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eV ti Atte Ate mini feemy cci 22uac 1e"
,Airtyin 3.-ivnygern
Ldi tua

Lai tUa

Thu tin gong vai trb resit quan trong trong thuo'ng mai qudc te. No
có mat vet du'o'c set dung (' hdu het cdc giai loan ceict moi thu'ung vu.
Thu tin cling phcin cinh thcii dO vet ph'mg ccich kinh doanh cica cac
nha doanh nghiep va gop phdn khong nhO veto thanh ding cilia doanh
nghiep. Chinh vi the ma viet cai gi vet viet nhu the new luon luon
la moi quan tam ceta ngu'd'i viet va cilia cdc doanh nghiep.
Cudn "Nghi the& Thu tin Thuang mai Qudc te'
du'o'c bien
soan de gidp dOc gid giai quyet hai van de neu tren. Va vi vay, cudn
scich có cac cau mciu lien quan den cac giao dich thumg mai tru'c tiep:
hOi hang, hoan gici, dat hang, thuc hien ddn hang, hop dOng, khieu
nai Cudn scich cling có cac cau menu lien quan can cac hoat dOng
thu'ung mai qudc te: bao bi, van tai, bdo hiem, vet cac phu'o'ng thilc
thanh town tin dung thu', nh& thu Ngodi ra, giap thuo'ng nhcin
bay to thien chi trong nhie- ng dip can thiet, cudn scich cung cap cau
u lien quan den cac thu cam oh, chile miing chia buOn, thu gidi

thieu, thiep mai ...

D'Oc gia có the ccin ctt veto tong tinh hudng viet thu cu the
ma lu'a
chon cdc cau mdu cho cac tinh hudng viet thu cica minh hoc cling có
the seta dei'i mot vai tit ngiz cho thich hdp vai n'Oi dung thu Binh viet.
Cudn scich nay cling co the du'o'c dung nhu la su bet sung cho hai
cudn scich thu tin trong thu'cing mai qudc tekhcic cua tcic gid:
1. Nguyen Trong Dan, Ngon ngii' Thu tin Thu'o'ng mai,
Xudt bdn Gicio duc, Ha NOi, 1997.
2. Nguyen Trong Dan, Thu tin trong Thu'o'ng mai Quific te;
Nha, Xudt bdn Khoa hoc va Kj) thuOt, Ha NOi, 1998.
3. Nguyen Trong Dan, Thu tin trong Kinh doanh Quo
-c te;
Nha Xudt bdn Thdng ke, 2000.
4. Nguyen Trong Dan, Ngon ngit Kinh doanh Quo -c te;
Dai hoc Qudn ly Kinh doanh, Ha NOi, 2001.
Nita!' dip nay tac gid xin bay to long bet o'n than thanh doi vdi
Ong Nguyen Ngoc Bdo, Tru'O'ng khoa Dao tao Tai cha'c, Tru'O'ng Dai
Nghi fink Thu tin Thlidng mai Qu6c to
hoc Ngoai thr'o'ng cta cung cap nhieu thOng tin can thiet va co y vu tdc
gid trong viec Bien soan cudn scich nay.
Tcic gid cling thanh tam cam o'n sinh vien Tru'eing Dai hoc Ngoai
Thr'o'ng ei Ha NOi, thanh phd HO' Chi Minh va Da Nang dei giap cra va
tao diett kien tuyen chon va the' nghiem ccic cau mitt cho cudn scich
Tcic gic xin bay to lbng biet chi oleic biet den nhac phu cria ,ninh,
Ong Nguyen BOi Pha ye sr' girip dei va dOng vien veto lac cudn scich
du'olc khdi thcio.
Tcic gid mong mudn nhOn du'vc sr' (long g6p xay du'ng caa dOc gid
grin xa nhiing Mn tai bcin tie p- theo cudn scich du'o'c hoetn hew va
phuc vu dOc gia detc lu'c va c6 hieu qud hon.

Ha N§i, thang 1 nam 2002

g 6 Muc lye
Mu c lu c

Ldi tua 3
Lai nga 5
1. Establishing trade relations - Thiel lap quan he ban ban 8
2. Letters of good will - Thu thiO chi 14
3. Invitation - Thi6p mai 17
4. Routine letters - Thu tit giao dich thong thuang 19
5. Memo - Thu not bO 22
6. Inquiries - Thu hai hang 24
7. On Price - Va gia ca 35
8. Commission - Hoa hang 53
9. Discount — Giam gia thudng mai 59
10. Free and firm offers - Chao hang to do \fa c6 dinh 65
11. Inability to offer - Khong có kha nang chao ban 72
12. Offers - Chao hang: Gioi thiOu - Nhan xet - Gdi Y 79
13. Voluntary offers - Chao hang tit nguyOn 87
14. Orders - Dan Tat hang 89

15. Terms of payment in international trade"- Dieu kien

thanh toan trong thuang mai quOc t6 (3) 98

16. Letter of credit(1) - Thu tin dung (1) 105

17. Letter of Credit (2) - Thu tin dung (2) 113
mv c iv c
18. Letters regarding contracts (1) - That tit ye hOp done
19. Letters regarding contracts (2) - Thu tit ye hop d6ng (2)
20. Packing - Bao bi

21. Transport by sea and by air - Van tai duCing bin va

hang khong
22. Insurance - Bac, him
23. Claims and complaints ° - Khie-u nai(3)
24. Claims and complaints (4) - Khi6u nai(4)
25. Joint venture - Lien doanh

26. Agency - Dai ly
27. Processing and assembling - Gia cong va lap rap
28. Calling for bids and bidding - Goi thau va di thau
29. Economic and technical cooperation - Hop tac ky thuat
International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

1. Establishing trade 1. Thie't l lap quan 4

relations buon ban
1. We are willing to establish 1. Chung toi sari sang thie't lap
long-term business relations quan he buon ban lau dai
with your firm. voi cong ty cua cac ngai.
2. We have had many 2. Chung toi da c6 nhieu dip
opportunities to see that thay rang cong ty cua cac
your firm is a reliable ngai la mot doi tac clang tin
partner. cay.
3. I learned your name and 3. Chung toi ducic bie-t ten va
address of your company dia chi cUa cong ty cac ngai
from our business friends in qua cac ban hang cila chung
Japan. toi a Nhat Ban.
4. May I take the liberty to 4. Chung toi xin mao mu8i gioi
introduce our company to thieu cong ty cua chung toi
you? voi cac ngai?
5. We avail ourselves of this 5. Chung COI nhan dip nay ti6p
opportunity to approach you can voi cac ngai de thie-t lap
for the establishment of quan he buon ban voi cac
business relations with you. ngai.
6. We have been importers of 6. Chung toi la nguai nhap
arts and crafts for many khau hang thii cong my
years. We express our nghe nhieu nam. Chung toi
desire to trade with you in mong man ban ban v6i
this line. cac ngai nganh hang nay.
7. Vietnam arts and crafts 7. Hang thil cong my nghe cua
have obtained unanimous Viet Nam duoc thi truong
approval in the international quo-c to d8ng tinh chap
market. nhan.
8. Our corporation is 8. Cong ty cua chUng toi &toe
established for the purpose thanh lap de kinh doanh
of carrying on import and trong linh vuc xuat va nhap
export business. khau
Nghi thtic Thd tin Thlidng mai Qu'dc to 9 gj
9. We specialize in a variety of 9. Chung toi chuyen doanh
medical instruments. dung cu y te".

10. We have the advanced 10. Chung toi c6 cong nghe tien
technology, personnel and c6 nplei va chuyen
expertise in serving the mon phuc vu cac nhu cat' ve
needs of manufacturing ding nghiep the tao.

11. We are striving to extend 11. Chiang toi phKn dau d6 and
economic cooperation and rOng hop tac kinh t6 va trao
exchange of technology with doi cong nghe vdi nuoc
foreign countries. ngoai.

12. We learn that you deal in 12. ChUng toi bie't cac ngai
textiles as your speciality. chuyen doanh va lgy hang
det lam hang dac biet cua
cac ngai.

13. Now we are writing to offer 13. Gio day cluing toi vie't that
you an opportunity to chap hang tao di6u kien cho
develop trade. cac ngai Oat trien ngh6.

14. If you are interested in 14. Neu cac ngai muo'n thie't lap
establishing business quan he buon ban vdi chUng
relations with us in this toi ve nganh hang nay, de
line, please let us know your nghi cac ngai cho chung toi
specific requirements. bie't cac yeu cau cu the dm
cac ngai.

15. Your firm has been 15. Cong ty cUa cac ngai duoc
recommended to by BHD cong ty BHD a New York,
Company in New York, Hoa ICST gioi thieu vdi chung

16. We have a strong feeling 16. TOi ca nhieu cam giac la

that we will be able to work chUng ta se cia o the ding
together to satisfy the needs nhau lam viec de thaa ma n
of our mutual end-users. nhu cAti cua nguai tieu dung
cUa hai ben chUng ta.
g 10 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

17. We will not only supply you 17. Chung toi khong nhfing
with the highest quality cung cap cho cac ngai hang
goods at a reasonable price hoa co chat bong cao nhat
but also provide a good vdi gia phai chang ma con
after-sales service. cung cap dich vu hau ma i c6
chat Wong.
18. We are in business for our 18. Chung toi kinh doanh vi sr
customers' convenience. thu4n loi cUa khach hang
cua chung toi
19. You will see that OUT 19. Cac ngai se thay chinh sach
business policies are very throng mai cita chung toi
flexible. rat linh hoat.
20. Catalogues are available 20. Ca to 16 co theo yeu cAu.
upon request.
21. We hope you could send us 21. Chung toi by vong cac ngai
a copy of your Export c6 the giti cho chting toi mot
License of main items ban giay phep xu'at khAt doi
suppliable at present. vdi cac mat hang chinh hiOn
nay có the cung cap throe.
22. We always adhere to our 22. Chung tell luon luon ton
commitments. trong cac cam ke't cua minh.
23. We can assure you that all 23. Chung toi co the dam bao
your orders will receive our vdi cac ngai rang tat ca cac
best attention don hang dm cac ngai deu
nhan throe su chti y tot nh'at
cua chung toi.
24. We assure you of our best 24. Chung toi dam bao vdi cac
attention to any inquiries ngai v6 sit chti y ldn nh'at
from you. cua chung toi d6i vdi cac Ulu
hOi hang cila cac ngai.
25. We are enclosing a copy of 25. Chung toi xin ph kern mot
our price list. bang gia cita cluing COL
Nghi thiic Tint tin Thiicing mai Qu6c to 11M

26. We are sending you our 26. Chang toi dang gai cho cac
catalogues under separate ngai ca ta lo cua chUng toi
cover. trong met phong bi rieng.

27. To acquaint you with 27. De cac ngai lam quen vdi
various kinds of handicrafts cac loai hang thu cong ma
we handle we are sending chang Col kinh doanh,
you, by separate airmail, a chung toi gai cho cac ngai
commodity list for your bang that may bay rieng,
reference. met bang gia de cac ngai
tham khao.

28. In order to give you some 28. De cac ngai co khai niem
idea of the light industrial nao do v6 hang cong nghiep
goods we handle we have nhe ma chUng toi kinh
pleasure in forwarding you doanh, chung toi vui mang
by airmail one catalogue gai cho cac ngai bang may
and several samples for bay met ca ta lo va mot vai
your reference. man hang de cac ngai tham

29. We shall appreciate your 29. Chung toi se hoan nghenh

giving this matter your viec cac ngai xem xet
serious consideration. nghiem talc van de nay.

30. We look forward to 30. Chang toi mong nhan daoc

receiving your early reply. thu tra lai caa cac ngai som.

31. We thank you for your letter 31. Chang toi cam on tha caa
of March 3 and should like cac ngai de ngay 8-3 va
to discuss the possibility of muo'n thao lu'an v6 kha
expanding trade with you. nang mc3 Ong viec ban ban
vdi cac ngai.
do that
32. We thank you for your letter 32. Chiling Vol xin cam
of the 6t h this month and caa cac ngai de ngay 6
shall be glad to enter into thang nay va se vui mang
business relations with your thie't lap quan he ban ban
company. vdi tong ty caa cac ngai.
M 12 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

33. We are convinced that with 33. Chung toi tin Wang rang
joint efforts business sii c6 gang chung, viec buon
between us will be ban gii a. cluing ta se phat
developed to our mutual trien vi ldi ich cua nhau.
34. We are sure that the 34. Chung toi tin chic rang
business between us will be ban ban gifia cluing ta se
promoted in the years to duoc thtic day trong nhang
come. nam toi.
35. We very much appreciate 35. Chung toi rat hoan nghenh
your efforts to explore the c6 gang tim kiem thi truang
market for our products. cua cac ngai cho sin pham
cua chling toi.
36. Our usual terms of payment 36. Dieu kien thanh toan thong
are by an irrevocable and thuang cua cluing toi la
confirmed letter of credit bing tin dung thu khong
available by sight draft. the hay ngang va ditoc xac
nhan la duoc thanh toan khi
có hei phieu tits kS7.
37. If you find business 37. Neu cac ngai thiy viec bu6n
possible, please cable us for ban có the duoc, xin cac ngai
offers. dien de cluing toi a tint
chao hang.
38. If any of the items is of 38. Neu c6 mat hang
nao cac
interest to you, please let us ngai quan tam, xin cac ngai
know. cho chung toi biet.
39. If you find our price 39. Neu cac ngai they gia ca
reasonable please cable us hop 11, de nghi cac ngai then
for your confirmation. cho cluing Col xac nhan cua
cac ngai.
40. If you prices are in line, we 40. Neu gia ca cua cac ngai
trus the important business hop, chting Col tin viec buon
can materialize. ban quan trong nay c6 the
duoc thuc hien.
Nghi thile Thii tin Thudng mai Qu oc to 13[g

41. We are able to execute large 41. Chung toi có the thuc hiOn
orders from stock. nhiing dun hang 16n giao
hang ngay.

42. We have a large quantity of 42. Cluing toi co mot Wong lon
electronic products in stock. hang din tit (du frit) trong

43. We are able to supply any 43. Chung toi c6 kha nang giao
quantity of our goods ngay lap titc bat kS7 so hiong
without delay. hang nao.

44. We can offer a large variety 44. Chung toi có th6 chao ban
of chemical products. cac san ph6m vOi mot s6
Wong loin.

45. We are able to quote you 45. Chung toi có th6 chao ban
very advantageous terms. cho quST ngai voi cac di6u
kiOn rat có 16i.

46. We are able to supply you at 46. ChUng toi c6 th6 cung cap
most attractive prices. cho cac ngai voi gia hap dart

47. We shall appreciate it if you 47. Cluing toi se hoan nghenh

will send us a brochure and n6u cac ngai giti cho chUng
several sample books by toi sach gioi thieu va vai
airmail. quyen sach mat bang may

48. We are looking forward to 48. Chung toi cho mong nhan
your samples. &toe mau cua cac ngai.

49. Our products will represent 49. San ph6m cita chung toi dai
the very latest in dien cho tong ng0 moi
technology. nhgt.

50. Our company is preparing 50. COng ty cita chung toi dang
to offer your customers a chu6n bi danh cho khach
discount. hang cita cac ngai mot ski
giam gia.
MI 14 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

2. Letters of good will 2. Thu thi'e'n chi

(1) Thanks (1) Cam dn
1. We thank you very much for
1. Chting toi rat cam can nhiet
your warmth and tinh va long men khach cua
hospitality. cac ngai.
2. We are very grateful for the 2. Chung toi xin cam dn cac
trouble you took on our ngai da chiu su phien ha
behalf. thay cho chUng COL
3. We thank you for the 3. Chung toi xin cam dn cac
opportunity you have given ngai da clanh cd hei cho
us to supply the goods you chUng toi de cung cap hang
need. hoa cac ngai can.
4. We thank you for your letter 4. Chung toi cam dn tint cita
enclosing an account of the cac ngai kem theo bao cao
organization and handling ve to chic va kinh doanh
of Mac Donald Co, Ltd. cua Cong ty TNHH Mac

(2) Congratulations (2) Chile miing

1. I am writing to convey my 1. Toi vie't that nay xin gifi den
warm congratulations on ngai ldi chdc mifng nong
your appointment as nhiet cua toi nhan dip ngai
Managing Director. cludc de bat lam giam do-c
dieu hanh.
2. Congratulations on a well 2. Chlic mifng dude de bat
deserved advancement. xi:mg dang.
3. With the Compliments of 3. Chic mifng Noel va nam
the Season.

4. We join in sending you our 4. Chung toi ding gUi den cac
best wishes for the future. ngai nhung lai chtic COI dep
cho Wong lai.
Nghi thtic Tint tin nuking mai Quiic to 15

5. The Director and staff of our 5. Criam d6c va can be cong

Corporation take this nhan vien tong cong ty
opportunity of wishing you cluing toi nhan dip nay chic
every success and cac ngai moi thanh cong va
prosperity in the coming thinh \arcing trong nam toi.
6. We would like to tell you 6. Chung toi xin bao de ngai
how pleased we were to bi6t chung toi da rat vui
hear of your promotion. miing khi bi6t ngai ditec de

7. I would like to send you and 7. Toi xin giti toi ngai va toan
all members of your firm my the can be cong nhan vien
sincere wishes for a Merry chiic cua quS7 cong ty nhung
Christmas and Happy New lei chilc mitng Thien chila
Year. Giang sinh va nam mei
chan thanh nhat.

8. Please accept our warmest 8. Xin ha y nhan nhitng lei

congratulations on your chile mitng chan thanh nhat
marriage. cua chung toi nhan ngay
ciia orig.

9. Please accept our sincerest 9. Xin ha y nhan nhiing lei

wishes for your future chilc mitng chan thanh nhat
happiness. cua chung toi nhan ngay
cuoi cua ba.

(3) Condolence (3) Chia buein

1. We were distressed to learn 1. Chung toi dau don bi6t tin

that your Chairman has giarn dOc cUa cac ngai da tit
died. trAn.

2. We are writing to express 2. ChUng toi vi6t thu nay xin

our deep sympathy. bay to lei chia ban thong
thi6t cua chUng toi.

3. Please convey our sympathy 3. Xin ha y chuy6n lei chia

to lady Langley and her bun dia chUng toi toi quS7
family. ba Langley va gia quyen.
g 16 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

4. I was very sorry when I 4. Toi rat bun bie't tin "Ong bi
learned that you had been tai nan tren &tong v6 nha.
in an accident on your way
5. We have learned with deep 5. Chung toi rat tie.c dude tin
regret of the death of ... v6 cai che't cua ong
6. We share your deep grief at 6. Chung toi xin chia buOn vdi
the death of ... and send you ngai v6 cai che't caa va
our sympathy in your xin den ngai lei chia
distress. ban ve viec khong may ciia
7. May we express our 7. Chung toi xin chia bun sau
heartfelt sympathy in your sac ve ton thgt to lon cita
great loss. ngai.
8. We thank you for your letter 8. Chung toi xin cam on thu
of sympathy on the death of chia bu6n cua cac ngai v6
cai che't
Nghi fink Thu( tin Tinidng mai Quac to 17 el
3. Invitation 3. Thiel) mdi
1. Mr. A requests the pleasure 1. Ong A tran trong kinh mai
of the company of Mr. B to Ong B dirt tiec vao teci ngay
dinner on...
2. The Director of .... Hanoi 2. Giam clOc ... Ha Nei tran
requests the pleasure of the trong kinh mai Ong Smith
company of Mr. Smith at tOi dot chieu da i tai vao
reception at .... on .... ngay...
3. The Commercial Counsellor 3. Tham tan Thuong mai Dai
of the British Embassy in sit quan Anh tai Ha Nei
Hanoi requests the pleasure tran trong kinh mai ngai
of your company to bid den di le chao tit biet Ong
farewell to Mr. Brown. Brown.
4. We have pleasure in inviting 4. Chung toi tran trong kinh
you to the .... International mai ngai den di hei chi
Fair in Poznan. Quo'c t6 Ian this ... d Poznan.
5. It is our great pleasure to 5. Chung Col tran trong kinh
extend an invitation to you mai ngai tham dii Hoi chi
to participate in the 8t h Qu6c t6 Osaka lan this 8.
6. Mr. B has much pleasure in 6. Ong B rat han hanh nhan
accepting the kind invitation lai mai cila 'Ong A den dv
of Mr. A to dinner on ... tiec vao toi ngay
7. Mr. B thanks Mr. A for his 7. Ong B cam on Ong A co nha
kind invitation, but regrets ST mai nhung tiec la cla co
that a previous engagement hen truoc khong nhan lai
prevents him from accepting mai duoc.
the same.
8. R.S.V.P. to the Secretary, 52 8. Xin tra lai cho that 14, so/ 52,
Grace Church Street London ph6 Grace Church Luan
E.C.3. Regret only. Don E.C.3. De nghi c6 gAng
d6n dv frit khi thvc sit
khong den duoc.
18 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

9. We shall be glad to welcome 9. ChUng toi se vui mUng don

you there. tie"p ngai tai do.

10. We look forward to meeting 10. Chung toi mong &doe gap
you. ngai.
Nghi fink Thu tin Thiidng mai Qui:sic to 19

4. Routine letters 4. Thu tip giao dich

thong thdang
1. We have acquired a building 1. Chung toi da mua duac mot
for a new company dealing tOa nha de ma mot cong ty
in leather goods. me i kinh doanh hang da.
2. The goods are sound in 2. Hang h6a tot v6 pham chat
quality and reasonable in va phai chang ve gia ca.

3. We have decided to open a 3. Chang tei da quye't Binh and

branch in Amman with Mr. met chi nhanh Amman do
Haddad in charge. Ong Haddad phu trach.
4. We wish to notify you that 4. Chung toi xin thong bao de
Mr. Robert Smart has now cac ngai bie't Ong Robert
left our service. Smart &A thoi viec d cong ty
chting toi.
5. Mr. H. Brooks, our 5. Ong Brooks, dai dien cua
Representative is traveling thong toi Bang di chao hang
in your country and will a nu6c ngoai va coy muon
have the pleasure of calling ghe tham ,cac ngai vao ngay
on you some time next nao do tuan sau.

6. We shall appreciate whatever 6. Chung toi se hoan nghenh

assistance you can give Mr. bat kS7 sii gidp dd nao cua
Hoang. cac ngai doi voi Ong Hoang.
7. We shall be pleased to 7. Chung tei se vui miing lam
perform similar services for cac viec nhlf the ne"u c6 dip.
you should the opportunity
ever arise.

8. We trust that these items 8. Chiing toi tin rang nhiang

will interest you sufficiently mat hang nay se lam cho
and encourage you to place cac ngai quan tam Ilan va
an order through him. khuye'n khich cac ngai dat
hang qua Ong ay.
g 20 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

9. The new arrangement will 9. Su dan x6p mdi se lam cho

lead to still higher standards chting toi phut vu tot hdn
in the service we provide. niia.

10. We look forward to your 10. Cluing toi mong rang cac ngai
being one of the first se la mot trong nhiing khach
customers. hang dau den.

11. We shall require hotel 11. Chung toi can ch6

accommodation for members khach san cho cac thanh
of our staff. vien cua chting toi.

12. Please advise availability 12. De nghi cac ngai cho bi6t
and price of the following gia cho thue ch6 d nhu sau:
accommodation one double mot phong doi va nam
room and five single rooms phong ca nhan trong muoi
for ten nights commencing dem bat dau tit 15 thang 5.
15th May.
13. Will you please reserve the 13. De nghi cac ngai danh truoc
following accommodation cho chUng toi ch6 d cho giam
for our Director and his wife do/c caa cluing toi va phu
and five members of his nhan cling nam thanh vien
staff. cua ong.

14. Kindly confirm this booking 14. Xin hay xac nhan thue
by return. phong nay vao chuy6n thus

15. Any service you may render 15. Bat kSi nhi ng viec gi cac
Mr. Nguyen Minh will be ngai có the gitip ong Nguyen
highly appreciated. Minh deu duoc danh gia

16. Mr. Huy will be in need of 16. Ong Huy se can nhiing tin
information about the various tlic ve cac cong ty khac
firms dealing in his nhau kinh doanh nhiing
particular lines of business. mat hang dac biet cita orig.

Nghi auk Thti tin Thurdng mai Qu6c to 21g

17. We shall be happy to have 17. Chung toi se vui miing có

an opportunity of rendering dip giUp ban be cilia cac ngai
the same service to your nhu vay.
18. We should like to inform 18. Chung toi xin bao de cac
you that from 1 9` Dec., we ngai bie't tit ngay 1 thang 12
would open a new chUng COI se and mot tong
corporation under the name cong ty moi có ten la Tong
of the Vietnam National Cong ty Xu'At Nhap kha'u
Import and Export Vi" .t Nam.
19. We assure you that we shall 19. Ch'ing toi ,xin dam bao voi
continue our activity under cac ngai rang chung toi se
the new name with the tielo tuc hoat &Ong theo ten
same conscientious-ness as mOi mot each tan tam nInt
before. trade.
M 22 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

5. Memo 5. Thti not bo

1. I am concerned about our 1. Toi lo Fang v6 cong ty va
company and the future of Wong lai ban le cUa cong ty
retailing. chung ta.

2. We presently offer ordering 2. Hien nay chting ta da chao

services by catalogue and by dich vu dat hang bang
telephone. catalo va dien thoai.

3. In the future, howrwer, 3. The rilning trong tticing lai

telecommunications viec chao ban bang cac
offerings will be increasing. phitong tien vien thong se
tang len.

4. We must stay well 4. Ch'ing toi phai c6 day du

informed. thong tin.

5. Please send me the names 5. He nghi giti cho toi danh

of all interested staff by sach tat ca can be, nhan
noon on Wed. 1" March. vien quan tam den van de
nay \rho trim this 4 ngay 1
thang 3.

6. It is proposed to conduct a 6. Ngithi ta de nghi tie-n hanh

complete re-appraisal of them dinh lai cac phtiong
methods in use for business phap hien clang dung trong
correspondence in the ant tin thitong mai a cong
company. ty.

7. Comments may be 7. Y kien dung g6p c6 the na. c

anonymous if preferred; but danh neu muein, nhiing giai
prizes will be awarded the thuang se trao cho y kien
comment, which will reflect phan anh ditoc viec tiet
the cost savings achieved by kiem gia thanh dat ditoc khi
adopting suggestions. dp dung nhang y kien nay.
Nghi tilde Thii tin Thiidng mai Qui:lc to

8. No redundancies are 8. Nguai to khong mong doi có

expected from this exercise, ngtthi bi thita ra trong vi8c
but re-training is needed for nay, nIning dao tao lai la
staff who have not used can thie't cho nhiing can b(5
word-proce3sor before. nhan vi8n ma truoc day
clam dimg clnicing trinh xit
1ST van ban trong may tinh.

9. All clerical staff are 9. Tat ca cac nhan vien d8u

required to take an extra phai mang them mot ban
copy of all memos, letters, cac loci thti not b(),
reports etc. produced in the dui tit, bao cao v.v. viol
two weeks commencing 4. trong hai tuan bat d'au tit 4
July and 11 July thang 7 va 11 thang 7.

10. On each piece of work, 10. Tren moi bai (ban) sau
d'd nghi
day, cang
please add the following bi3 sung ma s6
coding, as near to the top Wan phia tren goc phai cang
right hand corner as to-t.
11. Please include all rejected 11. D8 nghi gop tat ca nhung
and retyped letters so that bite tint bi tit choi hoac phai
the full extent of your work danh may lai de town b0
is appreciated thoroughly. Mae do tong vi8c cua cac vi
có the &toe xem 'cot mot
each thgu dao.
es 24 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

6. Inquiries 6. Thu hOi hang

1. We should be glad if you 1. Cluing toi rat vui mUng neu
would send us patterns of cac ngai giii cho chung toi
Ladies' Woolens. mau do len phu
2. We are interested in cutter 2. Cluing toi main mua may
Model 05 and we shall be cat kieu 05 va cluing toi se
obliged if you will send us a biet do neu cac ngai giii bao
quotation for this machine. gia may nay cho cluing VA.
3. We would be obliged if you 3. Chung toi se biet on neu cac
will kindly let us have your ngai giti cho chung toi chao
offer of the goods n hang cila nhang hang hoa
question. nay.
4. We are indebted for your 4. Nho Doan dai bleu Thuong
address to the Trade mai Nhat Ban a Ha Nei ma
Delegation of Japan in cluing toi dive biet dia chi
Hanoi. cua cac ngai.

5. We are interested in the 5. Chung toi muon mua che,

purchase of tea of Vietnam xugt xu Viet Nam, giao
Origin for immediate hang ngay.

6. We are looking forward to 6. Chung toi mong cac ngai tra

your early reply. lai. soul.
7. We thank you for your 7. Ch'ing toi xin cam on thu
inquiry of 1" Dec. for cua cac ngai ngay 1 thang
Ladies' woolens. 12 hOi mua do len phu nit.
8. We have received your 8. Chung toi da nhgn duoc that
letter of 30t h Nov. for cua cac ngai de ngay 30
Vietnamese softwood, for thang 11 hOi mua go x6p
which we thank you. cUa Viet Nam, chting toi xin
cam dn.
Nghi fink Thai tin Thiidng mai Qu6c to 2519

9. We have much pleasure in 9. Ch'ing toi rat vui miing giii

sending you herewith a fairly kern cho cac ngai met be
full collection of our latest kha day du cac kith.' mai
and best selling designs. nhat va ban chay nhat.

10. We are sure that you will 10. Cluing toi tin rang cac ngai
find it sells very well se thay mat hang nay ban
indeed. chay that Su.

11 We are pleased to inform 11. Chung toi vui mUng bao cho
you that we have today sent cac ngai bi6t rang hem nay
you by parcel post the chUng , toi da cho cac
following samples: ngai bang buu kien nhung
mau sau:

12. Payment is to be made by 12. Thanh toan bang tin dung

irrevocable letter of credit that tra tien ngay khong the
at sight. 114 ngang &roc.

13. Payment is to be effected 13. Thanh toan bang tin dung

against a Bill of Lading, an that khong the hay ngang
invoice and a works' test and qua Ngan hang Thuong
certificate by an irrevocable mai Luan Don cho chang toi
L/C to be opened in our thu hitting theo van don
favour with the Commercial duang bien, Ilea don va giay
Bank, London. chung nhan cua nha may.

14. We regret to inform you 14. Chang toi lay lam ti6c bao
that we are not in a position cho ngai bi6t hien nay
to meet your requirements chring toi khong có kha
for the time being. nang dap , Ung nhu cau ma
cac ngai can.

15. We regret to inform you 15. Chang toi lay lam ti6c bao
that we are not in a position cho cac ngai hien nay chiing
to offer you any tea for tei khong co kha nang chao
immediate shipment. ban the giao hang ngay.

16. May I know what particular 16. Chung toi mu6n bi6t mat
line you are interested in hang cu the nao cac ngai
this range? mu6n mua trong loat hang
g 26 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

17. We are interested in 17. Cluing t6i mian thao luan

discussing arts and crafts voi cac ngai v6 hang thU
business with you. cong my nghe.
18. What products do you want 18. Lan nay cac ngai man mua
to purchase this time? nhi-ing hang gi?
19. I want to purchase some 19. ChUng tai mian mua met It
chinaware from your do sit ciia cong ty cac ngai.
20. What particular items are 20. Cac ngai muo'n mua nhang
you interested in? mat hang cu the nao?
21. We are very much 21. Cluing toi rat mian mua
interested in Ha Dong pure Iva td tam Ha Deng cua cac
silk from you. ngai.
22. This is our inquiry. Would 22. Day la yeu cdu cua chung
you like to have a look? toi Cac ngai co mu6n xem
23. Could you give us some idea 23. Cac ngai có the cho chung
about your price? toi biet qua v6 gia cUa cac
ngai chit?
24. Have you got the samples 24. Cac ngai da có mdu cho mat
for this line? hang nay cluia?
25. We hope that we can do 25. Chung toi by vong rang
substantial business with chung toi có the buon ban
you in this. vdi cac ngai nhieu ve mat
hang nay.
26. This is the 100% pure silk 26. Day la lua to tam this thiet
produced in Ha Dong. san xuat d Ha Deng.
27. I think these patterns are 27. T6i nghi rang cac mdu nay
quite good. rat COI.
28. We are in great need of 28. Chung Col rat can loci A.
Grade A.
27 g
Nghi thtic Thti tin ThVdng mai Que;c to

29. Hien tai chiing toi khong

29. For the time being we can the cung cap loci A &foe vi
mot supply Grade A as it
loci nay da ban het r6i.
has been sold out.

30. Neu cac ngai khong the

30. If you cannot supply Grade cung cap loci A, thi loaf B
A, Grade B ill do.
cung Bloc.

31. Loai B ding c6 nhieu ma u

31. There are a lot of designs to
choose from Grade B. de chon

32. Chiing toi muen biet kha

32. We'd like to know the
availability and the nang hang va dieu kien ban
conditions of sales of this mat hang nay.
33. Cluing toi dam ban cung cap
33. We assure you of an ample cho cac ngai khei Wong Ion
supply and prompt
shipment of the goods. va giao hang ngay.

34. Could you tell me the 34. Cac ngai c6 the cho chiing Col
Article Number of the biet s'6"ciia san plia'm.
35. Met trong nhiing khach
35. Once of our clients is hang ciia chung Col dang
desirous of purchasing
muen mua xe may de drt
motorcycles for his stock.

36. Clning toi hieu rang cac

36. We understand that you are ngai la nha xua:t khau hang
leading exporters of the
dau mat hang nay va cac
goods and you can provide
ngai c6 the cung cap cac quy
the specifications we need.
cach cluing toi can.

37. Cac ngai c6 san pha'm c6

37. Have you got a product of
quy each nay khong?
this specification?

38. Mi nghi rang kik FH- 200

38. I think Model FH-200 is in
phii hop veil quy each cila
conformity with your
specifications. cac ngai.

g 28 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

39. Have you read our leaflet? 39. Cac ngai da doc to roi cua
chung toi chua?
40. What type do you want to 40. Cac ngai muOn dat hang
order? loai nao?
41. We are thinking of placing 41. Chung toi dang nghi den dat
an order for BH-1912TD. mua loai BH-1912TD.
42. What is the distinguishing 42. Net dac trying not bat cua xe
feature of the motorcycle? may do la g-i?
43. The motorcycle can by 43. Loai xe (nay) de dieu khien.
handled easily.
44. We look forward to your 44.
Chung toi cha mong nhan
offer for the type of &foe chao hang ban loai
computer in which we are may tinh chung toi quan
interested. tam.
45. Please quote for the supply 45.
De nghi cac ngai bao gia
of 3,000 metric tons of steel cung cap 3.000 tan met Ong
pipes. thep.
46. Please quote us your price 46. De nghi cac ngai bao gia cua
on CIF London basis. the ngai cho chung toi theo
dieu kien CIF Luan Don.
47. Do you offer FOB or CIF?
47. Cac ngai chao gia FOB hay
gia CIF?
48. Please make us an offer 48. De nghi cac ngai chao hang
with favourable terms and cho chung toi voi cac dieu
conditions. kien thuan loi.
49. In case you are unable to 49. Trong trtiang hop cac ngai
offer us at this time may we khong the chao ban cho
suggest that you quote us chung toi Fan nay, chung COI
an indicative price first. xin de nghi cac ngai bao gia
dpi kien truck.
Nghi thi?c Thti tin Thticing mai Queic to 29g

50. Please quote us as soon as 50. D6 nghi cac ngai bao gia cho
possible. chang toi tang sdm tang tot.
De nghi cac ngai bao gia
51. Please quote us the lowest 51.
price CIF DANANG and CIF tang Da Nang th5p
indicate quantities and nh5t cho cluing toi va bao so
various sizes that you can Wong lan kith cd khac nhau
supply for prompt shipment. ma cac ngai cung cap giao
hang ngay.
Col se bie't do n6u cac
52. We shall be obliged if you 52. Chiing
ngai bao gia CIF tang Da
will give us your lowest
quotation CIF DANANG. Nang th5p nhart cho cluing

53. De nghi cac ngai bao gia

53. Please quote us your lowest th5p nhait doi vdi nhUng
price for the items listed
hereunder. mat hang liet ke duel day.

54. If your price is reasonable, 54. 1\16u gia cUa cac ngai ph5i
quality satisfactory and chang, ch5.t Wong th'ea clang
delivery acceptable, we will va dieu kien giao hang ch5p
send you large orders. nh5n duct, chung toi se giti
cho cac ngai nhung don
hang ldn.
55. Met so khach dila cluing toi
53. Several of our customers
have recently expressed g5n clay d5 to ra muOn mua
interest in your leather giay da va hei ve ch5t Wong
shoes and inquired about va gia ca cUa
their quality and price.
toi pha'n khOi v6 xe
54. We are delighted with your 56. Chung cila cac ngai. Toi clang
bicycles. I'm thinking of clap
placing an order. I'd like to suy tinh d6n viec dat hang.
know what you can offer in Chung toi , mu6n cac
this line as well as your ngai co the chao ban loai
sales terms, mode of nao trong loat hang nay
payment, time of delivery, cung nhu dieu kien ban
discount, etc. hang, pinking thlic thanh
toan, thai han giao hang,
giAm gia v.v...
g 30 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

57. As we understand that you 57. Vi chting toi hieu rang cac
handle export of Hang Kenh ngai xuat khau tham Hang
carpet, we should like to Kenh, cluing toi man biet
know whether you could lieu cac ngai có the cung cap
supply 400 pieces of pure 400 tam tham len giao hang
wool carpet for shipment tilt& cuoi thing ha hay
before the end of March. khOng.
58. We are interested in your 58. Chung toi mu6n mua may
Singer Sewing Machines khdu Singer cilia cac ngai vä
and shall be glad if you se vui mUng neu cac ngai
could make us an offer for chao ban cho chting toi :300
300 sets. chi6c.
59. Please send us all available 59. He nghi cac ngai gUi cho
data on your leather goods, chting tei cac s6 lieu có sin
enabling us to introduce ye hang da cua cac ngai de
your products to our chung toi c6 the gidi thieu
customers. sari pham cilia cac ngai cho
khach hang cilia chUng toi.
60. We are sending you our 60. Ch'ing toi xin gifi
cac ngai
quotation sheet covering bang bao gia doi vdi nhfing
these goods. hang nay.
61. We have received your 61. Chung toi da nhan dude thu
enquiry dated 7` 1 ` May for he)i hang cilia cac ngai.
our brand bicycles.
62. We find that the selling 62. Chung toi thay trien vong
prospects for your Sanyo ban may diet' hea nha n hieu
brand conditioners at this "Sanyo" a thi truCing nay tot
end are good and we look va chi mong nhan dude mau
forward to receiving your cua cac ngai sdm.
samples soon.
63. We are pleased to inform 63. Chung toi vui mifng bao cho
you that there is a steady cac ngai biet rang nhu cAu
demand for SANYO brand doi veii may dieu Ilea SANYO
refrigerators in this market ct thi truang nay on dinh va
and we would like you to de nghi cac ngai gifi cho
send us an offer. chUng toi met chao hang.
Nghi thilc Thii tin Thitdng mai Qu'eic to
Chung tei vui mUng bao cho
64. We are pleased to inform 64.
you that we have included cac ngai bie-t rang chung toi
yours softwares in our sales da gop phan mgm cith cac
programme. Please send us ngai vao chueng trinh ban
representative hang cim chUng toi. De nghi
samples. cac rigai giii cho chung toi
cac mat.' dai dien.

65. Please send us your price 65. De nghi cac ngai giti cho
list of electronic devices. chUng toi bang gia hang
Chung toi dang xem xet viec
66. We are considering buying 66. mua hang tong nghiep nhe
Vietnam light industrial
goods. cim Viet Nam.
Trudc khi chUng tei có the
67. Before we can do anything, 67. lam viec gi do, chung toi
we should like to have
further particulars. mu6n ce them cac chi ti6t.
Chung tei ce thu 11.6i hang
68. We have inquiry in hand for 68.
a large quantity of raisin. mua met s6 Wong lon dau
Chung toi can 9 tan met lac
69. We require for immediate 69. giao hang ngay va se vui
delivery 9 metric tons of
peanuts and shall be glad to min-1g nhan duoc chao hang
receive an offer from you. cua cac ngai.

Chung tei dang suy tinh

70. We are thinking of getting a 70. mua the dm Viet Nam. Be
supply of Vietnam tea.
Please send us your best nghi giti cho chung toi chao
offer by cable indicating hang tot nhat bang dien not
origin, packing, quantity re xuat xn, bao bi, so Wong
and the soonest time of ce san va thei gian giao
delivery. hang sOm nhat.
Chung toi se bi6t do neu cac
71. We should be grateful if you 71. ngai cung cap cho chUng Vol
would give us further detail
of Vietnam tea. them cac chi tie-t ve the cua
Viet Nam.
g 32 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

72. Will they be supplied from 72. Lieu chting se dude giao
stock? ngay chit?
73. The stock is all sold out. 73. Hang trong kho da ban
het r6i.
74. Please offer any quantity 74. De nghi cac ngai chao s
that can be supplied from ltidng c6 the giao ngay.

75. Please tell us the quantity 75. De nghi cac ngai not cho
you want, so we can work chting s6 Wong cac nga
out the offer. muen de chting toi c6 the
dua ra chao hang.
76. As to the quantity we 76. Ve sO ltidng chung toi dti
intend to order, we'll let you dinh dat hang, chting toi c6
know tomorrow. the ra chao hang.
77. Could you give us an 77. Cac ngai c6 the cho chting
indication of your price? toi biet dtf tinh gia caa cac
ngai khong?
78. We hope you'll quote us 78. Chung toi by vong cac ngai
your most attractive price se bao cho cluing toi gia. CIF
79. If your quotation is 79. Neu ban gia caa cac ngai co
competitive, we are ready to site canh tranh, chting toi
place large orders for san sang dat hang ldn mua
chemical products. cac san pham hoa chat.
80. Please quote your price on 80. De nghi cac ngai bao gia
FOB basis, indicating the ren cd sd FOB, cho biet
postage for despatch by tide phi a bang btiu Bien
parcel post to Hai Phong. en cang Hai PhOng.
81. We shall be pleased if you 81. hung
C COI se vui mang neu
will send your lowest c dc ngai giti cho chung toi
quotation for the following. b ao gia dap nhat d6i vdi cac
m at hang sau day.
Nghi thtic Thii tin Tinidng mai Queic to 33 el
82. Will you please let us know 82. D6 nghi cac ngai cho eh
how long it will take you to toi bik mat bao lau cac ngai
deliver the goods? moi c6 the giao hang &roc?

83. Will you please let us know 83. D6 nghi cac ngai cho chUng
what your terms of payment toi bie't di6u kien thanh
are? toan cUa cac ngai la gi?

84. Will you please let us know 84. 136 nghi cac ngai cho chung
what discount you can give tei bit cac ngai se giam
for an order exceeding 500 cho chung toi bao nhieu cho
sets? don hang dat mua tren 500

85. Please offer 3 metric tons of 85. D6 nghi chap ban 3 tan met
Thai Nguyen green tea for the xanh Thai Nguyen giao
shipment in May at the hang vao thing 5 la cham
latest. nhat.
Cat.' ma
86. Should the quality inquired 86. Neu chk luong yeu
for be unavailable you khong c6 sari, cac ngai c6
might deliver its nearest the giri nhang hang tuong
equivalent. tai nhk.

87. We would like to enclose our 87. Chung toi xin giii kern thu
inquiry No 112 MT and are nay thu hOi hang cilia chung
looking forward to receiving toi so 112 MT va mong nh4n
your offer on CFR Dung duoc chao hang cUa cac ngai
Quat, Quang Ngai. theo dieu kin CFR Dung
Quat, Quang Nga i.

88. We have pleasure in 88. Chung toi vui mung girl kern
our inquiry thu hOi hang s6 2345 d6
ngay 19 thing 12 nam 19....
Nc1 .2345 dated 19 th Dec. 19... ma c6 gia nay da den ch6"
which must have reached
cac ngai roi. Ch'ing toi nong
you by now. We are
lOng the doi chao hang ciia
anxiously awaiting your
cac ngai bang diO.
offer by cable.
g 34 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

89. We must make it clear from 89. Chung 01 phai lam ro ngay
the very beginning that tit ddu rang bao gia ce site
competitive quotations are canh tranh cua chting toi IA
essential. thiet yeu.
90. As we are likely to place 90. Vi chung toi ce the dat cac
large orders regularly we don hang ion thuang xuyen,
trust you consider the chUng toi tin . rang cac ngai
allowance of some special se xem xet va co nhang sit
concessions. nhuong b8 dac biet nao do.
91. To speed up the matter, 91. De dine day van
please quote us by cable
de, de nghi
cac ngai bao gia bang Bien
before May 6th cho cluing toi truCic ngay 6
thang 5.
92. The above inquiry was 92. Thu hoi hang cila chung
forwarded to you on May 6th da g17.1i • cho cac ngai trueic
but up to now we have not ngay 6 thang 5 ma MI bay
received your quotation. gin chung toi van chua nhan
Your early offer will be duoc ban gia cim cac ngai.
highly appreciated. Chao hang scam cua cac ngai
se &foe danh gia cao.
93. We are expecting your reply 93. Chung toi dang cho mong
to your inquiry. cac ngai tra lai tint hai hang
cila cluing tel.
94. We have confidence in the 94. Chang toi ce long tin
quality of
a chat
Vietnam luting cac sari pham cua
products. Viet Nam.
95. We trust you can meet our 95. Cluing toi tin cac ngai cc') the
requirements. thaa ma n &roc cac yeti cAu
cUa chung -COL
Nghi thiic That tin Th'dicing mai Qiieic to 35 El

7. On Price 7. Ve gia ca
1. This is the rock-bottom 1. Day la 'mac gia thap nh a- t va
price and any further viec giam gia them se khong
reduction is out of question. ban den nfia.

2. We cannot grant the 2. Chung toi khong the giam

reduction you ask, because gia nInf cac ngai yeu c'au bai
the price has ready been cut vi gia da giam tai mitt thap
as far as possible. nhat.

3. This is the very lowest 3. Day la bao gia th6 nhgt

quotation of ours and we are cua thong toi va chung toi
unable to entertain any khong the xem xet bgt tit
counter-offers. don hoan gia nao.

4. Although your price is 4. Mac du cac ngai tra gia thgp

bellow our level, we accept hon mite gia ca.a cluing toi
this order as exception, with song cluing toi chap nhan
a view to initiating business don hang nay nlut met
with you. ngoai le voi y dinh bat dau
tong viec kinh doanh \Tel cac

5. As far as I can see, it would 5. Theo nInf toi biet thi cluing
be impossible for us to make toi khong the nlutang be
any further concession. them nita.

6. That's our last word. We'll 6. Do la lei cuoi ding ciia

never go any lower than $ cluing tel. Ch'ing toi se
135. khOng bao gio data ra cac
mitt gia thap duel 135 USD.

7. If you can accept our price, 7. Neu cac ngai cc') the chap
the business will no doubt nhan gia cila cluing toi , viec
be settled. kinh doanh nay se &lac giai

8. We will accept the price 8. Cluing toi se chaTp nhan

reduction on cameras as an giam gia may a. nh nInt met
introductory line. loat hang giai thieu.
IN 36 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

9. The price quoted was for the 9. Gia da bao cho to hang ma
small lot you named, 10 cac ngai dinh la: 10 chi6c va
sets; we can offer you 10% 10% cho lo hang 300 chi6c.
off for a 300 set lot.

10. The above-quoted prices are 10. Nhang gia bao d tren (.16u
all on the basis of CIF Hai dixa tren diet' kien CIF Hai
Phong. Phong.
11. Our prices are usually based 11. Gia cua thong toi thvong
on CIF, but CFR will do if dva tren dieu kien CIF song
buyers request. n6u ngtfai mua yeu cAu thi
chting toi se tinh gia CFR.
12. We quote the prices for these 12. Chung tei bao gia cho b6n
four commodities on the mat hang nay tren co se
bass of FOB Kobe net at dieu kien FOB tang Kobe
your request. khong gem gia bao bi theo
yeu eau cua cac ngai.
13. These articles are best- 13. Nhung mat hang nay ban
selling in European markets. chay nhat tai cac thi
Considerable business has chau Au . Chung tei da ti6n
been done with other hanh nhieu vu kinh doanh
customers at these prices. Ion vdi cac khach hang khac
theo gia nay.
14. Only 0.3% is to be deducted 14. Neu nguoi mua inuen buena
from the CIF price, if buyers ban vOi chting tei, tren co se
like to trade with us on CFR dieu kien CFR va to mua
basis and insure the goods bao hiem hang hoa thi gid
themselves. ca se bang gia CIF trif 0,3%.
15. The price on CIF Hai Phong 15. Gia nay dva tren dieu kien
terms excludes the overland CIF Hai Phong khong bao
freight and insurance from gem ell& van chuyen &tong
the port of destination to be va phi bao hiem tit tang
any other inland city. den bat kY thanh ph6 nao
trong not dia.
16. Buyers are to take care of 16. Ngtioi mua phai lo lieu viec
inland trans)ortation. van chuyen trong nei dia.
Nghi That tin Thudng mai Quoc to 37 cg

17. We have already made the 17. Chung toi da lam re toan be
whole matter clear to you: van de cho cac ngai: chUng
We cannot grant you any toi khong the nhuong be
further concession. them ntia.

18. In view of recent 18. Do nhUng tien trien gan day

development of the market, cua thi truong, cluing toi
we do not think price khong nghi rang gia ce the
reduction is possible. ha nita.

19. In the interest of future 19. Vi tong viec kinh doanh

business, I agree to trong Wong lai, Col dung
compromise. thOa. hiep.

20. The prices we quoted are 20. Cac 'nue gia chUng toi bac)
closely calculated and da dude tinh toan chinh xac
considerate moderate. va duoc coi la vita phai.

21. The present price fluctuation 21. S4 bi6n deng gia ca hien nay
in the world market has tren thi trueng the gidi da
necessitated the adjustment buec chang tei dieu chinh
of price for cameras to $800 gia may anh la 800 USD/
per set CIF Saigon. chi6c, CIF tang Sai Gen.

22. Because of the rising 22. Do xu hudng tang gia nhan

tendency in the market qua hat de tren thi truang
price of nut-meat we have chUng toi phai dieu chinh
to adjust our price to the gia cilachUng toi xu6ng mite
level prevailing in the world gia pho bien tren thi truang
market. the gioi.

23. We wish to recommend you 23. Chung tei mu6n gioi thieu,
another quality at a lower cho cac ngai mat hang khac
price for your consideration. co chat luting d mite gia thap
hdn de cac ngai xem xet.

24. As business has been done 24. Vi viec buon ban da duoc
extensively in your market thiic hien nhieu theo gia clan
at Japanese price, we regret nguoi Nhat, chUng toi lay
that we cannot accept your lam ti6c khong the cldp
counteroffer. nhan hohn gia cua cac ngai.
1E 38 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

25. Not that we have no desire 25. Khong phai chUng toi khong
to conclude this business, man IcS7 k6t vu kinh doanh
but that we see no way to nay ma la chung toi khong
change the price as thay có cach nao de thay deci
requested. gia ca flint cac ngai yeu cdu.
26. We are not in position to 26. Chung toi khong the tieh
entertain business at your hanh viec kinh doanh theo
price, since it is far below gia cua cac ngai vi no thap
our cost price. hdn nhi6u so vdi gia thanh
cua chUng toi.
27. Being far lower than what is 27. Do gia cUa cac ngai thap hon
prevailing in the market nhieti so vOi gia thinh hanh
today, your counter-offer tren thi tracing hien nay,
has to be declined. chUng toi buec . phai choi
hoan gia cac ngai.
28. As your counter-offer is 28. Do hoan gia cua cac ngai
beyond what is acceptable vudt qua mite ma chUng toi
to us, we cannot help but có the chap nhan nen cluing
return to you Indent N2 .320 toi khong the gitip gi cac
ngai ngoai viec chuyen lai
cho cac ngai thu Uy that dat
hang s6 320.
29. We feel sure that a fair 29. Chung toi tin chac rang viec
comparison in quality so sanh tong bang giaa cac
between our products and san pham cua cluing toi vo
similar articles from other cac san pham Wong tit cua
sources will convince you of cac nha cung cap khac ve
the reasonableness of your chat lacing se thuy6t phut
price. duoc cac ngai v6 sit hop VT
v6 gia cua chung toi.
30. We find your price 30. ChUng Col thay gia cua cac
unworkable. ngai la khong kha thi.
31. This item, being quite 31. Mat hang nay kha thong
popular, will also have a dung cung se ban chay tai
good sale in your market. thi tracing nude cac ngai.
Nghi thitc Thii tin Th -tidng mai Quac to 39 al
32. We have been obliged to 32. Cluing Cori da buOc phai dat
place our order elsewhere as hang a noi khac vi san
your products are too dear pham cna cac ngai qua dat
for this market. d6i voi thi truang nay.

33. Please persuade your clients 33. De nghi cac ngai thuyet
to accept our price at which phut cac khach hang cna
we have already concluded cac ngai chap nhan gia ma
considerable business with chiing toi da ki ket trong cac
other customers at your vu kinh doanh lon voi cac
end. khach hang khac tai nnoc
cna cac ngai.

34. Transaction at this price is 34. Chang toi de nghi tien hanh
recommended. giao dich d mitt gia nay.

35. Your limits are much too 35. Gioi han cna cac ngai qua
low, especially considerating th'ap, dac biet la khi xet toi
the small amount of your tri gia don hang nha cua cac
order. ngai.

36. For large quantity, we may 36. D61 voi s6 Wang lon, cluing
shade the price a little. toi có the giam gia mot it.

37. Our quotation is strictly 37. Bao gia cua chnng tai la
firm, and the price has been hohn toan c6 Binh va gia ca
reduced to the limit. da &lac giam h6t mitt

38. However desirous we may be 38. Cho du chiing toi co mong

of doing business with you, mu6n kinh doanh voi cac
we regret to say that your ngai nIni the nao thi cluing
bid is really too low to be toi van lay lam ti6c nOt rang
acceptable. gia cna cac ngai tra that sit
la qua tM'p khong the chap
nhan &toe.

39. However desirous we may be 39. Cho du cluing toi co mong

of increasing our business muOn tang viec kinh doanh
with you, we regret that we cna cluing toi vdi cac ngai,
can not grant the reduction cluing toi lay lam tie:c rang
in price you ask. cluing toi khong the giam
gia nhtt cac ngai yeu cau.
g 40 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

40. We quoted our lowest price 40. Chung toi bao gia thap nhat
at first. cua chting toi luc (Tau.
41. Your competitors have 41. Cac nha canh tranh cua cac
almost identical goods at ngai co hang gio'ng nhtf
10% to 15% cheaper. hang ciia cac ngai song re
hdn tit 10% Wit 15%.
42. With reference to your 42 • Ve bac, gia cua cac ngai,
quotation, we have to chung toi phai thong bao
inform you that your prices cho cac ngai bie't rang gid
appear much higher than cua cac ngai có ye cao hdn
those of your competitors. nhieu so vdi gia cua cac nha
canh tranh cua cac ngai.
43. Your prices are higher than 43. Gia cua cac ngai cao hdn gia
we are now paying. cua chiing toi Bang tra hien
44. Your price is higher than the 44. Gia cua cac ngai cao hdn gia
wholesale price here. ban buen e day.
45. Your price increase is out of 45. Sti tang gia cua cac ngai
proportions to the change of khong turong Tang vdi sit thay
market price level. d6i gia tren thi twang.
46. Can you reduce your prices 46. Cac ngai có the giam gia de
in order to keep business? tie-p tuc kinh doanh khong?
47. I would ask you to make a 47. Toi de nghi , cac ngai giam
reduction in price so as to be gia de có the canh tranh vdi
competitive with other cac nha cung cap khac.

48. We hope you will direct the 48. Chung toi by vong cac ngai
attention of your users to se htiong khach hang dia
the superior quality of our cac ngai chti y tdi chat hiong
products. cao cap cila cac san pham
cua chung toi.
Nghi fink Thu tin Thiidng mai Qu6c to 41

49. The market is firm with an 49. Hien tai, thi truong dang cc')
upward tendency at xu huOng tang len met each
present. on Binh.

50. As the market is declining, 50. Do thi truOng dang suy gam,
we recommend your chting toi de nghi cac ngai
immediate acceptance. chap nhan ngay.

5i. I would like to have a 51. Chung toi mong rnue'n c6

discussion with you on the met cuec thao Juan 176 gia
price of your chemical san pham hOa chat.

52. We do hope you have 52. Chung toi by Yong cac ngai
examined carefully our offer da nghien cdu ky don chao
sheet? hang cila chung toi.

53. Your price is quoted on FOB 53. QuY ngai chao gia do tren
Hai Phong. co sa gia FOB Hai Phong.

54. We wonder why you think 54. Chung toi phan van tai sao
our price is too high. cac ngai nghi la gia cila
chung toi qua cao.

55. On our part we think our 55. Ve phan minh, chUng toi
price is reasonable. nghi rang gia cUa chung Col
56. I think that the price of your 56. Tel, nghi rang gia cac sa
products is on the high side. pham cua quY ngai la cao.

57. Your price s 25% higher 57. Gia ciia quY ngai tang 25%
than that of last year. so vdi narn ngoai.

58. It's difficult for us to sell the 58. Vi gia cua quY ngai cao qua
products, as your price is so nen chUng toi rat kho ban
high. san pha'm cua quY ngai.

59. It will be rather difficult for 59. Se la kha kho cho chung toi
us to push any sales if we trong viec day doanh thu
buy it at this price. len ne'll chung toi ban a mite
gia nay.
is 42 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

60. It is no easy job for us to 60. Thuy6t phut ngttai tieu dung
persuade the end user to mua san pham cua cac ngai
buy your products at this gia nay khong phai la viec
price. de clang.
61. We don't think the endusers 61. Cluing ten khong nghi rang
would accept your price. ngo6i cap von se chap nhan
gia cita quS7ngai.
62. You know, the price of this 62. QuST ngai bi6t dO, gia cua
commodity has gone up mat hang nay da tang tit
since last year. nam ngoai.
63. You may notice that the 63. Cac ngai có the de y thay
price for this commodity has rang gia cila mat hang nay
gone up a lot in the last few tang manh trong vai thang
months. qua.
64. What's your counter-offer? 64. Cac ngai hoan gia bao nhieu?
65. To have this business 65. D6 ki ket thttong vu nay, Col
concluded, you need to tin rang quS7 ngai can giam
lower your price at least by gia it nhat la 5%.
5%, I believe.
66. As you know that the cost of 66. Nhtt cac ngai thay chi phi
production has been san xuat tang vot trong
skyrocketing in recent years. flitting nam gait day.
67. Your price is higher than 67. Gia cua quS7 ngai cao hon -
that we have got from gia chting toi da nhan &toe
elsewhere. tit ndi khac.
68. Our price is reasonable, 68. Gid cua thong tei la hop lS7
compared with that in the n6u so vdi gia thi trite/1g
international market. qu6c t6.
69. The price we offered 69. Gia thong foi chat) ban cho
compares favourably with cac ngai cung thu'an loi nInt
quotations you can get from bet) gia ma cac ngai nhan
other suppliers. dtioc tit nhung nha cung cap
Nghi thlic Tini tin Thtidng mai Queic to 43 g
70. I'm afraid I don't agree with 70. TOi e rang ve diem nay toi
you there. khong d6ng y voi quY ngai.

71. The Korean quotation is 71. Bac) gia clia. Han Qu6c that)
lower. hon.

72. You should take quality into 7 2. QuY ngai nen xem • xet ca
consideration. chat Wong.

73. Our products are of high 73. San pham cua chUng Vol c6
quality. chat Wong cao.

74. I'm afraid your quality is not 74. Toi , e rang chat Wong sa san
better than theirs. pham cua quY ngai clang
chang tot hdn ho.

75. Taking the quality into 75. Tinh cl6n mat ch't Wong thi
consideration I think the toi nghi rang gia la hop
price is reasonable.

76. We'll place a substantal 76. Chung toi se dat met don
order with you f your price hang 16n neU gia cua cac
is reasonable. quY ngai hop 1Y.

77. Our price is reasonable, 77. Gia cua chung Col hop
besides, our products can ben canh c/6 cac san pham
stand competition. toi con c6 the c6
gia tri canh tranh.

78. In respect to quality, I don't 78. V6 chat luong, toi khong

think that the goods of ngh1 rang hang thu6c , cac
other brands can compare nha n hieu khac c6 the so
with ours. sanh voi hang cUa chUng

79. Our products are worth 79. San pham cua chUng toi
promoting. Bang de khuy6ch truong.

80. Some countries are selling 80. M6t s6 ndi clang ban hang
their goods at low prices in hea cua ho voi s6 lutong Ion
big quantities. va mite gia thap.
44 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

81. We think that a further 81. Chung toi nghi rang viec
slight reduction of the price giam gia them it naa se
will ensure you a dam Lao tang clang ke kim
substantial increase of the ngach not chung va loi
turnover as a whole, and so nhuan cUa cite ngai cting se
will your profit. tang.
82. Could you please tell us the 82. De nghi quY ngai not cho
quantity you require so that chung tai bie't se lacing ma
we may adjust our price quy ngai can de chting toi có
accordingly? the dieu chinh gia met each
tticing dng.

83. We are prepared to make a 83. Chting Col san sang giam gia
2% reduction if your order is 2% neU don hang cua cite
big enough. ngai du ldn.
84. Can you give your idea of an 84. De nghi quY ngai cho bie't
appropriate price for this kie-n v6 mitt gia thich hop
commodity? cho mat hang nay.
85. In order to conclude the 85. De ky giao dich nay, toi
transaction, I think you nghi rang ngai nen giam gia
should reduce price by at It nh'at 3%.
least 3%.

86. We can't do more than a 2% 86. Nhung chUng toi khong the
reduction. giam gia qua 2%.
87. In order to conclude the 87. De kY ke't among vu nay,
business, we may make chting to có the phai có sit
some concession. thO'a hiep nao d6.
88. If we had not thought of our 88. Neil chung toi khong nghi
long term business den mei buon ban lau dai,
relationship, we wouldn't chting toi da khong Chao
have made you a firm offer hang c6 dinh cho cdc ngai
at this price. gia nay.
89. We accept your price, 89. Chung toi chap nhan gia caa
provided... cac ngai, vdi diet' kien la ....
Nghi thitc Ttni tin Tinidng mai QuOc to 45 117,11

90. May we have your comments 90. Cac ngai có the cho bie't
our products? kie-n cua quY ngai ve san
pham cUa chung toi?

91. We find the quality of your 91. ChUng tei nhan they rang
products well up to san pham cna quY ngai rat
standard and our dat tieu chuan va yeu cau
requirements. cua chUng toi.
worth 92. Gia cUa cac ngai clang cluoc
92. Your price is
considering. xem xet.

93. We may assure you of 93. Chung toi có the dam bao
immediate delivery of the vdi ngai ve viec giao hang
goods. ngay.

94. We have another offer for a 94. Chung toi nhan duoc met
similar one at a much lower chao hang khac nua cho mat
price. hang tildng tt1 vdi gia thap
hdn nhieu.

95. We found your price about 95. Chung Col they rang gia cua
20% higher than that of last cac ngai cao hdn khoang
Spring. 20% so vdi gia mua xuan
nam ngoai.

96. I can assure you that our 96. Toi có the dam bao rang gia
price is most favorable. cica chung tei la hap clan

97. It is quite a bargain. I hope 97. Day hoan toan la sti thildng
you will appreciate it. Ming mua ban. Tel by vong
ngai se clanh gia cao dieu

98. We understand your 98. Chung toi hieu &toe khO

difficulty in coping with khan ciia quY ngai trong
competition. viec doi pho vdi viec canh
tranh .

99. We can't help turning down 99. Chung toi khong the khong
your price. tit chovi gia cUa quY ngai.
ig 46 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

100. This price of yours is out of 100. Gia nay cita cac ngai khong
the question. phai la van de d6 ban tdi.

101. Goods of this quality and 101. Hang co chat ltiong va gia
price do not interest us. ca nhtt vay khong hap din
dot voi chting

102. I'm afraid your price is 102. Mi e rang gia cua quST ngai
quite high. rat cao.

103. You must take every means 103. QuST ngai can phai dimg
to keep the price at around moi bien phap de gift gia
$60. mile khoang 60 de la.

104. I am not sure what kind of 104. Toi khong chic chin khach
response your price will hang cila chung toi se
receive from our clients. phan iing lai gia cua quS7
ngai flint the nao.

105. If your price is too high, my 105. Khach hang ciia Col se
customers will turn to chuyen sang cac nha cung
other suppliers for their cap kit& de mua hang neu
requirements. gia cita qu7ngai. qua cao.

106. I'm sorry but your price is 106. Toi rat tiec nhung gia cua
not acceptable. quST ngai khong the chap
nhan dttoc.

107. Our products are very 107. San pham cua chiing Col co
good in quality. Therefore, chat piing tot. Do vay toi
I can assure you that you dam bao rang quST ngai se
won't have any trouble in khong gap phai rac r6i nao
promoting the sale of our trong viec fink day ban
products. cac sin pha.'m cua cluing

108. Six thousand Francs is 108. Gia 6000 phd rang quA that
really too high a price. la qua cao.

109. Your price is entirely out 109. Gia cua quST ngai khong
of line with the market phu hop vdi mac cua thi
level. trIthng.
Nghi thilc Thii tin Thudng mai Quisic to 47 a

110. The price is too high to. 110. Gia qua cao khong the harp
even interest buyers in dan khach hang ngay ca
making a counter-offer. trong viec hoan gia.

111. Our counter-offer is in line 111. Hoan gia cua chting Vol
with the price in the phii hop yeti mite gia tren
international market. thi trtfang quo'c tel

112. Your price is in line, but 112. Gia cua quY ngai thich hop
the date of shipment is too nhung ngay giao hang xa
far away. qua.

113. If you accept our counter- 113. Neu ngai ch4) nhan hoan
offer, we'll persuade the gia cua eh-ling ten, chUng
customers to place an toi se thuye't phut khach
order with you hang oim chung toi dat hang ciia cac ngai.

114. I am afraid we can't accept 114. TO1 e rang chung toi kh8ng
your counter-offer. the chap nhan hoan gia
cita quy ngai.

115. To my mind, your price is 115. Doi voi tot gia cua quY
not very competitive. ngai khong c6 site canh
tranh cho lam.

116. To speak frankly, this 116. Noi thang ra, gia nay thi
price will leave us no profit chung tot chang con c6 tY
to speak of. la i nao de not nita.

117. I think it is unwise for 117. Toi nghi rang se kh8ng

both of us to insist on his khon ngoan dot voi ea hai
own price. Can we each chung ta khi cit khang
make some concession? khang dOi mitt gia cua
Minh. Mei nguai chung ta
co nhfing nhuong b8 fan
nhau chit.
118. How shall we compromise? 118. Chung ta se iliZa hiep nint
the nao day?
48 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

119. Let's meet each other half- 119. Chung to m6i nguoi lui
way. met nita.

120. Your price sounds very 120. Gia cua quST ngai nghe
interesting to us. cling c6 ye hap dan doi vdi
chung COL

121. Would you like to let us 121. D'e nghi quST ngai cho
have your price idea? chung toi biet y kie'n ve gia
cUa quS7ngai.

122. I'm afraid we can't reduce 122. Toi e rang cluing toi khong
our price to the level you the giam gia cua chung toi
have indicated. xtang miic quS7 ngai tra
123. To be frank with you, your 123. Nei that vdi cac ngai hoar'
counter-offer can barely gia cna cac ngai tra chi du
cover our production cost. lin chi phi san xuat cUa
chung toi ma thoi.
124. I'm afraid you are not yet 124. Toi e rang quY ngai chua
aware of the changes that bie't dtioc nhung thay dei
are taken place in the dien ra tren thi trueng.

125. Our quotation comes in 125. BA° gia cua chung toi phn
line with the ruling price hop vdi gin chili dao tren
in the world market. thi truong th6 gi6i.
126. But you can't be ignorant of 126. Nhung quSi ngai khong the
the fact that the goods of khong xem xet thuc t6
Korean market are sold at hang tren thi truong Han
only $22.4 per piece. QuOc chi ban vdi gia 22,4
do la/chi6c.

127. Speaking of goods of 127. Noi ve' hang hoa nha n hieu
Korean make, you must be Han Qu6c, qt.iT ngai phai
aware our quality is far thay rang chat Wong san
superior to theirs. pham cua chUng toi cao
hdn cilia ho
Nghi fink That tin Thing mai QuiSc to 49g

128. If you can't offer us 128. Chung toi se mua cUa cac
favourable price, we will ha ng khac neu quST ngai
buy other makes. khong chap gia ixu da i.
129. For our good relationship, 129. VI mei quan he tot dep cua
we may accept your price, cluing ta, chung toi co the
but you should make an chap nhan gia cua quST
earlier shipment. ngai nhung d5 nghi quS7
ngai giao hang som.
130. I think the business mainly 130. Toi nghi rang viec mua
depends on whether you ban co &toe thuc hien hay
can reduce price. khong chu ye-u data vao
viec quS7 ngai co the giam
gia hay khong.
131. This is our lowest 131. Ch'ing toi e rang chung toi
quotation, I'm afraid we khong the giam gia hdn
can't go further. nua bai day la bao gia thap
nhat cUa chung toi.
132. You will stand no chance if 132. QuS7 ngai se khong co cc
you don't bring your price h'ei ne-u quy ngai khong
into line with the world giam gia phi hop vol gia
market. tren thi trueng the gidi.
133. If you can't see your way 133. Neu cac ngai khong c6 cach
to reduce your price by, nao de giam gia, vi du 3%
say, 3%, it will be hopeless thi chang c6 cach nao lam
for you to get the business. an duoc ca.
134. To reduce our price by 3% 134. Ve phia chung COL giam gia
would be a sacrifice on our 3% la mot sit by sinh.
135. For friendship's sake we 135. VI quan he hal hao, chUng
may exceptionally consider toi se c6 the dac biet xem
reducing our price a little, xet giam gia chUt It nhung
but never to that extent. khong the a muc do chide.
50 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

136. With your price I'm afraid 136. Toi e rang vdi mitt gia do
you will stand very little ctia quST ngai, quST ngai cc')
chance of obtaining the rat It cd hei kinh doanh.

137. Our clients are likely to 137. Khach hang am cluing toi
turn to other markets for chAc se chuyen cac yeu cAu
their requirements. cua ho sang thi trtiong

138. I'm afraid we have to call 138. Tel e rang cluing toi se phi
the whole deal off if you • gac lai toan be‘ viec kinh
still insist on your original doanh neU quST ngai van
quotation. khang khang dei nhu bao
gia ban dal' cUa quST ngai.

139. There is no point of 139. Khong co VT do gi de ti6p

keeping on our talk since tuc h'ei dam vi cac ngai
you insist your price idea. van gift ST kie'n cua minh ve

140. Please note that all our 140. Xin rang gia chting
prices are quoted on CIF toi chap tren cd sa CIF.
basis. This is our general Day la tap quan kinh
practice, which we trust doanh cua cluing toi ma
will be acceptable to you. chiing toi tin ,tuang rang
cac ngai có the chap nhan

141. We regret being unable to 141. Chung toi lay lam ti6c
quote on FOB basis, as it khong the ban gia tren co
is our general practice to sO FOB vi buOn ban vai tat
do business with all our ca khach hang tren cd sa
clients on CIF terms. CIF la tap quan chung cua
cluing COL

142. The above offer is made 142. Chao hang not tren la chao
without engagement, and hang khong co" dinh, do
all orders will be subject to vay moi don dat hang ct6u
our written acceptance. phai dttoc chung toi chap
nhan bang van ban.
Nghi thiitc Thit tin Thing mai Qu'dc to 51g

143. The prices quoted are 143. Gia da bao có the dude
subject to change without thay dei ma khong thong
notice. bao trii6c.
144. As there is an upward 144. Vi có xu hvong gia Bang
tendency in the price of len doi voi cac s'An pham
chemicals, we would hoa chk nen chting toi
advise you to place your khuyen quY ngai dat hang
order as early as possible. tang som tang t6t.
145. Please note that our price 145. De ngi quy ngai Y rang
of cameras has been gia may anh CIF
adjusted to $785 per set Amsterdam ciia chUng toi
CIF Amsterdam, which da dieu chinh len 785
supersedes our previous do la/chi6c thay cho cac
quotation. bao gia trvoc.
146. All quotations, except firm 146. Tat ca cac bao gia, trit chao
offers, are subject to our hang c6 dinh, phai cif) xac
final confirmation. Unless nhan cuoi ding cua chUng
otherwise stated or agreed VOL Tgt ca gia deu khong
upon, all prices are co bk kY sv giam gia nao
without any discount. trif khi hai ben chi ro hoac
thOa thuan trifec.
147. You will find that our 147. QuY ngai se thgy rang sAn
products are moderately pham cua chung toi &toe
priced and yet of good Binh gia rat vim phai ma
quality. chat Wong lai t6t.
148. To a certain extent our 148. Trong met chUng mist nao
price depends on how large do, gia chung toi data ra
your order is. phu thuec vao don dat
hang ciia quY ngai lon den
mitt nao.

149. What do you say if we 149. De nghi quY ngai cho bi6t
increase the order by 400 kien neu chUng Vol tang
sets? don hang len them 400 be?
g 52 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

150. The price is already very 150. Gia thi hip 1ST r6i nhting
reasonable but, in order to nham thlic day khuy6n
encourage business khich mua ban kinh doanh
between us we are gifia chung ta, cluing tall
prepared to allow you a san sang cho quST ngai
discount of 2%. &foe huOng 2% giam gia
thtiong mai 2%.
Nghi fink Thii tin Thus ng mai Quoc to 53g

8. Commission 8. Hoa heong

1. We are very much concerned 1. Chung toi rat quan tam toi
about commission. van de hoa hang.

2. I'd like to ask about the 2. Toi mien hoi v6 van de hoa
matter of commission. hang.

3. We are an intermediary and 3. Chung Col la ben trung gian

do business only on va ti6n hanh cong viec chi
commission basis. tren co so hoa hang. BOi vgy,
Therefore, we have to thong toi phgi de nghi met
request a reasonable mitt hoa hang .hop lS7 cho bgt
commission for any business tit vu kinh doanh nao cluing
concluded through us. toi ti6n hanh.

4. What is your usual practice 4 Tgp quail thong thtiOng cua

in giving commission? cac ngai trong viec tra hoa
hang la g-i?

5. Generally speaking, 5. Noi chung hoa hang dtioc

commission is given as a tinh theo ti phgn tram
percentage of the total value tong tri gia cua giao dich.
of a transaction.

6. Commission usually 6. Hoa hang thtieng phu thuec

depends on the quantity of vao s6 Wong hang hoa dgt
goods ordered. mua.

7. You can get a higher 7. Cac ngai c6 the dt.tocOng

commission rate if you order ti le hoa hang cao hdn nita
• a bigger quantity. neu cac ngai dgt hang s6
Wong len hdn.

8. The commission from our Mitc hoa hang ma cong ty

corporation is very favorable. cluing VA tra la rat

9. We usually grant commission 9. Cluing toi tluthng tra hoa

at the rate of 3% or so hang theo ti le 3% hogc
depending upon articles. khogng chting nInt th6 ti y
thuec vao cac mgt hang.
gi 54 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

10. How much commission will 10. Cac ngai tra hoa hang bao
you give? nhieu?
11. We'll give you a 2% 11. Chung tai se tra cac ngai 2%
commission. hoa hang.
12. Since we have made 12. Do cluing tell da nhan
concessions in price, we nhuong ve gia cho cac ngai
cannot give you a nen cluing Col khong the cho
commission. cac ngai hitting hoa hang.
13. We regret being unable to 13. Chung tOi lay lam tiec
grant you the 5% khong the tra cac ngai 5%
commission you desire. hoa hang nhu cac ngai
m u6n.
14. We'll give a 3% commission 14. Chung tai se tra cac ngai 3%
as an exception. This is the hoa hang coi nhu met ngoai
best we can do. le. DO la dieu ma chUng Col
co- the lam duoc.
15. It will be easier for us to 15. Neu cac ngai tra hoa hang
push the sale if you can give cho chung tai nhieu
us more commission. chung tai se de clang him
trong viec day manh ban
16. We have received your price 16. Chung tai da nhan duoc
list, but before we can take bang gia cua cac ngai nhung
it into consideration, we truck khi xem xet no, chUng
must ask you to let us know tai de nghi cac ngai cho
the commission rate chi:mg tai bie-t ty le hoa hang
allowable. ma cac ngai tra.
17. We request at least 10% 17. Cluing tai de nghi it nhat
commission to facilitate our 10% hoa hang nham lam de
selling work. Bang cho viec ban hang cila
chUng ta.
18. It will cost us a lot to push 18. Chung- tai se rat ton kern
the sale of your product. khi thdc day viec ban sari
pham cua cac ngai.
Nghi thiic Thai tin Thddng mai Queic to 55

19. Kindly note that the prices 19. Xin cac ngai hiu y rang gia
given in our sales ca dtta ra trong xac nh4n
confirmation include 2% of ban hang cila cluing toi bao
commission. gam ca 2% hoa hong.

20. Two percent commission is 20. Hai plidn tram hoa hang
really too litter. thuc ra la qua it

21. We've accommodated you in 21. Chang toi da gidp dd cac

allowing a 2% commission, ngai trong viec cho cac ngai
but we'll take more huOng 2% hoa hang song
commission into neu don hang cila cac ngai
consideration if your order du mitt, chUng toi se xem
is big enough. xet tra hoa hang nhieu hon.

22. In our computer business, 22. Trong linh \rue kinh doanh
we usually pay 3% may tinh cUa chting toi,
commission. chiing toi thuang trA hoa
hang la 3%.

23. We shall remit you the 23. Chung toi se chuyen cho cac
amount of your commission ngai so tien hoa hang ngay
as soon as we have effected khi chang toi giao hang va
Shipment and completed hoan thanh cac thu tuc can
the necessary procedures.
24. We'll order extra 2,000 sets. 24. Chang toi se dat mua them
2000 chie-c.

25. Taking into consideration 25. Qua viec xem xet s6 Wong
the quantity you have hang cac ngai dat mua,
ordered, we'll allow you a cluing toi se cho cac ngai
3% commission. htiOng 3% hoa hang.

26. In that case, we agree to 26. Trong truang hop nay,

increase the commission to cluing toi dOng Sr tang tS7' le
5%. hoa hang len 5%.

27. We usually get a 3% 27. Chung Cal thuong duoc

commission on the total twang 3% hoa hang tren
value of business. Is it tong tri gia vu kinh doanh
possible to increase the lieu cac ngai có the tang hoa
commission to 5%? hang len 5% &toe khong?
ej 56 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

28. For every extra sale of 1,000 28. Doi vdi moi ldn ban them
pieces, we'll give you an 1000 chiec, chting tai se cho
additional 1% commission. cac ngai Ong them 1% hoa
29. If you are prepared to 29. Neu cac ngai san sang tang
increase the commission, we hoa hang cluing tai se dat
will order extra 1,000 sets. mua them 1000 chie-c.
30. In case of the value of a 30. Trong trueng hop tri gia ciia
single order exceeding met don hang vuot qua 1
1,000,000 dollars, we may trieu USD chung tai co the
consider an increase in your xem xet tang hoa hang cho
commission. cac ngai.
31. If you place orders for your 31. Neil cac ngai dat hang cho
clients, we agree to reserve khach hang clia cac ngai,
5% commission for you on cluing COI clang y danh 5%
the basis of the CIF value of hoa hang cho cac ngai
the goods shipped. hitting tren co sO tri gia CIF
caa hang Ilea duoc giao.
32. We will grant you a 5% 32. Chung tai se tra cac ngai 5%
commission with a view to hoa hang yeti y dinh bat dau
initiating business in this kinh doanh trong linh vuc
line. nay.
33. Thanks for your kind 33. Cam do cac ngai y6 stl xem
consideration. xet nghiem ttic.
34. Your 5% commission will be 34. Mlle hoa hang 5% cila cac
calculated on the basis of ngai (bloc tinh tren co sO tri
invoice value after the gia hOa don sau khi trii di
deduction of freight and citric phi van tai va phi bao
insurance. hiem.
35. We would stress that 5% 35. Chung tai phai nhan manh
commission is already a rang ti le 5% hoa hang la RI
special consideration to you xem xet dac biet ciia chting
in comparison with the rate tai doi vdi cac ngai so vdi ti
of 1% to 3% we generally le tit 1% tOi 3% ma chting
allow to others. tai thuong danh cho cac
khach hang khac.
Nghi fink Thd tin Thticing mai Qu6c to 57 ig
36. How much commission will 36. Neu giao dich tri gia hon
you give if the transaction is mot trieu do la cac ngai se
over one million dollars? tra hoa hOng la bao nhieu?

37. We would like to inform you 37. Chung toi muOn thong bao
that the maximum rate of vdi cac ngai rang ti le hoa
commission we can allow is hang COI da trong truang
5% in this instance. hop nay chung Col co the tra
la 5%.

38. Remittance to cover your 2% 38. Chung toi se chuyen tra 2%

commission will be made as hoa hang cho cac ngai ngay
soon as the proceeds have sau khi chUng toi thu &toe
been collected. s6 tien ban hang.

39. As for your request for 10% 39. Doi vdi de nghi cua cac ngai
commission, we shall do our v6 ti le 10% hoa hang, chUng
utmost to persuade our toi se c6 h6t sue de
manufacturers to make thuyet phuc cac don vi san
some concession and let you xuat cua chung Col nhtfong
know as soon as there is any 130 va se thong bao cho cac
result. ngai biet ngay sau khi có
ket qua.

40. The 3% commission will be 40. Chung toi se chuyen lai 3%

remitted to you after receipt hoa - hang cho cac ngai ngay
of the payment for this sau khi chung toi nhan dttdc
consignment. s6 tien thanh toan cho
chuyen hang nay.

41. A 10% commission will no 41. Ti le 10% hoa hang rat co the
doubt cause the price to go se lam tang gia.
42. I suggest that you add 1% to 42. Cu 1000 kien dttoc dat mua
the commission for each them, toi de nghi cac ngai
additional 1,000 cases tra them 1% hoa hang.
43. If you agree to our 43. Neu cac ngai clang ST de nghi
suggestion, we'll order 5,000 cila cluing toi, chung toi se
cases. dat mua 5000 kien.
g 58 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

44. In view of our long term 44. Vi mei quan he lau -dui va
good relations we accept tot dep cua chang ta, thong
your request. tai se dat mua 5000 kien.
45 What about adding 1.% to 45. Cac ngai thay th6 nao n6u
the commission for each di 100 chi6c &foe ban them
additional 100 sets sold. thi dude haang them 1% hoa
46. It'll be all right even f you 46. Dieu do chap nhan &fee
give us a 2% commission. ngay ca khi cac ngai tra
chi:mg tai 2% hoa hang.
47. A 2% commission is not high 47. Hoa hang 2% killing he cao
at all. chat nao.
48. This amount includes all 48. SO tien nay bao gain tat ca
your commission. tien hoa hang caa cac ngai.
49. We usually don't allow any 49. Thaang thaong, chting tai
commission. khong tra hoa hang cho ai.
50. It doesn't conform to 50. Khong tra hoa hang la
international trade practice khong phi hop voi tap guar'
not to allow a commission. thaang mai quOc
Nghi thile Thii tin Thiicing mai Qui:Cc to 59

9. Discount 9. Giam gia thiidng mai

1. • I'd lie to discuss the matter 1. M. man thao luan voi cac
of discount with you. ngai v6 van de giam gia.

2. What would you say about 2. Ngai coy ki6n gi ve van crd
the discount? giam gia ?

3. We usually don't grant any 3. Thong thaong chung tei

discount for a small khOng giam gia cho so Wong
quantity. nhO.

4. Actually, we don't give any 4. Pave ra, chung toi thang

discount in general. khong giam gia cho ai.

5. We shall be grateful if you 5. Chang toi se rat bi6t

send us your quotation and ngai n6u cac ngai gai cho
lets us know the highest chung toi bao gia va cho
discount allowable. chung toi bi6t mite giam gia
cao nhat có the &loc.

6. In principle, we usually 6. Ve nguyen tac, chung toi

don't allow any discount. thithng khong giam gia cho
ba".t ky ai.

7. Could I have discount if my 7.. Lieu toi có the &toe giam

order is a large one? gia n6u chin dat hang caa toi
co s6 Wong lon?

8. For such a big quantity, you 8. Voi mot don dat hanggiAm
should give us a discount. nha vay cac ngai nen

9. We've ordered such a large 9. Cluing toi da dat hang voi

quantity that a discount so Wong loin toi mac ma
ought to be allowed, no cluing toi dang claoc haifing
matter how little it may be. giam gia va mite giam gia có
the nhO bao nhieu ciing
khong quan trong.

10. Of course, discount will be 10. Di nhi'en chung toi se giam

allowed for a big order. gia cho thin dat hang 16n.
17 60 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

11. We usually get 4% discount 11. ChUng toi thuOng duoc giAm
from the European exporters. gia 4% tit cac nha xuat khau
chau Au.
12. We shall book a trial order 12. Chung toi se dat mua ink
with you, provided you will don hang this vdi cac ngai
give us a 5% discount. mien la cac ngai cho chun
toi hitting 5% giam gia.
13. I believe our first supply will 3. Tel tin rang chuy6n hang
induce your customers to dau tien cUa chung toi se
place regular orders with us thuy6t phuc khach hang cUa
in future. cac ngai dat cac don hang
thuong xuyen vdi cluing toi
trong tticing lai.
14. To be frank with you, 5% 4. Noi thang vdi cac ngai, giam
discount would be a gia 5% la mot thiet thOi 16 n
sacrifice on our part. doi vdi cluing COL
15. We've never granted such a 5. Chung toi chua bao gio giam
big discount. gia vdi met mdc lon nhu
16. How can you expect us to 1 6. Lam th6 nao cac ngai có the
make a discount to that by vong cluing toi giam gia
extent? tai mUc do?
17. We regret to inform you 1 7. Chung toi lay lam ti6c khi
that the discount we have cho cac ngai bi6t rang mile
offered you is the best we giam gia chung toi dua ra
can give at present. vdi cac ngai la mite cao nhat
cluing toi có the thuc hien
ltic nay.
18. Will you please say whether, 18. Xin cac ngai cho bik trong
under such circumstances, cac truang hop nhu vay, cac
you are able to allow us a ngai có the cho chung toi
special discount? Inf O
. ng met mile giam gia
dac biet dude khong?
Nghi thtle Thd tin Thdcing mai Qui:sic to 61

19. Well, I hope this concession 19. Toi by vong ski nhucing be
of ours will set the ball nay cila chUng Vol se bat
rolling. dau hoat deng kinh doanh

20. How much discount do you 20. Cac ngai thu6ng giam gia
usually allow when such a bao nhieu khi khach hang
large order is placed? dat met ddn hang ldn nhu
giAm gia
21. We usually allow a 1% 21. Chung toi thang
discount for an order of 1% cho ddn hang c6 s6 Wong
1,000 pieces. 1000 chi6c.

22. When we place such a large 22. Khi chUng toi dat hang vdi
order with other suppliers, s6 Wong kin nhu vay vdi cac
we usually get a 2% or 3% nha cung cap khac, chUng
discount. toi thang duoc hang giam
gia 2% hoac 3%.

23. The maximum discount we 23 Muc giam gia cao nhat

can give is 3%. chung toi di the data ra la

24. We are placing such a big 24. Chung toi dang dat hang vdi
order that a 3% discount is so luong kin toi rnitc ma 6}
far from enough. le 3% giam gia la khong

25. If that's the case, we have 25. Neu vay, chUng toi khong
no alternative but to place con sit hp chon nao khac
an order elsewhere. ngoai viec dat hang a ndi

26. It's just in consideration of 26. ChUng toi c6 the de ra met

your big order that we can ngoai le \TA &Ong y giam gia
make an exception and cho cac ngai 3% chi nham de
agree to give you a discount clap lai ddn dat hang c6 s6
of 3%. Wong len cua cac ngai.
g 62 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

27. We will consider allowing 27. Chung toi se xem xet viec
you an additional discount cho cac ngai hitting giam gia
of 5% if the value of a single them 5% neu tri gia cna
order exceeds $100,000. rieng met chin hang vuet
qua 100.000USD.
28. What do you think of the 28. Cac ngai nghi gi v6 mitt
discount on the goods? giam gid cho lo hang?
29. What do you think of a 3% 29. Cdc ngai nghi gi v6 6'7- le 3%
discount? giam gia?
30. Don't you think a 3% 30. Cac ngai khong nghi rang
discount too little? mite giam gia 3% la qua It
31. A 3% discount is not a small 31. Miac giam gia 3% khong phai
amount. la nhO.
32. We think the discount 32. Chung toi nghi mitt giam gia
should be no less than 4%. khong duec nhO lion 4%.
33. I'm wondering if you would 33. Toi tit hei lieu cac ngai có
agree to make us a deng y nhueng be cluing toi
concession by allowing a bang each giam gia cho
discount 4%. thong toi 4% khong.
34. Business depends on the 34. Cong viec kinh doanh phu
rate of discount you're going thuec vao qr le giam gia ma
to make. cac ngai dua ra.
35. We can conclude the 35. Chung toi có the l(ST ket
transaction with you right thiiong vu ngay vai cac ngai
away if you agree to give us nen cac ngai dong y giam
4% discount. gia cho thong toi 4%.
36. As we have quoted you our 36. Vi chUng toi da bao gia cho
rock-bottom price, we cac ngai day la mite gia thap
cannot give more discount. nhat, chung toi khong the
giam gia them nua.
Nghi fink Thai tin Thtfring mai Queic to

37. I'm afraid we can't come to 37. Toi e rang chnng to khong
terms if you won't give us a the dat &toe thOa thuan nao
4% discount. n6u cac ngai khong cho
chi:mg toi Ong 4% giam
giam gia
38. Since you can't give us a 4% 38. Do cac ngai khong
discount, we might as well cho chang toi 4%, cfning toi
call off deal. c6 the hny bO thuong vu

39. It will put us to great 39. Cluing toi se g'a'p kh6 khan
trouble if we allow you a lon n6u chang toi cho cac
higher discount. ngai hitting mite giam gia
cao hdn.

toi thu dude rat it loi

40. We get little profit from 40. Chung
selling the goods. When we nhuan tit viec ban hang.
book such large order with Khi eh -tang toi dat nhang
other suppliers, we usually don hang lon flint th6 voi
get a 5% discount. cac nha cung cap khac,
cluing Col thuang dnoc
twang 5% giam gia.
Chung toi se d6ng y cho cac
41. We'll agree to give you a 5% 41.
discount if you increase ngai hitting 5% giam gia n6u
your order to 7,000 sets. cac ngai tang luting hang
dat mua len 7000 chi6c.

Chung toi da giam gia cho

42. We have allowed you 4% 42. cac ngai 4%, cao hdn 1% so
discount, which is 1%
higher than we allow other voi 0 le giam gia ma chung
buyers. toi cho cac khach hang khac
N6u cac ngai khong the
43. If you cannot increase your 43.
discount to 5%, the tang 0 le giam gia len 5%,
competition here will sit canh tranh d day se buec
compel us to drop the chung toi phai hny bO vu
business. lam an nay.
g 64 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

44. How much discount do you 44. Cac ngai coy dinh giam gi
intend to give us for this
cho chling tOi bao nhieu vd
order of bicycles? don dat hang xe dap nay ?
45. For the sake of our long- 45. Vi mei quan he hfiu hao la
standing friendship, we are dai cua cluing ta, chiing to
prepared to grant you a 3% sdn sang giAm gia cho ca
discount. ngai 3%.
46. To our mutual satisfaction 46. D6'
hai ben cluing ta ding
will. you make us an thoa ma n de nghi cac nga
exception by allowing 5% dita • ra ngoai le doi vo
discount? chung toi bang viec cho
chung toi twang 5% giam
gia chit?
47. I'm glad we have arrived at 47. Toi vui mifng khi cluing ta
a complete agreement on da dat &toe thea thuan
discount. hoan chinh ve van de giAm
48. Would you consider 48. Lieu cac ngai se xem xet
increasing the discount to viec tang 67' le giam gia de
open the market as this is a and cita thi truCing vi day la
new product of yours? thi twang mdi cua cac ngai
49. Considering this is a new 49. Qua viec xem xet day la met
product, we'll allow you a sari pham mdi, cluing toi se
further 1% discount. cho cac ngai hitting them 1%
giam gia.
50. I'm glad we're of the same 50. Tel vui mitng vi chting ta
mind on the question. ding co quan diem chung
ve van de nay.
Nghi fink Thii tin Thiidng mai Qu6c to

10. Free and firm 10. Chao hang tip do va

offers c6 dinh
De nghi cac ngai bao gia
1. Will you please quote for 1. ban khoang 10 000 tan giay
the supply of approximately
10,000 tons of good writing vi.6t loaf tot.

2. You have previously 2. Cac ngai tnldc day da ban

supplied us with crockery de sit cho chUng toi va
and we should be glad if you chiing toi se vui miing ne'u
would now quote for the bay gio cac ngai bao gia
items named below nhiing mat hang ke clued
manufactured by the Hai day do nha may sit Hai
Duong Ceramics Factory. Dueng san xuk.
Chung toi se vui miing neu
3. We shall be glad if you will 3. cac ngai bao gia ke ca viec
state your price including
delivery at our port. giao hang tai tang cho
cluing toi.
Gia bao phai hieu la gia CIF
4. Prices quoted should be 4. Hai Phong hoac bat kST tang
understood to be CIF Hai
Phong or any other nao khac ciia. Viet Nam.
Vietnamese ports
5. Delivery would be required 5. Hang can &toe giao trong
within 5 weeks of order. nam tuan ke tit ngay dat
yeu cau chiing toi giti
6. As requested we enclose 6. Theokem mau cac loaf hang ce
samples of different qualities
of goods. chat Wong khac nhau.
Trong cac tai lieu giti kern
7. Enclosed you will find the 7.
list of buyers with whom we that nay, cac ngai se thay
have been supplying our danh •sach nhang khach
goods for the past 3 years. mua hang ma cluing toi da
va dang cung cap hang cho
ho trong 3 nam.
PE 66 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

8. We will allow you a discount 8. Chung toi se giam gia cho

of 5% on orders of quantities cac ngai 5% doi voi nhiang
of 50,000 pcs or more. don hang mua 50.000 chiec
hoac nhieu hon.
9. This offer is valid and 9. Chao hang nay có gia tri va
effective until 15t h May 19... hieu luc den ngay 15 thang
and has to be confirmed by 5 nam19... va sau dO phai
us thereafter. duoc chung toi xac nhan.
10. Provided we receive your 10. Chung toi se chao ban
order within the next 15 Binh cho cac ngai giao hang
days we will make you a vao khoang trung tuan
firm offer for delivery by the thang nam vdi dien kien
middle of May. cluing toi nhan duoc don dat
hang cila cac ngai trong
\Tong 15 ngay
11. The machines can be 11. May se duoc giao trong \Tong
dispatched within 6 months 6 thang ke tit khi nhan
upon receipt of your formal &toe chin dat hang chInh
order. thitc cua cac ngai.
12. Kindly cable your acceptance 12.
De nghi cac ngai dien chap
immediately for the present nhan ngay vi chao hang nay
offer remains open for chi có gia tri chap nhan
acceptance within 10 days. trong yang 10 ngay.
13. Payment shall be made by a 13.
Thanh toan toan bO bang tin
100% Irrevocable Letter of dung tint khong the hiiy
Credit to be opened at ngang and tai Ngan hang
Moscow Narodny Bank, Moscow Narodny o Luan
London, to the account of Don vao tai khoan cua Ngan
the Bank for Foreign Trade hang Ngoai among Viet
of Vietnam in favour of Nam cho nguai ban hang
the seller by T.T. dive huang bang dien h6i.
Nghi fink Thti tin Thddng mai QUISC to 67

14. We have pleasure in 14. Chung toi vui ng thong

advising you that we are bao cho cac ngai rang eh -Ling
well placed to supply cotton CM sari sang cung cap hang
textiles which have already d'et bang bong ma nu&
met with a warm reception ngoai rat tia chueng.

15. We are pleased to inform 15. Chung toi vui mimg bao cho
you that there are 50 tons of cac ngai biet rang hien dang
nut now available for c6 50 tan hat de de xuA
export. khau.

16. Last year we had the 16. Nam ngoai eh-Ling tei da c6
pleasure of supplying you vinh hanh cung c'4 the den
with HT80 Black Tea and HT80rang cac ngai va tin
we trust that it has given chat rang che cua thong toi
you every satisfaction. We da lam cac ngai hai long ;
are writing today to inform , de Changtoivey
you that we can supply TN bao cho cac ngai Wet rang
green tea. chung toi c6 the cung c4)
the xanh TN.

17. We enclosed a copy of the 17. Cluing toi giti kern met ca ta
season's catalogue, 18 cila mua ban hang nay,
introducing may novelties gidi thieu nhieu mat hang
and some variations on the mdi va cac mat hang &toe
lines which were most cai tien da ph6 bien nhk vu
popular last season. ban hang nam ngoai.

18. Perhaps you would be good 18. CO le cac ngai c6 du thien chi
enough to study the catalog de nghien cu u ca ta lo bay
now and outline your gio va phac ra cac yeu cAu
requirements for the coming cua cac ngai cho vu ban
season. This would be of hang toi. Dieu do se trot gitlp
great assistance to us in chUng toi rat nhieu khi dieu
adjusting our stocks to the chinh hang cUa chung toi
requirements of our clients. cho hop vdi yeu cau.
7 68 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

19. We note with regret that our 19. Chung toi thay va lay lam
earlier offers n respect o ti6c rang viec chap hang d6
wooden toys have not choi bang go truoc day cUa
interested you, but we hope chUng toi da khong lam cho
that you will be ready to cac ngai quan tam, nhung
consider an offer of plastic chung toi by vong rang cac
toys. ngai se san sang xem xet
chao hang ban do choi bang
20. How long does your offer 20. Chao hang cUa cac ngai c6
remain valid? gia tri de chap nhan trong
bao lau?
21. Our offer remains open for 3 21. Chao hang cUa chung toi c6
days. gia tri trong vong 3 ngay.
22. In case of firm offers, we 22. Trong truong hop chap hang
usually keep our offers open c6 dinh, chting toi thuong de
for three days. chao hang c6 gia tri chap
nhan trong 3 ngay.
23. We offer you firm for three 23. Chung toi chao ban c6 dinh
days on FOB basis. cho cac ngai trong 3 ngay
tren co sO FOB.
24. This offer is firm subject to 24. Chao hang nay c6 dinh phu
your reply reaching us not thuec vao viec tra loi cua cac
later than the 22' d . ngai den voi cluing Col
khong cham qua ngay 22.
25. Our offer is a firm offer and 25. Chao hang co- dinh cua
remains valid until 4:00pm , chting toi c6 giA tri den 4 giO
th May, 19... local time. chieu ngay 5/5/19... gia dia
26. Our prices are binding until 26. GiA cita chUng toi co dinh
30' June. den ngay 30 6.
27. Our prices are in force only 27. Gia cua chung toi co gia tri
if you order by return mail. chi khi cac ngai dat hang
vao chuyen thu sau.
Nghi thiic Thd tin Thiicing mai Queic to 69

28. The prices are subject to our 28. Gia ca phu thuec vao viec
final confirmation by cable. chap nhan cuoi cling ciia
chUng 01 bang dien.

29. The offer will remain firm 29. Chao hang co dinh den ngay
until 31' March, beyond 31 thang 3, qua ngb.y do
which date the terms and di'en kien \fa gia ca se phai
prices should be discussed thao luan lai.

30. We will adhere to this offer 30. Chung toi se gia chao hang
for tow weeks nay c6 dinh trong \Tong hai

31. We should keep our offer 31. Cluing toi se gilt chao hang
valid until next Friday. nay có gia tri den this sau

32. This offer will remain 32. Viec chao hang nay se ce
effective for a week from hi'eu lift met tuAn tit thit
Monday. hai.

33. The above offer is valid only 33. Chao hang tren ce gia tri chi
for the course of one month. trong met thang.

34. This offer remains effective 34. Chao hang nay co gia tri 10
for ten days from 6' May. ngay tit ngay 6 thang 5.

35. For technical reasons, our 35. Vi lY do ky- thuat, chao hang
offer of 10' May will stand de ngay 10 thang 5 cUa
only until 15th May. cluing toi chi ce gia tri dean
ngay 15 thang 5 ma thoi.

36. The prices are firm only if 36. Gia c6 dinh chi khi nao gia
the current prices of raw nguyen lieu hien hanh
materials do not change. khong thay dOi.

37. We have pleasure in giving 37 • Cluing toi vui mifng giti cho
you the following offer, cac ngai chao hang sau day,
subject to prior sale. phu thuec vao viec ban hang
truoc cua chUng tai.
PE 70 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

38. At your request, we now 38. Theo yeu cau cua cac ngai,
hold this offer open till 10 th chung toi se gilt chao hang
March. nay co gia tri den ngay 10
thang 3.
39. At your request, we now 39. Theo yeu cAu caa cac ngai
keep this firm offer open for chung toi se gill chao hang
a further ten days from 10t h nay them 10 ngay nua ke tit
March. ngay 10 thang 3.
40. Orders received for this offer 40. Don dat hang theo chao
after 10 days cannot be hang nay nhan duoc sau 10
filled. ngay khong the dtroc chgp
41. The item offered above is 41 Mat hang &roc chao ban a
running out. Therefore, this tren da het. Do vay chao
offer terminates on 25 th hang nay het han vao ngay
Janury. 25 thang gieng.

42. We are freed from the 42. Chung toi khong cc') nghia vu
obligation for this offer, gi voi chao hang nay vi no
which has been invalid da het han tit 25 tilling
since 25th January. gieng
43. This offer must be 43. Chao hang nay se duoc rut
withdrawn of it is not bO' neu khong dtioc cha.p
accepted within the next nhan trong \Tong nam ngay
five days. toi.
44. As this offer has been 44. Vi chap hang nay da het
waived, it is not binding han, no khong con hieu lye
upon us now. rang buec chting toi nua.
45. We would remind you that 45. Chting toi xin ltfu Y cac ngai
the offer made in our last z,
rang chao hang trong bdc
letter is valid for one month tha trade caa cluing toi , chi
from the date of the letter. có gia tri *it thang ke tit
ngay ghi tren bac that.
Nghi thilc Thtt tin Thing mai QuiSc to 71 19
46. We should note you that our 46. Chung toi xin luu y cac ngai
offer is subject to our rang chao hang nay phu
standard conditions of sales. thuec vao cac dieu kien ban
hang tieu chuan cua chUng

47. This offer is firm, subject to 47. Chao hang nay c6 dinh phu
the receipt of reply by us thuec vao viec chUng toi
before 15th August. nhan diVc thu tra ldi trudc
15 thang 8.

48. We have cabled you our new 48. Chung toi da dien cho cac
price for our Singco brand ngai ve may khau nha n
sewing machine this hieu Singco sang nay. Gia
morning. The new price will lined se co hieu luc tit sang
become operative from mai.

49. As our stock of these goods 49. Vi kho hang nay dia cluing
are limited, we would advise toi han ch6, chting toi
you to place your order khuyen cac ngai dat hang
without delay. ngay.

50. We offer you subject to prior 50. Chung toi chao ban cho cac
sale. ngai phu thuec vao viec ban
hang trudc day.

51. This price is subject to 51. Gia nay le thuec vao thay
change without notice. de'i ma khong can thong
M 72 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

11. Inability to offer 11. Khong có kha nang

chao ban
I. We are unable to make you 1. Chung toi khong the chap
a direct offer, as John Smith hang truc ti6p cho cac ngai
acts as general agent for our dude vi John Smith lam
products in your country. tong dai ly san pham cna
chung -Col a nude cua cac
2. Please understand that we 2. Xin cac ngai hieu rang
are unable to make you an chung toi khong the chao
offer. hang cho cac ngai dude.
3. Would you please specify 3. Xin cac ngai cho bi6t cu the
your needs? cac yeu cAu cna cac ngai?
4. We will come back to your 4. Chung Col se tra lai vdi ant
inquiry as soon as we can hai hang cna cac ngai ngay
make you an attractive khi cluing toi có the danh
offer. cho cac ngai mot chao hang
hap dAn.
5. Owing to heavy demand, we 5. Vi nhu cau lon, cluing COI
are unable to quote you at chua the bao gia cho cac
the moment. ngai hic nay dude.
6. At present we have not 6. Hien tai chung toi chua tim
found the sources for the dune ngan cung cap da hoa
supply of white marble. If cuang trong. N6u có kha
there is such a possibility in nang trong tunng lai, chung
future, we will offer you the Col se chao gia ban cho cac
prices. ngai.
7. We regret to say that 7. Chung toi lay lam tie-c not
nothing you enquire is rang cac mat hang cac ngai
available in stock. hoi mua khong ce san trong
8. There is no stock available 8. Luc nay khong có san hang.
for the moment.
Nghi tht?c Thtt tin Thtidng mai Queic to 73 119

9. We very much regret that 9. Chung toi rat lay lam tiec
we are now unable to supply rang gio , day thong Col
what you required. khong the cung cap nhiing
hang ma cac ngai h'Oi mua.

10. We are sorry to inform you 10. Chung toi lay lam ti6c thong
that owing to the heavy bao cho cac ngai biet rang
commitments of our nha san xuat có nhieu cam
manufacturer, we are not in ket nen thong tei khong cc')
a position to entertain fresh kha nang ti6p nhan dang kY
bookings for the moment. mua hang m6i nita.

11. We have taken due note of 11. Chung toi da ghi nhan ky-
your requirements for yeu cau cua cac ngai del voi
leather shoes, but regret giay da nhung rat ti6c la
being unable to supply at khong có kha nang cung cap
the moment. We will vao hic nay. Chung toi the
certainly revert to this nao clang quay lai van de
matter as soon as our nay ngay khi có kha nang.
supply becomes available

12. In reply to your letter of 6' 12. Tra ldi thu cUa cac ngai de
June, we regret that it is ngay 6 thang 6, chi:mg toi
impossible for us to supply lay lam ti6c la khong the
you with printed silk of the cung cap cho cac ngai dttoc
quality of the sample lua in hoa có chat Wong nhti
quoted. mau da bao &loc.

13. While we appreciate what 13. Trong khi chung toi hoan
you stated in your letter of nghenh nhung gi cac ngai
20th March, we regret that it not trong tint cua cac ngai
s impossible for us to supply de ngay 20 thang 3, chung
the item. toi lay lam ti6c la chUng toi
khong có kha nang cung cap
mat hang ay.

14. Owing to the heavy commit- 14. Vi nha san xu6t co nhieu
ments of our manufacturers, cam ket, chting toi ti6c la
we regret that we are unable chang toi khong the dap
to meet your requirements ling yell cau cua cac ngai
for the time being. vao blc nay.
74 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

15. As our manufacturers are 15. Vi nha may da nhdn dU chin

fully occupied with orders, hang, chUng toi ti6c la
we regret that we cannot khong the ldi dung co hei
avail ourselves of this nay de thOa ma n yeu cdu
opportunity of meeting your cua cac ngai ye de chili am
requirements for musical nhac.
16. The supply of chemical 16. Viec cung cap cac sari ph'dm
products does not meet the hoa chdt khong thOa ma n
demand this year. ctucc yeu cdu nam nay.
17. Chemical products enjoy an 17. San pha'm hoa chdt co nhu
increasing demand. cdu ngay cang tang len.
18. As there is a heavy demand 18. Vi có nhu cdu lon C't ca trong
both at home and aboard, nuoc va ngoai nude, 400 be
400 sets is the best I can la su c6 gang 16n nhk ma
offer at present. chung toi c6 the chao ban
hien tai.
19. As soon as supply position 19. Ngay khi tinh hinh cung cap
improves we will cable you. cluoc cai thien chUng toi se
dien bao cho cac ngai bi6t.
20. When fresh supply becomes 20. Khi có hang mei ye, chUng
available, we'll come back to tel se quay tra lai van de
this matter. nay.
21. We very much regret that 21. Chung tei rat ldy lam ,ti6c la
we are unable to supply you eh:mg toi khong the cung
with the small quantity you cap cho cac ngai met so"
require. Wong nhO ma cac ngai
muon mua.
22. We have taken due note of 22. Chung toi da ghi nhdn ky yeu
your requirements for laser cdu dia cac ngai d6i vdi de
toys but regret being unable chili laze nhung ldy lam ti6c
to supply at present. We v6 viec khong ce kha nang
will certainly cable you an cung cap hic nay. Chung tei
offer as soon as there is nhk dinh se dien chao ban
stock available. cho cac ngai khi có hang.
Nghi fink Thu tin Thudng mai Qu6c to 75

23. We will keep in mind your 23. Chung toi se ghi nhd yeu cdu
requirements for electric cua cac ngai ye de chili bang
toys and contact you when dien va se lien lac vdi cac
it is available. ngai khi c6 hang.
24. We will contact you as soon 24. ChUng Col se lien lac vdi cac
as we are in a position to ngai ngay khi chUng toi c6
offer. khi nang chao ban.
25. We shall give you further 25. Chung toi se cung dip them
details about multi cutters chi tiOt v6 may cat da nang
in the next few days. trong \Tong vii ngay tdi.
26. As soon as we are able to say 26. Ngay khi chUng toi có the
anything definite regarding not &it khoat ducic
our supply of microwave cung cap 16 vi song, chung
ovens, we will cable you toi se lai dien cho cac ngai.
27. We look forward to your 27. Chung toi the mong tra lei
early reply by cable. sdm ciaa cac ngai bang dien
28. To avoid delay, kindly 28. De tranh cham tre, xin cac
address your reply to us ngai giti thu tra lei trilc tiOp
directly. cho chung COL
29. Please persuade your clients 29. Be nghi cac ngai thuyOt phut
to accept these terms. khach hang cua minh chap
nhan cac dieu kien nay.
30. I'm sure that our quotation 30. Toi chic chin rang bao gia
is more favorable than any cua chung toi tot hdn bat ksy
one you can receive from bao gia nao ma cac ngai
other sources. nhan duoc tit cac nguen
31. We refer to our cable of 5 th 31. Chung tei xin not dOn dien
MayquotingfrVhbd ciaa chung toi ngay 5 thing
bicycles at US$ 100 per set 5 bao gia ban xe dap Viha la
CIF Amsterdam. But to our 100$ met chi& CIF
regret, we have not received Amsterdam. Nhung tiOc la
your reply up to the present. den gie chung tei van chUa
nhan dttec thu tra lei cila
cac ngai.
76 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

32. We wrote you a few days ago 32. Cluing toi vie,'"t thu cho cac
since then there has been ngai may ngay truoc day va
an important development tit bay ci6n nay da c6 sil
regarding the offer we then phat trien quan trong dOi
made you. vdi chao hang chUng toi gai
cho cdc ngai truck.
33. With reference to our cable 33. Ve dien can chUng toi ngay 6
of 6th May, we confirm thang 5, chUng toi xin xdc
having offered you the nhan da chao ban cho cdc
following: ngai nhu sau:
34. We believe that you are 34. Chung tei tin Wang rang cac
working on our offer and ngai clang xem xet chao
expect to have your order hang caa chUng Ceti va mong
soon. nhan &toe don hang caa cdc
ngai som.
35. As this is an exceptional 35. Vi day la chao hang ngoai
offer, we hope that you will le, cluing toi by vong cdc
take advantage of it. ngai se loi dung no.
36. These goods have been 36. Nhung hang nay da duck
shipped to various markets ban a cdc thi truong khac
where they have been nhau va duck don nhan
favourably received. It n6ng nhiet. Cac ngai this
would be to your advantage met chuy6n c6 the cang c6
to try out a shipment. loi
37. We are confident that 37. Chung toi tin tuang rang
through your efforts in thong qua co- gang caa cac
pushing the sales of our ngai trong viec thtic day ban
products, we can build up a cdc sari pham cad chung toi,
happy trade relationship chting to c6 the xay dung
between us. duoc quan he buon ban hal
hao gicia cluing -lei.
38. In order to make the 38. Nham tao ra sit sap x6p can
necessary arrangements to thi6t de thaa ma n nhu can
satisfy your requirements y6 hang my- nghe va thi
for arts and crafts, we shall cong, chUng Col se vui mUng
be pleased to be informed of khi nhan dude IDA° tin ye su
the developments in your Oak tri6n a thi truCing ciia
markets. cdc ngai.
Nghi thi?c That tin Thudng mai Quo'e to 77g

39. If you desire further 39. 1\16u cac ngai mong man
information on arts and 'than duoc thong tin them
crafts, we shall be glad and ve hang my nghe va thU
promptly send it to you. tong, chting toi se vui mUng
va nhanh thong giii cho cac

40. We wish to call your 40. Chung toi muOn luu y cac
attention to our letter of 25t h ngai thu cua chting toi de
De.ofringyuVtamse ngay 25 thang 12 chao ban
carpets, and would be glad tham ciia Viet Nam va se
to know how the matter is vui mUng bie't hien nay van
progressing at present. de dang tie'n trien the nao?

41. With reference to our offer of 41. Ve chat) hang ciia chung toi
25th Dec we regret that we de ngay 25 thang 12 cluing
have not had an order from toi WT lam ti6c la chua nhan
you. duoc thin (tat hang cita ngai.

42. If you will give us exact 42. N6u cac ngai cho chting toi
details of your requirements, bie't cac chi tiet chinh xac v6
we will supplement our yeu c6u cim cac ngai, chung
offer accordingly and will do toi se c6 gang het siic de lam
our utmost to enable you to cho cac ngai tim duoc nhUng
find what you want. gi ngai man mua.

43. As we have not heard from 43. Vi chung toi chua nhan duoc
you since we sent you our tin tifc gi cua cac ngai tii khi
offer on 5th May we should chung toi giii chao hang
like to ask whether you ngay 5 thang 5 cho cac ngai,
have had an opportunity to chting tot xin hOi xem cac
consider our products. ngai da có dip xem xet sAn
pham cna chting toi chua.

44. We should be glad if you 44. Chung toi vui miing rdu cac
would inform us whether the ngai bao cho chting toi bie't
goods we offered are suitable hang hOa ma chUng toi chao
for your requirements. ban có thIch hop vdi yeu cAu
cua cac ngai khong?
Val 78 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

45. If our products are not 45. Neu sari pham cua chung toi
suitable for your khOng thIch hop v6i yeu cau
requirements, please let us cua cac ngai, de nghi cho
know the specifications that chUng toi biet quy each
are of interest to you. pham chat ma cac ngai
muon mua.
46. It is quite some time since 46. Cung da kha lau tit khi
we sent you our quotation chUng toi giti cho cac ngai
N2 .202. As our goods are in bao gia cua chting toi so
great demand at present, it 202. Vi luc nay c6 nhu cau
would be advisable if you 16n del v6i hang cua chung
could make an early toi, van de se tot hdn ne"u
decision on the matter. cac ngai guy& dinh som.

47. We hope you received our 47. Chung tOi by vong rang cac
offer safely. Not hearing ngai da nhan dudc chao hang
from you gives us cause to ciia cluing tOi day du. Viec
wonder if it has gone astray khong nhan dudc tin tic cua
in the post. cac ngai lam cho chung tOi
phan van, khong hieu chao
hang cua chung toi c6 that
lac a buu Bien khong.
48. In view of the brisk demand 48. Vi c6 nhu cau 16n doi vdi mat
for this commodity, we hang nay chUng tOi khuyen
recommend you to work fast nghi cac ngai guy& dinh
and place the order with us nhanh thong va dat hang
as soon as possible. tang sdm tang tot.
49. As we do not wish to 49. Vi cluing toi khong muOn
disappoint possible buyers lam that vong nhUng nplai
we are writing to ask you to co the mua, chUng toi viet
let us hear from you at once that de nghi cac ngai cho
if this offer interests you. chung toi Diet ngay lieu
chao hang nay c6 lam cho
cac ngai muOn mua khong.
50. We shall be very pleased to 50. Chung tOi se vui mitng dudc
know if you are still bie't neu cac ngai con 'man
interested in our offer. mua hang theo chao hang
nay cua chUng COL
Nghi t h iic Thu tin Thing mai Queic to 79

12. Offers 12. Chao hang: Gist%

Thi'eu - Nhian xet
1. Will you please let us have a 1. De nghi cac ngai cho cluing
deal of your price? toi bie't qua v6 gia cua cac
2. This is our latest price list. 2. Day la bang gia mei nhat
cua chting tel.
3. Would you please give us an 3. De nghi cac ngai cho chling
approximate idea of the toi bie-t qua ve' s6 ltiong ma
quantity you require? cac ngai can?
4. The size of our order 4. Quy me ddn hang ciia cluing
depends greatly on your toi phu thuec rat nhieu vao
price. gia dia cac ngai.
5. I'd like to have your lowest 5. Chung toi mu6n có bao gia
quotation CIF Da Nang. thap nhat CIF tang Da
6. You'll see that our prices 6. Cac ngai se thay gia cua
are most attractive. chUng toi het sic hap clan.
7. Our price is highly 7. Gia cua chung toi ce sift
competitive. canh tranh cao.
8. If you can give us a really 8. Neu cac ngai ce the bao gia
competitive quotation, we thiic sit canh tranh cho
will place a large order. cluing COL chUng toi se dat
ddn hang ldn.
9. Please place an order with 9. De nghi cac ngai dat mua
us if you find our price hang cila chung toi ne.0 cac
competitive. ngai thay gia cua cluing toi
ce site canh tranh.
10. I'm sure you'll find our price 10. Tel chat chac rang cac ngai
most favourable. se thay gia cilia cluing toi
het sdc ce ldi.
74 80 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

11. If your prices are more 11. Neil gia cUa cac ngai thuan
favorable than those of loi hdn gia cua nhung nha
other suppliers we shall cung cap khac chUng toi se
send you order. cho cac ngai met don
12. Now we look forward to your 12. GiO day chUng toi mong co
corporation for the supply of sit hop tac cua cac ngai v6
the required goods. viec cung cap nhiing hang
hoa clang can.

13. I think it is better for you to 13. Toi nghi cac ngai bao gia cho
quote us your price first. chUng tei trudc thi tot hdn.
14. Can you give us an 14. Cac ngai có the cho chUng
indication of your price? bie-t gia cUa cac ngai
&roc chit.
15. Would you please let us 15. De nghi cac ngai cho chUng
know the quantity you toi biet s6 luong cac
require so as to enable us to can de chting toi ce the dua
work out the offer? ra duoc chao hang.
16. We understand that there is 16. Chung toi hieu rang a thi
a good demand for sport trudng cua cac ngai dang ce
socks in your market, and nhu cau lon doi voi tat/vO
take this opportunity of the thao va nhan dip nay
enclosing our Quotation giri kern bao gia so- 1912BH
N2.1912 BH for your de cac ngai xem xet.
17. We have pleasure in 17. Chang toi vui mung giii kem
recommending to you our bao gia s6 19 CT de cac rigai
instant coffer and enclose xem xet.
herewith Quotation N2.19
CT for your consideration.
18. We have pleasure in offering 18. Chung toi vui miing chao
you the goods listed on the ban cho cac ngai . hang Ilea
attached offer sheet liet ke a ban chao hang so/
N2.01BH/TD and hope that 01BH/TDvabyongr
they will be of interest to nhiang hang Ilea nay se lam
you. cho cac ngai quan tam.
Nghi thtic This tin nuking mai Queic to 81

19. We wish to extend the sale 19. Chung toi mu6n and Ong
of sports shoes to your viec ban giay the thao sang
market and take the liberty thi twang cua cac ngai va
of sending you herewith our mao muei giti kern that nay
Quotation N2.44TD in the bao gia s6 44TD vdi hy vong
hope that you will introduce rang cac ngai se gidi thieu no
it to prospective buyers at vdi cac khach hang c6 trien
your end. vong d ntiec cua cac ngai.

20. We are enclosing our 20. Chang toi xin giti kern thu
Quotation N2.13/11 on nay bao gia s6 13/11 cho

pocket radio for your radio be tui cac ngai xem

consideration, and hope to xet va hy vong nha'n duoc
receive your trial order in don &at hang mua this trong
the near future. met tubing lai khong xa.

21. Would you please tell us the 21. De nghi cac ngai cho chUng
price of these products so as toi biet,gia nhfing san pham
to enable us to make a nay de cluing toi c6 the
decision? quy6t dinh.

22. We thank you for your 22. Chung toi xin cam an that
inquiry of 15th June for hOi hang de ngayl5 thang 6
opticalgs. hei mua kinh quang.

23. We enclose our catalogue 23. Chung toi gai kern that nay
N2:112 and we have quoted ca to to s6 112 va chUng toi
our best terms n the da bao gia theo cac diet'
attached price lists. We kien tot nhgt trong bang gia
believe that our products will giti kern. Chung toi tin san
meet your requirements. pham cua chung , tei se dap
iing &doe yeu cau cita cac

24. We have pleasure in 24. Chung Vol vui mung giti kern
attaching our current that nay bao gia hien hanh
quotation for your reference de cac ngai tham, khao va vi
and, as we are able to offer chung toi c6 the chao ban
prompt delivery, we hope to giao hang ngay, chung tei
receive your cable order in hy vong nhan duoc dien dat
the near future. hang caa cac ngai trong met
Wong lai khong xa.
g 82 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

25. We enclose our latest price 25. Chung toi xin giti kern thu
list N2.113 on silk goods, for nay bang gia mei nhat so
which there is regular 113 cho hang lua ma dang
demand on your market. c6 nhu cAu thueng xuyen
tren thi twang cua cac ngai.
26. Referring to your letter 26. NOi v6 thu cua cac ngai de
dated 10th July in which you ngay 10 thang 7 trong , do
inquired for plastic toys, we cac ngai hei v6 de chcii bang
have pleasure in cabling you nhua, chUng toi vui mirrig
an offer as follows: dien chao hang nhu sau:
27. As requested, we are 27. Theo yeu cAu, chung toi
offering you the following dang chao ban cho cac ngai
subject to our final nhang hang sau day phu
confirmation. thu6c vac) viec chip nhan
cuol cling elm cluing
28. We acknowledge with 28. Chung toi xin xac nhan va
thanks receipt of your letter cam cin this cUa cac ngai de
of 20th May. In reply, we ngay 20 thang 5. Tra loi this
have pleasure in making nay cluing toi vui milng
the following offer, subject chao nhu sau, tiny thu6c vao
to our final confirmation. sit chap nhan cuoi cling ciia
cluing COL
29. In order to start a concrete 29. D b t dau met giao . dich cu
transaction between us, we the gilia chung ta, chung toi
take pleasure in making you vui mung chao hang dac
a special offer, subject to biet cho cac ngai phu thuec
our final confirmation as vao si chap nhan cuoi cling
follows. elm cluing
30. We trust the above offer will 30. Chung toi tin Wang rang
be acceptable to you and chao hang tren cua cluing
await your trial order with Col se &roc cac ngai chap
keen interest. nhan va rat mong mien
nhan &roc don &at hang
mua this cua cac ngai.
Nghi thx?c Tini tin Thiidng mai Qu6c to 83 el
31. We thank you for your 31. Ch'ing toi cam do that hOi
inquiry of 25th March, and hang cria cac ngai de ngay 25
can offer you the following thang 3 va có the chao ban
items. This offer will remain cho cac ngai cac mat hang
open until the receipt of sau. Chao hang nay có gia tri
your wire by return. den ngay nhan din cua quS7
ngai vao chuye'n that sau.

32. Against your enquiry, we 32. Ve that It'Oi hang dm cac ngai
are pleased to inform you chUng toi vui mung ban cho
that we can offer you this cac ngai bie't chung toi có
item on the following terms. th8 chao ban mat hang nay
cac di8u ki8n nhu sau:

33. In response to your enquiry 33. Pluic dap that cria cac ngai
of 20th August for leather cue ngay 20 thang 8 hOi mua
shoes, we are pleased to giay da, chting toi vui mUng
quote you as follows: bao gia nhu sau:

34. In reply to your letter of 25th 34. Pink dap thu cUa cac ngai
Augst,weconfirm ngay 25 thang 8 chung toi
cable today reading: xin xac nhan di8n oda
chUng toi ngay horn nay nhu

35. We are pleased to receive 35. Chung toi vui milng nhan
your enquiry of 25th October throe chao hang cita cac ngai
and now confirm our cable d8 ngay 25 thang 10 va bay
offer as follows: gid xin xac nhan din cita
chUng toi nhu sau:

36. We thank you for your 36. Chang toi xin cam on thu
inquiry of 12th July and hOi hang cita cac ngai d6
confirm our cable ngay 12 thang 7 va xin xac
dispatched this morning, nhan di8n cua chUng ten.
which ran as follows: sang nay nhu sau:

37. We are pleased to send you 37. Chting toi vui miing giti cho
our quotation N2 .123 for cac ngai Joao gia cUa chUng
printed table cloth as toi s6 123 chao ban khan
enclosed therewith. trai ban in hoa nhu mau giti
kern that nay.
g 84 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

38. We are an exporter of 38. Cluing toi la nha xuat khau

Vietnam household electrical de dien gia dung cUa Viet
appliance and would take Nam va chung toi mao muei
the liberty to send you our giti d6n cac ngai ban bao gia
quotation sheet for your cua chung COI de cac ngai
reference. tham khao.
39. We are pleased to inform 39. Chung Col vui mUng bao cho
you that we shall hold an cac ngai bi6t rang chUng toi
exhibition of Light Industry se to cluac met cuec trien
Goods in London. Now we la m hang cong nghiep nhe
send you a comprehensive tai Luan Don. Bay gia
range of samples for your chung toi xin giti cho cac
selection. ngai ca boat mau day dU de
cac ngai lua chon.
40. The price for this commodity 40. Gia mat hang nay la 300
is 300 per set CIF London. bang Anh met be CIF Luan
41. This is our FOB quotation 41. Day la bang bao gia FOB
sheet. cua chi;mg toi.

42. Are the prices on the list 42. Gia tren bang gia la c6 dinh
firm? phai khong?
43. All the prices on the list are 43. TA ca gia tren bang gia deu
firm. la gia co dinh.
41. All the quotations on the list 44. TA ca bao gia tren bang gia
are subject to our final nay deli phu thuec vao viec
confirmation. chap nhan cu6i ding cila
45. Is this your CIF quotation? 45. Day co phai la bao gia CIF
cua cac ngai khong?

46. I wonder if there will be any 46. Toi phan van khong bie-t se
changes in your price. co thay del gi niia ve gid cua
cac ngai khong.
Nghi thtic Thd tin Thudng mai Qudc to 85g

47. The price of this commodity 47. Gia cUa mat hang nay phAn
has changed somewhat nao có thay doi so voi gia
compared with that of last nam ngoai.

48. When can I have your offer 48. Khi nao toi c6 the nh'an ducic
CIF Amsterdam? chao hang clia cac ngai CIF

49. Here is our official offer for 49. Day la chao hang chInh thitc
each item, CIF Amsterdam. cua chung toi cho moi mat
hang CIF Amsterdam.

50. Further to our letter of June 50. Tie-p theo that cua chung toi
15th, we now offer you de ngay 15 thang 6 gi6 day
without engagement, our chung toi xin chao hang tit
various items as follows: do do-i voi cac mat hang cua
chung toi nhv sau.

46. We should note you that our 46. Chung toi xin luu y cac ngai
offer is subject to our rang chap hang nay phu
standard conditions of sales. thu6c vao cac dieu kien ban
hang tieu chu''an

47. This offer is firm, subject to 47. Chao hang nay c6 dinh phu
the receipt of reply by us thuOc vao viec cluing toi
before 15th August. nhan &toe thu tra 16i trvoc
ngay 15 thang 8.

48. We have cabled you our new 48. Chung toi da dien cho cac
price for our Singco brand ngai ve may khau nha n
sewing machine this hieu Singco sang nay. Gia
morning. The new price will mdi se có hieu lvc tit sang
become operative from mai.

49. As our stock of these goods 49. Vi kho hang nay cila chUng
are limited, we would advise toi han che-, chUng toi
you to place your order khuyen cac ngai dat hang
without delay. ngay.
86 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

50. We offer you subject to prior 50. Chung toi ban cho cac ngai
sale. phu thuOc vao vi* ban hang
51. This price is subject to 51. Gia nay lO thuOc vao thay
change without notice. de;i ma khong can thong
Nghi fink Thti tin Thtidng mai Qu6c to 87 g
13. Voluntary offers 13. Chao hang ty

1. You will be surprised how 1. Ngai se ngac nhien la no lai

little it costs. khong ton bao nhieu.

2. It is efficient, dependable, 2. N6 co hieu qua, co the tin

time saving and economical. ciay &foe, tie't kiem dtioc thai
gian va kinh t6.

3. It is in regular use in 3. No dive dimg thang xuyen

thousands of offices all over a hang ngan co quan khap
the world. tren th6 gioi.

4. Nothing could be simple Or 4. Khong co gi don gian hdn

more efficient either. ma lai co hieu qua hdn.

5. Our unique after-sales 5. Nhang hop dOng dich vu

service contracts ensure sau khi ban hang d:ac biet
lasting operation at the cua chung toi dam bao hoat
peak of efficiency. &Ong lau dal (ciia. may) vdi
hieu qua cao nha/t.

6. That is the fulfilment of 6. Do la giarc and cua moi ngtfoi

every car owners dream. cc') o to dt.toc bie/n thanh hien
toi lam cho
7. Our goods enable you to 7. Hang . ciia
offer your customers an cac ngai c6 the chao ban cho
item that is beyond khach 'hang met mat hang
criticism in those vital khong the the trach vao dau
qualities of road holding dude d nhang phbri chat
and reliability. chinh nint de loam &tang va
de tin c'ay.

8. We are prepared to give you 8. Chung toi sari sang gia.m gia
a special discount of 3% on d:ac biet 3% cho bat kY don
any orders received on or clat hang nao nhan dttoc \Tao
before 6th May. trttdc ngay 6 thang 5 cila cac
4188 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

9. They are made in a wide 9. Chung duoc sari xuat theo

range of attractive styles nhi6u kieu va nhi6u mdu
and colours and are as rich- hap din va cung sang trong
looking and beautiful as dep de nhu nhfing chi6c ao
much more expensive coats. khoac dat tien hdn nhieu.
10. We are taking the liberty of 10. Chung toi xin mao muei
sending you with this letter theo thu nay met bang gia
a copy of our current price- hien hanh cUa tui xach
list for plastic handbags. nhua.
11. Sealex is available in twenty 11. Sealex có san trong hai
one basic colours and prices muoi mot mdu cd ban va gia
are surprisingly low. thap met each ngac nhien.
12. We are offering the goods of 12. Chung tei clang chao ban
the very highest quality on nhiing mat hang có chat
unusually generous terms Wong thuc su cao nhat theo
and would welcome the nhiang dieu kien site co
opportunity to serve you. loi va se chao don cd hei
phuc vu cac ngai.
13. We hope you will take full 13. Chung toi hy vong cac ngai
of this se loi dung day du chao
exceptional offer. hang ngoai le nay.
14. We are most anxious to 14. Chung toi h6t site nong long
serve you and hope to hear phuc vu cac ngai va hy vong
from you soon. nhan duoc tin cila cac ngai
15. We feel sure you will find a 15. Chang toi cam thay chic
ready sale for this excellent chin rang cac ngai se thay
material with it. loai vai tuyet vOi nay ban
chay va khach hang cila cac
ngai se hai long vdi no.
Nghi fink Thti tin Thing mai Quoc to 89g

14. Orders 14. Min dat hang

1. I'm thinking of ordering 1. Toi dang xem xet de dat
some of your products. mua mot s6 sari pham cua
cac ngai.

2. What are you intere,' d in? 2. Cac ngai mubn mua hang

3. I'm interested in your cotton 3. Tui mu Oi1 trai
sheets. giudng lam bang v'&i bCmg.

4. How many cotton sheets are 4. Cac ngai mu6n dat bao
you going to order? nhieu tam ga vai bong?

5. I'm going to order 100 5. Toi se dat 100 chi6c.


6. How many do you intend to 6. Cac ngai coy dinh dat mua
order for this item? bao nhieu chi6c dovi voi mat
hang nay?

7. We want to order 2,000 sets. 7. Chung toi muOn dat mua

2.000 chi6c.

8. I'm sorry, we can only 8. Toi rat ti6c cluing COI chi có
supply you with 1,000 sets the cung Cap cho cac ngai
this time. 1000 chi6c vao thoi diem

9. There is a steady demand 9. Nhu cau v6 mat hang nay

for this item in this market. troll thi truOng khaen dinh.
I hope you will be able to Toi by vong cac ngai se ce
supply more next time. the cung cap nhi6u hdn vao
lan sau.

10. We will certainly keep your 10. Cluing toi chat than se
requirements before us if we quan tam tai yeu cau cua
are able to get more goods cac ngai n6u nhu chUng toi
next year. ce the thu mua nhieu hang
hdn vao nam toi.
90 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

11. I suggest that you buy this 11. Toi khuyen cac ngai mua
product instead of that. san pham nay thay cho san
pham do.
12. The supply position of this 12. Tinh hinh cung cap san
product is much better. pha'm nay Bang tot hdn
13. What about the quality and 13. The con gia ca va s6 Wong
price of the product? san pham nay thi nhu the
14. It is of good quality and its 14. Mat hang nay có chat luong
price is slightly lower than bat va gia thap hdn mat
the price of that one. hang kia mot chat.
15. We are going to place an 15. Chung toi se dat hang 2.000
order for this product by san pham nay.
2,000 sets.
16. What is the minimum 16. S6 Wong toi thi6u mot don
quantity of an order for your dat mua hang dm cac ngai
goods? la bao nhieu?
17. The minimum quantity of an 17. S6 Wong toi thieu cua met
order for the goods is 300 don hang la 300 kien.
18. Can you make any reduction 18. Neu chUng toi dat mua hdn
if we order more than 300 300 kien, cac ngai có the
cases? giam gia duoc khong?
19. Of course, we can reduce our 19. Di nhien chung toi có the
price by 2% if you order giam gia 2% neu cac ngai
more than 3,00 cases. dat mua tren 3.000 kien.
20. In this case, we will order 20. Trong trtfang hop nay, chung
4,000 cases. toi se dat mua 4.000 kien.
21. If you want to purchase this 21. Neu cac ngai mu6n mua san
product, we are able to pham nay, chung toi co the
supply as much as you cung cap vdi , s6 Wong ma
require. cac ngai yeu cau.
Nghi thtirc Thai tin Thtidng mai Qutic to 91g

22. Is there any problem if I'm 22. Lieu c6 van de gi n'eu chung
going to order 8,000 sets? toi dat mua 8.000 chiec?

23. I'm afraid we are not able to 23. Tei e rang cluing toi khong
supply as much as you the cung cap s6 Wong nhieu
require. nhu cac ngai yeu cat'.

24. May I suggest that you cut 24. Lieu toi c6 the de nghi cac
the quantity of your order ngai giam met nifa so tong
by half? cac ngai dat mua khong?
25. If you cannot meet the 25. Neu cac ngai khong the dap
demand at the market ling du nhu cat' tren thi
sufficiently, my customers tnidng, khach hang ciia,
have to purchase from chung toi se phai mua hang
elsewhere. ndi khac.

26. If you want to purchase the 26. Neu cac ngai muOn mua mat
other product, we are able hang con lai chUng toi c6 the
to supply as much as you cung cap the() s6 Wong cac
require. ngai yeu cau.
27. If you can persuade your 27. Neu cac ngai c6 the thuyet
end-use to accept this phuc ngithi tieu dung cuoi
product, we can supply cling cUa cac ngai chap nhan
more. sari ph'am nay, eh -Ling toi c6
the cung cap nhieu hon.
28 We are in a position to accept 28. Chung toi c6 the chap nhan
a special order. met don dat hang dac biet.

29. We intend to book a trial 29. Chung toi coy Binh dat met
order with you. don hang this voi cac ngai.

30. We would like to place a 30 . Cluing toi muOn dat met don
small order for the new hang s6 kidng nhO cho cac
varieties. loci hang moi.
31. If the quality of your product 31. Neu chat Wong hang cUa cac
is satisfactory, we expect to ngai thOa ma n, cluing toi by
place regular orders for vong dat cac don hang
fairly large numbers. thilang xuyen voi s6. lrtdng
kha lon.
is 92 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

32. We enclose a trial order. If 32. Chung toi dinh kern theo
the quality is up to our met ddn dat hang this. Neu
expectation, we shall send chat luting hang hoa dap
further orders in the near itng duoc sti mong ddi cna
future. chung COL chung toi se giti
ti6p cac ddn hang khac
trong Wong lai
33. We take pleasure in placing 33. Chung toi vui minag dat
an order with you for the hang vdi cac ngai cho nhang
following items: mat hang sau:
34. We are pleased to give you 34. Chung toi vui mi ng dat
an order for the following hang vdi cac ngai nhung
items on the understanding mat hang sau day vdi dieu
that they will be supplied kien hang hOa se dive cung
from current stock at the cap tit kho hien nay vdi mite
prices named gia xac dinh.
35. We expect to find a good 35. Chung toi hy vong tim dude
market for these table thi truang tot cho mat hang
linens and hope to place vai Anh trai ban nay va hy
further and large orders vong se dat them nhieu ddn
with you in the near future. hang ldn vdi cac ngai trong
Wong lai gan.

36. We are enclosing herewith 36. Chung toi dinh kern theo day
our clients' order for 1,000 don hang cna khach hang
cotton sheets. chUng toi dat mua 1000 tam
ga trai giuong.
37. We thank you for your 37. Chung toi cam on thu bao
quotation of 10 th March and gia ngay 10 thong 3 cila cac
enclose our order N2 .335 for ngai va dinh kern theo day
Jinxing colour TV sets. ddn dat hang cila cluing toi
s6 335 dat mua tivi mau
38. We are pleased to receive 38. Chung toi vui miing nhan
your order of 20 th March for &toe don dat hang cira cac
mens shirts. ngai ngay 20 thang 3 dat
mua ao sd mi nam.
Nghi fink That tin Thddng mai Quos'c tel 93

39. We appreciate your 39. Cluing toi danh gia cao sit
cooperation and look tong tac cua cac ngai va hy
forward to receiving your vong nhan dude them cac
further orders. don dat hang theo cac mite
gia sua doi nay.

40. Please inform us by return 40. De nghi thong bao cho

whether we may book your cluing toi bang chuy6n thu
order at these revised toi tai lieu cluing toi di the
prices. dat hang theo cac mitt gia
sita doi nay.

41. Much to our regret, our 41. Chung toi rat lay lam ti6c
customers cannot accept rang khach hang cua chUng
your price and will turn toi khong the chap nhan gia
elsewhere to cover their cua cac ngai va se chuyen
orders. sang dat hang a not khac.

42. Owing to heavy 42. Do nhang cam ke-t ban On,

commitments, we are not in chung toi khong the chap
a position to accept new nhan nhang don dat hang
orders. mdi.
43. Owing to the lack of raw 43. Do thi6u nguyen lieu, nha
materials, the factory has to may bu'Oc phai ngiing xem
stop entertaining new xet cac don hang mdi.
44. The supply of these products 44. NguOn cung mat hang nay
is quite limited, and we rat han ch6, do do cluing toi
hope you will cable us your hy vong cac ngai se dien
acceptance as soon as chap nhan cUa cac ngai cho
possible. chting toi cang sdm cang to-t.

45. We would like to cancel the 45. Chung toi man hily don
order for the goods because hang dat mua cac mat hang
of the change in the home nay do có sti thay doi cs thi
market. truang trong nude.
g 94 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

46. We confirm having 46. Chung toi xac nhan da mua

purchased from you men's do sd mi nam cua cac ngai,
shirts, for which ma viec xac nhan ddn dat
confirmation of order is hang nay ditoc dinh kem
enclosed for your reference. theo day de cac ngai tham
47. Enclosed is our 47. Kem theo day hai ban xac
confirmation of order " in nhan ddn dat hang cila
duplicate, of which please chang toi, theo do de nghi
return us one copy duly cac ngai giti lai cluing toi
signed. mot ban co chit kST hop thUc.
48. We hereby confirm 48. Cluing toi xac nhan ban hang
acceptance of your order cUa cac ngai va dinh kem
and are enclosing our sales theo day hai ban g6c thu xac
confirmation in tow nhan ban hang ciia chung
originals, one of which toi, de nghi cac ngai l(ST va
please sign and return to us giti lai mot ban cho cluing toi
for our file. de cluing toi luu h6 sd.

49. We have received in due 49. Chung Col da nhan dtroc hai
course your sales ban thu xac nhan ban hang
confirmation N2.3556 in s6 365 ciia cac ngai dung
duplicate. As requested, hic. Nhu cac ngai de nghi,
we've signed and are chung toi da kS7va dinh kern
enclosing one copy for your theo day mot ban de cac
file. ngai luu h6 sd.

50. Your order is receiving our 50. Cluing toi Bang quan tarn
immediate attention and xem xet nhanh chong ddn
you can depend on us to hang cria cac ngai va cac
effect delivery well within ngai co the tin Wang rang
your time limit. chung toi se giao hang rat
dung han.
51. We have received with 51. Ch'ing toi da nhan dude va
thanks yours letter of .... cam do thu cria cac ngai de
52. We thank you very much for 52. Chung toi rat cam on chao
your offer of... hang cilia cac ngai de ngay...
Nghi fink Thif tin Thiicing mai QU6C to 95g

53. We are much obliged for 53. Ch'ing toi rat cam on bao gia
your quotation of .... cua cac ngai de ngay

54. 51 (or 52 or 53) and should 54. 51 (hoac 52 hoac 53) va se

be glad if you would accept rat vui milng ne-u cac ngai
our order for the following chap nhan don hang cila
goods: chUng toi mua nhUng hang
hoa sau day:

55. The prices quoted in your 55. Chung toi có the chap nhan
letter of ... are acceptable to duoc gia da bao trong thu
us, and we are very pleased cUa cac ngai de ngay va
to place the following order chung toi vui mUng dat don
for ... hang sau day ...

56. We thank you for your offer 56. Cluing toi xin cam on chao
of 5th July for diesel engines hang cUa cac ngai d'd ngay 5
and confirm our today's thang 7 chao ban Ong co di
cable reading in full as e den va xin xac nhan dien
follows: cua chang toi toan van nhu

57. We shall be grateful for 57. Chang toi xin cam on viec
prompt delivery as the cac ngai se nhanh chong
goods are urgently needed. giao hang vi hang rat can.

58. Please acknowledge this 58. D'd nghi cac ngai xac nhan
order and confirm that you rang cac ngai có the giao
will be able to delivery by .... hang vao...

59. We hope to receive (look 59. Chung tOi by vong (mong)

forward to receiving) your nhan duod thong bao giao
advice of despatch by return hang ciia cac ngai vao
of post. chuye'n that sau.

60. Please confirm your 60. De nghi cac ngai xac nhan
acceptance of this order; chap nhan don &at hang
such acceptance should nay, sit chap nhan nay phai
arrive not later than 14 den voi chung toi khong qua
days after the date of the 14 ngay ke tit ngay ghi tren
order. don &at hang.
7.1 96 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

61. We trust that you will do 61. Chang toi tin rang cac ngai
your best to execute the se c6 gang het sti, de thuc
order. hien don hang nay.
62. We thank you for your order 62. Chung toi xin cam on (ton
of ... for .... dat hang cila cac rtgii de
ngay dat mua.
63. We acknowledge with 63. Chung toi rein va xac
thanks your order dated ... nhan don dat hang ciia cac
for .... ngai de ngay dat mua
64. \Tv e are pleased to inform 64. Chung toi vui mifng bao tin
you that the goods included cho cac ngai biet rang hang
in your order of ... have been thuec don dat hang ciia cac
shipped to you today by ngai de ngay da duoc x6p
M/S.... xu6ng tau ... cho cac ngai
horn nay.
65. We are very sorry to tell you 65. Chung toi rat ti6c bao cho
that we cannot supply the cac ngai biet rang chtIng toi
goods you ordered on .... khong the cung cap hang
because ... cho cac ngai dat ngay bai
66. We thank you for your order 66. Chung toi xin cam on don
of ... but regret very much dat hang ciia cac ngai , de
that we are unable to ngay nhung rat tiec rang
execute your order chting toi khong the thiic
immediately owing to heavy hien don dat hang cila cac
demand. ngai ngay vi nhu cAu mat
hang nay lem.
67. We hope that our handling 67. Chung toi by vong rang viec
of your first order will lead that hien don dat hang dau
to further business between tien cua cac ngai se d'an den
us and mark the beginning viec buon ban ti6p theo gifia
of a happy working chi:mg to va da.nh dau biiOc
relationship. and dau quan he ban ban
hi u hao.
Nghi thtk This tin Thtidng mai Quovc to 97M

68. We hope that the goods will 68. Chung toi hy vong rang
reach you safely and in good hang se den vdi cac ngai an
time and that you will be toan va kip thei va chiing
pleased with them. toi tin rang cac ngai se visa
long vdi

69. We feel sure that you will 69. ChUng toi chac chan rang
find these goods satisfactory cac ngai se thgy hang hoa
in every way and that they -them clang ve moi mat va
will perfectly suit your chUng, hoan toan dap Ung
needs. nhu cau cua cac ngai.

70. We have been very happy 70. Ch.ling toi da rat vui mUng
serve you and look forward cluoc phuc vu cac ngai va
to receiving your further mong nhan duoc cac don dat
orders. hang khac nua cua cac ngai.

71. We trust that the delay will 71. Chung toi tin rang viec
not cause you any serious ch4m tr6 khong gay cho cac
inconvenience and hope ngai si bat tien nghiem
that you will continue to do trong nao ca va hy vong
business with us. rang cac ngai se ti6p tuc
ban ban vdi chung toi.
in 98 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

15. Terms of payment

15. Dieu kien thanh
in international
toan trong finking
trade (3)
mai queic to (3'
1. I'd like to have a discussion 1. Toi mu6n có met et* thao
with you about the mode of luan vdi ngai v6 plitiong
payment. thifc thanh toan.
2. I wonder if you will accept 2. 'Poi tii hOi lieu ngai có chap
D/P? nhan phtfong thifc thanh
toan dOi chling tit hay
3. It's better for us to adopt 3. TOt hdn cho chdng toi la
D/P at sight than L/C at chap nhan thanh than d6i
sight. chUng tit tra ngay hon la
thanh Wan bang L/C tra
4. With an eye to our future 4. Vdi viec quan tam tdi viec
business, we'll agree to kinh doanh cua cluing to
change the terms of trong tilting lai, chting toi se
payment from L/C at sight d6ng y thay dei dieu khoan
to D/P at sight. thanh toan tit L/C tra ngay
sang D/P tra ngay.
5. The buyer suggests D/P as 5. Ngtfoi mua gdi y muon
the terms of payment, but thanh toan d6i chdng tit,
the seller is unwilling to nhung ngtfai ban chua san
take any exception. sang chap nhan met ngoai
le nao.
6. Could you make an 6. Lieu ngai có the co met
exception and accept D/A for ngoai le WI chap nhan thanh
this transaction? toan chap 'than dei chi :frig
tit cho giao dich nay duoc
7. It would help us greatly if 7. NOu theo phtfong thifc chap
you would accept D/A. nhan d6i chdng tit thi se
gitip cho thong tei rat nhieu.
Nghi thtifc Thd tin Thtidng mai Quo'c to 99 g]

8. Your request for D/A 8. Yeu cau cua cac ngai v6 viec
payment has been thanh toan bang chap nhan
considered and we agree to dei chUng tit da duoc xem
grant you this facility. xet \fa chung toi deng y tao
dieu kien thuan loi nay cho
cac ngai.

9. Our trading terms and 9. Cac dieu kien mua ban cila
conditions have been widely chung toi da duoc ngtfoi
accepted by our suppliers cung cap nude ngoai chap
abroad. nhan khap ndi.

10. Will you accept payment 10. Lieu ngai ce chap nhan
against documents upon thanh toan dei chUng tit khi
arrival of the good? hang den khong?

11. Since our terms of payment 11. Bei vi cac dieu kien thanh
are acceptable to other toan cua chi:mg toi la co the
buyers, we trust you will chap nhan duoc dei vdi
agree to do business with us nhUng ngai mua khac,
on these terms. chang toi tin rang ngai se
demg y buon ban vdi chUng
tei theo cac di6u kien nay.

12. Other suppliers are doing 12. Nh-Cing nguei cung cap khac
business with us on 60 d/s dang ban ban vdi chUng toi
D/A terms. theo cac di6u khean chap
nhan de;i chUng tit 60 ngay.

13. We are sorry to say that we 13. Chung toi rat tiec phai not
cannot accommodate you rang cluing toi khong the
with D/A payment terms. chieu theo guy ngai dUng
dieu khoan thanh toan chap
nhan del chUng tit duOc.

14. We adopt installment 14. Chung toi chop phuong thitc

payment for some special thanh toan tong phAn cho
import items. met s6 mat hang nhap khau
dac biet.
g 100 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

15. We would adopt the terms of 15. Chung toi van chon phuong
payment by installment for thiac thanh town tang phdn
our present purchase. cho viec mua hang hien tai
cua chUng

16. Under this installment plan, 16. Theo k6 hoach thanh town
20% of the contract value is tang phdn nay, 20% tri gia
to be paid with order. hop &Ong se cluoc tra tract
khi dat hang.
17. Please remit 10% of the 17. Xin ha y chuyen 10% tri gid
contract value to the seller hop deng cho nguoi ban
before the end of December truck cuoi thAng 12 nam
19.... as down payment. 19.... nhu khodn thanh toan
tang phdn.
18. This time draft represents 18. FlOi phi6u dinh kST nay la
the first installment. phdn tra ddu tien.
19. When will this time draft 19. Khi nao hoi phiOu dinh kS7
fall due? nay den han?
20. This time draft will fall due 20. Floi phi6u dinh kS7 nay se
on 3' December 19... d6n han \Tao ngay 30 thang
12 nam 19...
21. The interest for each 21. Lai suit cita m6i lan tra se
installment will be duoc al-1h tit ngay ghi tren
calculated from the date of van don dtiOng Bien ciia
B/L of the last shipment. chuy6n hang cuOi ding.
22. We shall appreciate your 22. Chung tei se danh, cao
remitting us the sum of the viec cdc ngai chuyen s6 tien
order within the next few nay cila don hang cho chting
days. toi trong vai ngdy toi.
23. Can we pay for our import 23. Lieu chting toi có the tra cho
in VND? s6 hang nhap khdu cua
chung toi bang dOng Viet
Nam duoc khong?
24. We would prefer you to pay 24. Chung toi muo'n citc ngai tra
for your import in US cho so hang nhap khau cua
dollars. cac ngai bi'bIg USD.
Nghi thdc Thd tin Thddng mai Quo-c to 101g

25. Since you do not agree to 25. Do ngai khong d6rig y vdi
using VND in this viec &mg VND trong giao
transaction, we would dich nay, cluing toi de nghl
suggest US Dollar as an dung USD thay th6.

26. When can you mail us the 26. Khi nao cac ngai co the giti
check? sec cho thong toi?

27. I would like to remind you 27. Toi muOn nhac cac ngai rang
that you haven't paid off the cac ngai van alga thanh
last shipment yet. toan h6t chuyen hang cuoi

28. We regret we cannot accept 28. Chung toi rat tiec la cluing
cash against documents on toi khong the chip nhan tra
arrival of goods at tin mat &Si clung tit khi
destination. hang hoa den tang.

29. We are sorry to inform you 29. Chung toi rat ti6c thong bao
that the listed terms of vdi ngai rang nhung dieu
payment do not correspond khoan thanh toan liet lie
to business practice. day khong phi." hop vdi tap
quan thuong mai.

30. We regret to say that the 30. Chung toi rat ti6c phai not
terms stipulated in your rang nhfing dieu khoan da
order are unacceptable to quy dinh trong don dat
US. hang cila cac nal khong the
chip nhan duoc doi vdi
cluing toi.

31. We will draw on you by our 31. Chung toi se kS7 phat cho cac
documentary draft at sight, ngai mOt 116i phieu chUng tit
on collection basis, without thanh than ngay, tren cd sa
L/C. plutong Ur& nhe thu, khOng
c6 L/C.

32. Payment will be made in 32. Viec thanh toan se duoc ti6n
Pound Sterling in London hanh bang &Ong bang Anh
on presentation of on board tai Luan Don khi xuat trinh
bill of lading. van don x6p hang len boong.
is 102 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

33. In as much as the amount 33. Ve phan so tien lien quan

involved is rather small, we kha nhO, chting toi Bong
agree to draw on you by ky phat cho cac ngai met hei
documentary phieu chling tit tra ngay.
34. ID view of the amount of this 34. Vi s6 tien lien quan kha
transaction being very small, nhO, chi:mg toi del-1g y kY
we agree to draw on you at phat cho cac ngai tra ngay
sight through a bank for the qua met ngan hang gia tri
value of the goods ordered. cila hang hoa da d5t.
35. We shall consider accepting 35. Chung toi se can nhac chap
payment by D/P during this nhan thanh toan bang D/P
sales-pushing stage. trong thei gian thdc day
doanh thu ban hang nay.
36. In compliance with your 36. De chieu theo yeu cAu cUa
request, we exceptionally cac ngai, cluing toi chieU co
accept delivery against D/P chap nhan viec giao hang
at sight, but this should not thanh toan bang D/P tra
be regarded as a precedent. ngay, nhung di:6u nay se
khong ditoc xem nhu mot
tien le.
37. With regard to Contract 37. Doi voi hop deng 56
N2 . HDS4321, we are HDS4321, chung toi c6 the
agreeable to D/P payment. chap nhan phuong thlic
thanh toan D/P.
38. If you can entertain 38. Neu cac ngai bang long
installment payment on phuong thtic thanh toan
deferred terms, we would be tang phan trong cac dieu
in a position to place orders khoan tra chain, chung toi
with you for these toys. c6 the d5t hang vdi cac ngai
ve nhung de chili nay.
39. The first installment 39. Dot tra dau tien trong
payment on deferred phirong thitc thanh toan tra
payment will be made clan se dude tien hanh trong
within (?) 12 months after \Jong (?) 12 thang sau khi
completion of shipment for hoar' thanh ,giao hang \Ted
95% of the contract value. met s6 tien bang 95% tri gia
hop d6ng.
Nghi fink Thu tin nuking mai Qutic to 103E1

40. For overseas deliveries we 40. Doi vdi nhang chuy6n giao
have to request that you hang ra nrtdc ngoai cluing
obtain a letter of credit from tei phai yeu cau rang cac
a bank. ngai phai lay dvoc tha tin
dung caa met ngan hang.

41. We would suggest that, for 41. Chang toi de nghi rang, dei
this trial order you let us vdi don dat hang this nay
have a demand draft or a ngai phai gal cho chung tei
postal money order, on met dot thao ve yeu cdu hay
receipt of which we shall met lenh chuy8n tien qua
ship the goods on the first him Bien, khi nhan dvoc
available steamer. chung toi se gai hang theo
chuy6n tau ddu tien.

42. We are sorry that we cannot 42. Chang toi xin 16i chung toi
accept the payment khong the chap nhan nhang
conditions you suggested, dieu kien thanh town ma cac
because they may affect our ngai de nghi, bOi vi no se
relation with other clients. anh huOng tdi quan he caa
chUng Col vdi khach hang

43. We regret being unable to 43. Chang toi rat ti6c la khong
accept your terms of the chap nhan cac dieu kien
payment and therefore have thanh town caa cac ngai va
to return the order to you. vi vay phai giti tra don dat
hang cho cac ngai.

44. Being unable to accept your 44. Khong the chap nhan &roc
payment terms, we would cac dieu kien thanh town
return to you with regret caa cac ngai, chung toi lay
Order N2 .13/11 WD. lam ti6c phai gai lai cac
ngai don hang s6 13/11WD.

45. As the value of this order is 45 • Do gia tri caa don hang nay
rather small, we hope you kha nhO, chung tei by vong
would agree to our making ngai se chap nhan viec
payment by mail transfer thanh toan cua chung tei
after receipt of the bang phuong thitc chuyen
documents. tien bang Ulu sau khi nhan
ducic cac chung
g 104 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

46. In view of the small amount 46. Do s6 tien thanh toan trong
involved in this transaction, giao dich nay nhe, chung toi
we are prepared to accept sAn sang chap nhan thanh
payment by D/P at sight for toan Wang D/P trA ngay doi
the value of the goods vdi gia tri ctia hang Ma
shipped. throe giao.
47. In case of business, we shall 47. Neil buon ban chting Col se
make payment by means of thanh toan bang pinking
an irrevocable letter of thirc L/C khong huy ngang,
credit negotiable upon khi nhan &roc nhitng chUng
receipt of the specified tit cu the cila ngan hang
documents by the paying thanh toan d phla chung toi.
bank at this end.
48. In our export transactions 48. Trong giao dich xuat khau
we flexibly apply shipment cluing toi dp dung met each
on collection basis. mem deo viec giao hang
tren co sa pinking thirc nhe
49. We have discussed the terms 49. Chung Col da thao luan ki
of payment at length with cac dieu kien thanh toan voi
your representative and dai dien cfra cac ngai va cuoi
finally reached an cling da di toi met thea
agreement. thuan.
50. To acquaint you with our 50. D6' quST ngai lam quen voi
purchase terms, we enclose cac dieu kien mua hang cilia
a blank form of our chting toi, chung toi giri kern
confirmation of order for theo day met mau de trong
your reference. xac nhan ve don dat hang
cho quST ngai tham khao.
Nghi fink Thur tin Tinicing mai Qu eiCc to 105 g
16. Letter of credit" ) 16. Thi tin dung (1)
1. Letter . of credit will he 1. That tin dung se duoc and
opened in a few days. trong met vai ngay toi.

2. We have made application 2. Chung toi da lam dOn xin

to the bank for the and thu tin dung giti cho
establishment of L/C. ngan hang.

3. We have arranged with our 3. Ch'ing toi da sap dAt voi

bankers to issue an L/C n ngan hang ciia chting toi
your favour. phat hanh met that tin dung
cho cac ngai huang.

4. We have made 4. Chung toi da sap x6p voi

arrangements with ngan hang Common wealth
Common wealth Bank of ciia tic, Melbourne a and
Australia, Melbourne, to met khoAn tin dung cho
open a credit in your favour. ngai huang. Khoan tin dung
The credit is valid until 19th se có hieu luc cho d6n ngay
Decmbr,19. 19 thang 12 nam 19...

5. The relevant L/C has 5. Thu tin dung có lien quan

already been established. da duoc ma.

6. An irrevocable L/C covering 6. Met that tin dung khong huy

this order for U$$ 4,000 in ngang cho don hang nay la
your favour was opened 4.000$ cho ngai hitting da"
available until May 15. duoc mcf có gia tri thanh
toan toi ngay 15 thang 5.

7. We are pleased to advise 7. Chung toi rat vui mung

you that we have thong bao cho ngai bi6t rang
established an L/C in your cluing toi da and met thu tin
favour covering 20 sets of dung cho ngai huang cho 20
sewing machine, which we may khau, va chting toi tin
trust it will reach you in Wang rang that se d6n tay
due course. ngai dung hic.
106 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

8. We are pleased to inform 8. ChUng toi vui mUng thOng

you that we have today bac) vdi ngai rang ngay ham
opened an arrive cable nay chung toi da and mot
letter of credit in your thu tin dung khong hay
favour for A$ 6,000 with ngang cho ngai hung la
Common wealth Bank of 6000A$ qua ngan hang
Australia. Common wealth cila
9. We have received with 9. Chung toi da nhan dude va
appreciation your L/C danh gia rat cao thu tin
N2.1121 for the amount of dung s6 1121 cna quY ngai
DM 2,000 covering 10 cases vdi sO tin la 2000DM cho
of laser toys. 10 kien dO chili laze.

10. Letter of credit N2.4323 10. Thu tin dung so 4323 do

issued by the Bank of ngan hang Thudng
China, Shanghai has duly Trung Queic phat hanh da
arrived. den dung hic.

11. According to the stipulation 11. Theo qui dinh cila don hang
of Order N2.3021, you so 3021 ngai se phai and mot
should establish an L/C L/C thanh town trudc ngay
before November 10. 10 thang 11.

12. Please do your utmost to 12. Xin ha y co gang he't sue ma

expedite an L/C so that we mot L/C thanh town de
may execute the order chUng toi có th'j thuc hiOn
smoothly. don hang mot each de clang.
13. We haven't received the 13. Chung toi van chua nhan
letter of credit. Please do dude thu tin dung thanh
your utmost to expedite its town. Xin ngai ha y co gang
establishment. he't site de xlic tiOn v* and
thu tin dung nay.
14. We regret to remind you 14. Chung tei rat ti6c phai nhac
that your L/C has not cac ngai rang thu tin dung
arrived up to date in spite of cua ngai cho den horn nay
our repeated reminders. van chua d6n mac du cluing
toi da nhac nha nhiefu Ian.
Nghi fink That tin Thitcing mai Qu6c to 107 [6N
15. To enable us to ship the 15. Cac ngai se phai and mot thu
goods in time, you will have tin dung dung thoi gian da
to open the L/C at the qui Binh de chung toi có the
stipulated time. gUi hang di thing thOi gian
qui Binh.

16. We regret to find that up to 16. ChUng toi rat tie-c khi thay
the time of writing, we have rang den luc chung toi viet
not yet received your L/C, thu nay, chUng -Col van chua
which should have reached nhan cluoc that tin dung cila
us before November. ngai ma clang le no da phai
toi chUng toi truck thang 11.

17. The date of delivery is 17. Ngay giao hang clang tdi,
approaching, but we haven't nhung cho toi nay chUng toi
received your covering letter van chua nhan duoc thu tin
of credit to date. dung cua ngai.

18. Please establish the L/C 15 18. Xin ha y and mot thu tin
days before the prescribed dung trudc thoi gian giao
time of shipment. hang da net' la 15 ngay.

19. We regret that we have 19. Chung toi tie-c rang chUng
repeatedly urged our clients toi da nhi6u Lan auk giuc
to open L/C but without khach hang cila chting toi
success. ma L/C nhung van khong

20. We should request you to 20. Chung toi phai yeu cAu ngai
expedite the establishment xuc tie'n viOc and thu tin
of the L/C so that we may dung d8 chung toi có the
effect shipment by the thiic hien giao hang len tau
direct steamer scheduled to chay thang dui Binh se den
arrive here about 28th . day vao khoang ngay 28.

21. If you L/C fails to reach us 21. N6u thu tin dung cila cac
before April 20 we shall be ngai khong the tdi chting toi
unable to deliver goods at tilt& ngay 20 thang 4,
the price originally agreed chung Col se kWh-1g the giao
upon. hang voi gia da thOa thuan
tit dau.
g 108 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

22. The shipment time for your 22. Thai gian giao hang theo don
order is approaching, but we hang cac ngai dang tot,
have not yet received your nhung chung toi van chua
L/C, Please do your utmost nhan duoc that tin dung cau
to expedite the same to cac ngai. Xin ha y lam h6t
reach here before the end of sic minh de xtic ti6n viec do
this month, so that de cho thu tin dung tdi day
shipment may be effected trudc khi h6t thang nay de
without delay. viec giao hang có the dudc
thiic hien khong cham tr6.
23. Your L/C must reach us 23. Thu tin dung cila ngai phai
before the end of this toi chting toi trudc cuOi
month, so as to enable us to thang nay, de cluing toi có
catch the direct steamer the don dudc tau chay suOt
sailing for your port next tdi cang ngai vao thang toi.
24. Two months have passed 24. Hai thang da troi qua ke tit
since the date of the signing ngay ky hdp dOng not tren
of the above mentioned nhung that tin dung lien
contract, but the relevant quan van chug toi tay chting
L/C has not yet reached us. toi.
25. We are now waiting for the 25. Chung toi dang cite tint tin
arrival of the relevant L/C dung lien quan ma chting
which we request you to toi da yeu cau ngai thi6t lap
establish by cable. bang dien bao.
26. We are pleased to inform 26. Chung toi rat vui miing
you that we have got the thong bao cho ngai rang
goods ready two weeks in chting toi da co hang hoa
advance of the contracted san sang hai tun trudc thai
time and that we can effect gian qui trong hdp
shipment as soon as your &Ong varang
rang cluing toi có
L/C reaches us. the thuc hien giao hang
ngay khi nao that tin dung
cua cac ngai toi tay chting
Nghi thik Thii tin Thiking mai Queic to 10919

27. Punctual shipment can be 27. Giao hang dung han se có

ensured provided we receive the dude dam bao vdi diet'
the L/C not later than July kien thong toi nhAn &toe
20. L/C truoc ngay 20 thang 7.

28. As the goods ordered are 28. Do hang hoa theo ddn dAt
ready for shipment, please hang da ski sang de giao,
expedite your L/C. We will xin ha y nhanh thong mo
effect shipment as soon as it L/C. Chung toi se giao hang
reaches us. ngay khi no tdi.

29. As the goods against your 29. Do hang hOa theo don hang
Order N2.3556 have been cua ngai s6 3556 da san
ready for shipment for quite sang de giao kha lau roi viec
some time, it is imperative ngai cho ma thu tin dung
that you take immediate tang sdm tang tot la khan
action to have the L/C
established as soon as

30. We regret that we could not 30. Chung toi rat ti6c IA chUng
ship the goods by S.S. Red toi khong the gin hang theo
Star only because of your tau S.S. "Nei Sao DO" chi vi
delay in opening the L/C. sit cham tr6 cua cac ngai
Please expedite its opening trong viec ma L/C. Xin ha y
so that we may catch the xuc tie-n viec ma that tin
next steamer available. dung de cluing Col có the giti
kip theo chuye-n tau tdi.

31. As stipulated in our Sales 31. Theo nhu qui dinh trong Xac
Confirmation N2 .2405, the nhAn Ban hang cua chUng
L/C should reach us not toi so" 2405, thu tin dung se
later than 25th September d6n tay chUng tei trudc
and we hope you will open it ngay 25 thang 9 va chUng
in time, so as to ensure toi by vong.ngai se ma L/C
early shipment. dung han de dam bao viec
giao hang som.
110 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

32. With reference to your Order 32. Doi voi don hang so 4481
NL'.4481, we have not yet cUa cac ngai, chUng toi van
received the relative L/C. As chtia nhan duoc L/C lien
this order has been quan. Do hang theo don
outstanding for considerable hang nay da ton dong met
time, we would ask you to thai gian kha lau, xin cac
give this matter your ngai chii y ngay dOn van ct6
immediate attention. nay.

33. If you do not establish the 33. NOu cac ngai khong and thu
L/C in time, you will be tin dung dung han, cac ngai
responsible for any loss se phai chiu trach nhiem del
resulting from the delay. vdi bat kY ton that nao do sit
cham tre gay nen.
34. We hope that you will take 34. Chung toi by vong rang, cac
your commercial reputation ngai se tinh dOn uy tin
into account in all thuong mai cila cac ngai
seriousness and open the met cach nghiem tide va and
L/C at one. Otherwise, you ngay met thu tin dung. Neu
will be responsible for all khong cac ngai se phai chiu
the losses arising therefrom. trach nhiem v6 tat ca moi
ton that xuat phat tit do.
35. We'll consider canceling the 35. Chang toi se xem xet viec
contract if your L/C doesn't tidy hdp Bong nen this tin
arrive here at the end of dung cila cac ngai khong
June. den day vao cuoi thang sau.
36. It's to our mutual benefit to thu tin dung theo nhUng
establish the L/C according dieu kien cUa hdp deng lien
to the terms and conditions quan la có loi cho ca doi ben
of the relative contract. chung ta.
37. We hereby establish our 37. Nay chung toi xin ma met
irrevocable letter of credit in L/C khong huy ngang cho
your favour for the amount quY ngai huang la
of US$ 5,000. 5.000USD.
38. Transshipment is permitted 38. Cho phep chuye'n tai tai bat
at any port against the Bill ci cang nao theo van don.
of Lading.

Nghi tinic This tin nuking mai Quilc to 111

39. Partial shipments are 39. Khang duoc phep giao hang
prohibited. tong phan.

40. Partial shipments are 40. Dmldc phep giao hang tiling
allowed. phan.

41. All bank charges outside 41. Tat ca nhang chi phi ngan
Vietnam are for Buyers' hang ngoai Viet Nam deu
account. do nguoi mua chic.

42. Insurance is to be effected 42. Bao hiern se duoc ti6n hanh

by the buyer. bOi nguoi mua.

43. The negotiating bank must 43. Ngan hang giam gia phai gtiti
forward all documents to us moi chUng tut tai chUng toi
(the opening bank) in one (ngan hang mO) theo met
cover by airmail. phong bi bang thtt hang

44. Documents to accompany 44. Nhung chUng tit di kem hoi

draft are listed below. phi6u ditoc liet ke dudi day.

45. Documents must be 45. Chung tit phai difoc xuat

presented for negotiation trinh de giam gia trong
within 10 days of date of vong 10 ngay sau khi nhan
Bill of Lading or other duoc van don hoac chiing tit
documents evidencing khac lam bang chfing cho
despatch of goods. viec gin hang.

46. Drawers of drafts under this 46. NhUng nguoi 14 Oak hei
Credit are not subject to the phi6u theo .tin dung nay
usual recourse attached to khong phai le thuec vao viec
the drawer of a Bill of truy del nhu nguoi kY Oat
Exchanger. met h6i phi6u.

47. All negotiations under this 47. Tat ca nhfing giam gia cUa
credit must be noted below. tin dung nay phai duoc ghi
chU &lei day.
rrill 112 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

48. Drafts drawn under this 48. Floi phieu &toe ky phat theo
credit must be negotiated in tin dung nay phai dude
our country on or before giAm gia a ntioc thong toi
October 20, 19..., after tnidc hoc vao ngay 20
which date this credit thong 10 nam 19...., sau
expires. ngay nay tin dung nay het
49. The letter of credit is to be 49. That tin dung se có hieu
valid until December 30, cho den ngay 30 thong 12
19... nam 19....
50. This credit shall remain in 50. Tin dung nay se gill nguyen
force until 30 th October, 19... hieu htc cho den ngay 30
in Vietnam. thong 10 nam 19.... a Viet
Nghi thilc Thur tin Thurdng mai Queic to 113g

17. Letter of Credit (2) 17. Thu tin dung (2)

1. Please extend the credit for 1. Xin ha y gia han cho thu tin
one month. dung them met thong.
2. We would appreciate your 2. Chung toi se danh gia cao
immediate extending the viec cac ngai gia han ngay
date of shipment in the L/C ngay giao hang trong that
for one month, that is, to tin dung them 1 thong nua,
the end of December, 19.... tlic la den cuoi thong 12
nam 19....
3. We would appreciate your 3. Chung toi se danh gia cao
extending the shipment and sit gia han ngay giao hang
extension of your L/C to 15' cua quST ngai tOi ngay 15
and 30th November thong 11 va sit gia han that
respectively. tin dung toi ngay 30 thong
4. Since the date of shipment 4. Do ngay giao hang trong
mentioned in the said L/C is that tin dung not tren la vao
April, leaving only 3 days thong 4, chi ducic 3 ngay de
for arrangements, it is sap xep, thong toi kh6ng
impossible for us to meet the that hen giao hang
the shipment date. We dung han. ChUng toi de
request you to extend it to nghi ngai gia han tdi thong
May. 5.
5. Owing to unforeseen 5. Do nhiing kilo khan khong
difficulties encountered by luong truoc ma ngithi san
our manufacturers, we find xua't cua chung toi gap pha;
it impossible to effect chUng COI thay khong the
shipment before the end of thiic hien giao hang truoc
this month and would cuei thong nay va se danh
appreciate your extending gia cao, sit gia han qi.47
the shipment date and ngai ve ngay giao hang tai
validity of your L/C to 15 th ngay 15 thong 9 va ngay het
30th Septemberand han cila L/C la ngay 30
respectively. thong 9.
g 114 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

6. Unfortunately, we cannot 6. Thdt khong may, cluing toi

effect shipment before June khong the thuc hien giao
1. There is no steamer for hang trade ngay 1 thang 6.
your port available until Khong có met chuye'n tau
July 5. Please extend the nao toi cdng cua cac ngai
credit for one month. cho toi ngay 5 thang 7. Xin
ha y gia han tiled han tin
dung them met thang.

7. We are sorry that owing to 7. Chung COI xin lOi do . met s6

some delay on the part of sit tri hod n a phia nguai
our suppliers, we are not cung cap cua chung toi,
able to get the goods ready chUng toi khong the có &toe
before the end of this hang hoa sail sang trade
month. Please extend the cuoi thang nay. Xin ha y gia
shipment and your L/C to han ngay giao hang va thit
15th and 30th October tin dung lan luot vao ngay
respectively. 15 va ngay 30 thang 10.
8. As there is no direct 8. Do khong co met chuyOn tau
steamer available this nao chay thang trong thang
month, we should like to nay, chUng toi muon yeu
request you to extend the cau ngai ra han hieu luc cUa
validity of your L/C L/C s6 LSM2270 cua cac
N2.LSM2270 to August 15. ngai toi ngay 15 thang 8.

9. We are looking forward to 9. Chung toi trong chi nhdn

receiving your cable duoc dien gia han tint tin
extension of the above L/C, dung tren day, ma diet' do
thus enabling us to effect lam cho chUng toi co the
shipment of the goods in giao nhUng hang dang not
question. tren.
10. The cable extension of your 10. Chung toi da nhdn dude dien
L/C has been received. We gia han thu tin dung cUa cac
appreciate your cooperation ngai. ChUng toi danh gia
in agreeing to postpone the cao su hop tac cilia cac ngai
time of shipment for a trong viec deing ST hod n thai
month. han giao hang lai met

Nghi fink Thu tin ThVcing mai Queic to 115

11. If your cable extension of the 11. Neu Bien gia han cua cac
L/C reaches us within three ngai toi chting Col trong
days, the goods can be \Tong ba ngay, hang Ilea co
shipped per M.S. 'Song the &toe giti len tau `Song
Thuong' this month. Thirong' \Tao thang nay.

12. As the relative import 12. Do gigy phep nhap khau

license will soon expire, we lien quan se sdm het han,
cannot consider extension of ch.-Ling toi khong the xem xet
L/C. viec gia han cim L/C.

13. Since there is no possibility 13. Bai vi khong the gia han cho
of L/C extension, you must L/C, cac ngai phi luu Y den
see to it that shipment is viec thiic hien giao hang
made within the validity of trong thei gian hieu litc cua
L/C. L/C.

14. In order to avoid the trouble 14. De tranh nhiing phien phfic
of making amendment, cua viec sita dOi, xin ha. y and
please establish your L/C L/C theo cac dieu kien cua
according to the terms and xac nhan ban hang cc') lien
conditions of the relative quan.
15. We request you to instruct 15. Chung toi yeu cAu cac ngai
your bankers to make the chi thi cho ngan hang cUa
necessary amendment to cac ngai tien hanh nhung
the L/C. sita dOi can thiet cho thu tin

16. We have cabled to day, 16. Chung toi da giti dien ngay
asking you to amend your horn nay, yeu c6u ngai sita
L/C 1\12.3429 as follows: th i tin dung so 3429 cim cac
ngai nhu sau:

17. We have received your L/C, 17. Chang Col da" nhan duoc that
but regret to find that there tin dung cUa cac ngai nhung
are some points which do rat tiec co met vai diem
not conform to the contract khong dung voi cac dieu
terms. khoan hop clang.
g 116 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

18. The stipulations your L/C 18. Nhung qui dinh trong tint
are not in accordance with tin dung cilia cac ngai khong
the contract. Please amend phi' hop voi hop d6ng. Xin
them according to the ha y sita cluing theo hop
contract. d6ng.

19. Since there is no direct 19. Do khong c6 tau chay su6t

steamer sailing for your toi cang cua cac ngai, chting
port, we would request you toi de nghi sita thu tin dung
to amend your L/C to allow cua ,cac ngai cho phep
transshipment. chuyen tai.

20. Please amend L/C N2.429 to 20. Xin ha y sita thu tin ,dung s6
allow transshipment and 3429 cho phep chuyen tai va
partial shipment. giao hang tit/1g phan.

21. The commodity brand 21. Mac hang hea vie't trong tint
written in your L/C is tin dung cilia cac ngai bi sai.
wrong. Please amend it to Xin ha y sita no doc nhtt sau:
read 'Lotus Brands. "Lotus Brand".
22. Please delete 'fresh water 22. Xin ha y xoa "ten that do
damage' from the L/C. ntfoc ngot gay ra" trong thtt
tin dung.
23. We have received your L/C 23. Chung toi da nhan duoc thu
N2.4481, but we find that it tin dung c 'na cac ngai s6
contains the following 4481, nhting cluing toi nhan
discrepancies: thay no co nhiing khac biet
sau day:

24. The unit price stated in 24. Don gia ghi trong thu tin
your L/C is HK$8.38 per dung cna cac ngai la 8,38$
piece, whereas the HK met don vi, trong khi
contracted price is HK$9.88. gia trong hop &Ong la 9,88
Please amend the credit $HK. Xin ha y sita thu tin
accordingly. dung.
Nghi thikc Thai tin Thing mai Qutic to 117g

25. After careful examination, 25. Sau khi xem xet ky, chUng toi
we find that transshipment thay rang chuyen tai va giao
and partial shipment are hang tang phan la khong
not allowed. Please amend duoc phep. Xin ha y sita thu
your L/C to read tin dung caa cac ngai doc la
Transshipment and partial "cho phep chuyen tai va giao
shipment allowed. hang Bing phan".
26. We have just received your 26. Chung toi da nhan duoc thu
L/C N2 .2405. However, it tin dung s6 2405 cUa cac
has been found that its ngai. Tuy nhien, chUng toi
amount is US$38 00 short of thy tang s6 tien thie-u 3800
the total value in the do la My so voi tong gia tri
Contract. trong hop &Ong.

27. The L/C for cotton goods has 27. Thu tin dung cho mat hang
been amended as required. bong da dude sata theo nhu
Please do your best to effect yeu caw Xin ha y c6 gang
shipment before the end of het sue de giao hang truck
this month. cuai thang nay.
28. We hope you will see to it 28. Chang toi by vong ngai se
that the amendment is Wu S7 den viec sUa dOi bang
cabled without delay. dien khOng cham tre. •
29. Your request of partial 29. Yeu cdu ve viec giao hang
shipment is acceptable. tang phan caa cac ngai ce
the chap nhan duoc.
30. The clause: Bank charges 30. Dieu khoan "Cac chi phi
are for beneficiary's account Ngan hang do nguai huOng
should be amended to read: loi chiu" se dude sita va doc
Bank charges are for nhu sau: "Chi phi Ngan
opener's account. hang do ngtfai mci chili".
31. From your L/C, we note that 31. Tit tint tin dung caa cac
you want us to cover ngai, chUng toi thgy rang
breakage besides the basis cac ngai muan chung toi
risks. We can provide the mua bao hiem dO va ngoai
additional coverage with the nhung rai ro co ban. Chang
extra premium for your toi ce the mua bao hiem phu
account. them voi phan phu phi do
118 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

32. We have received your L/C 32. Chung tai da nhan duoc thu
calling for an insurance tin dung cUa cac ngai neu so
amount for 150% of the tien bao hiem la 150% tri
invoice value instead of gia hoa don cliff khong phai
110% as stipulated in our 110% nhu da qui dinh trong
S/C. Please amend the hop Tang. Xin ha y site thu
credit as originally tin dung nay theo nhu ltic
stipulated. dau qui dinh.
33. Kindly ask the bank to 33. Xin ha y yeu cAu ngan hang
amend Credit N2.2260 to site thu tin dung so 2260
read: 'Joint Bills of Lading doc nhu sau: "Van don lien
with Credit N2.2260 hop va thu tin dung s6 2260
acceptable'. có the chap nhan".

34. Please amend the amount of 34. Xin ha y site s6 tien trong
the L/C to read '5% more or L/C doc nhu sau: "cho phep
less allowed'. dung sai 5%".
35. Please amend your L/C 35. Xin ha y site thu tin dung
adding the clause: '2%more cUa cac ngai them vao diet'
or less for quantity and khoan: "Cho pile') dung sai
amount allowed'. 2% dOi vdi s6 Wong va so

36. Please delete from the L/C 36. Xin ha y xoa trong thu tin
the clause: 'All bank dung diet' khoan sau: "Tat
commissions and charges ca hoa hang va phi ngan
are for beneficiary's hang do ngtfai hung loi
account'. chiu".
37. We appreciate your pointing 37. Chung tai danh gia cao viec
out the mistakes in our L/C, cac ngai chi ra nhang loi
and are enclosing a copy of trong L/C cUa thong tai va
the amendment of the L/C. gifi kem met ban sifa dei
cUa L/C.
38. Please indicate that the L/C 38. Xin ha y chi ra rang thu tin
is negotiable in our country. dung nay luu thong duoc
nudc chUng tai.
Nghi fink That tin Thticing mai Quac to 119g

39. We will not ask for L/C 39. ChUng toi se khong yeu cdu
amendment in order to sita d6i L/C nham lam
facilitate delivery. thuan tien hdn cho viec giao

40. In consideration of your 40. Sau khi xem xet nlrang kho
actual difficulties, we will khan thuc to cua cac ngai,
leave the L/C as it stands chting toi de L/C nhU cu va
and effect shipment without giao hang ma khong doi hOi
asking for amendment. sita d6i gi.
120 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

18. Letters regarding 18. Thu tip ve hoo p

contracts" dongcD
1. We shall be glad f you will 1. Chung toi se vui mitng neu
see to it that the contract is cac ngai co thien chi quan
duly signed. tam de hdp dong ttdc ky
dung han.
2. As some points concerning 2. Do con mot vai diem lien
the contract have not yet quan tOi hdp dong ch is duck
been settled, negotiation giai quyet nen chung to
has to be continued before phi tiep tuc dam phan
the contract is signed. tri c c khi ky hdp dong.
3. As some problems 3. Do con mot vai van de lien
concerning the contract are quan tdi hdp dong van chua
still unsettled, we have ttdc giai quyet nen chung
made little progress in the to chita tien trien dLtdc
business. nhieu trong kinh doanh.
4. I've come to make a contract 4. Toi den de ky ket mot hdp
with you for the business dong vdi ngai ve cong viec
under discussion. kinh doanh dang thao luan.
5. Is there anything wrong 5. Ban hdp dong nay con co gi
with the contract? sai khong?
6. Do you have any questions Cac ngai co con hi gi ve
about this stipulation? quy dinh nay khong?
7. We agree to the terms 7. Chung toi dong y vdi cac
concerning the packing and dieu khoan lien quan tOi bao
the shipping marks. bi dong goi va ky ma hieu
dthng bin.
8. The seller should try to 8. Ngitdi ban phi co gang thttc
carry out the contract in hien hdp dong dung han.
time. If not, the buyer has Neu khong, ng^idi mua co
the right to cancel the quyen hilly bo hdp dong.
Nghi fink Thai tin Thiidng mai Qu tic te' 121 RI
9. I hope everything will be 9. 'RA hy vong rang cal ding
satisfactory in the end. moi cai se deu tot dep.
10. We sincerely hope our 10. Chung toi thanh that hy
discussion will come to a vong rang cuec thao Juan
successful conclusion. cua chUng ta . se k6t tlyeic
thanh Deng.
11. We'll continue to discuss 11. ChUng ta se ti6p tuc thao
other terms and conditions ludn cac dieu khoan va diet'
tomorrow, is it all kien khac vao ngay mai,
convenient to you? lieu dieu nay c6 hoan toan
thuan tien cho cac ngai
12. It is understood by our two 12. Hai ben chung ta deu hieu
sides that any dispute bat tit tranh chap nao phat
arising out of this contract sinh tit hop deng nay se
shall be settled through duoc giai quy6t thong qua
friendly negotiation. dam phan hi u nghi.
13. If you find any thing that is 13. Neu cac ngai thay c6 dieu gi
not clear to you in the trong ban hop deng chua ro
contract, please don't rang doi voi cac ngai, xin
hesitate to write us directly. cac ngai &trig ngai ma vi6t
that cho chung toi ngay.
14. There are a few points which 14.6 day c6 met vai diem toi
I'd like to bring up muon neu ra c6 lien quan
concerning the contract. toi hop deng.
15. Shall we take up the matter 15. Chung ta se xem xet van de
point by point? theo tiing di6m mOt duoc
16. We suggest definitions be 16. Ch'ing toi de nghi dua ra cac
given in the first place. dinh nghia fru& da .
17. May I suggest that you put 17 Lieu toi c6 the goi ST rang cac
down in the contract ngai viet vao trong hop dong
`shipment on December 19 eau "ciao hang vao ngay 19
or earlier'? thang 12 hoac sem lion"
RI 122 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

18. We assure you of our 18. Chung toi xin bac, dam voi
readiness to cooperate with cac ngai ve sit san sang hdp
you. tac cUa chiing toi vdi cac
19. We've settled the terms for 19. Nhin chung cluing toi da
the contract in general, and thea thuan xong cac diet'
we are going to prepare the khoan cho hdp deng va theo
contract accordingly. do cluing toi se chuan bi hdp
20. We suggest we go over the 20. Chung toi da nghi chung ta
other terms and conditions xem lai cac dieu kien va
of the contract to see if we dieu khoan khac cila hdp
agree on all the particulars. clang de xet xem co thea
thuan tat ca cac chi tiet cu
the choa.
21. The contract contains 21. Ban hdp diSng ve co ban ge'm
basically all we have agreed tat ca cac dieu khoan ma
upon during our cloing ta da deng y thea
negotiation. thuan trong qua trinh dam
22. All the contract terms have 22. Tat ca cac dieu khoan cua
been settled in Sydney hop clang da clooc thea
through negotiation thuan a Sydney thong qua
between your firm and our dam phan giiia ha ng caa cac
delegation. ngai va doan cua chung
23. Enclosed is our draft 23. Do thao Hop deng cua cluing
contract. Would you please toi dive giti kem that nay.
read it carefully again? Xin cac ngai ha y doc lai no
met lan n>=ta that can than.
24. Please check all the terms 24. Xin cac ngai ha y kiem tra
listed in the contract and tat ca cac dieu khoan neu ra
see if there is anything not trong hop clang va xem
in conformity with the trong ban hop &Ong con c6
terms we agreed on. dieu gi choa phia hop \Ted cac
dieu khoan chUng ta da
thoa thuan khong.
Nghi thi?c Thd tin TInidng mai Quicc to 123 [e]
25. To avoid anything missing, 25. De tranh bAt kST thie"u sot
we'd better have another nao, tot hdn la chting ta ha y
check. kiem tra lai.

26. Please make a very close 26. Xin cac ngai ha y nghien citu
study of the draft contract. ky dii thao hop deng.

27. Do you have any comments 27. Cac ngai c6 nhAn xet gi v6
to make about these cac diet' khoan nay khong ?

28. We have no questions about 28. Chung toi khong con thAc
all the terms. mac gi 176 CA ca cac dieu

29. We have reached an 29. Chung toi da duoc nhart tri

agreement on all the terms. ve tat ca cac diet' khoan.
30. I'm glad that we've agreed 30. Toi lAy lam miing rang
on terms of the contract chUng ta deng y v6 cac dieu
after repeated negotiation. khoan ciia ban hop deng sau
khi dam phan.

31. Have you got a contract in 31. Cac ngai co met ban hop
Japanese? deng Wang tieng NhAt phai
khong ?

32. Here it is. Would you like to 32. No day, cac ngai co muo'n
go over it? xem qua khong ?

33. These two copies of the 33. Hai ban sao hop deng nay
contract are in agreement phi hop vdi ban go-c.
with the original.

34. When the sales contract has 34. Khi hop deng mua ban da
been signed by the seller, it duoc nguei ban kST, no se
will be counter-signed by duoc ngtfoi mua 14' tie.p.
the buyer.

35. When shall I come to sign 35. Khi nao thi ail se den de kST
the contract? hop deng duoc?
124 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

36. We hope we can sign the 36. Chung toi hy vong rang
contract next Tuesday. chUng ta c6 the 14 ket hop
&Ong vao this ba
37. Would you please tell us 37. Xin cac ngai cho cluing toi
when the contract can be bi'et khi nao hop &Ong có the
ready for signature? san sang de 14 ke-t.
38. We'll have the contract 38. Chung_ toi se chua'n bi hop
ready in a couple of days? &Ong san sang trong met vai
ngay nua.
39. Shall we sign the contract 39. Chung ta se kS7 hop deng
tomorrow morning? vao sang ngay mai phai
40. Now everything is settled 40. Bay girl moi cai da &toe thOa
and we expect to have the thuan xong va chting toi hy
contract ready for signature vong ban hop deng se san
within a day or two. sang de 14 trong vong 1
hoac 2 ngay nua.
41. Let us sign the contract now. 41. Bay giO chung ta hay kS7 vao
Please sign your name here. hop &Ong. Xin ngai 147 ten
This copy is for you. ngai vao day. Ban hop deng
nay la danh cho ngai.
42. Can you speed up the 42. Lieu cac ngai c6 the chua'n
contract and let us have it bi nhanh ban hop &Ong va
tomorrow? chuyen cho cluing COI vao
ngay mai &toe khong?
43. I'm afraid we can't. We'll 43. Toi e rang chung toi khong
send it to you by air mail for the. Cluing toi se a hop
your signature when we get &Ong cho cac ngai kS7 bang
it ready. &tang hang khong khi nao
cluing toi chuan bi xong.
44. In any cases the contract 44. Trong bat kS7 trtfong hop nao
will be sure to reach you thi ban hop deng chac chan
early next week. cling se -UK tay cac ngai vao
tu6n toi.
Nghi thlic Thu tin Thing mai QuiSc to 125 RI

45. Enclosed is our Sales 45. Tai lieu girl kern la hop deng
Contract N2.331 in duplicate, mua ban s6 331 cria chUng
a copy of which please sign ta g6m hai ban, xin cac ngai
and return to us for our file. kST vao met ban va giti lai
cho chUng toi de htu

46. We are pleased to confirm 46. Chung toi vui long xac nhan
having concluded with you a da ke't Ur& vu giao dich 200
transaction of 200 'Sanyo' chi& may dieu hoa khong
brand air conditioners. kill mac "Sanyo" vei cac
Enclosed you will find our ngai. Cac ngai se thay tai
Sales Contract N2.324 in lieu eri kern c6 hai ban hop
duplicate, of which please &Ong mua ban s6 324 cira
countersign and return one chung ta, xin cac ngai lcS7
copy to us for our file. vao hai ban nay va giii tra
lai met ban de chung toi lttu

47. The contract has been duly 47. Ban hop deng da &roc ca
signed and sealed by both hai ben lcS7 dung cach thirc
parties. va &mg dau.

48. Their director attended the 48. Giam dove cira ho da tham dpi
contract signing ceremony le ky hop deng tren danh
on behalf of their company. nghia cong ty.

49. We are glad to have closed a 49. Chung toi vui mirrig la da
contract with you for the cham dirt hop deng cung cap
supply of 100 sets of 100 chie.c- xe clap cho cac
bicycles. ngai.

50. Let's congratulate ourselves 50. Chung ta ha y ti chilc mung

on having brought this vi da ke't thric giao dich nay
transaction to a successful met each thanh tong.
gi 12 6 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

19. Letters regarding 19. Thu tif ve hdp

contracts (2) thine)
1. The inspector's certificate 1. Giay chUng nhan trong
of weight, quality and Wong, chat Wong va dong
packing issued at loading goi bao bi ciia co quan kiem
port shall be final. tra lap a tang b6c hang va
se la chung tham.
2. Non-delivery of all or any 2. Viec khong giao toan bOs
part of the goods caused by hoac mot phan bat kST cua
war, blockade, strikes, Acts hang hoa do chi6n tranh,
of God ... or other causes phong taa, dinh tong , thien
beyond Seller's control shall tai gay ra hoac bai bat IcS7
constitute a cancellation or lS7 do nao vuot qua kha nang
extension of this contract to kiem soat cua ngu6i ban se
the extent of such non- dan tOi viec huy bo hoac keo
delivery. dai thdi gian bang khoang
thai gian khong giao dive
hang vi cac If do do.
3. I trust that this first 3. Toi tin rang ding viec kinh
business will promote doanh clau tien nay se tilde
further expansion of the day viec mcs Ong hdn of a
trade between us. mei quan he buon ban gifia
chung ta.
4. We can repeat the contract 4. Chung ta co the lcS7 lai hdp
on the same terms. chIng voi ding cac dieu
khoan nhu truoc.
5. As we have complete 5. Do cluing toi hoar' toan tin
confidence in you we shall Wang a cac ngai, cluing toi
count on you to execute the dva vao cac ngai de thiic
contract to our entire hien hop de'ng de cluing tOi
satisfaction. thay hoan toan tliCia clang.
6. We will fulfill all the 6. Chung toi se thvc thi moi
contract stipulations. quy di/1h cilia hdp d6ng.
7. We shall make shipment 7. Chung toi se ti6n hanh giao
within the time stipulated hang trong thdi han qui
in the contract. dinh trong hop clCing.
Nghi thiic Thti tin Thtidng mai Quoc to 1249

8. Our next job is to see the 8. Cong viec ti6p theo dia
contract carried out cluing ta la theo doi hop
smoothly. d6ng duoc ti6n hanh mot
each troi chay.
9. We are glad to inform you 9. Chang tOi, vui mUng bao cho
that the contract n question cac ngai rang hop d6ng dang
has been entered into our not d6n da duoc data vac,
production programme and san xuat cuachuongtri
is expected to be completed chUng toi va duoc du dinh
before the end of October. hoan thanh truoc cuOi thang
10. As it is specifically 10. Nhu da duoc quy dinh chi
stipulated in the contract, ti6t trong hop d6ng, mot that
the relevant L/C should tin dung c6 lien quan se tdi
reach the seller 15 days tay nguei mua 15 ngay
before the month of truoc thang giao hang.
11. The seller guarantees that 11. Nguai ban bao dam rang
the machines contracted for may m6c kS7 k6t trong hop
will be made of the best &Ong se dive san xuat tit
materials. nhiing nguyen lieu tot nhat.

12. It is obvious that the 12. Hien nhien la nhiing nha

manufacturers will strictly san xuat se tuan thil sat sao
observe the processing cac yeu cau v6 gia cong nhu
requirement as stipulated da &foe quy dinh trong hop
in our contract. dong cua chUng ta.
13. It is, of course, understood 13. Tat nhien chUng COI se thanh
that we'll honour our draft toan cho cac ngai hoi phi6u
when it becomes due only if toi dung han chi
all contract stipulations have khi cac ngai da thuc hien
been duly implemented by dung tat ca cac qui dinh
you. trong hop d6ng.
14. The banking instruments 14 • Cac cong cu ngan hang se
will correspond in all phu hop teen moi khia canh
respects with the quality and vdi chat luting va quy each
specifications as stipulated pham chat nhu da quy dinh
in the contract. trong hop d6ng.
g 128 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

15. Now that the contract is 15. Bay gio khi hop deing duoc
signed, the relevant L/C kST, met dui tin dung lien
should reach us 30 days quan phai tdi elle) cluing toi
before the time of shipment. 30 ngay trudc thoi han giao
16. We all know that in 16. Chung ta deu bi6t rang theo
accordance with thong le thuong mai qu6c t6,
international trade practice, hai ben, met khi da giao k6t
both parties, once entered hop dOng, deu có trach
into a contract, are liable for nhiem thuc hien nghia vu
its execution. hop dOng cua minh.
17. Once a contract is signed, it 17. Met khi hop deing duoc kS7,
has legal effect. no có hieu luc phap
18. Both parties have the 18. Hai ben trong hop dOng có
obligation to fulfill the nghia vu thuc hien hop dOng
signed contract. da kST.
19. To be frank with you future 19. NOi that vdi cac ngai, viec
business between us will to lam an kinh doanh trong
a great degree depend on Wong lai gifia chUng ta se
how you're going to carry phu thuec phan lon vac) viec
out this contract. cac ngai se thuc hien hop
dOng nay nhu th6 nao.
20. We hope you will take your 20. ChUng toi by vong rang cac
commercial reputation into ngai se luu tam tdi uy tin
account and execute the thuong mai cua minh ma
contract. thuc hien hop dOng.
21. Any dispute that may arise 21. Bat cif tranh chap nao có
in connection with the the phat sinh lien quan toi
execution of the contract viec thuc hien hop dOng se
shall be settled through duoc giai quy6t thong qua
amicable negotiation dam phan hifu nghi ma
without resort to legal khong can toi viec kien ra
proceedings. toa.

Nghi fink Thti tin Thticing mai Quitic to 129g

22. Some of the clauses in your 22. Met s6 dieu khoan trong tint
L/C N9-.3245 are not in tin dung s6 3245 caa cac
agreement with the ngai khong phi' hop vOi cac
stipulations of the contract. qui dinh caa hop d6ng.

23. It goes against the 23. Viec mua bao hiem cho hang
stipulation of the contract to hoa. ii mac 130% tri gia h6a
insure the goods at 130% of don la trai voi cac quy dinh
the invoice value. caa ban hop ct6ng.
24. You should carry out the 24. Cac ngai phai thuc hien hop
contract signed by your d6ng da duoc nguoi dai dien
representative. No matter caa cac ngai kST. Bat chgp
what happens to him the chuyen gi xay ra voi ho, viec
execution of the contract thuc hien hop dOng se
should not be affected. khong bi anh twang.
25. No party who has signed the 25. KhOng có ben nao khi da kST
contract has the right to hop d6ng lai có quyen vi
break it. pham no.
26. We are entitled to cancel the 26. Chung toi có quyen hay ban
contract which became hop d6ng da het han do
overdue owing to buyer's ngithi mua khong chiu thuc
nonperformance. hien nghia vu cua minh.
27. If you fail to make shipment 27. Neu cac ngai khOng giao
within the L/C validity, we dive hang trong thdi han
shall be entitled to cancel hieu luc cua thu tin dung,
the contract unilaterally. thong toi c6 quy6n hay hop
d6ng don phuong.
28. We have to point out that 28. Chang toi bu6c phai chi ra
the cancellation of the rang viec hay ba hop d6ng
contract has resulted from khong phai la ket qua caa
nothing else than your bat kS7 nguyen • nhan nao
delay in opening the L/C. khac, ngoai trif ski cham tre
caa cac ngai trong viec mci
thu tin dung.
130 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

29. Since our manufacturers 29. Do cac nha san xuat caa
have put the goods ordered chUng toi da dua hang duoc
into production, they do not dat vao san xuat nen ho
agree to your canceling the khong deng y vei viec cac
contract unless they can get ngai hay be hdp deng frit
proper compensation. khi ho duoc bei thuong
clanh dang.
30. As we need the goods 30. Do chung tei dang can gap
urgently, we will set the end hang, chUng tei se coi cuOi
of March as deadline for thang ba la han cuei tong
delivery. If you do not de giao hang. Neu toi han
deliver by this time, we do ma cac ngai chua giao
must cancel the contract. hang, chUng tei buec phai
hay hdp &Ong.
31. I'm sorry I can't sign a 31. Toi rat ti6c la toi khong the
contract with such a penalty ky vao met hop deng có dieu
clause involved. khoan phat nhu the-.
32. I've been looking at some of 32. Toi dang xem xet met s6 hop
the contracts on our files. deng trong tap he so caa
Most of them seem to have chUng ta. Hau het cac hop
arbitration clauses. deng nay deu có dieu khoan
phat nhu th6.
33. We don't think we can fall in 33. Chung tei khong cho rang
line with your views. chung tei c6 the tan thanh
yeti quan diem caa cac ngai.
34. I'll give up part of my profit 34. Tel se tit be met phan loi
to see if I could accept the nhuan caa minh de' xem toi
terms set forth by you. có the chap nhan duoc cac
dieu kien cac ngai neu ra.
35. Both of us deserve a good 35. CA hai ben chUng ta deu
rest after the marathon :ding clang duoc nghi ngoi
negotiation. thoai mai sau cuec dam
phan keo dai.
36. We won't have another 36. Toi cho rang chung ta se
marathon negotiation, I khong phai co met cuec dam
suppose. phan keo dai naa.
Nghi fink Thd tin Thudng mai Que c to n 131

37. Owing to the change of 37. Do ce thay dOi trong boi

political situation at this canh chinh tri vao th6i diem
end, the contract in cuoi nay, hop deng dang ban
question can only be toi chi có the dvoc thvc hien
executed partially. met phan.

38. Owing to the changing 38. Do hoan canh thay dei ben
situation at this end, the nay, ding viec khong the
work cannot be completed hoan thanh dUng that han
at the time originally da dvoc qui dinh ban dau
stipulated in the contract. trong hop deng. Trong
Such being the case, we trtiong hop nhv vay, cluing
have no choice but to toi khong có sit Iva chon nao
request you to amend khac ngoai ,viec yeu cau cac
relative contract terms. ngai sVa doi cac dieu khoan
ce lien quan cua hop deng.
39. Generally speaking, a 39. Noi chung mot hop deng
contract cannot be changed khong the bi thay dOi sau
after it has been signed by khi no da &foe ca hai ben 14
both parties. vao.
40. We wish to point out that 40. Chung toi mu6n chi ra rang
contract amendment can sita dOi hop deng chi ce the
only be made with good ti6n hanh khi có 1S7 do dung
41. Any amendment of contract 41. Bat kS7 sit sita &Si nao doi
is subject to the consent of vOi hop deng deu phai có sit
both parties in writing, thOa thuan cua ca hai ben
failing which the bang van ban, khong có sit
amendment will have no thOa thuan nay viec sfia
legal effect. chita se khong ce gia tri
phap 1S7.
42. We have carried out the 42. V6 phan minh chung toi da
contract to the letter on our thvc hien hop deng theo
part. dung ttiing cau chit qui dinh.
43. My point is that we must 43. Quan diem ciia toi la eh-Ling
both of us stick to the ta, ca hai phia phai tuan
contract. flail hop deng.
Ej 132 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

44. A businessman must keep 44. Met thoong nhan can phai
his promise. gal chit tin cila niinh.

45. It's a point of commercial 45. Giit 16i hita la met viec thoec
integrity with me to keep v6 uy tin thoong mai mia
my promise. toi.

46. We always honour the 46. Chung toi loon luen ton
contract and keep our trong hop d6ng va gift chit
promise. tin.
47. We have to hold you to the 47. Chung toi buec cac ngai phai
contract. tuan theo hop d6ng.

48. In case you do not carry out 48. Trong trang hop cac ngai
the contract, we'll have to khong that hien hop d6ng,
cancel it. cluing toi se phai hay 136
hop d6ng.
49. If one side fails to honour 49. N6u met ben trong hop d6ng
the terms of the contract, khong ton trong cac di6u
the other side is entitled to khoan cOa hop d6ng, phia
cancel the contract. ben kia có quy6n hay lo6 hop
50. We cannot but cancel the 50. Do cac ngai da nhi6u tan
contract since you have khong hoan thanh duoc
failed time and again to nghia vu cua minh trong
fulfill your part of the hop d6rig nen chUng toi
contract. khong the lam g-i khac ngoai
viec 114W hop &Ong.
Nghi thi?c Thur tin Tinicing mai Quite to 133 19
20. Packing 20. Bao bi
1. This is the sample of 1. Day la inAu bao bi. Cac ngai
packing. Would like to have c6 mtan xem khong?
a look at it?

2. What do you think of our 2. Cac ngai nghi gi v6 bao bi

new packaging? me i cua chimg toi?

3. We hope that you can make 3. ChUng toi hy vong cac ngai
some improvement in the c6 the cai ti6n ve bao bi.

4. Do you have any specific 4. Cac ngai c6 yeu cdu cu the

request for packing? gi ve bao bi khong?

5. We hope that the design 5. ChUng toi hy vong rang

and the colour will suit thi6t It6 va mau sac bao bi
Japanese tastes. se phu hop voi thi hi6u
nguai Nhat.

6. Packing in cardboard box 6. Bong goi trong help bia clang

with a little bit of flower voi thi6t k6 hoa van phis hop
designs is suitable for voi viec trung bay trong cac
display in supermarkets. sieu thi.

7. How would you pack this lot 7. Cac ngai se dOng g6i chuy6n
of tea sets? hang cac be do u6ng tra nay
nhii the nao?

8. We use cardboard boxes. 8. Chting toi sit dung hOp bia


9. The item will be packed in 9. Hang hoa se duoc dong

wooden cases so as to trong horn go nham tranh
prevent damage. ton that.

10. I'm afraid the cardboard 10. Toi so rang hOp bia cling
boxes are not strong enough khong du chat than cho viec
for the transport by sea. van chuy6n &tang Wen.
134 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

11. The cartons are not strong 11. Thong carton khong du
enough. Most of them will chac. Phan eon chUng se bi
be liable to go broken on vd khi tad ncii. Chung toi
arrival. We would suggest mu6n de nghi cac ngai ciing
that you strengthen the c6 chting bang nep doi.
cartons with double straps.

12. Will you take measures to 12. Lieu cac ngai c6 bien phap
reinforce them? de cirng c6 bao bi cho chac
chin hon khong?
13. We'll reinforce them with 13. Chung tOi se citing c6 bao bi
iron straps. bang dai sat cho chac hon.
14. Could you use wooden crates 14. Lieu cac ngai c6 the sit dung
instead? horn go theta thay vao do
15. In order reduce damage in 15. De han the ton that trong
transit to a minimum, we qua trinh van chuyen xu6ng
suggest that the parking of mite t6i thieu, chung tei de
the goods should be in nghi rang hang hoa duoc
wooden cases. dong trong horn go.
16. We could use wooden cases 16. Chung Cosi , c6 the sit dung
for packing if you insist. horn go de &mg hang neu
cac ngai cit nhat thie't nInt
17. The contract stipulates the 17. Hop deng quy dinh bao bi
packing should be strong phai dU chac de' bao ve duoc
enough to withstand. hang h6a.
18. Strong packing will ensure 18. Bao bi chAc chAn se bao ve
the goods against any duoc hang hoa khi bat kST
possible damage during ton that nao c6 the may ra
transit. trong qua trinh qua canh.
19. How would you pack the 19. Cac ngai se &rig goi do len
woolen sweaters we have chiing tOi da dat hang nhit
ordered? the nao?
Nghi fink Thd tin Tinidng mai Qu6c tg 135

20. Woolen sweaters will be 20. Ao len se &foe goi trong tui
wrapped in polybags and nhila va dong vao thing
packed in standard export carton cUng theo tieu chuan
cardboard cartons. xu6t khau.

21. This kind of packing costs 21. Loai bao hi nay dat hdn.
22. A nice packing helps find a 22. Bao bi dep giUp hang hoa
market. tim duoc thi truOng.

23. We use a polythene wrapper 23. Chung toi sit dung bao bi ni
for each silk skirt. long de goi timg chiec vay

24. What do you think of the 24. Cac ngai coy ki6n gi v6 bao
packing? bi khong?

25. We hope the packing will be 25. Chung toi by vong bao bi
more attractive. hang hoa se 11'4 d'an hdn.

26. Improving the package of 26. Cai thien bao bi dong goi
the goods can further hang hoa c6 the thdc day
promote the sale of our hdn nita viec tieu thu cac
products. san pham dia thing ta.

27. Please note that our packing 27. Xin cac ngai luu Y rang bao
has been greatly improved. bi cua chUng toi da duoc tai
thien rat nhieu.

28. Our packing has proven 28. Bao bi &rig g6i cua chUng
successful for quite some toi tit lau eta t6 ro thanh
time in many export tong trong nhieu chuy6n
shipments. hang xuat khau.

29. Our packing is standardized 29. Bao bi cua chUng toi duoc
in a manner which is tieu chuan h6a theo cach
approved by foreign clients. ma cac khach hang niidc
ngoai chg.') nhan.

30. Your suggestion on packing 30. Chung toi vui miing don
is welcome. nhan 16i goi Y ciia cac ngai
ve bao bi dong goi.
®136 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

31. Your recommendation on 31. Chung tai danh gia cao lei
improving packing would be khuyen nghi cua cac ngai v6
appreciated. viec cdi thien dong goi bao
32. Your comments on packing 32. Nhan xet caa cac ngai ve bao
have been passed on to our bi dong goi da duoc chuyen
manufacturers for their tdi cac nha san xuat cua
reference. chting Col de ho tham khao.
33. This is our design for the 33. Day la mdu that k6 bao bi
packing. Please give it to cua chting tai. Xin cac ngai
the manufactures for their chuyen no tdi cac nha san
reference. xuat de ho tham khao.
34. About the packing, we'll 34. re van de dOng goi bao bi,
contact our manufactures. chung tai se lien he vdi cac
nha san xuat cua chung tai.
35. We often present the silk 35. Chung tai thuang bay ban
scarf as a gift, so it should khan quang lua duoi dang
be tastefully packed. qua tang, nen no can clitoc
&mg g6i pha hop vdi tham
36. The new packaging of this 36. Bao bi mdi ciia mat hang
article is exquisitely nay duoc thiet 1(6 rat thanh
designed. nha
37. As you know, the attractive 37. Nhu cac ngai bat, bao bi
wrapper should help greatly hap dan có the thdc day viec
push the goods. ban hang rat nhieu.
38. The new packaging for our 38. Cach dong goi do tang tra
tea sets is in Vietnamese mdi cua chUng tai la theo
traditional style and we are kieu truydn thong Viet Nam
confident that it will attract va chung Col tin Wang rang
the customers. no se thu but duoc khach
39. Please pay special attention 39. Xin cac ngai dac biet , chti
to the packing so that the tdi bao bi dong goi de hang
goods may not be damaged hoa khong bi hu hang trong
in transit. qua trinh qua canh.
Nghi thik Thii tin Thiidng mai Qui:sic to 137g

40. We'll pack the goods 10 40. Chung tei se dung goi hang
dozen to a carton, gross hoa cu 10 to trong met
weight around 30 kilos a thing carton, tang khai
carton. Wong mei thOng vac) khoang
30 kilo.

41. Al] our prices are quoted 41. TA ca cac gia ca cua chung
excluding packing charges. toi duoc bao khong gem chi
phi bao bi.

42. Packing should be suitable 42. Dong goi bao bi phai thich
for transport by sea hop vai viec chuyen chic
&fang bien.

43. Please see to it that the 43. Xin cac ngai hiu ST de bao bi
packing is suitable for a hang hoa o phii hop voi viec
long distance shipment. van chuyen xa bang duang

44. Our packing is well suited to 44. Bao bi cua chung toi rat
long sea voyage. thich hop vdi cac, chuye'n di
xa bang duang bien.

45. Cartons are quite seaworthy. 45. Thing carton hohn toan co
kha nang di bien.

46. The cartons are 46. ThOng carton Wong doi nhe
comparatively light, and va do do de khuan vac.
therefore easy to handle.

47. Our packaging is not only 47. Bao bi cua cluing Vol khong
seaworthy but also strong nhfing có kha nang, di bien
enough to protect the goods ma con El cling de bao ve
from possible damage. hang hoa , khi nhiing tan
that có the xay ra.

48. Taking into consideration 48. Sau khi da xem xet cac dieu
the transport conditions at kien van tai a nuoc cac ngai,
your end, we have especially chung toi da d'ac biet tang
reinforced our packing. cuang bao bi cho chat hon.
M 138 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

49. We have reinforced our 49. Chung tOi &I tang ciiang bao
packing so as to minimize bi cho chac hcin de giAm toi
damage which may occur to mile -COI thieu nhfing ton
the goods. that có the xay ra cloi vdi
hang boa.
50. By no means should second- 50. Trong bat cif hoan canh nao
hand cases be used. clang khong &foe dung hOm
Nghi unite That tin Thifcing mai Queic to 139 1 71
21. Transport by sea 21. V4n tai duking bien
and by air va hang khong
1. We thank you for your 1. Chung toi xin cam on thu
enquiry of May 6t h and are cua cac ngai hOi v6 tau ngay
pleased to quote as follows 6 thang 5 va vui mUng bao
for the shipment of ... to .... gia nhu sau cho chuye-n
hang .... ch6 den, ...

2. In reply to your enquiry of 2. Tra 16i thu hoi v6 tan cila

31st January; we are happy cac ngai ngay 31 thang
to inform you that M.S. ... gieng chung toi vui mnng
will be loading at ... from 8 th bao cho ngai bie-t rang tau....
to12'Sepmbr,h se bO-c hang tai tit 8 den
dates inclusive. 12 thang 9, ca ngay dau va
ngay cuoi deu lam vice.

3. We have today sent to you 3. Horn nay chung tei

by M.S. ... a consignment cho cac ngai chuye-n hang ...
of ... for which we enclose tren tau ... va chUng toi xin
Bill of Lading and Invoice. ph kern day van ddn &tong
bien va hoa ddn cUa chuye-n
4. We enclose our invoice for 4. Chung toi xin giti kern hoa
the goods shipped by M.S don hang h6a ch6 tren tau...
due to arrive at ... on ... se den ngay

5. We enclose the bill of lading 5. Ch'ing toi. xin gui kern van
for the goods you will don &tang bien cho hang
shortly receive by M.S. ... boa ma cac ngai se nhan
which sailed from on ... &toe nay mai ch6 tren tau....
khai hanh tut .... ngay

6. Thank you for your letter 6. Xin cam do thu cua cac ngai
of... notifying shipment by de ngay kien hang ... tren
M.S. ... cases of .... tau ...

7. Thank you for your advice 7. Xin cam on cac ngai ve

of dispatch and the Bill of thong bao giao hang va van
Lading for the consignment don &tang bien cho chuye -n
of ... shipped by M.S. hang ... cha tren tau ...
p3 140 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

8. We regret that we are still 8. Chung toi tiQc la chUng toi

without news of the chtia nhAn &roc tin tire gi v6
shipment of ... chuyen hang nay ...
9. We are due to ship a larger 9. Ching toi sap giao mot s6
quantity of ... to ... and Wong loin cho (den) va
should be glad if you would se vui miing neu cac ngai
obtain a ship of about ... tim cho chung toi mot chi&
tons capacity. tau trong tin.
10. Please obtain for us a ship 10. De nghi tim cho chung toi
with cargo capacity of about mot con tau trong tai
... tons for consignment of khoang tan cho chuyen
hang ... di ...
11. Please cable and let us know 11. De nghi dien bao cho chung
if you wish us to conclude a toi biet la ngai có main
charter for the goods chung toi kST hop Bong thue
mentioned. cho hang Ilea da not khong.
12. We shall be glad to know the 12. Chung toi se vui miing diioc
times and frequency of your biet thai gian va s6 chuyen
sailing. tau cila cac ngai.
13. Please inform us of the last 13. De nghi bao cho cluing toi
day on, which the cargo can biet ngay cuoi, ding ma
be accepted. hang hcia có the &roc chAp
14. We hope you will be able to 14. Chung toi hy vong cac ngai
ship this consignment by an có the chi chuyen hang nay
earlier vessel. bang mQt chuyen tau som
hdn nao do.
15. We trust you will be able to 15. Chung toi mong rang cac
ship this consignment by an ngai có the chi chuyen hang
earlier vessel. nay bang mot chuyen tau
som hon nao do.
16. We enclose the bill of lading 16. Chung toi xin giii kern van
and insurance policy and don throng Bien va don bao
hope the consignment will hiem va hy vong rang
reach you in good time. chuyen hang se den voi cac
ngai thing thin gian.
Nghi fink Thu( tin Thiicing mai Qu6c to 141 is
17. You will save both time and 17. Cac ngai se tiet kiem duoc ca
money by allowing us to thii gian va tien cua neU cac
handle the shipping and ngai cho phep chUng toi
customs formalities for you. chuyen chi va thOng quan
cho cac ngai.

18. Please complete and return 18. De nghi dien vao va giti lai
the enclosed instructions cho chung Col bang chi dan
from, with a signed copy of van tai, giti kem day cling
the invoice. voi mot ban Ma thin da 14.

19. We now await your shipping 19. Bay gia chung toi Bang ddi
instructions and shall be chi dan v6 giao hang va se
glad if you will send them vui miing ne"u cac ngai san
by return. long giti cho chiing toi vao
chuye'n that sau.

20. We hope to ship the goods by 20. Chung toi by vong cho hang
M.S. ..., sailing from ... on ... tren tau ... khii hanh tii
142 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

22. Insurance 22. Bao hiem

1. We would like to introduce 1. Chung toi xin gidi thieu ba
Mrs Lien from Bao Viet. Lien tit Cong ty Bao hiem
She has come to explain the Viet Nam. BA da toi de giai
unfortunate affair about the thich van de clang tiec ve
insurance. bao hi6m.
2. I'd like to talk to you about 2. Toi rat mu'On not chuyen voi
insurance. cac ngai v6 bao hiem.
3. What kinds of insurance 3. Cac ngai mua bao hiem theo
clauses do you cover? di6u khoan bao' hiem nao?
4. We generally insure W.P.A., 4. Noi chung, chung tei bao
F.P.A. and A.R. hiem theo cac dieu khoan:
W.P.A., F.P.A., A.R.
5. What is the scope of A.R.? 5. Pham vi bao hiem cua dieu
khoan bao hiem moi rui ro
la gi?
6. The coverage is written in 6. Cac tri.tong hop bao hi6m
the policy form and the &foe ghi tren mail don bao
clauses for different risks. hiem va cac dieu khoan v6
cac rui ro khac nhau.
7. What insurance will you 7. Ban se mua dieu khoan bao
take out? hiem Pao?
8. We want F.P.A. this time. 8. Lan nay cluing toi man
mua theo diet' khoan F.P.A.
9. We shall cover W.P.A. for 9. Chung toi se mua theo dieu
110% of the invoice value. khoan W.P.A. cho 110% tri
gia h6a don.
10. How long is the period from 10. Thai han bao hiem tit hie bat
the commencement to dau toi khi ke't thlic la bao
termination of insurance? lau?
Nghi thiic Thlt tin Thticing mai Qu6c to 143

11. The insurance shall be 11. Viec bao hiem se gidi han tei
limited to 60 days upon 60 ngay tit khi do' hang boa
discharge of the insured &tee bao hiem tit tau tai
goods from the seagoing cang da hang cuel
vessel at the final port of

12. To cover All Risks, the 12. Khi mua bao hiem theo dieu
insurance company shall be khoan "Boo hiem moi rui
liable for total or partial ro", cOng ty bao hiem se chiu
loss on land or sea of the troth nhiem cho ten that
insured goods within the toan be hoac titng phan tren
period covered by the dot lien hoac tren Wen ciia
insurance. hang Ilea bao hiem
trong thei han bao hiem.

13. The insurance company is 13. COng ty bao hiem chiu troth
responsible for the claim, as nhiem cho viec khieu nai,
far as it is within the scope chung nao no , nom trong
of coverage. pham vi bao hiem.

14. There are conditions under 14. CO cac dieu kien ma theo de
which the insurance ceng ty bao hiem khong
company is not liable. dliec mien troth.

15. Your insurance coverage is 15. Pham vi bao hiem cua ngai
quite comprehensive. rat toan dien

16. If we conclude the business 16. Neu chung to guy& dinh

on CIF basis, what cover mua hang theo dieu khoan
will you take out for the CIF, thi ngai se mua bao
goods? hiem theo dieu kien nao cho
hang Ilea?

17. We generally insure W.P.A. 17. Nei chung, chung toi bao
on CIF basis. hiem theo dieu khoan
W.P.A. tren co se gia CIF.

18. I should point out that our 18 • Toi can phai chi ra rang gia
prices were calculated ciia chung toi da dive tinh
without insurance for any khong gem phi bao hiem cho
special risk. bat ky rui ro dac biet nao.
al 144 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

19. Special risks such as 19. Nhiing rdi ro dac biet nhu
leakage, breakage and can ro ri, d6 va va có the diioc
also be covered upon bao hiem theo yeu cAu.
20. Could you cover the Risk of 20. Cac ngai có the bao hiem rin
Breakage for us? ro d6 va cho thong toi dUdc
21. We can cover the Risk of 21. Chung toi có the bao hiem
Breakage for you. rui ro do va cho quST ngai.
22. Breakage is a special risk, 22. Rai ro cl6 va la met rui ro
for which an extra premium dac biet, se phai tra cho no
will have to be charged. met khoan phi phi.
23. Who will pay the premium 23. Ai se tra khoan phi bac,
for the Risk of Breakage? hiem rin ro c/6 va?
24. The additional premium is 24. Khoan phu phi nay se do
for the buyer's account. nvoi mua tra.
25. I'd like to cover the Risk of 25. Mi mu6n mua bao hiem rin
Breakage for this lot of ro c/6 va v6 cho lo hang nay.
26. The insurance premium to 26. Phi bao hiem cho c/6 va la
breakage is ..%. We can ...%. Chung toi có the bao
cover the Risk of Breakage hiem raj ro d6 va cho cac
for you if you want. ngai ne-u cac ngai mu6n.
27. Would you lease tell me 27. Cac ngai có the not cho toi
what the difference is khac biet giita W.P.A. va
between W.P.A. and F.P.A? F.P.A.?
28. The W.P.A. insurance covers 28. Dieu khoan bao hiem W.P.A.
more risks than the F.P.A. bao hiem nhieu rui ro hon
dieu khoan bao hiem F.P.A.
29. For the shipment in 29. Doi vdi chuy6n hang dang
question, our clients request not d6n, khach hang ciia
you to cover insurance thong toi yeu cdu ngai mua
against Risk of Breakage bao hiem cho rui ro do va va
and W.P.A. W.P.A.
Nghi thiic Tini tin nuking mai Quac to 145

30. Our insurance coverage is 30. Chang toi mua bao hiem cho
for 110%of invoice value up 110% gia tri hoa don toi
to the port of destination tang d6n ma thei.

31. According to the 31. Theo thong le qu6c te, chung

international practice, we ten khong bao hiem cho
do not insure against such nhang rui ro nay trif khi no
risks unless they are called cluoc nguoi mua hang yeu
for by the buyers. cau.

32. The goods are ready for 32. Hang hoa clang s'an sang de
shipment. We wish to cover giao. Chung toi muon mua
insurance for the cargo. bao hiem cho hang hoa.

33. Insurance of the goods shall 33. Chung toi se mua bao hiem
be covered by us on 110% of cho hang h6a theo 110% tri
the CIF value. gia CIF.

34. We adopt the warehouse to 34. Chung toi chon dieu khoan
warehouse clause which is tit kho den kho la dieu
commonly used in khoan thltOng duoc sit dung
international insurance. trong bao hiem quOc t6.

35. Kindly note that the 35. Xin ha y chu Si rang viec bao
insurance covers F.P.A. and hiem chi bao gom dieu
War Risks only. Should khoan F.P.A. va rui ro chitin
additional insurance tranh. Cac twang hop bao
coverage be required, the hiem b6 sung can &toe yeu
extra premium incurred eau, phi bao hiem tra them
would be for the buyer's phat sinh se do ngitOi mua
account. chiu.

36. We'll cover the insurance 36. Ti chUng COI se mua bao
ourselves on 200 sets of hiem cho 200 chi& xe clap
bicycles under Contract theo hop d6ng s6 321.

37. Please insure the goods at 37. Hay bao hiem hang hoa
our cost against damage in bAng chi phi cila chiing toi
transport d oi voi ten thgt trong 170
g 146 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

38. We have concluded the 38. Chung Col da quy6t dinh ban
business on an FOB basis, hang theo dieu kien FOB, vi
so the insurance should be vay viec mua bao hiem phai
effected by you. do cac ngai thuc hien.
39. We generally insure our 39. Chang tei thuOng bao hiem
export shipment with Bao hang hoa xuat khau cUa
Viet. chUng tOi voi Cong ty Bao
hiem cUa. Viet Nam.
40. The insurance company will 40. Cong ty bao hiem se den biz
compensate you for the loss. ton that cho cac ngai.
41. I suppose the additional 41. TOi cho rang phu phi bao
premium for the special hiem cho nhang truong hdp
coverage should be on the bao hiem dac biet se do
buyer's account. nguei mua chiu.
42. According to the usual 42. Theo thong le thudng mai
practice in international quac t6, nhiing riii ro dac
trade, special risks are not biet khong phai mua trif khi
covered unless the buyer nguoi mua yeu cau.
asks for them.
43. We generally cover 43. Chung Col thuong mua bao
insurance W.P.A. and War hiem theo dieu khoan W.P.A.
Risks in the absence of va cho rui ro chi6n tranh ma
definite instruction from our khOng can nhung chi thi cu
clients. the cUa khach hang.
44. Please insure W.P.A. and 44. Xin ha y bao hiem theo dieu
War Risks according to the khoan W.P.A. va cho rui ro
contract. chi6n tranh theo hdp deng.
45. We cannot comply with your 45. Chung tei tuan theo yeu cdu
request for insuring your cna quS7 ngai bao hiem cho
order for 130% of its invoice don hang cila quS7 ngai
value. 130% gia tri cua hoa don.
46. We cover only W.P.A. 46. Chung toi chi mua bao hiem
including warehouse to theo dieu khoan W.P.A. bao
warehouse clause valid for gom dieu khoan tit kho toi
15 days. kho có hieu luc trong 15
Nghi fink That tin Thiidng mai Qutic te. 147

47. How do you fix the premium 47. Ngai xac dinh tY le phi bao
rates? • hiem nhu tren?
48. Please give us the policy 48. Xin ha" y giti cho chung toi
rates for F.P.A. coverage. gia phi bao hiem theo dieu
kien bao hiein F.P.A.
49. This kind of additional risk 49. Loai rui ro phu nay c6 the
is coverable at 2%. duoc bao hiem vdi mitt 6/ le
50. We have arranged the 50. Cling, tei da sap x6p mua
necessary insurance cover. bao hiem can thi6t.
51. Please quote your lowest All 51. De nghi bao gia thap nhat
Risks rate for shipment of ... bao hiem moi rui ro cho
to ... chuy6n hang d6n
52. Please hold us covered for 52. He nghi bao hiem cho chung
the consignment referred to toi chuy6n hang not a &lei
below. day:
53. We should be glad if you 53. Chting tei se rat vui miing
would provide cover of .... in neU cac ngai bac, hiem cho
transit from ... to .... chung tei hang h6a tri gia
Bang Anh qua canh
den ...
54. We wish to renew the above 54. Chung tei xin tai lap hdp
policy for the same amount d'eng bao hiem tren ding s6
and on the same terms as tien va theo cac dieu kien
before to cover ... nlau tru6c de bao hiem
55. Please inform us on what 55. De nghi bao cho chung toi
terms this insurance can be bi6t bao hiem nay c6 the
arranged. &foe ti6n hanh theo nhfing
dieu kien nao.
56. Please send us the necessary 56. De nghi giti cho chung toi
proposal form. mau hdp deng bao hiem can
g 148 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

57. We leave the details to you 57. Chi tie't thi tuy cac ngai
but wish to have the nhung chung toi mu6n cac
consignment covered against ngai bao hiem moi rui ro cho
all risks. chuye'n hang.
58. The consignment is covered 58. Chuye'n hang da duoc bao
by our open policy N2... and hiem bang hop clang bao
we shall be glad to receive hiem and Ong cUa chung toi
your certificate of insurance. s6 chUng toi se vui
mUng nhan duoc giay chling
nhan bao hiem cua cac ngai.
59. As requested in your letter 59. Theo yeu cdu trong that cUa
of ... we will arrange cover cac ngai ngay chUng toi se
for the amount stated and sap xe-p de bao hiem s6 tien
on the terms required. da not va theo cac dieu kien
yeu cdu.
60. As requested in your letter 60. Theo yeu cau trong thu cUa
of .... we quote below our cac ngai ngay chUng toi
terms for arranging cover xin bao cac diet' kien bao
for ... hiem cua chung toi cho
duoi day:
61. We note from your letter of 61. Chung toi ghi nhan theo that
... that you wish to renew cUa cac ngai ngay la cac
the open policy N2.... ngai mu6n tai lap clan bao
covering ... hiem bao s6 bao hiem
62. The policy is being prepared 62. Don hang bao hiem dang
and should reach you by ... duoc lap va se den tay cac
in the meantime we are ngai vao ngay Trong khi
holding you covered. cho doi chung toi van bao
hiem (hang) cho cac ngai.
63. As requested in your letter 63. Theo yeu cdu trong thu cua
of ... we quote below our cac ngai ngay du6i day
terms for arranging cover chung toi xin bao cac dieu
for ... kien bdo hiem cho
64. We undertake all classes of 64. Chung Col nhdn bao hiem
insurance and would tat ca cac loaf va se hoan
welcome the opportunity to nghenh co hei de giao dich
transact further business nhieu hon nua ye bao hiem
with you. voi cac ngai.
Nghi auk Thti tin Thtidng mai Qu6c to 149g

23. Claims 23. Khigu nai (3)

and complaints (3)
1. We would like to settle the 1. Chung tai muen giai quyet
claim for this consignment khieu nai v6 chuy6n hang
of air conditioners. This is may diet' hoa nhiet de nay.
the quality claim from or Day la khieu nai vg chat
company. Wong ciia ding ty chiing tai.

2. What's wrong with the air 2. Co sai hang g-i voi nhang
conditioners? chi& may dieu Ilea?

3. We have found many of the 3. Qua giam dinh chung tai da

air conditioners are not up phat hien nhieu may dieu
to standard stipulated in hoa khong dat tieu chu6n
the contract through flint da quy dinh trong hop
inspection. deng.

4. Would you please tell me 4. De nghi cac ngai cho chting

how many air conditioners tai biet co bao nhieu may
are not up to standard? dieu hoa khong dat tieu
chu6n dvoc khong?

5. We brought 500 sets from 5. Chung tai da. mua 500 chiec
you, and more than 20 are cua cac ngai va hdn 20 chi&
not up to standard. khong dat tieu chu6n.

6. As you know, our air 6. Nhu cac ngai da biet, may

conditioners are well- dieu hea cua chiing VIM rat
known. not tieng.

7. We have no doubt bout your 7. Chung tai khong he nghi

technique. Yet, the delivered nga gi v6 ky thOt cua cac
consignment is really not ngai. Vay ma, chuy6n hang
satisfactory. da giao that sit khong duoc
thaa clang.

8. I don't quite believe the 8. Toi hoar' toan khong tin

problem is so serious. .rang van de lai nghiem
trong den nhU vay.
150 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

9. In case of a claim for 9. Trong truong hop khi6u nai

compensation in respect of doi bei thiidng v6 chuy6n
this consignment, it should hang nay, can phai có day
be supported by adequate du cac chiing tit lam can cir.
10. We have substantial 10. ChUng toi ce day dir chUng
evidence for lodging a claim. di de khieu nai.
11. Here is the quality 11. Day la giay chang nhan
certificate from our chat luong ciia Cue Giam
Inspection dinh Hang hOa cua cluing
Bureau. toi.
12. We need to go further into 12. Chung to can tim hieu them
the cause. ve nguyen nhan.
13. Do you have any specific 13. Cac ngai coy ki6n cu the gi
idea to settle the claim? de giai quy6t khien nai
14. I am afraid you should 14. Toi e rang cac ngai phai bei
compensate us by 4% of the thuong chi:mg toi 4% tong
total amount of the contract .gia tri hop deng ding yeti phi
as well as the inspection fee. giam dinh.
15. According to the contract, we 15. Theo hop deng, chting toi ce
are responsible to repair or trach nhiem sita chua hoac
to replace those air thay the nhang chi& may
conditioners which are dieu hoa ce khi6m khuyet.
16. But there are so many 16. Nhung di qua nhieu may
defective air conditioners dieu hoa bi khiem khuy6t va
and the poor quality has chat Wong kern &A anh
adversely affected our sales. twang xan toi viec ban hang
cUa chting toi.
17. We shall appreciate your 17. Chting toi se hoan nghenh
prompt attention to the su chu y ngay cua cac ngai
adjustment of these errors. del vdi viec dieu chinh
nhiing thien sot nay.
Nghi thifc Thd tin Thddng mai Qu6c to

18. You ought to compensate us 18. Cac ngai Can phai b6i thuong
for the loss we have cho daring Col nhiing mat
suffered. mat ma chUng toi da phai
ganh chiu.

19. In spite of the unfortunate 19. Mac diz ski viec khOng may
incident, we wish to settle nay xay ra nhung eh -Ling -Lei
this dispute amicably. muorn hoa giai tranh ch4
v6 van de
20. I regret this quality 20. Toi lay lam ti6c
problem. However, you are chA Wong nay. Tuy nhien
asking too much. cac ngai dang doi hOi qua

21. Do you have any better 21. Cac ngai có goi y nao tot hdn
suggestions about the cho van d6 nay khong?
22. I propose we compensate 22. WA d6 nghi la cluing toi
you by 3% of the total value, bed thuong 3% tong gia tri
plus inspection fee. Further Ong them chi phi giam
more, we'll send you our dinh. Hon niia chUng toi se
technicians to repair those giti cac 107- thuat vien cua
air conditioners which are chUng toi den ch8 cac ngai
not up to standard. What do de sila chiia nhiing chi&
you think of my proposal? may dieu hoa khong dat
tieu chuan. Cac ngai nghi
the nao ve cl6 xuart cua

23. We hope that you'll pay 23. Chung toi by vong la trong
more attention to the Wong lai cac ngai se chU
your air hal- den chart Wong may
quality of
conditioners in the future. diet' hoa cUa cac ngai.
24. If the quality of your 24. N6u chft Wong s'an
products is improved, we cua cac ngai &foe cai thin
are still willing to do chung Col van san long buen
business with you. ban voi cac ngai.

gj 152 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

25. Your proposal is reasonable. 25. De xua:t cua cac o ngai hop H.
We can accept it. Chung toi cc') the chgp nhan.
26. We hope you will effect a full 26. Chung toi hy vong cac ngai
settlement of our claim. se giai quyet day dU khien
nai cua thong COL
27. Your proposal to settle the 27. De xugt cua cac ngai de giai
claim is satisfactory. We'll quy6t vu khi6u nai la thOa
take it. clang. Chung tai se chap
28. We regret the loss you have 28. Chung toi lca'y lam tiac ve
suffered and agree to nhung mat mat cac ngai da
compensate you by $600. phai ganh chiu va clang ST
bai thuong cac ngai 600 do
° 29. We regret that this problem 29. Chung toi lgy lam ti6c la van
has ever occurred. de nay cid xay ra.
30. We regret that this 30. Chung toi lay lam ti6c la vu
unfortunate incident has viec khong may nay da xay
ever occurred and hope it ra va hy vong rang no se
will not affect the business khong anh huang toi quan
relations between us. he buon ban gida chting ta.
31. Your cooperation enables us 31. Su hop tac cUa cac ngai cho
to settle the claim quickly, phep chUng tai có the giai
which we appreciate very quyet khien nai nhanh
much. thong va chting toi danh gia
cao su hop tac do.
32. Your cooperation in settling 32. Su hop tac cua cac ngai
the claim is highly trong viec giai quy6t khien
appreciated. nai cluoc danh gia rat cao.
33. We reserve the right to 33. Chung toi bao luu quyen
claim compensation for any khi6u nai doi bai thuong cac
loss or damage with you. ngai ye bat cis mat mat hu
hOng nao.
Nghi fink Thai tin Tinicing mai Quoc te. 153g

34. If you consider our proposals 34. Neu cac ngai cho rang de
unacceptable, we suggest xuat cua chung toi la khong
the matter be submitted to the chap nhan &toe thi
arbitration. chting toi . de nghi dira vu
viec nay ra trong tai xet

35. This seems to be a very clear 35. Day c6 ye la met vu rat re

case and your early rang va chung toi yeu cdu
settlement is requested. cac ngai sem giai quyet.

36. You should consider our 36. Cac ngai can xem xet khie.0
claim seriously for nai cua chung toi met each
protection of your own nghiem tlic de bac, ve uy tin
reputation. cua chinh cac ngai.

37. If you insist on your point of 37. Neil cac ngai cif kien quy6t
view, it will be impossible. duy tri quan diem ciia minh
thi viec giai guy& tranh
chap met each than thien se
khong the thvc hien &loc.

38. Please propose a settlement 38. Xin cac ngai de xuat met
which is fair and each giai guy& tong bang
reasonable. va hop 1S7.

39. We may lodge claims on you 39. Chung toi c6 the khi6u nai
for any loss we may sustain. cac ngai ve bk tit mat mat
nao chung Vol phai chiu.

40. Disputes may be submitted 40. Tranh chap se dive data ra

for arbitration in case no trong tai trong triteng hop
settlement can be reached thea thuan ditoc each giai
through negotiation between guy& thong qua dam phan
both parties. giiia ben.
154 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

24. Claims 24. Khigu nai" )

and complaints" )
1. You should be responsible 1. Cac ngai se hoan toan chiu
for all the losses resulting truth nhiem dOi vdi moi ton
from the delayed shipment. that phut sinh tit viec giao
hang chum.

2. Unless the goods arrive at 2. Neu chuyen hang khong

the end of this month, we den vao cuoi thang, chUng
shall refuse them, as they toi se tit ch61 nhan hang vi
will be of no use for this khi (16 chuyen hang nay se
season trade. khong c6 tac dung cho viec
kinh doanh mica nay.
3. We have to lodge a claim 3. Chung toi buec phai khien
against you if we lose nai cac ngai neU chUng tei bi
money through your failure thiet hai do lei cim cite ngai
to deliver in time. trong viec giao hang chum.
4. This is not the first time a 4. Day khong phai Fan dau xay
delay in delivery has ra viec giao hang chum nen
occurred, and this has chUng toi buec phai chi ra
compelled us to point out rang viec nay da c6 anti
that it has brought about latiOng xau toi quan he kinh
adverse effect on our future doanh trong Wong lai cUa
business. chung ta.
5. We regret for the loss you 5. Chung toi lay lam tieC v6
have suffered and agree to nhung thiet hai ma cac ngai
compensate you by da phai ganh chiu va chung
$750.000. toi deng y b6i thuong cho
cac ngai so- tien 750 USD.
6. With mutual cooperation, 6. Vu tranh chap nay da chtoc
this case has been settled boa giai bai sii hop tac cua
amicably and we shall remit cac ben va chung toi se
to you an amount of $850.00 chuyen so ti6n 850 USD cho
in compensation for the loss cac ngai de den bu cho
arising therefrom. nhung ton that phut sinh tit
vu nay.
Nghi th-Cic Tint tin Thildng mai Queic to 155

7. It is our hope that you will 7. ChUng tei by vong cac ngai
waive the claim and we se tit ix) viec khieu nai va khi
shall then see if we can do do chUng toi se xet lieu
something for your orders chUng - C M cóthe
the lam dieu p,,I-
which are to follow. do doi voi cac don dat hang
sau nay cila cac ngai.

8. We are prepared to make 8. Chung toi san sang den lin

you a reasonable thOa clang cho cac ngai
compensation but not the nhung khong phai so tin
amount you claimed. cac ngai

9. Another check up reveals 9. Kiem tra lan naa cho thi=iy

that two cases of artificial hai kien bong nhan tao da
cotton were misplaced in bi dat nh6.m trong kien thay
the case instead of the vi bang vai bong. Do vay,
cotton cloth. We shall offset cluing toi se bei hoan lai
the price difference by a khoan chenh lech gia bang
demand draft payable to hOi phi6u thanh toan theo
your order. lenh cua cac ngai.

10. The wrong pieces may be 10. Cac kien hang giao nham co
returned per next available the duoc chuyen lai cho
steamer for our account, but chUng tei tren chuy6n tau
it is preferable if you can sari co sap ted nhung chung,
dispose of them in your toingh6uca e
market. ban cluing tai thi truang
nude cac ngai thi COI hdn.

11. The goods are of goods 11. Hang Ilea cilia cluing toi co
quality and new designs, chift luring COI va nhieu inau
though they are not the ma mai. Mac du, chung
very ones you ordered, and khOng phai la cac mat hang
we think you can sell them thuc t6 cac ngai da dat va
out at our price. chUng toi thi6t ngIfi cac ngai
ce the ban chung theo gia
cila cluing tei.

12. We decide to compensate 12. ChUng toi quy6t dinh den bu

you 3% for the total value cho cac ngai 3% tong tri gia
and you should bear the va cac ngai se phAi chill phi
inspection fee. giam dinh.
M 156 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

13. We will take the payment by 13. Chung toi se chuyen khoan
cheque for $500.00, the tin khi6u nai 500 USD
amount of claim, into your bang se vao tai khoan cua
account with the cac ngai tai Ngan hang
Techcombank Vietnam, Techcombank Viet Nam
upon receipt of your ngay khi nhan duoc sit deng
agreement. Y chap nhan cUa cac ngai.
14. If we were at fault, we 14. Nell 16i thuec v6 chi-mg tei,
should be very glad to thong tei rat vui long bei
compensate for your losses. thuOng nhCing ten that cUa
cac ngai.
15. As the liability rests with 15. Do trach nhiem thuec ve ca
both parties, it would not be hai ben nen se la khong
fair if the loss was totally tong bang neu chUng tei
imposed on us. We are phai chiu toan be ton that.
ready to pay 50% of the loss Do d6, chnng toi chi san
only. sang tra 50% ton that.
16. We may compromise, but 16. ChUng tei c6 the nhifong bo
the compensation should, in song khoan tien bei thueng
no case, exceed $300. khong duoc vitot qua 300
Otherwise, this case will be USD trong moi truang hop.
submitted to arbitration. Ngiroc lai vu nay se duoc
data ra trong tai.
17. Claims, if any, must be 17. Khieu nai, neu c6 phai duoc
submitted within 30 days de trinh trong \Tong 30 ngay
after the arrival of the goods ke tit ngay hang hoa toi ndi
at the destination. d6n. Neu khong khieu nai
Otherwise, they will not be se khong difoc xet d6n.
18. Such a claim, as is without 18. Khieli nai nhir vay khOng
foundation, cannot be the chap nhan duoc do
accepted. khong c6 can
19 Claims which fall within the 19. Chung toi se khong chap
responsibility of parties nhan nhung khieu nai phat
other than the supplier will sinh trong pham vi trach
not be accepted by us. nhiem cua cac ben ma khong
phAi cda nguoi cung cal).
Nghi thi?c Thif tin Thudng mai Que;c to 157

20. We regret our inability to 20. Chting toi lay lam tie"c rang
accept your claim because cluing toi khong the chap
the cases when being loaded nhan khi6u nai cUa cac ngai
left nothing to be desired. vi cac kien hang khong con
gi clang xem xet khi duuc
b6c len tau.

21. The shortage you alleged 21. Luung hang thi6u but ma
might have occurred on cac ngai khi6u nai có the
route, and that is a matter xAy ra tren hanh trinh van
over which we can exercise chuyen va do la van de vuut
no control. ngoai tam kiem sok ciia
chung toi

22. The packing of our goods has 22. Bao bi hang hoa cua chUng
for any years proven to be tei da to ra hohn toan thOa
fully satisfactory. We are dang trong nhie'u nam. Do
surprised about your do cluing toi rat ngac nhien
complaint. ve khi6u nai cua cac ngai.

23. We cannot acknowledge your 23. Chung toi khong the chap
claim for damage due to nhan khi6u nai cUa cac ngai
defective packing. ve ton that xay ra do bao bi
c6 thieU sot.

24. We have shipping documents 24. Chung toi ce cac chling tit
to prove that the goods were van tai &fang bien chUng
received the carrier in minh rang ngudi chuyen chi
perfect condition. Therefore, da nhan hang trong tinh
they must have been trang hoar: hao. Do do, to
damaged in the course of hang elide da bi ton that
transit. trong khi qua canh.

25. Without sufficient evidence 25. Do khong du chUng cd

to support, your claim is chUng minh nen khie.0 nai
untenable. cua cac ngai khong the dUng
viing dnOc.

26. We wish to point out that 26. ChUng toi muo'n lnu 57 rang
you lodge a claim without cac ngai khi6u nai ma
sufficient evidence to support khong co &I can cit chung
it. minh.
158 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

27. The evidence you have 27 • Bang chling cac ngai cung
provided is inadequate. cap la khong pha hop. Do
Therefore, we cannot do, chUng toi khong the xem
consider your claim as xet khieu nai cita , cac ngai
requested. nhu cac ngai yeu caw
28. The goods were in perfect 28 • Hang hoa d trong tinh trang
condition when they left to't khi roi khi day nen ton
here and the damage that re rang da xay, ra trong
evidently occurred on the qua trinh van chuyen &tong
voyage. bien.
29. We must repudiate the claim 29. Chung toi phai bac lo O
. don
on account of insufficient khi6u nai nay do thieU can
30. The documents submitted by 30. Cac chfing tit ma cac ngai
you to support the claim for xuat tri.nh de chling minh
compensation are khieit nai doi bei thuang la
insufficient. Therefore, we khong du. Do do, chting toi
cannot take your claim into khong the xem xet khieU
consideration. nai cda cac ngai.
31. Such deviation between the 31. Su khac biet nhu the giaa
products and the samples is hang Ilea va m'au la binh
normal and permissible. thuong v?-, chap nhan duoc.
Therefore, the claims for Do vay, khie-u nai doi b6i
compensation cannot be thuong khong the xem xet
allowed. duoc.
32. We have to point out that 32. Chung toi , buec phai Y
the consignment was cac ngai rang chuy6n hang
carefully inspected before da duoc kiern tra ky truoc
shipment, and we fail to khi giao, do vay chting toi
understand how the damage khong hieu throe ten that lai
could have happened. ce the xAy ra.
33. As the damage is apparently 33. VI ton that re rang la do va
due to rough handling in cham manh trong khi qua
transit, it is only appropriate canh nen se chi phis hop dOi
for you to put in your claim voi cac ngai khi cac ngai
with the insurance company khi6u nai voi cong ty bao
concerned. hiem hat quan.
Nghi thiic Thu tin Thurdng mai Qu6c to 159

34. The pilferage may have 34. Viec mat cap có le da xay ra
happened on the voyage, as troll hanh trinh vi hang hoa
rigid inspection of the goods da &foe hem dinh nghiem
had been done before ngat trrtdc khi Bong goi va
packing and the carrier nguoi chuyen chi da nhan
received them in apparent hang trong tinh trang rat
good order.
35. As it is a matter concerning 35. Do day la van de lien quan
the insurance we hope that toi bao hiem nen chUng toi
you will refer the claim to by vong cac ngai se gUi don
the agent of the insurance khi6u nai dai 1ST cua tong ty
company at your end. bao hiem i ndi d6n cUa cac

36. Claims concerning insurance 36. Khi6u nai lien quan tdi bao
or transportation should be hiem van chuyen phai duoc
referred to the insurance giti toi tong ty bao hiem
company or the shipping hoac ha ng tau có lien quan.
company concerned.
37. As the shipping company is 37. Do ha ng tau có trach nhiem
liable for the damage, your v6 ton that xiiy ra nen thee
claim for the compensation chUng toi khi6u nai dOi bOi
should, in our opinion, be thang cua cac ngai phai
referred to them for duoc tali ha ng tau de giai
settlement. quy6t.

38. Your claim for indemnity for 38. Theo chUng toi, khi6u nai
the loss you sustained cua cac ngai dOi bOi thi1ing
should, in our opinion, be ton that ma cac ngai ganh
referred to the shipping chiu phai duoc gi i toi ha ng
company, as the liability tau vi trach nhiem thuec ve
rests with them. ho.

39. As your complaint does not 39. Do khieu nai cUa cac ngai
agree with the result of our khong pha hop voi k6t qua
test, you are requested to kiem tra cua chUng toi nen
conduct another examination chung toi yeu cau cac ngai
to show if there is any tien hanh kiem tra met Ian
ground for claim. n if a de chUng minh lieu viec
khieu nai la có co si hay
160 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

40. In the event of force majeure 40. Trong trilang hop Mt kha
or any contingencies beyond khang ho4c bat cit cac sit
our control, we shall not be kien bat nga nao vuot qua
held responsible for the late sit kiem sok ciia cluing toi,
delivery or non-delivery of chting toi se khong chin
the goods. trach nhiem ve viec giao
hang ch4m ho4"c khong giao
Nghi fink This tin Th-ticing mai QuiSc te. 161

25. Joint venture 25. Lien doanh

1. I'm going to discuss with 1. Tel se thao ludn voi cac ngai
you the question of Joint v6 viec lien doanh.

2. I'd like to know what steps 2. Tel mu6n bi6t can phai ti6n
should be taken to engage hanh nhung bliac gi de
in a joint venture with you. tham gia vao lien doanh voi
cac ngai.

3. With a view to expanding 3. Nham and rOng viec trao d6i

international economic ky thuat va hop tac kinh t6
cooperation and technical quo-c t6, Viet Nam cho phep
exchange, Vietnam permits cac cong ty va cac ca nhan
foreign companies or nur6c ngodi ding voi cac
individuals to join with Cong ty Viet Nam thanh ldp
Vietnamese companies in cac lien doanh d Viet Nam
establishing joint ventures in phii hop veil nguyen tac binh
Vietnam in accordance with dang va ding c6 loi.
the principle of equality and
mutual benefit.
4. A joint venture can operate 4. M6t lien doanh chi c6 the
only after having obtained hoat Ong sau khi c6 gidy
approval of the government Chinh phi Viet
of Vietnam Nam.

5. In order to absorb foreign 5. Nh‘am thu but von ddu tit

capitals, introduce advanced nu& ngoai va dva thi6t bi
technology and equipment va ding nghe tien ti6n vao
into our country, we shall rnioc toi, chung Col se thong
adopt the appropriate forms qua nhiing hinh thifc hop
of international economic tac kinh t6 quo-c t6 thich
cooperation. hop.

6. To accelerate the reform of 6. De dd'y manh d6i mai ding

its industrial technology and nghe cong nghiep ya xay
its municipal construction, dung do thi cua minh, Da
Danang welcomes the Nang hoan nghenh hOp
cooperation of foreign tac cua cac doanh nhan
businessmen. ngoai.
g 162 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

7. Joint Ventures are a good 7. Lien doanh la mot each tot

way to get investment, de thu hilt va ddu tit, thi6t
advanced technology and bi va tong nghe tien ti6n va
equipment and management kinh nghiem quan
experience from abroad. nitric ngoai.

8. The main features of a joint 8. Nhung dac tinting chu y6u

venture are joint investment, ciia lien doanh la ding ddu
joint management and joint tit, cling quan ly va ding
share in profits and losses. chia 16 la i.

9. There is some risk of loss 9. Trong lien doanh có rui ro

but a reasonable hope for thua 16 nao do nhting cling
profit in a joint venture. có cd s6 hdp ly de by vong
thu la i.

10. It's much more favourable 10. Ddu tit a Viet Nam thuan ldi
to make an investment in hdn nhie'u so vdi (ddu tit) 6
Vietnam than in other cac nitric khac.

11. The joint venture set up 11. Lien doanh thanh lap theo
under contract is an hdp d6ng la mot dive th6
independent economic kinh t6 dOc lap, dd.m nhan
entity assuming sole trach nhiem duy nhat ve 16
responsibility for its profit va la i cua minh.
and loss.

12. According to the Law of 12. Theo Lust ddu tit nitric ngoai
Foreign Investment in a Viet Nam cilia nitric COng
Vietnam of the Socialist hoa xa 116i chili nghia Viet
Republic of Vietnam using Nam v6 lien doanh có von
Vietnamese and foreign dau tti dm Viet Nam va
Investment, in a joint nttdc ngoai, trong 1*A lien
venture, the proportion of doanh ty le von &du ttt nitric
foreign investment shall in ngoai not chung khong ditdc
general be not less than It hon 25%.
Nghi thdc This tin Thticing mai Queic to 163 1B
13. The parties to the venture 13. Cac ben tham gia lien doanh
may contribute cash, capital c6 the Op von bang s tien
goods and industrial mat, may m6c va quyen so
property rights, etc. as their hiiu cong nghiep v.v....

14. The parties to the joint 14. Cac ben tham gia lien doanh
venture shall share the se chia seJoi nhuan rui ro
profits, risks and losses in va thua 16 tuong iing voi
profits, risks and losses in phan (tong gOp cua ho vao
proportion to their vein dang
respective contribution to
the registered capital.

15. All the activities of a joint 15. Tat ca cac host deng dia lien
venture shall comply with doanh deu phai tuan theo
the provisions of the law, cac diet' khoan cua luSt,
decrees and pertinent nghi dinh va qui dinh c6
regulations of the Socialist lien quan caa nac Cong
Republic of Vietnam. 116a xa h6i chu ngliia. Viet

16. The government protects, by 16. Chinh phi ba.o ye trong

the legislation in force the khan kh6 phap 1114 hien
investment contributed by a hanh von dau tii gop vao
foreign participant in a joint lien doanh ca.a ben nit&
venture. ngoai.

17. Investments in Vietnam 17. Dau tti a Viet Nam dive

enjoy the same rights as in Iniang nhung quy6n giong
any other country in the nhii 6 bat kS7 nifoc na.o khac
world. tren the gioi.

18. The Government protects, in 18. ChInh phu bao ve trong

accordance with the law, khan kh6 phap lust Vein
the investment of foreign dau ttt cua cac lien doanh
joint ventures, the profits nude ngoai, loi nhuan ca.a
due to them and their other ho ding cac loi ich va quyk
lawful rights and interests hop phap khac cua ho trong
in a joint venture. lien doanh.
19 164 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

19. According to investment 19. Theo chinh sach dau tit cua
policy of Vietnam Viet Nam cac nha dau tit
preferential treatment is &toe dol xit Uu da i. Vi du:
provided to the investors. Trong nam nam lam an c6
For example a joint venture 15 i dau tien, met lien doanh
pays less income tax, or phai tra it thue thu nhap
even no income tax at all hdn hoac them chi khong
under certain conditions phai tra cluit nao trong
during the first five profit- nhiing dieu kien nhat dinh.
making years.
20. The net profit of joint 20. Loi nhuan rung ciia lien
venture shall be distributed doanh dudc chia cho cac ben
between the parties to the lien doanh Wong ling voi
venture in proportion to phan &mg gOp cua ho vao
their respective share in the vein clang kS7 sau khi tra
registered capital after thue- thu nhap va cac khoan
payment of income tax and chi khac.
other expenditures.
21. The net profit that may be 21. Ldi nhuan rung ma ben nitric
received by foreigners in ngoai c6 the nhan &toe
proportion to their share in Wong itng voi phan &mg
the registered capital may gOp cua ho \Tao vein clang ky .
be remitted abroad subject c6theduoynra
to the regulations governing ngoai theo lust quAn 1ST
foreign exchange, or it may ngoai hoyi hoac, no c6 the
be reinvested. &toe dUng de tai dau ttt a
Viet Nam.
22. Any lawful profit received by 22. Bat cut loi nhuan hop phap
a foreign investor in joint nao ma nha dau ttt nude
ventures allowed to be ngoai nhan door tit lien
remitted abroad or to his doanh clang duoc phep
own country. chuyen ra niter ngoai hoac
chuyen ve nude.
Nghi thiic Tint tin Thing mai Qu'dc to 165E1

23. All foreign exchange receipts 23. Tgt ca cac khoan thu ngoai
of the company shall be cong ty deu phai giti
deposited in the foreign vao tai khoan tien giti ngoai
exchange deposit account hei va tat ca cac thanh toan
and all foreign exchange ngoai hei deu phai thvc hien
payment shall be made from tit tai khoan Wen giti ngoai
the foreign exchange deposit hiii) do.
24. The Company may apply to 24. Cong ty co the xin ngan
the Bank of for foreign hang cho vay bang ngoai hei
exchange loans and VND va bang Bong Viet Nam thy
loans according to its theo yeu c'An kinh doanh
business requirements and cua minh va tuan theo dieu
following the provisional le tam thai ve viec cho vay
Regulations for Providing cua Ngan hang Nha nitoc
Loans by the state Bank of Viet Nam deli \Tad cac lien
Vietnam to joint. doanh.

25. The technology and 25. Cong nghe va thiet bi do ben

equipment to be contributed nitric ngoai deng gop phai
by foreigners' investment dat tieu chuan the gioi va
must come up to world phi]. hop vdi yeu cau cna
standards and sit the needs Viet Nam.
of Vietnam.
26. During the period of the 26. Trong thei gian lien doanh
joint venture, the cac ky thuat ma ben ntfoc
techniques the foreigners ngoai da thanh thao phai
have mastered should be cho ben d6i tac Viet Nam
thoroughly made known to biet toan bo, khong &toe
Vietnam counter pants g4u
without reserve.
27. Engineers sent by foreigners 27. Cac ky sit do ben nitric ngoai
for installing machinery and giti den de lap dat may m6c
training our technicians va dao tao ky thuat vien
should be first class phai la cac chuyen vien
specialists. hang d'Au.
M 166 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

28. Regarding the trademark to 28. Va nha n hieu sit dung tren
be used in the international thi , trliang queic t6 cho san
market for the product pham lien doanh san xugt,
made by the joint venture, Chung toi cho rang c6 the sit
we consider that either the dung nha n hieu ma ben
same trademark as that the nitric ngoai da va clang sit
foreigners have been using dung hoac sit dung met
or a new one may be used, nha n hieu mdi tity vao viec
depending upon which is nha n hieu nao tot hdn cho
better for marketing. cong tac ti6p thi.
29. A portion of the products of 29. Met phgn san pham ciia lien
the joint venture may be doanh c6 the dttoc dung de
allocated to supply domestic cung cap cho nhu eau trong
needs, but at least 70% nude, nhung phAi xugt khau
must be exported to obtain It nhat 70% nham thu ngoai
foreign exchange in order to hoi de bao dam yeu cdu tai
meet the joint venture's san xugt va cac khoan clau
requirement for reproduction tit thi6t bi bang ngoai hOi
and other outlays in foreign khac ciia lien doanh.
30. Having Hong Kong and the 30. Vdi muc tieu la thi trutang
international markets as quec to va Hang Kong, san
targets, the products of the pham cita cong ty chit ye.0 la
company are primarily for de xuat khau.
exports sales.
31. The price of the product 31. Gia cua san pham phai clitoc
should be set according to an dinh theo gia qu6c t6.
the price in the
international market.
32. The company shall apply to 32. Cong ty phai xin phep Cuc
the government department chiu trach nhiem v6 dat dai
in charge of land for the cua Chinh phit de dive
right to use the site quy6n sit dung dia diem cho
required for its operation hoat deng cita minh va ky
and sign site use contract in hop dang sit dung dia diem
its own name. ditng ten chInh minh.
Nghi tinic Tini tin Thiidng mai Queic to 167E1

33. The term of operation of the 33. Thai han hoat deng cua cong
company shall be thirty ty nay la 30 nam ke tit ngay
years commencing from the cap giay phep kinh doanh
date of issue of the business cua cong ty.
licensee of the Company.

34. The Joint Venture would be 34. Lien doanh se nam ditoi sit
put under the guidance of chi dao cua hOi dOng quail
the board of directors. The tri. Chit tich phai do ben
president is to be appointed chi ng toi chi dinh, va Pho
by our side, and the Vice chu tich do nha dau tit nitric
president by foreign investor. ngoai chi dinh.

35. The Chaiman of the Board of 35. Chu tich hOi dOng quan tri
Directors shall be the legal se la ngutoi dai dien hop
representative of the phap cua tong ty.
36. The Board of Directors is 36. MA dOng quan tri ditOc
empowered to discuss , and quOn thao Juan va hanh
take action on, pursuant to Ong dOi voi tat ca nhang
the provisions of the joint van de co ban lien quan den
venture all fundamental lien doanh, phi]. hop voi cac
issues concerning the diet' khoan ciia ban dieu le
venture. cila lien doanh.

37. In the event of disputes 37. Trong trang hop có tranh

arising from the chp giita cac ben phat sinh
implementation of this tit viec thitc hien hop deing
Contract between the Party nay, ben A va ben B phai co
A and Party B shall use their gAng h6t minh de giai quy6t
best endeavours to settle thong qua clang hiep
such disputes through the thitong than thien.
Board of Directors by means
of amicable consultation.

38. This agreement is made in 38. Thea thuan nay ditoc lap
duplicate in both Vietnamese thanh hai ban bang ca tiOng
and English languages. Viet va ti6ng Anh. Hai ban
Both texts are being equally có gia tri xac thitc nhit
authentic. nhau.
Ej 168 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

39. Should either of the Parties 39. Neu ben nao khong thvc
fail to fulfil its obligations hien nghia vu caa minh
under this Contract, the theo hop &Ong nay thi ben
defaulting party shall ay se phai bei thvong cho
compensate the other party ben kia tat ca nhung mgt
for all its economic losses mat ye mat kinh t6 ma ben
kia phai chiu do viec khong
thvc hien dO
40. During the term of 40. Trong thei gian hoat Bong
operation of the Company, cua cong ty ca ben A va ben
neither party A nor party B B deu khong có quy6n don
shall be entitled to phucing tuyen b6 huy be hay
announce unilaterally the ket thtic hop deng nay.
cancellation or termination
of this Contract.
41. The present articles of 41. Ban diet' le nay có hieu lvc
association come into force ke tit ngay dvoc ky. Ban
on the date of its signature. giam dOc lien doanh có
The power of amendment to quyen sita &Si ban dieu le
them is vested in the board nay.
of directors of the Joint
42. Party A and party B shall 42. Ben A va ben B phAi c6 ga'ng
use their best efforts to het sitc minh de thtic day
promote the business hoat &Ong kinh doanh cua
activities of the Company. cong ty.
43. In what lines of business 43. Cac ngai mu6n tham gia
you would like to kinh doanh voi chUng COI
participate in with us. trong nhang nganh hang
44. I'm thinking of a joint 44. Chung toi clang nghi toi viec
venture with you in selling lien doanh voi cac ngai ban
electric products in our de dien d thi truing cua
market. chUng toi.
45. What are your terms and 45. Dieu kien ding tham gia
conditions on joint lien doanh cua cac ngai la
participation? gi?
Nghi thlic This tin Tinidng mai Queic to 169g

46. We have a mind to do joint 46. Chung toi coy dinh lien
participation with you on doanh v6i cac ngai trong
Vietnamese arts and crafts linh vuc thu cong my ngh6
in our market. Would you Viet Nam a thi truang
entertain this proposal? cluing toi. Cac ngai có Ung
116 de xuat nay khong?

47. We believe that we'll have 47. Cluing toi tin rang chting toi
an optimistic future in joint se c6 mot tildng lai lac quan
venture. trong lien doanh.

48. Vietnam's open door policy 48. Chfnh sach and cita ciia Viet
will remain stable for a long Nam se duoc duy tri on dinh
period. Foreign investment trong mot thai gian dai. Tai
and property in Vietnam san va von dau
would not be confiscated or ngoai ci Viet Nam se khong
nationalized. bi tich thu hay qu6c hitu

49. Embarking upon an 49. \Mi viec bAt dau mot du an

ambitious project known as day tham vong (mang ten)
Develop Dung quat Quang diloc biet den vdi cac ten
Ngai has, once again, become "phat trien Dung Quat",
a hot spot for overseas Quang Nga i lai mot Ian nita
investors. tra thanh diem nong doi vdi
cac nha dau tu hai ngoai.

50. Bac Ninh is going to further 50. ifac Ninh se tiep tax ma
widen its scope of r6ng pham vi hop tac . voi tat
cooperation with all overseas ca cac gidi kinh doanh, tai
circles in business, finance, khoa hoc cong nghe
science and technology, and va tu van ngoai qu6c -
foireign advisory, which are nhiing nguai san long dau
willing to invest in the tu vao tinh nha.
RI 170 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

26. Agency 26. DO 1ST

1. We are offering a general 1. Chung toi dang tim met dai
agency for our bicycles in
1ST ban xe dap a tc.
2. We are seeking a reliable 2. Chung toi dang tim kie-m
representative who would met ngtfai dai dien tin cay
undertake to buy for us on co the dam nhiem mua hang
commission. cho chUng tel.
3. We are looking for a young 3. Chung toi dang tim kie-m
man to take over as our met nhan vier' nam tre de
representation in Japan. dam nhiem vai tro dai dien
cho chung toi d Nhat Ban.
4. We are looking for a young 4. Chung tai dang tim met
man who can start selling nhan vien nam tre cho viec
for us immediately. ban hang dia chUng toi
ngay lap titc.
5. We would like, today, to 5. Ham nay chUng toi mu6n
apply for the sole agency of xin lam dai dec quyen cho
your product in or market. san pham cua cac ngai tai
thi truing cua chting toi.
6. We are convinced that there 6. Chang toi tin fang có met
is a profitable marking thi truing có the sinh lai
waiting to be developed for dang chi dal de Oat trier'
your products and should cho san pham cua cac ngai
like to act as your agent in va cluing toi man xin lam
this line. dai ly cho cac ngai v6 san
pham nay.
7. If you give us the agency, 7. N6u cac ngai cho chUng toi
we believe we can do a lam dai ly, chung toi tin
substantial job for you. rang chting toi có the lam
&lac viec Ion cho cac ngai.
8. I wish to offer you my 8. Toi mong mu6n chicle phut
services for the sales of vu quST ngai ve viec ban
textiles in this place. hang det d day.
Nghi thtirc That tin Thtidng mai Queic to 171 IS

9. I have over 10 years of 9. Toi có hdn 10 nam kinh

experience in this business. nghiem v6 cong viec nay.

10. I am well acquainted with 10. Toi rat thong thao voi cac
local conditions and have diet' kien a dia pinking va có
excellent business nhieu m6i quan he lam an
connections. tuyet

11. We would appreciate it if 11. Chung toi se danh gia cao

you could tell us whether n6u cac ngai có the not cho
there is a possibility of sole chting toi bie't v6 kha nang
agency. có dive mot dai 157 dOc quyk
hay khong?

12. As the pioneer in 12. Vi la nooi di tien phong

introducing the new product trong viec gidi thieu san
of yours into this market, I pham caa cac ngai vao thi
am applying to be your trtiong nay, Col muon xin
agent. lam dai 1S7cho cac ngai.

13. The offer to become your 13. Viec de nghi tra thanh nguei
representative in this area dai dien cho cac ngai trong
is challenging. When can I khu nay dang la sv this
introduce myself to you? thach. Khi nao toi có the
gap go gidi thieu ban than
voi qt4 ngai.

14. I am the agent for electrical 14. Toi la dai 1ST cho cac san
products in this town and pham dien d thi tram nay va
wish to represent another rat mong main dtioc lam dai
firm. dien cho mot ha ng khac nua.

15. If you are not yet 15. Neu cac ngai van chtia c6
represented here in Tokyo, dai dien a TOKYO, chung
we should be interested in toi main lam dai 1S7 dOc
acting as your sole agent. quyOn caa cac ngai.

16. We would like to sign a sole 16. Cluing toi mu6n dtioc ky
agency agreement with you mot hop dOng dai 1ST dOc
on your textiles for a period quye'n yeti cac ngai ve san
of two years. pham det cua quS7 ngai
trong thOi gian hai nam.
172 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

17. We wish to handle your toys 17. Chung toi mtan thVc hien
on an exclusive basis, as we ban hang de chili cho cac
are having an extensive ngai nhv met co s6 doe
market in this line. quy6n, bai vi chting toi dang
c6 met thi trueng 16n v6 mat
hang nay.
18. Your application for sole 18. Don xin lam dai 1.ST dec
agency is now under careful quyen cila ban hien 06
consideration. clang dude xem xet can
19. Referring to your request to 19. Doi vdi de nghi dude lam dai
act as our sole agent for air 1S7dec quyen cho cluing toi ye
conditioners, we shall may diet' h6a khong khi ciia
consider it seriously when ngai, chting toi se xem xet no
opportunity matures. can than khi c6 co hei.
20. We thank you for your letter 20. Chung toi cam on cac ngai
offering your service and we ve bite thu de nghi duck lam
would like to discuss the viec cila cac ngai va chung
possibility of an agency with toi se ban ve kha nang cho
you. cac ngai lam met dai 1ST.
21. In connection with the 21. Ve van de dol voi met dai lY
question of sole agency, we dec quyen, cluing toi muen
should like to know your biet ke hoach ciia ngai ve
plan for promoting the sales viec thtic day ban san pham
of our products. cua chung tel.
22. We should be glad to know 22. Chung toi se rat vui miing
on what terms you would be dvoc biet nhiing dieu kien
willing to represent us and de" ngai san long lam dai
the terms on which business dien cho chung toi va nhung
is generally conducted in dieu kien kinh doanh duoc
your country. tien hanh not chung a nudc
cac ngai.
23. Will you let us have 23. Lieu cluing toi c6 the c6
of your dvoc nhung chi 661 ve kinh
experience and also give nghiem cila ngai va nhan
some references? tien giti cho chung Col met
s6 tham khao.
Nghi fink This tin Thurcing mai Quo:sic to 173

24. Your total order last year 24. Tang s6 Wong &at hang cila
was small, and in no way cac ngai nam vita qua nhO,
demonstrates your ability to va vi vay no khong the hien
act as our agent. kha nang lam dai ly cua cac
ngai cho cluing toi.

25. We will increase our 25. ChUng toi se tang kim ngach
turnover if you appoint us cua chUng toi net' cac ngai
as your sole agent. chi dinh chung toi la dai 1ST
d6c quyk cua cac ngai.

26. After careful consideration, 26. Sau khi can nhaic ky Wong,
we have decided to entrust cluing toi da quyet dinh se
you with the sole agency for tin Wang giao cho ngai lam
our leather shoes in Japan. dai 1ST chic quyen cua cluing
Vol v6 giay dad Nhat.

27. We are very happy to 27. Chung to} rat vui mifng chi
appoint you as our dinh cac ngai la nguai dai
representative. dien ciia cluing VOL

28. Beginning next year you can 28. Bat d'au nam toi cac ngai có
work as our agent in the lam viec nhu dai ly cila
Australia. chiing toi i tc.

29. Considering that you are 29. Xem xet toi viec cac ngai rat
experienced in promoting có kinh nghiem trong viec
the sales of our washing thlic day doanh thu ban
machines and your market hang d6i vdi san pha'm may
still has potential, we decide giat cua chUng toi va thi
to appoint you as our sole trUang cua cac ngai van con
agent in your local market. nhieu tiem nang, chung toi
quyet dinh chi dinh cac ngai
la dai ly dec quyen cho
chung toi d thi truang dia
pinking cim cac ngai.

30. We are happy to appoint you 30. Chung toi rat vui miing chi
as our representative and dinh cac ngai lam dai dien
look forward to a mutually cho cluing toi va by vong
beneficial association. met sit hop tac hai ben clung
có loi.
g 174 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

31. Our representative in Hong 31. Hien gio chUng toi dang
Kong has become vacant chua c6 dai dien a Hang
recently. We could appoint Kong, va chung toi se c6 the
you for this position. chi dinh cac ngai vao vi tri
32. As our sole agent, you are 32. La met dai 1S7 dec quye'n cilia
not expected to sell any chung tOi, ngai khong duoc
other competitive line of phep ban bat di met loai
goods in this market. hang hoa canh tranh nao
tren thi truong nay.
33. We would like to receive a 33. Chung toi muo'n nhan duoc
detailed report from you met ban bao cao chi tiet cua
every six months on current ngai ve cac dieu kien thi
market conditions. truong hien tai sau thang
met lan.
34. We thank you for your 34. Chung toi cam on cac ngai
offering us the agency in ve viec d6 nghi chung toi
this market for your lam dai 1S7 san pham cua cac
products and appreciate the ngai d thi truong nay va
confidence you have placed danh gia cao long tin cilia
in us. cac ngai dol voi chung tOi.
35. As your agent, we'll make 35. La dai 1ST cua cac ngai chUng
greater efforts to push the toi se no the hon nUa de day
sales of your products. manh doanh thu ban hang .
36. I thank you for your 36. Tel xin cam on long tin cilia
confidence. I am ready to cac ngai. Toi da sari sang de
accept your representation nhan nhiem vu dai dien cho
in New York. cac ngai d New York.
37. I am not opposed to 37. Toi khong phan doi 16i de
accepting your agency offer. nghi lam dai 1ST cho cac ngai.
Kindly inform me of a date Xin ha y thong bao cho COI v6
when we can have a ngay ma chUng tOi c6 the
personal interview. gap de phOng van rieng.
Nghi fink Thd tin Thiicing mai Qui:Cc to 175M

38. I am pleased with your 38. Toi rat vui luting vdi lai de
agency offer and am quite nghi lam dai lS7 cho cac ngai
willing to work for you. va hohn Wan hai long lam
viec cho cac ngai.

39. The trial period for agency 39. Thai gian lam dai 1ST thi
seems rather long for us. duang nhu kha dai doi vdi

40. We'd like to renew our sole 40. Chung toi muo-n tai lap hop
agency agreement for do'ng dai ly cita chting toi
another two years. them hai nam nua.

41. As our sole agent for 41. Cac ngai da tien hanh viec
stationery in your district lam dai lSTcho cac san pham
you have done a good job van phOng pharn ciia cluing
and won our appreciation. toi d cite ngai rat tot va
chting toi danh gia cao v6
viec nay.

42. We very much appreciate 42. Chung Col danh gia cao
the efforts you have made to nhung no laic ma ngai da
build up a market for our lam nham xay dung thi
products and will continue truang cho san pham ciia
to support you in your cluing toi va chting toi tiep
activities. tuc trd giiip trong viec ban
hang Cita ngai.

43. If sales cannot be improved, 43. Neu viec ban hang khong
we are afraid that we shall duoc cai thien, chung toi so
be left with no choice but to rang chung toi khong lam gi
discontinue our business khac duoc la lam gian doan
with you. viec kinh doanh cua chting
toi vdi cac ngai.

44. Referring to the question of 44. Doi vdi van de dai lST hien
agency, we are not prepared gia cluing toi clam san sang
to take the matter into data van de nay ra xem xet.
consideration of the time
la 176 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

45. We regret to inform you that 45. Chung toi rat ti6c phai thong
our agency representation bac, yeti cac ngai rang viec
has been taken over by dai dien cho dai ly c-aa
someone else. chung toi da &toe dam
nhiem bai ngvai khac r6i.
46. We regret to decline your 46. Cluing toi rat ti6c phai tit
application for acting as our choi don xin lam dai 1ST cho
agent because this item is chung toi cua cac ngai bai vi
now handled by the HDB van d6 nay hien girl giao cho
Co. in your country on an Cong ty HDB a nude cac
exclusive distribution basis. ngai tien hanh tren co sa
phan bO dec quy6n.
47. As we now employ our own 47. Do hien gia chung toi da
salesmen, we no longer have thue nhan vien ban hang
need of a representative. cho chiing Col, nen chiing toi
khOng can mot dai dien
48. I'm afraid we can't agree to 48. Toi, so rang chung toi khong
appoint you as our sole the gong S7 chi dinh cac ngai
agent because the annual lam dai ly dee quy6n cho
turnover you promised is chung toi bai vi kim ngach
too small. hang narn cac ngai diia ra la
qua nha.
49. We regret your demands are 49. Chung toi rat ti6c do yeu
such that we can't accept c6u cua cac ngai la nhv \Tay,
them. necluigtokh
chap nhan
50. We are sorry to inform you 50. Chung toi rat ti6c phai
that we are fully represented thong bac, voi cac ngai rang
at this time. cluing toi da có day dil dai
dien vao hic nay.
51. We would like to discuss the 51. Chung toi mu6n thao luan
duration of the contract v6 thai han hieu lvc cila hop
with you at the interview. dung voi cac ngai vao buOi
gap mat trvc ti6p toi.
Nghi thilc Thii tin Thticing mai Quac to 177g

52. Initially the contract will be 52. Ban dau hop di3ng se có hieu
in effect for two years. lac trong 2 nam.

53. After a period of two years 53. Sau thai gian hai nam hop
the contract may be d8ng có the bi hay bgt cii lac
cancelled at any time nao khong can thong bao
without prior notice. trtioc.

54. The contract is limited to 54. Hop d8ng daoc gioi han
three years. trong ba nam.

55. What commission would you 55. Ban mu6n tien hoa Ung la
expect for regular purchase? bao nhieu cho viec mua
hang thtiang xuyen?

56. The salary as agreed in the 56. Tien Wong da &foe th'Oa
contract will be transferred thugn trong hop &Ong se
monthly to the &toe chuyen tai tai khoan
representative's account. caa dai dien Yang thong.

57. Commission is to be 57. Tien hoa ho'ng se dttoc tinh

calculated at 3% on FOB la 3% tri gia FOB tra khi
price unless otherwise dive xac dinh lai vao thei
specified at the time of diem &at hang.
placing the order.
58. Like all our representatives, 58. Giong nhu tat ca dai dien
you will receive a 3% caa chi ng tai, ngai se nhgn
commission. met khoan tien hoa hang la

59. In addition to a commission 59. Ben canh mot khoan lien

and the usual expenses, you cong va cac chi phi thaang
will receive a fixed monthly xuyen, ngai se nhan duoc
salary of ... met khoan tien Wong c6
dinh hang thong la ...

60. Expenses will be paid 60. Cac chi phi se daoc trd hang
monthly together with our thong cang Wit viec chuyen
commission remittance. tien hoa hang caa cluing tai.
El 178 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

27. Processing and 27. Gia cong va Yap rap

1. Processing supplied 1. Nguyen lieu gia cong va be
materials and Assembling phan lap rap chicle cung cap
supplied parts play quite an gilt vai trO kha quan trong
important role in expanding trong viec and reng ngoai
Vietnam's foreign trade. thuong Viet Nam.
2. The processing and 2. NgAnh gia cong va lap rap
assembling business is a IA be phan cau thanh nganh
component part of our ngoai thaong caa chung
foreign trade.
3. We warmly welcome foreign 3. Chung toi ang nhiet chao
businessmen, overseas don nhang thaong nhan
Vietnamese as well as naoc ngoai, Viet kieu cung
compatriots from to enter nha dOng bao ci ... hop tac
into cooperation with us to vOi chung toi trong cac link
engage mainly in producing, vuc, chi yeU la san xuat va
manufacturing and gia cong hang xuat khau.
processing goods for export.
4. We particularly welcome the 4. Chung toi dac biet hoan
projects which will help nghenh nhung du an giiip
enhance our technique of chung toi nang cao 14 thuat
production, quality of san xuat, chat lacing san
products, labour productivity pham, nang suat lao &Ong
and managerial expertise. va ki6n thac quan 1ST chuyen
5. What do you think the 5. Cac ngai nghi the nao v6 d'6
proposal that we supply you xuat rang chiing toi se cung
with the assembly line, cap cho cac ngai day chuyen
technical information, lap rap, thong tin 14 thuat
testing instruments and dung cu kiem tra va cac be
complete sets of component linh kien hoan chinh de cac
parts for you to assemble ngai lap rap cluing thanh
them into finished thanh pham.
Nghi fink Thii tin Thifring mai Quoc to 179

6. We process with supplied 6. Chang toi gia cong tit

materials, or according to nguyen lieu cluoc cung cap
supplied samples, and/or hoac theo cac mau duoc
under designated brand cung cap va / hoac mang ten
names. sari pham &foe chi dinh.
7. All the materials are 7. Tat ca nguyen lieu deu do
provided by the customer, khach hang cung cap, trong
while the Vietnamese sides khi do phia Viet Nam chi
are only responsible for chiu trach nhiem gia cong
processing, for which they va tinh gia cong.
would charge a processing
8. Earning processing fee is 8. Thu phi gia cong khong phai
not the sole object of our la muc dich duy nhat cua
accepting orders for viec chting toi chap nhan
processing of materials cac thin dat hang gia cong
supplied by foreign ma nguyen lieu do khach
customers. hang nuoc ngoai cung cap.
9. We will process and 9. Chung toi se gia cong va lap
assemble in strict accordance rap theo thing nhii mau ma
with the sample submitted khach hang nude ngoai da
by foreign customers, and cung „cap va giao thanh
deliver the finished products pham phii hop voi cac dieu
in conformity with the khoan ciia hop &Ong, chd S7
contract terms respecting the cl6n thei gian giao hang,
time of delivery, quality and chat Wong va so- Wong.
10. We have setup an automatic 10. Chung toi da lap dat met
assembly line specially for day chuyen lap rap tit thing,
assembling the Philip brand chuyen de lap rap TV mau
colour TV sets for you with nha n hieu "Philip" cho cac
parts and components ngai voi phu tiing va linh
supplied by you. kien do cac ngai cung cap.
11. Our projects included the 11. Cac dot an cila chiing toi bao
establishment of a fruit gom viec xay thing met nha
processing plant and a food may ch6 bi6n hoa qua va
processing factory. met nha may ch6 bie'n that
la 180 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

12. One of the Japanese 12. M6t khach hang Nhat Ban
customers has signed a da 14, voi chung toi hop
contract with us for Bong lap rap dau may Video
assembling of video mang ten san pha'm cua ong
recorders under his brand to voi cac linh kien dtioc
name with components cung cap.
13. Through a series of 13. Qua hang loat cac cu6c dam
discussions, we have reached phan, thao luan, cluing toi
substantial agreement on da dat dive th6a thuan co
the processing and ban ve viec kinh doanh gia
assembling business. cong va lap rap.
14. Party B has agreed to 14. Ben B da d6ng y gia ding va
process and assemble for lap rap cho ben A 30.000
Party A 30,000 video dau may Video trong vong
recorders within period of hai nam.
two years.
15. Party A has agreed to 15. Ben A da d6ng y cung cap
provide party B with cho ben B nguyen lieu, linh
materials, components kien, thi6t bi va dung cu can
necessary equipment and thik cung tai lieu 14
tools as well as the relevant thuat c6 lien quan va cac
technical data and blue ban in matt xanh can cho
prints needed for the viec gia cong va lap rap.
processing and assembling.
16. The components and 16. Linh kien va nguyen lieu
auxiliary materials, etc. phu tro do ben B cung cap
supplied by Party B are to se duoc chi tit Nhat Ban toi
be shipped from Japan to Thuong Hai.
17. The supplied assembly tools 17. Dung cu lap rap cung cap se
shall be reinspected at this &toe giam dinh lai i ndi den
end to ensure that they d6 bao dam rang cluing pha
correspond to the standards. hop voi tieu chuan.
Nghi fink Thai tin Thticing mai Qu6c to 181 ri
18. Party A shall deliver the 18. Ben A se giao linh kien va
supplied materials and nguyen lieu phai cung cap
the vao kho cua ben B.
components to
warehouse of Party B.

19. The allowance for damage to 19. hit hang cho php doi
materials and components vOi nguyen lieu va linh kien
in the course of processing trong qua trinh gia ding va
and assembling is 2%. lap rap la 2%.

20. If supplied materials do not 20. Neu nguyen lieu cac ngai
conform to the requirements cung cap khong phu hop voi
of the processing, we shall yeu cau gia cong, thong tai
ask you to send us se yeu cau cac ngai gai
replacements. nguyen lieu khac thay the.

21. Should any damage or defect 21. Neu Oat hien co bat liST htt
the found in the components hang hoac khuyeI tat nao
or auxiliary materials, etc. dOi vdi linh kien va nguyen
Party A shall immediately lieu phu tro, ben A se ngay
advise Party B to send lap tic thong bao cho ben B
replacements in time. de ben B giti hang thay th6
den kip thai.

22. Should Party B fail to supply 22. Ne'll ben B khong cung cap
the components and linh kien va nguyen lieu
auxiliary materials, etc. in phu tro dung the i gian thi
time, all losses incurred ben B se phai chiu tat ca
shall be born by Party B. nhiing mat mat phat sinh.

23. The processing and 23. Tien cong gia cong va Lap
assembling charges for each rap met chi& la ... do la
set are $HK ..., not including HOng Kong chtfa tinh phi
insurance premium. bao hi6m.

24. Payment of the processing 24. Viec thanh toan phi gia cong
fee and shipping expenses va chi phi van tai &tang
shall be made by irrevocable bin se duoc thuc hien bang
letter of credit to be opened that tin dung khOng huy
by Party B. ngang do ben B ma.
ej 182 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

25. Insurance for the materials, 25. Ben B se thay mat ben A lo
components, finished or viec bao hiem nguyen lieu,
semifinished products in the linh kien, thanh pham va
warehouse or during transit ban thanh pham, trong nha
is to be taken care of by kho hoac trong ,khi qua
Party B on behalf of Party canh. Phi bao hiem se do
A. The insurance premium ben A chiu.
shall be for Party A's
26. The finished video recorders 26. Thanh pham dau may Video
shall be packed in cartons, 8 se duck dong goi trong hop
cartons to a wooden case carton trong met kien go
suitable for long distance plin hop cho viec van
transportation. The packing chuyen throng dai. Chi phi
charges are to be borne by dong goi do ben B chiu.
Party B.
27. After processing and 27. Sau khi gia tong va lap rap
assembling the materials nguyen lieu va linh kien
and components into thanh pham ((tau may
finished products (video Video) ben B se giao cho ben
recorders), Party B shall A m6i thang met Ian 1.000
deliver once a month 1,000 chi6c. Chi phi van chuyen
sets to Party A. The thanh pham bang tau bien
shipping expenses for the se do ben A chiu
finished products shall be
for Party A's account.
28. Shipment of finished video 28. Thanh pham dau may video
recorders shall be made m6i thang, d-noc gin met Ian,
once a month to be arranged se' ducic sap xep tren co so
on a quarterly basis. hang qty.
29. Should Party A fail to 29. N6u ben A khong giao dau
deliver video recorders in may video kip thei thi tat ca
time, all losses thus cac mat mat phat sinh tit
incurred shall be borne by viec do se do ben A chiu.
Party A.
Nghi thtic Thii tin Thtidng mai Quilc to 183 el
30. Party A shall ship the 30. Ben A se giao ddu may video
assembled video recorders da lap rap cho ben B d cang
to Party B at port d6n theo lenh ciia ben B.
destination as instructed by Tat ca cac chi ,phi van
Party B. All the shipping chuyen &tang bien se do
expenses shall be borne by ben B chiu.
Party A.

31. We agree to pay for the 31. Chiang toi deng y thanh toan
equipment and technology cho thik bi va eel-1g nghe
by installments with the theo phtiong thiac tra ddn
processing fees payable to bang phi gia cong ma chUng
us. toi &toe hitting.

Sau khi h6t thei han hop

32. After the expiration on the 32.
contracted period of two Bong hai nam, dung cu va
years, the supplied thi6t bi da cung cap se tre
equipment and tools will thanh tai san cim ben B met
become the property of each mien phi.
Party B free of charge.
Sau khi kS7 hop deng nay ben
33. Party B shall, after this 33.
contract is signed, send at B se giti voi chi phi cim
its own expenses five minh nam kS7- thuat vien va
technicians and tow hai thanh vien ban quan tri
administrative staff tei Dung Quat de giUp do ky
members to Dung Quat to thuat trong qua trinh lap
render technical assistance rap va kiem dinh thanh
during assembling and to pham truoc khi giao.
inspect the finished
products before delivery.

34. On taking over the products, 34. Khi nhan hang, dai dien ben
the representatives on Party A se phai giao cho ben B
A shall give Party B a met bien lai chUng nhan
Receipt certifying that the rang thanh pham da duoc
finished products have been kiem dinh va dat tieu chuan
inspected and found to be up theo yeu cdu cila hop deng.
to the standard required by
the contract.
® 184 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

35. Thank you for your. 35. Xin cam on su hop tac cua
cooperation. We are willing cac ngai. Chung toi sdn long
to renew the contract for tai 14p hop dOng them hai
another two years on the nam nua voi nhiing dieu
same terms and conditions. khoan hop deing van flint
Nghi tittle Thti tin Thlidng mai Queic to 185g

28. Calling for bids 28. Goi thdu va dii

and bidding thdu
1. I've heard that you are 1. Toi nghe not cac ngai dang
prepared to call for a bid for chudn bi goi thdu de phut
the development of Phu trien khu Phu D6ng c8 thing
Dong area. Is that correct? vay khong?
2. We are ready to call for a 2. Dung vay, chung toi sap goi
bid. th'du.
3. When can we expect to get 3. Khi nao chung toi c8 the
the notice calling for the nhan ducic th8ng bao goi
bid? thdu?
4. When do you intend to start 4. Cac ngai dtt dinh khi nao
inviting tender? thi bdt dau goi thdu?
5. We expect to send the notice 5. Chung toi dot dinh eh thong
calling for a bid at the bao goi thdu vao thong toi.
beginning of next month.
6. Would you please tell me 6. De nghi cac ngai cho toi biet
something more about your them vai diet' v6 dieu kien
conditions for bid? dot thdu cua cac ngai cO dive
7. Before submitting the 7. Truck khi dot thdu, chUng
tender, we must know all toi mu6n biet tat ca cac chi
the details about the bid tie't ve dieu kien dpi thdu.
8. To enable us to meet 8. De bao dam cho chUng toi co
competition in this tender, the canh tranh trong Idn
please investigate your thdu nay. Xin cac ngai dieu
market and give us a little tra thi trang cua minh va
guidance. dtta ra mot s6 chi 'ddn cho
chUng toi.
9. From our brochure and 9. Cac ngai c8 the tim thay
price list you may find the thong tin minh niu6n biet
information you want to trong quyen such huong dun
know. va bang gia cua chung toi.
10. What kind of equipment 10. Cac ngai muon mua loci
would you like to buy? thie't bi nao?
g 186 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

11. The item we'd like to buy is 11. Chung toi muon mua thie't
the chemistry and physics bi phan tich vat lY \Ta hoa
analyzing equipment. hoc.
12. When must the bidders 12. Khi nao nirCing ngvai du
submit their bids? thAu phai nep don dii thau?
13. The period for bidding is 13. Thai han dot than tam thai
temporarily arranged from &toe sap xep tit ngay 10
10th May to the end of the thang 5 dOn cuei thang d6.
same month.
14. The last date for receipt of 14. Thai han cuOi ding nhan
bids is the 15th October, don dii thau la 10 gia sang
19.... at 10 A.M. Bids ngay 15 thang 10 nam 19....
received after the date and Don du than nhan sau ngay
time will not be consider. gia not tren se khong dvoc
xem xet.
15. If you fail to furnish a bid 15. Neu cac ngai khong ky guy
'bond before the opening of truck hic ma don dii thau,
tender, your bids, will not don dv that' cua cac ngai se
be considered.. khong chicle xem xet.
16. Where is the tender 16. Xin cho bie't tai lieu du than
document to be sent? To phai gin di dau, giti cho ai?
whom please?
17. Please send it to: Quang 17. Xin ha y giti dOn: Quang
Huy. The manager's office, Huy - Van phong Giam dOc,
the Huy-Ha Development Cong ty tong hop phat trien
General Corporation, Hanoi, Huy - HA, HA Nei, Viet
Vietnam. Nam.
18. When do you expect to open 1.8. Khi nAo cac ngai dinh ma
the tender? And where don du that'? VA d dau?
19. We are going to open the 19. Chung tai se ma don dii thau
tender on 20 th March, in vac) ngay 20 thang 3 tai HA
Hanoi. Nei.
20. Is it a secret tender-opening 20. Viec and don dv that' la bi
or a public one? mat hay cong khai?
Nghi thilc Thu tin Thudng mai Queic to 187E3

21. Of course it is a public 21. Tat nhien viec and don du

tender-opening. All the thdu la cong khai. Tat ca
bidders will be invited to nhiing nguai di thdu se duct
join us to supervise the mai den de cling chung toi
opening. giam sat le ma don du thdu.
22. We are very interested in 22. Chung toi rat quan tam den
this bid, and we will do our cuOc dau thdu nay va chiing
best to win the award. toi se c6 gAng het site de
gianh duoc trung thdu.
23. As our prices are 23. Bai gia cua chung toi du de
competitive enough, we canh tranh, chung toi by
hope to be successful in this vong se thanh cong trong
tender. cu6c dau thdu nay.
24. If all your tender conditions 24. Neu cac dieu kien trong don
prove most suitable, of du thdu cua cac ngai hop 1ST
course, we'll choose your nhat, thi tat nhien chung toi
tender. se chon don du thdu cua cac
25. I suggest we keep close 25. Tel de nghi chung to ha y
contact with each other in lien lac chat the yeti nhau
the future. trong Wong lai.
26. In response to your 26. De dap lai lai mai di thdu
invitation to bid, we agree to dia cac ngai chung toi deng
furnish the following items cung cap nhUng this sau
subject to the instructions day theo cac dieu kien va
and conditions therein. chi cran trong do.
27. In compliance with your 27. De dap lai mai thdu s6 120
invitation N2 .120, we are cua cac ngai, chUng toi thay
pleased to submit to you our mat cho Cong ty PGF
bid on behalf of PGF Co., TOKYO vui mUng de trinh
Tokyo. len cac ngai don du thdu
cila cluing toi.
28. We are disappointed to learn 28. Chung toi lay lam that vong
from you that our bid has khi chung toi diioc biet qua
been rejected by DED Co., cac ngai rang don di thdu
Karachi. cua chung Vol da bi DED
Co., Karachi loai.
ei 188 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

29. Detailed engineering of the 29. Ks,- thudt chi tiet ctia cong
works or goods to be trinh hoac hang h6a se duck
provided including the cung cap bao gOm ca viec
preparation of technical chuan bi, qui cach ky- thug
specifications and other va cac tai lieu dot than khac
bidding documents should phai có truoc khi mai nhdn
preceded the invitation to thdu hop &ling.
bid for the contract.
30. Invitation to bid should also 30 • Mai thdu cling phai duoc
newspaper of general quang cao tren It nhat met
circulation in the borrower's to bao dive phat hanh reng
country. ra i o mieic nguai vay.
31. The time allowed for 31 Thai gian chuan bi dot thdu
preparation of bids should cho phep phu thuec vao qui
depend on the magnitude me va mitt do phlic tap cila
and complexity of the hop &Ong.
32. The date, hour, and place for 32. Ngay gia va dia diem chdm
latest delivery of bids by the de nguai dot thdu gill don di
bidder and of the bid thdu chdm nhdt va de and
opening, should be thdu phai &foe cong 1)6
announced in the invitation trong gidy mcii dti thdu.
to bid.
33. All bids should be opened at 33. Tat ca don dot thdu phai
the stipulated time. diioc and vao thai gian quy
GM-1h. •
34. Bids delivered after the time 34. Khong mo va tra lai don dv
stipulated should be thdu giti sau thai gian quy
returned unopened. dinh.
35. Extension of validity of bids 35. Thong thtiong khong dttoc
should normally not be yeu cAu gia han hieu hfc cua
requested. chin dti thdu.
36. Normally I, I no bidder 36. Thong thtiang khong có
should be permitted to alter ngtiai thdu nao throe
his bid after bid has been phep thay doi don dot thdu
opened. cila minh sau khi no da
ditoc ma.
Nghi thiirc Dui tin Thildng mai Qu'dc to 189g

37. Bidders are expected to read 37. Nhang nguai dv thdu difec
carefully all the provisions yeu cdu doc ky cac dieu
set forth in the bid khoan dtia ra trong tai lieu
documents including the du thdu bao gem ca chi ti6t
technical specification. ky thudt.

38. Technical specifications of 38. Cac chi ti6t ky thudt cua

the goods offered by bidders hang do ngtiei dpi thdu cung
must comply with the cap phai phi' hop voi nhiing
requirements set forth in yeti cau ddt ra trong bang
the attached specification qui each pham chdt kem
sheet for each item. theo cho moi hang muc.

39. Catalog sheets submitted 39. Ca to lo giii cling voi don du

with the bid must be th'du phai la ban "g6c"
originals and not copies. khong phai ban sao.

40. The technical specification of 40. Chi ti6t ky thot cila hang
the goods to be delivered Ma se dtioc giao phai
shall be in conformity with hop yeti quy dinh trong bang
those specified in the qui cach pham chdt cua be
technical specifications of tai lieu du thdu.
the bidding documents.

41. Sealed bids for furnishing 41. Cac don dti thdu da &rig ddu
computer and peripheral xin cung cap may tinh va cac
equipment subject to the thi6t bi kem theo phu thuec
following terms and vao cac di6u kien sau se ditoc
conditions will be received a
nhdn van phOng nay khong
at this office not later than qua 1 gid chi6u ngay 15
1:00pm. October 15, 19... thang 10 Warn 199... va sau
and then opened publicly in do se duck and met each cong
the present of the attending khai vdi sii có mat cua nhiing
bidders on the same day at nail di thdu vao hic 5 gid
5:00pm. chieu ding ngay.

42. Buyer: Vietnam National 42. Ngitei mua: cong ty nhdp

Technical Import khdu ky thudt qu6c gia Viet
Corporation. Nam.

43. Commodity: Chemistry and 43. Hang Ilea: thi6t bi phan tich
physics analyzing vat 1.ST va Ilea hoc.
eg 190 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

44. Quality (please read the 44. Chat Wong (xin doc ban phu
attachment 3 to the bid luc s6 3 di vdi 01 lieu du
document). thau).
45. Quantity: 20 sets. 45. So uong: 20 chi6c.
46. Price: FOB vessel basis 46. Gia ca: FOB chi la can cif
only. cho tau ma thoi.
47. Shipment: to be loaded from 47. Giao hang: hang dude xep
October 5 to November 5, len tau Viet Nam MV (Song
1994 on the Vietnamese Cau) tit 5/10 d6n 5/11 nam
vessel MV "Song Cau" 1994.
48. Destination: to be discharged 48. Ndi den: hang chide do tai
at Shanghai seaport. cang Bien Thuong Hai.
49. Payment: By irrevocable 49. Thanh toan: bang that tin
without recourse L/C at dung khong huy ngang
sight for full invoice value mien bOi hoan tra ngay toan
in US Dollars, to be opened bO gia tri hOa don bang &la
within two weeks after My", mO trong \Tong hai tuan
receipt of performance sau khi nha.n duoc tien dat
Bond. coc.
50. Insurance: to be arranged by 50. Bao hi6m: do nguai mua
buyer. dam nhan.
Nghi finite That tin Thudng mai Queic to 191g

29. Economic and 29. Hqp tac ky thu ;at

technical cooperation
1. Technology as a commodity 1. Voi vai tro la hang h6a ding
has a high value because it nghe c6 gia tri cao bcii vi no
an improve production. c6 the cai tien san xuat.

2. Technology should be 2. Gong nghe phai duuc thudng

commercialized - bought mai hoa - mua va ban - sao
and sold-so that technical cho sit phat trien ky thuat
development can be widely c6 the dive dp dung Ong ra i
applied to production. vao san xuA.

3. Importation of advanced 3. Nhap khau ky thuat tien

technology from abroad is a tien cUa nuoc ngoai la mot
very effective way to boost cach rat hieu qua de day
our technological progress. manh tien bO cong nghe ciia
chling t6i.

4. In order to develop our 4. Nham day manh cong cuOc

socialist construction, we xay dung chiu nghla xa hOi,
have been actively cluing to da tich citc phat
developing our technological trien ban ban cong nghe
trade with other countries. voi cac nuoc khac.

5. The Vietnamese Government 5. Chink phi]. Viet Nam da

has adopted favourable thong qua cac chinh sach Stu
policies to encourage da i de) khuy6n khich buOn
technological trade. ban cong nghe.

6. Importing the advanced 6. Nhap khau cong nghe tien

technology is capable of ti6n c6 kha nang gop phan
contributing to advancement vao sit ti6n b6 cua khoa hoc
of scientific and technical va ky thu4t.
ig 192 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

7. Technology imports do not 7. NhAp khA'u cong nghe

mean abandoning Vietnam's khong c6 nghia la tit b6 viec
own scientific research, but nghien citu khoa hoc ciia
making use of the latest rieng Viet Nam ma c6 nghia
technology to bridge the gap la sit dung cong nghe mdi
between Vietnam and nhAt cld thu hep khoang
developed industrial cach Oita Viet Nam va cac
countries. This policy does niidc cong nghiep Oat trien.
not contradict the principle Chinh sach nay khong mau
of self-reliance. thuan vdi nguyen tac ti luc.
8. Facts have proved that to 8. Ting t6 da chiing minh rang
import productive nhAp khAu cong nghe sari
technology and advanced xuat va thie't bi tien tie'n
equipment as well as clang nhii pinking phap san
manufacturing processes xuAt va ky nang quan tri
and administrative and kinh doanh la met trong
management skills is one of nhiing con &tong chit ye-u de
the main ways to speed up day nhanh sit Oat trien
Vietnam's economic kinh t6 cila Viet Nam.
9. The automation and 9. Trinh de tit deng hoa va
productivity level must be nang suAt lao Ong phai
raised so that the present dude nang cao sao cho chAt
quality can reach hiong hien nay c6 the (tat tdi
international levels. mitc ngang tam quiic tei
10. We purchase your technology 10. Chung toi mua cong nghe
chiefly in order to renovate cua cac ngai chit yeii de deli
our old equipment. mdi thie't bi cu cua chung
11. What are the principles of 11. Nhiing nguyen tac hop tac
technical cooperation? ky thuAt IA g-i?
12. Agreements provide for the 12. Cac hiep Binh diia ra nhfing
following principles of nguyen tac hop tac sau day:
cooperation: equality mutual binh clang, ding c6 ldi,
benefit, non-interference in khong can thiep vac) cong
the internal affairs, and viec not be, va ton trong chit
respect for sovereignty. quy'en cua nhau.
Nghi fink Thii tin Thlicing mai Quilc to 193

13. In our technological trade 13. Trong buon ban tong nghe
with foreign companies and gitta chung toi voi cac cong
enterprises, we operate on ty va ha ng nu& ngoai,
the basis of equality and cluing toi lam viec tren
mutual benefit. nguyen tac binh clang va doi
ben ding c6 loi.

14. It is our consistent policy to 14. Chinh sach dia chilng toi la
respect the general ton trong tap quail qu6c t6
international practice in ve cong nhan quyen sd hiTiu
regard to recognizing • cong nghiep va bao ve quy6n
industrial property rights loi hop phap dia chi sO hitu
and protecting the legal tai san.
rights of property owners.
15. Vietnam is sure to adopt 15. Chac than Viet Nam se
more flexible policies to thong qua nhung chinh sach
quicken technology imports. linh hoat hal de day nhanh
nhap khau cong nghe.

16. The importation of 16. Viec nhap khau cong nghe

technology and equipment va thik bi phai difoc thVc
must be done according to hien tren co sei die'u tra theo
careful plans and cac ke" hoach va sit di6u tra
investigation to avoid waste. can trong de tranh la ng phi.

17. The conclusion of technology 17. ICY ke't cac hop di:31 -1g nhap
import contracts must khau cong nghe phai tuan
conform to the relevant theo nhang dieu khoan c6
provisions of the Foreign lien quan cia Luat hop
Economic contract Law and d6rig kinh t6 v6i nitric ngoai
other laws of the Socialist Nth. cac luat khac cia nude
Republic of Vietnam. C6ng hoa xa h6i chi nghia
Viet Nam.

18. The duration of the contract 18. Thai han hop ding phai phiu
shall conform to the time hop v6i thai gian can thie't
needed by the recipient to de ben nhan tie-p thu dvoc
assimilates the technology cong nghe va khong &toe
provided and, unless vilOt qua 10 nam trif khi c6
approved by competent sit c16ng y ci1a co quan c6
authorities, shall not exceed tham quyen.
ten years.
g 194 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

19. Does the Ministry of Trade 19. Be Thuong mai Viet Nam có
of Vietnam take part in the tham gia vac) viec 1(57 ket cac
signing of inter hiep dinh lien Chinh phi
governmental agreements? khang?
20. The agreements are signed 20. Be Thuong mai cila Viet
by the Ministry of Trade of Nam thay mat Chinh phu
Vietnam on behalf of the Viet Nam ky k6t cac hiep
government. dinh.
21. The Ministry of Science - 21. Be Khoa hoc Cong nghe cua
Technology of Vietnam Viet Nam t6 chfic hop tac
organizes cooperation with vdi cac =lc tit ban cong
industrially developed nghiep phat
capitalist countries.
22. We are very interested in 22. Cluing tai rat quan tam den
foreign economic activities hoat deng kinh t6 nuoc
of China. ngoai cua Trung Qu6c.
23. We wish to establish long 23. Chung tai mong man thiel
and steady technical lap quan he hop tac ky
cooperative relations. thuat lau dai va On dinh. •
24. External financing will be 24. V6n ben ngoai se duoc sit
used for the implementation dung de thuc hien du an.
of the project.
25. Foreign firms will be invited 25. Cac cong ty nitric ngoai se
to participate in the , duoc mai tham gia xay dung
construction of the project. du an.
26. Foreign companies not only 26. Cac cong ty nudc ngoai
sell their equipment, but khong chi ban thi6t bi ma
also teach us advanced ho con day chung to cong
technology. nghe tien ti6n.
27. The technical guidance in 27. Cac ky thuat vien do ngoai
the plant construction. ban gill • tai co! nghia vu
hitting dan ky' thuat cho
nguoi mua trong viec xay
dung nha may.
Nghi thik Tini tin Tinicing mai Qu6c to 195g

28. Vietnam concludes 28. Viet Nam l(ST 1(61 cac hiep
agreements with dinh voi cac int& td ban
industrially developed cong nghiep phat trien
capitalist countries in order nham hohn thanh cam ket
to fulfil its commitments to cua minh thvc hien cac dii
the projects in third an a nvoc this ba.

29. The technology to be 29. Cong nghe nhap khau phai

imported must be advanced Lien tien va c6 kha nang
and capable of developing Oat trien va san xu'A san
and producing new pham moi.
30. The suppliers shall ensure 30. Cac nha cung cap phai dam
that the technology bao rang cong nghe cung
provided is complete, cap la deng be, dung, hieu
correct, effective and qua va c6 kha na.'ng thVc
capable of accomplishing hien dvoc nhang muc tieu
the technical targets chi ra trong hop deng.
specified in the contract.
31. The recipient shall 31. Ben nhan c6 nghia vu gilt
undertake the obligation to kin cac bi mat ky thuat
keep confidential, in chiia dvoc cong b6 c6 trong
accordance with the scope cong nghe ma cung
and duration agreed upon cap trong pham vi va thdi
by both parties, the han hai ben da th6a thuan.
technical secrets contained
in the technology provided
by the supplier, which have
not been made public.

32. The know-how transferred 32. Bi quye-t chuyen giao cho

to us will be kept chung toi se dlicic gift kin va
confidential and not let out khong bi tie-t to hay chuyen
or passed or to a third cho met ben this ba khac.
g 196 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

33. Basing on experiences to be 33. Data vao kinh nghiem da

summed up, we are going to duec tong ke't tom tat,
take effective measures and Chung toi du dinh ti6n hanh
promote further growth of cac Bien phap hieu qua va
technological trade. thtic day ban ban cong
nghe tang tritang hon.
34. Under the terms of the 34. Theo cac dieu khoan cUa
agreement reached between hiep dinh chUng to da dat
us, you should help us to duoc cac ngai phai gnip de
modernize our production cluing tei hien dai hoa san
through technology xuat cua minh thong qua
transfer. chuyen giao cong nghe.
35. In accordance with the 35. Theo hip dinh nay, cac ngai
agreement, you should phai cung cap IA quyet ky
provide the technical know- thu4t v6 san xuat may va
how in connection with the dao tao cong nhan cUa
production of the machine clung tei cach sit dung no.
and train our workers how
to use it.

36. A part of the workers shall 36. Met s6 cong nhan se duoc
receive one year's prefab dao tao met nam truoc khi
training before engaging in bat dau cong viec cilia ho.
their professional work.

37. I think half a yea's on-the- 37. Toi nghi rang nita nam vita
job training will be enough dao tao vita lam viec se du
for the new workers to de cho cac ding nhan mei
master the skills. thanh thao ky nang.
38. The technicians and experts 38. Thinh thoang cac ky thuat
of both parties should hold vien va chuyen gia cua ca
meetings from time to time hai ben nen t6 chtic hop de
for technical exchange. trao doi ky- thuat.
Nghi fink Thii tin Thifring mai Quoc to 197E1

39. Since the plant installation 39. Bai vi may mew thiet bi lap
consists of both imported d'at cho nha may g6m ca
and Vietnamese made nh4p kha'u 1 -'an do Viet Nam
machines and equipment, san xugt, chuyen gia cua ca
the experts of both parties hai ben nen thliCing xuyen
should hold technical hiep thvong ky thu4t vdi
consultations frequently. nhau.

40. I wonder which 40. Tel mien biet t6 chile nao

organizations deal with chiu trach nhiem v6 cac mei
foreign economic links. quan he kinh t6 vdi nuoc

41. The Chamber of Commerce 41. Phong TIniong mai va Cong

and Industry of Vietnam is nghiep Viet Nam chiu trach
in charge of promoting the nhiem phat trien mei quan
relationship between he giita cac hang Viet Nam
Vietnamese enterprises and va gioi kinh doanh, kinh t6
overseas economic and ngoai qu6c, trao d8i th8ng
trade circles, exchanging tin v6 cac hoat deng kinh t6
information on economic va die'u kien dAu tu, t6 chic
activities and investment hei cho va trie'n la m o Viet
conditions, holding fairs and Nam va nttdc ngoai.
exhibitions in Vietnam and

42. Could you put us in the 42. Cac ngai có the cho cluing tei
picture about the biet cMy du ve t6 eh& hoat,
organization of the foreign deng kinh t6 nu& ngoai cua
economic activity of the Bo Thtiong mai cim Viet
Ministry of Trade of Nam dttoc khong?
43. The Ministry of Trade is 43. Be TInfong mai thong nhaTt
engaged in unified quan ly ddu ttt nuoc ngoai
leadership in administration va hop tac kinh t6 arming
of Vietnam's foreign trade mai vdi int& ngoai cim Viet
economic cooperation and Nam.
foreign investment.
g 198 International Trade Correspondence Etiquette

44. Import and export 44. Cac cong ty xuat nhap khau
corporations are va cong ty kinh t6 ky- thuat
subordinate organizations la nhiing t6 chfic nam
to the Ministry of Trade of quy6n B6 Thuong mai va
Vietnam. Quan h6 kinh t6 nitric ngoai
Viet Nam.
45. Each corporation under the 45. M6i cong ty thuec Be
Ministry of Trade of Thuong mai Vi6t Nam la
Vietnam is an independent mot phap nhan d6c
juridical person.
46. The corporation under the 46. Cac ding ty thu6c Be
Ministry of Trade of Thuong mai thi6t lap mosi
Vietnam establishes direct quan he true ti6p voi cac
contacts with foreign firms. ha ng nude ngoai.
47. Import and export 47. Cac cong ty xuat nhap khau
corporations are engaged in tham gia kinh doanh xuat
import and export business nhap khau hang Ma, cong
of commodities, technology ngh6 va thi6t bi toan be.
and complete equipment.
48. Economic and technical 48. Cac cong ty kinh t6 va ky-
corporations undertake the thuat thuc hien nhiem vu
tasks of granting economic giUp da kinh to va ky thuat
and technical assistance hop the vdi cac nudc dang
and cooperation to phat trien va ky hop dung
developing countries and thuc hien cac du an xay
contracting for engineering dung va dich vu lao Ong
projects and labour services nitric ngoai.
49. Financial, trust and 49. Cac cong ty tai chinh, uy
investment corporations thac va dau tit thuc hien
undertake the tasks of nhiem vu thu but va sit
attracting and utilizing dung von dau tit nitric ngoai
foreign investment and va dua cong nghe tien ti6n
ushering in advanced \Tao dat nuoc.
Nghi thilc Thti tin nuking mai Qu6c t6 199g

50. The Ministry of Trade of 50. BO Thudng mai Viet Nam

Vietnam engages the thue cac cong ty kinh to va
relative import and export ky- thuat hoac , cac cong ty
corporations or economic xuat nhap khau lien quan
and technical corporations lam cac nha cung cap tong
as general suppliers and hop va nha tang th6.u.

51. The Vietnamese economic 51. Cac cong ty kinh to ky thuat

and technical corporations Viet Nam kST thOa thuan
sign agreements to execute thus hien cac loai du an
certain types of projects. nhat dinh.

52. Introduction of high 52. Viec dua cong nghe cao \Tao
technology has changed the da thay doi bi) mat cac
face of the city's industries. nganh cong nghiep cua
thanh phO.

53. We have had many 53. Cluing toi da có nhi6u cd hoi

opportunities to see that de thay rang dat nude cac
your country is a reliable ngai la mot del tac clang tin
partner. coy.

54. We are willing to establish 54. Chung toi vui long thie't lap
with your country long-term cac mei quan he kinh t6 lau
economic relations. dai vdi dgt nuoc cac ngai.

56. We feel the same. 55. Chung toi cling (cam thay)
nhu vay.
NguyZn Trong Dan


03 Cong tru'emg Qu6c t6, Q.3, TP.HCM
DT: 8 239 170 - 8 239 171 - Fax: 8 239 172

Chiu trcich nhiem xuett bcin


Bien Op


Saw &in in


Trinh bay bia


239/155 AV.TK. 375-02 (T)

In 1000 cu6n, kh6 16 x 24 cm. Gidy phep xuat ban s6:

239/155/XB-QLXB do Cuc Xuat ban cap ngay 07/2/2002. Giay
trich ngang s6: 04. /KHXB ngay 2/1/2003. In tai Xi nghi4 in
Machinco. N6p 1Liu chigu thang 2 nam 2003.

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