration of ammonia required to
¼ 4CuðenÞ2þ
2 þ 4OH þ 12S2 O2
3 (11)
stabilize copper ions and reduce thiosulfate consumption
(Abbruzzese et al., 1995; Aylmore and Muir, 2001; Mohammadi
et al., 2017) causes severe environmental problems and poses a Net Reaction:4Au þ 8S2 O3 þ O2 þ 2H2 O
threat human health (Fugiel et al., 2017; Lei et al., 2009; Rahimpour
¼ 4AuðS2 O3 Þ3
2 þ 4OH (12)
and Asgari, 2008). Initially, the leaching slag absorbed a lot of
ammonia after leaching, and the subsequent treatment cost In this section, the single factor condition test will be used to
increased. Furthermore, ammonia is being increasingly recognized explore the mechanism of gold leaching and thiosulfate con-
sumption during various gold leaching processes, so as to select the
optimal conditions.

3.6.1. Effect of copper ion concentration

During gold leaching, copper acts as an oxidation catalyst,
speeding up the dissolution of gold. Thus, we expected the copper
ion concentration to have a critical effect on gold extraction effi-
ciency, with investigations performed under the following condi-
tions: en/Cu2þ mole ratio ¼ 2, thiosulfate concentration ¼ 0.1 M,
pH ¼ 9, L/S ¼ 5, reaction time ¼ 4 h, and stirring speed ¼ 250 rpm.
As depicted in Fig. 13, the efficiency of gold extraction considerably
increased with increasing copper ion concentration, reaching a
saturation value of 80.1% at [Cu2þ] ¼ 5 mM.
The concentration of free copper ions in the leaching solution
increases with increasing total copper concentration, having a great
influence on the consumption of thiosulfate (Senanayake, 2004), as
confirmed by the trend observed in Fig. 13 (copper ion concentra-
tion was positively correlated with thiosulfate consumption).
Fig. 12. Effects of copper e ammonia e thiosulfate leaching time on thiosulfate con- In the copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate system,
sumption and gold extraction efficiency. increasing the concentration of copper ions helps increase the
868 Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872

Au þ 2S2 O2
3 ¼ AuðS2 O3 Þ3
2 þ e (18)
The mixed potential of the leaching solution can be obtained
from Eq. (19)
h ih i3
2þ 2
0:059 CuðenÞ 2 S 2 O 3
f ¼ fQ þ lg h i (19)
z CuðS2 O3 Þ5 ½en 2

h i h i
¼  0:20344 þ 0:059lg CuðenÞ2þ 2 þ 0:177lg S2 O2
h i
 0:059lg CuðS2 O3 Þ5
3  0:118lg½en

When the copper ion concentration is constant, an excessively

high ethylenediamine concentration also decreases the mixed po-
tential of the leaching solution. Thus, the dissolution rate of gold is
Fig. 13. Effect of copper ion concentration on gold extraction efficiency and thiosulfate lowered.
Gold extraction at variable ethylenediamine concentrations
(5e15 mM) was investigated under the following conditions: cop-
mixed potential of the slurry. Compared with CuðNH3 Þ2þ 2þ per ion concentration ¼ 5 mM, initial thiosulfate concentra-
4 , CuðenÞ2
has a larger volume and a slower diffusion rate. Therefore, tion ¼ 0.1 M, L/S ¼ 5, pH ¼ 9, reaction time ¼ 4 h, and stirring
increasing the concentration of copper ions is beneficial to increase speed ¼ 250 rpm (Fig. 14). The obtained results showed that the
the CuðenÞ2þ efficiency of gold extraction reaches its maximum (80.1%) at an en/
2 concentration on the gold surface, which is beneficial
to gold leaching. However, excessive copper ions strongly catalyze Cu2þ molar ratio of two, decreasing at higher molar ratios.
the decomposition of thiosulfate, which is the main reason for the In the copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate system, the
large thiosulfate consumption in the gold leaching process. The concentration of ehylenediamine also greatly influences the con-
main chemical reactions are as follows: sumption of thiosulfate. At low ethylenediamine concentrations,
copper ions were not fully complexed, increasing the consumption
2Cu2þ þ 2S2 O2 ¼ 2Cuþ þ S4 O2 (13) of thiosulfate. At en/Cu2þ molar ratios of greater than two, the
3 6
copper ions were completely complexed and existed mainly in the
form of CuðenÞ2þ 2 , thus preventing the oxidative decomposition of
Cu2þ þ S2 O2
3 þ 2OH ¼ CuS þ SO2
4 þ H2 O (14) thiosulfate. Therefore, the thiosulfate consumption did not signif-
icantly change at ethylenediamine concentrations above 10 mM.
2 þ 8S2 O2
3 ¼ 2CuðS2 O3 Þ5
3 þ S4 O2
6 þ 4en (15) Considering the combined effects of ethylenediamine concentra-
tion on the efficiency of gold extraction and thiosulfate consump-
tion, an optimal level of 10 mM was chosen for leaching.
2CuðS2 O3 Þ5
3 þ 2OH ¼ Cu2 S þ SO2
4 þ 5S2 O2
3 þ H2 O
3.6.3. Effect of thiosulfate concentration
Therefore, copper ions play both positive and negative roles The effect of thiosulfate concentration (0.02e0.18 M) on gold
during gold leaching, catalyzing the leaching of gold and also extraction was investigated under the following conditions: copper
causing a large consumption of thiosulfate. To reduce the latter, it is ion concentration ¼ 5 mM, ethylenediamine concentra-
necessary to control the copper ion concentration while ensuring tion ¼ 10 mM, L/S ¼ 5, pH ¼ 9, reaction time ¼ 4 h, and stirring
high gold extraction efficiency. For the following experiments, a speed ¼ 250 rpm (Fig. 15). The obtained results revealed that the
copper ion concentration of 5 mM was chosen.

3.6.2. Effect of ethylenediamine concentration

The main role of ethylenediamine in the copper e ethylenedi-
amine e thiosulfate system is to stabilize the copper ions. The
concentration of ethylenediamine should be properly controlled to
ensure the formation of a stable complex with copper ions. In an
alkaline environment, too low ethylenediamine concentration is
insufficient to form a stable complex with cooper ions and some of
the copper ions precipitate as copper hydroxide. The decrease of
copper ions in the solution will lower the mixed potential of the
leaching solution, which in turn reduces the dissolution rate of
The leaching of gold in thiosulfate solutions is an electro-
chemical reaction. These half-cell reactions of Eq. (10) are shown in
Eqs. (17) and (18), respectively

2 þ 3S2 O2
3 þ e ¼ CuðS2 O3 Þ5
3 þ 2en (17)
Fig. 14. Effect of ethylenediamine concentration on gold extraction efficiency and
thiosulfate consumption.
Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872 869

Fig. 15. Effect of thiosulfate concentration on gold extraction efficiency and thiosulfate Fig. 16. Effect of the L/S ratio on gold extraction efficiency and thiosulfate
consumption. consumption.

gold dissolution rate rapidly increased with increasing thiosulfate

concentration, as rationalized by Eq. (12). Kinetically, a higher
thiosulfate concentration increases the forward reaction rate, and 4CuðenÞþ 2þ
2 þ O2 þ 2H2 O ¼ 4CuðenÞ2 þ 4OH (20)
this is conducive to the dissolution and extraction of gold.
However, excess thiosulfate will react with other oxidants (such
as dissolved oxygen and CuðenÞ2þ 2 in the gold leaching solution)
4CuðS2 O3 Þ5
3 þ O2 þ 2H2 O þ 8en
during leaching. Hence, the thiosulfate is easily decomposed to ¼ 4CuðenÞ2þ þ 12S2 O2 þ 4OH (21)
2 3
produce sulfates, sulfides, and polythionate. It increases the con-
sumption of thiosulfates, and the production of polythionate will It can be seen that the high stirring speed is conducive to the
affect the subsequent recovery of gold. From Fig. 15, when the dissolution of gold. Herein, the influence of stirring speed
concentration of thiosulfate is 0.1 M, the gold extraction efficiency (50e450 rpm) on gold extraction from roasted residues was
reaches the maximum. investigated under the following conditions: copper ion concen-
However, since a thiosulfate concentration beyond 0.1 M resul- tration ¼ 5 mM, ethylenediamine concentration ¼ 10 mM, initial
ted in elevated reagent consumption and did not largely impact thiosulfate concentration ¼ 0.1 M, pH ¼ 9, reaction time ¼ 4 h, and
gold extraction, a value of 0.1 M was chosen as the optimal thio- L/S ratio ¼ 3 (Fig. 17). The obtained results showed that the effi-
sulfate concentration. ciency of gold extraction increased with increasing stirring speed
up to 250 rpm, while the saturation observed at higher speeds in-
dicates that leaching was no longer controlled by aqueous-phase
3.6.4. Effect of the L/S ratio transport. In addition, the increasing stirring speed resulted in an
The L/S ratio significantly impacts both leaching speed and ef- increased consumption of thiosulfate, which was ascribed to the
ficiency. The effect of this ratio (1e5) was investigated under the enrichment of the leaching solution with oxygen under intensive
following conditions: copper ion concentration ¼ 5 mM, ethyl- stirring and the resulting thiosulfate scavenging (Feng and van
enediamine concentration ¼ 10 mM, initial thiosulfate concentra- Deventer, 2007; Jeffrey et al., 2003). Thus, the stirring speed was
tion ¼ 0.1 M, pH ¼ 9, reaction time ¼ 4 h, and stirring kept at 250 rpm for all following experiments.
speed ¼ 250 rpm. At small L/S ratios, the high pulp concentration
resulted in poor dispersion of the leaching agent, slowing down
gold extraction. Notably, the gold leaching efficiency increased with
increasing L/S ratio, since the concomitant decrease of pulp vis-
cosity favored the diffusion of the leaching agent and reaction
products. However, operation at increased L/S ratios incurs costs
associated with equipment investment and reagent consumption.
As seen in Fig. 16, the efficiency of gold extraction did not increase
at L/S ratios above three, whereas the consumption of thiosulfate
increased. Based on the above considerations, an L/S ratio of three
was chosen as an optimal value.

3.6.5. Effect of stirring speed

Agitation is known to significantly influence the leaching of
gold, affecting the contact between the leaching liquid and solid
particles and increasing the content of oxygen in the extractant.
When the agitation speed is high, a large amount of oxygen enters
the solution. Oxygen can rapidly oxidize the reduction products
CuðenÞþ 5 2þ
2 and CuðS2 O3 Þ3 to CuðenÞ2 according to the following Fig. 17. Effect of stirring speed on gold extraction efficiency and thiosulfate
reactions: consumption.
870 Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872

3.6.6. Effect of leaching time Cu2þ . This causes an increase in free copper ions and increased
In general, the gold extraction efficiency will increase with time. consumption of thiosulfate. However, at pH > 11, the partial con-
However, prolonged leaching will reduce the equipment handling version of CuðenÞ2þ2 into copper(II) hydroxide decreased the gold
capacity, increase the investment costs, and increase the reagent leaching efficiency and thiosulfate consumption. Fig. 19 shows that
consumption. Therefore, choosing the appropriate leaching time is the above two parameters remained almost unchanged as the pH
critical. The influence of leaching time on gold extraction was was increased from 8 to 11.
investigated under the following conditions: copper ion concen- In contrast to CuðenÞ2þ 2þ
2 , CuðNH3 Þ4 is stable in a narrow pH re-
tration ¼ 5 mM, ethylenediamine concentration ¼ 10 mM, initial gion of 9.5e10.0 in the copper e ammonia e thiosulfate medium
thiosulfate concentration ¼ 0.1 M, pH ¼ 9, L/S ¼ 3, and stirring (Aylmore and Muir, 2001). Thus, compared to copper e ammonia e
speed ¼ 250 rpm (Fig. 18). The obtained results showed that the thiosulfate leaching, copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate
gold extraction efficiency increased from 56.7 to 80.3% with leaching has several obvious advantages, offering more effective
increasing leaching time, reaching saturation at 4 h. The con- gold extraction and decreased thiosulfate consumption, addition-
sumption of thiosulfate also increased with leaching time, equaling ally operating at a very low ligand (en) concentration. Finally,
4.14 kg/t at 4 h. A leaching time longer than 4 h will not increase the copper e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate leaching can be performed
extraction efficiency of gold, but will increase the consumption of within a much wider pH range.
4. Conclusions
3.6.7. Effect of pH
This paper mainly studied an environmentally friendly method
In the acidic medium, thiosulfate is easily decomposed accord-
of gold extraction from refractory concentrate. First, the gold
ing to the following reaction:
concentrate was pretreated by roasting oxidation, and then the
obtained residue was leached separately using cyanidation, copper
S2 O2
3 þ 2Hþ ¼ SO2 þ S þ H2 O (22)
e ammonia e thiosulfate, and copper e ethylenediamine e thio-
Leaching gold in an acidic system causes large consumption of sulfate systems. The effects of various factors on the consumption
thiosulfate, low gold leaching efficiency, and equipment corrosion. of reagents and the gold extraction efficiency in the copper e
Therefore, gold leaching using the copper e ethylenediamine e ethylenediamine e thiosulfate system were discussed in detail, and
thiosulfate system must be carried out in an alkaline medium. the related mechanism was studied. The following conclusions
The influence of pH (7e12) was investigated under the were drawn.
following conditions: copper ion concentration ¼ 5 mM, ethyl-
enediamine concentration ¼ 10 mM, thiosulfate concentra- (1) Roasting oxidation was shown to be an effective method for
tion ¼ 0.1 M, reaction time ¼ 4 h, L/S ¼ 3, and stirring the pretreatment of refractory gold concentrate, with the
speed ¼ 250 rpm. The high stability constant of CuðenÞ2þ 2 implies RSM-predicted optimum conditions corresponding to a
that this complex is stable at pH ¼ 6.0e11.0 in the copper e eth- roasting temperature of 642  C and a roasting time of
ylenediamine e thiosulfate medium. The highest thiosulfate con- 240 min. Cyanidation of the thus-treated concentrate ach-
sumption observed at pH ¼ 7.0 was ascribed to the formation of ieved a gold extraction efficiency of 80.6% after 18 h, with the
trace amounts of Fe3þ, which efficiently catalyzes thiosulfate consumption of NaCN equaling 1.05 kg/t.
decomposition. In addition, a small amount of H2en2þ is formed in (2) XRD and SEM analyses revealed that the pyrite and arseno-
the solution, and the product could no longer form CuðenÞ2þ 2 with pyrite originally present in gold concentrates were

Fig. 18. Effect of leaching time on gold extraction efficiency and thiosulfate consumption.
Q. Wang et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 214 (2019) 860e872 871

Fig. 19. Effect of pH on gold extraction efficiency and thiosulfate consumption.

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