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Discrete Mathematics

Ricardo J. Cano Caro Principles of counting

Assignment II.


It is mandatory to read them carefully before doing the homework.

• Do not forget at the header mark as following: student’s name, code, group
you both belong and assignment name. Remember what happen if the
student’s name are not written.

• PLEASE write the exercise number and its complete statement. Just in case,
you have to indicate if you are doing additional problems.

• Check the file before uploading. It may happen that the file does not work be-
cause it was not saved properly. Remember that it is the student’s responsibility
to upload the files at the virtual aula.

• If you do the handwritten workshop, please make the scanned work easily read-
able. Items that are not easy to read, will not be graded.

1. (5 points) The Braille system for representing characters was developed in the early
9th century by Louis Braille. Special characters for the blind consist of raised dots.
The positions for the dots are selected in two vertical columns of three dots each. There
must be at least one raised dot. How many different Braille characters can we have?

2. (5 points) How many integers between 1 and 104 contain exactly one 8 and one 9?

3. (20 points) There are five different roads from City A to City B, three different roads
from City B to City C, and three different roads from City C to City A.

a. How many different ways are there to go from City A to C via B?

b. How many different ways are there to go from City A to C altogether?
c. How many different ways are there to go from City A to C and then back to A?
d. How many different trips are there from City A to C and back again to A visiting
the City B both going and coming?
e. How many different trips are there to go from City A to C via B and return
directly from A to C?
f. How many different trips are there to go directly from City A to C and return to
A via B?
g. How many different trips are there to go from City A to C and back to A that
visit B at least once?
h. Suppose that a via is completely closed, and you want to go from A to C via B
coming back from C to A via B. How many different ways are there?

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Discrete Mathematics
Ricardo J. Cano Caro Principles of counting

4. (20 points) Compute the number of ways to deal each of the following five-card hands
in poker.

a. Straight: the values of the cards form a sequence of consecutive integers. The
jack has value 11, a queen 12, and a king 13. An ace may have a value of 1 or 14,
so A2345 and 10JQKA are both straights, but KA234 is not. Furthermore, the
cards in a straight cannot all be of the same suit (a flush).
b. Flush: All five cards have the same suit (but not in addition a straight).
c. Straight flush: both a straight and a flush. Make sure that your counts for
straights and flushes do not include the straight flushes.
d. Four of a kind.
e. Two distinct matching pairs (but not a full house).
f. Exactly one matching pair (but no three of a kind).
g. At least one card from each suit.
h. At least one card from each suit, but no two values matching

“In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than
solving it. ”

Georg Cantor.

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