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Academic Task 1



Section: Q2041
Student Name: Sahil Madaan
Registration Number: 12010685
Roll Number: RQ8E26A48
Signature: Sahil

Submitted to: Mrinalini Rana (22138)

Section: Q8E26
Reg No: 12010685
Q1. Collect the data from twitter using “COVID” word, perform the pre-processing
and analyze the data.
• Find the tweet with highest retweet number.

• Find which emotions represent max sum.

• Display top words used using WORDCLOUD 2 only.

• Top words displayed using WORDCLOUD2 Star shape.

• Analyze the data and mention 3-4 points to conclude the complete analysis.

➢ In the first answer we have specified the highest number of tweets that have been retweeted
using the arrange function (), where we get retweet count as 61644 in the covid analysis.

➢ In the second point we have performed a sentimental analysis to find the emotion with the
max sum which tends to come out positive with emotion of trust being the topmost, through
the help of bar chart.

➢ Eventually in the third point we have used the wordcloud2 package. With the help of this
function wordcloud2() we have created a cloud of words representing the most used words
such as Covid, Modi, People, Vaccine, pandemic, patient, media etc.

Q2. Collect the data from YouTube using “OpO_mVvtkP0” video id

• Perform the pre-processing.

• Convert text to lowercase

• Punctuation is removed
• How many numbers of likes and dislike.


No of Likes = 125082
No of Dislikes = 11241
• What is the user feedback positive or negative.


As we can see that no of positive comments are more,10217 which are more as compared to the
negative comments,6621 so the result or feedback from the audience is positive
• Display using bar diagram count of top 10 words used in the comments.

From the above bar graph, we can see that most used words in the comments are “hai”, “Kejriwal”,
“Oxygen”, “delhi”, “modi” etc.

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