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DATING TIP: Confessions Of David DeAngelo - The Secret Files

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***THE JANUARY Double Your Dating LIVE! Seminar in Los

Angeles is right around the corner. Make sure you reserve
your seat now!

WOW, did I ever get a lot of emails back from that email
I sent out last week asking for suggestions!

As I'm reading through them, one of the things that a lot

of guys mentioned was how much they like stories and
specific examples.

Sooo, I'm going to do something in this newsletter that

I almost NEVER do...

As a Happy New Year, I'm going to share with you part of

a real-life conversation that I had with a woman online in
the past. This is something that I've never shared with
ANYONE before (so feel special and loved).

It's a small part of a bigger conversation, so keep that

in mind as you read it.

This little chunk of conversation is a great example of

how to tease, be Cocky & Funny, and generally give a woman
a hard time... and it shows how this particular girl was

Read it, and then I'll comment on it...

HER: you remind me of the boy on the playground who pulls

the girls pigtails

ME: The one you always liked?

HER: i dont like too many boys

ME: Yea, but you liked that one

HER: and especially mean ones

ME: And you LOVE me

HER: nah they never pulled my pigtails

HER: i scare boys

ME: That's because you always dressed like a boy

ME: And they mistook you for one

HER: nah its because im smarter than them

ME: Hm

ME: Maybe that's why I'm so intimidated by you

ME: And scared to pull your pigtails

HER: oh yeah you're intimidated alright


HER: the only reason im talking to you is because youre not

afraid of me

ME: Oh, but I am

HER: the ones that live in fear of me bore me

ME: I'm scared

HER: you suck at lying

ME: Shaking, really

HER: oh geez

HER: dont every go into acting

ME: Don't every go into spelling

NOTE: This is the EXACT text from the ACTUAL conversation.

No modifications were made at all to the text. Only the names
have been modified to hide identities.

OK, so who was this girl?

She was an actress and model, and a high-achiever as

well. She was beautiful, intelligent, and SHARP AS A TACK.

In other words, I wasn't dealing with an average girl

here. I was talking to a woman who was IN DEMAND, AND SHE
KNEW IT. (Most women know at some level that they're in
demand, by the way. This one just happened to be
particularly sassy.)

How would an average guy who was online chatting with

random people have handled this? Probably like so:
HER: you remind me of the boy on the playground who pulls
the girls pigtails

AVERAGE GUY: Why's that?

HER: i dont like too many boys

AVERAGE GUY: Why not? What kind of guy do you like?

HER: and especially mean ones

AVERAGE GUY: I'm not a mean guy

HER: boys never pulled my pigtails

HER: i scare boys

AVERAGE GUY: Wow, you must be beautiful

HER: nah its because im smarter than them

AVERAGE GUY: I love smart women. ...blah blah blah.


Let's talk about a few of the things that happened

in the original conversation.

It started out with her telling me that I remind her

of the boy on the playground that pulls the girls'

Now, what does THAT mean?



It means that she's PLAYING with me.

Of course, in the conversation that took place

before this segment, I was teasing her, busting on her,
telling her that her modeling pictures were ugly and
dorky, and everything else.

When she told me that I reminded her of the boy who

pulls girls' pigtails, I said "YES!" to myself, because
I knew she was REALLY enjoying it.

My answer, "The one you always liked" took her

somewhat ball-busting comment and turned it around on
her. Then, when she tried to deny it by saying "I don't
like too many boys" I just pressed on with "Yea, but
you liked that one". Then she said "and especially mean
ones" and I said "And you LOVE me".

She was at a dead end here, and she knew it it. I had
her number, and she couldn't deny it. So she took a
slightly different direction with "I scare boys".

Now, most guys would have been stumped with a comment

like this. Her comments weren't having any effect on me,
so she tried to puff her chest a bit and say "I scare

I came right back with "That's because you always

dressed like a boy... and they mistook you for one".


I love it when I crack myself up.

Of course, she kept trying to sound superior, and

said "Nah, it's because I'm smarter than them".

OK, now notice what I did after that comment...

I said "Hm... Maybe that's why I'm so intimidated by

you... and scared to pull your pigtails".

What am I doing here?

I'm being SO cocky and sarcastic that I'm actually

making fun of the fact that she's ANYTHING but
intimidating to me. The fact is that I've been "verbally"
pulling her pigtails the whole time, and she knows it!

So she answers "Yea, you're intimidated alright...


Now, I want to point out a KEY phrase that this girl

said to me. She said:

"...the only reason im talking to you is because youre

not afraid of me..."


Isn't THAT interesting.

What do you think that might mean?

Could it mean that she IMMEDIATELY dismisses men who

ARE intimidated by her?

Could it mean that this is one of the FIRST things

she wants to know when she starts talking to a man?

Could it mean that she has all kinds of TESTS that

she uses early on... tests that most men NEVER EVEN
REALIZE ARE TESTS... that she uses to determine whether
or not a guy is intimidated by her?

Could it mean that this is happening all the time

to guys all over the world, and they don't even know

Could it mean that most guys will try to act nice

and accomodating... and kiss ass... and act like they
want a woman to approve of them... only to have it
backfire and drive the woman away?

Could it mean that she's showing me HER hand and

subtly telling me that I'm winning her over?

I realize that I'm taking this to an extreme here,

but guess what?



If I would have responded to her like a dumb-ass Wussy

(as in the fake example above) she would have hit the road
faster than Steve McQueen!

And at the end, I continued to play the sarcasm and

act afraid of her... until the very end, where one of
my personal FAVORITES happened: She misspelled a word!

She said "don't every go into acting" (she meant

"don't EVER go into acting").

I shot back "Don't every go into spelling".

A beautiful moment... perfect.

So there you have it.

An example of me being Cocky & Funny with a real

girl, in a real conversation... unedited.

What's the lesson?

Well, it's a few things:

1) Don't act like a Wussy when you're around women, and

ESPECIALLY when you're around extremely attractive, high
profile women. They hate it, and they run.

2) You must demonstrate a few key beliefs and abilities

to women when you first start talking to them. One of
those is that you don't fear women (her), and another
is that you can be comfortable around them (her).

3) There is a MORE SUBTLE game being played out when

you first start interacting with a woman. She's going
to make literally DOZENS of decisions about you based
on NOTHING other than the way you COMMUNICATE and
appear to her.

If you screw it up, it's over.

Attraction isn't a CHOICE. And if she doesn't feel

it for you after she makes her initial impression of
you, then you're probably not going to get another
chance. And her ATTRACTION is going to be based on
all kinds of things that are NOT AT ALL obvious to
most men.

But there IS a way for you to learn all of these

different subtle components, and how to use your
communication (not money, food, and gifts) to quickly
trigger ATTRACTION in the women you meet.

What is that way?

It's called my Advanced Dating Techniques CD/DVD


Here, read an email that I just got today from a guy

in Australia who just watched the DVD Video version:

"Dear David,

Wow. I have just finished watching your DVD series and

feel compelled to write to you.

Day 1 - Thank you for finally putting it all together

for me. I've had a few epiphanies in my life and I can
now chalk up one more. It is funny, because my first
revelation was when I read Richard Dawkins 'Selfish Gene'
many years ago in the bath. I realised the water had in
fact become freezing cold around Chapter 5! When you
started putting those pieces together with why attraction
isn't a choice, a thick veil was lifted from my eyes. I
CAN SEE. Thank you

Day 2 - I'm no slouch interacting with women, I ran a

nightclub for 10 years, but I DIDN'T GET IT. Now, thanks
to your insightful hard work, I know how to handle
everything. I've just come back from kayaking 2,600 miles
through the arctic Canadian wilderness and when I met
women in the settlements on the way I always had a lot of
fun. Why? Because they could see I was in control of my
own destiny, I could obviously look after myself, I was
different and they knew I was only going to run to my
agenda. They loved it. Your series will "put me back in
the kayak" in everyday life, for the rest of my life.

Day 3 - David, this totally blew me away. The

possibilities are endless. Many friends have said they
couldn't understand why I wasn't a killer with the chicks,
because I had the 'right' attitude in general. Well you
have now made me a very dangerous man. Thank you :)
Guys listen to me, you will be doing yourself more than a
favour. Get your credit card out NOW and buy this product.
I recommend spending the extra on the DVD presentation.
You get to see David's body language which is a huge
advantage. A visual AND audio aid has more effect as a
learning tool. You feel you are at a 3 day seminar, and
it kicks ass.

"How to be a Successful Alpha Male". Congratulations

David, you are a genius!



Brit living in Melbourne Australia."

That is an unedited, unsolicited email... and it's

one of many, many emails just like it that I get all
the time. I think it says enough.

I've put YEARS into figuring all this stuff out, and
it took me about 6 months of presenting, digitally
recording and editing, designing, and creating to put
this package together. Of course, it comes with a 100%
no-hassle satisfaction guarantee. If you're not thrilled
with the material and you don't meet more women, just
send it back, and I'll give you a refund. I'm that
confident that you'll kick yourself for not getting it
sooner. Go here for the details and to order:

If you haven't downloaded my eBook "Double Your Dating"

best introduction to the topic of women and dating
available ANYWHERE. It's here:

I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.

Your Friend,

David D.

(c) 2002 David DeAngelo Communications, Inc., All Rights

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