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Mountain View College

Final Exam – Anatomy

Name: Sam Anztein M. Bayeta Date: 21/06/2021


1. What have you learned in your report topic? Cite at least 3 important things you’ve learned from it. (15 pts)

The important things that I learn from my report about the Human Reproductive System are;
1.) The reproductive system's primary goal is to secure the species' survival. Other physiological systems,
such as the endocrine and urinary systems, are always working to maintain homeostasis in order for
the human to survive.
2.) Studying the reproductive system is important to us because it provides us with valuable information.
It assists us in understanding the biological activities linked with the reproductive system, how they
work, what the organ is for, and how to be responsible for using and cleaning these parts of our
3.) You will be able to educate individuals about sex, sexuality, and fertility by studying sexual and
reproductive health.

2. How is this system important to human body, physical activity, exercise, and everyday living? (15 pts)

The male reproductive system works differently as well and both male and female needs to constitute
equally for the reproduction process. Both males and females are responsible for the birth of a child and at
the same in case of any complications, usually, both the reproductive systems are responsible directly or
indirectly. The male and female reproductive systems are important because the cells that allow humans
beings to reproduce are produced by these systems. Reproduction allows for the survival of the human

3. Briefly discuss the functions, adaptations to its physical movement and exercise. (10 pts)

The reproductive system is an organ system comprised of male or female sex organs. In vertebrates, the
male sex organs include testes, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, and penis whereas the female sex
organs include ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus (womb), vagina (birth canal), and mammary glands. The
function of the reproductive system is primarily for production of gametes and reproduction. The male
reproductive system produces sperm cells (male gametes) by spermatogenesis. The sperm cells are stored
in the epididymis. The female reproductive system produces egg cells or ova (female gametes) by oogenesis.
The egg cell is released from the ovary, which occurs during ovulation. Through copulation or sexual
intercourse, the sperm cells are released to travel towards the egg cell. The sperm cell that is able to fertilize
the egg cell would give rise to a zygote that implants to the uterine wall and proceeds to embryogenesis.
4. What can we do to take care of our bodies? (10 pts)
There are many things we can do to take care of our bodies. To take care of our bodies we shout eat a
healthy balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruit, get enough sleep, avoid stress, don't use tobacco,
vape products, alcohol, or drugs, and Exercise as often as you can. Taking proper care of yourself is critical
to your recovery's success. People in recovery discover that their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-
being are all connected, and that supporting one helps the other. Taking care of all aspects of yourself will
increase your chances of staying healthy.

5. Why is each of the systems of the body important? (10 pts)

Skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, muscular, digestive, integumentary, endocrine, reproductive, and
nervous systems. Each of the systems of the body is very important because we can understand how everything works
together, to keep us healthy growing, and strong by learning about the different systems that work inside the body. It is
also important so that we can understand each different role and also to make our body function and how to care for

6. How can we make choices to promote a healthy body? (10 pts)

There are many choices to make to promote a healthy body. The right choices is that we should discipline
ourselves to promote a healthy body. Being in the right choices we prevent or control many of the nation's leading
causes of death. There is now more and more strong, scientific evidence that it is never too late for healthy life-style
choices to positively, and often greatly, impact your physical, emotional, and mental health.

 Physical Activity
- Regular, moderate exercise produced surprising improvements in strength, cardiovascular
conditioning, flexibility, balance, and body composition.
 Good Nutrition
- A healthy diet means choosing a variety of healthy foods and setting limits on how much and how
often you eat less healthy foods.
 Maintaining Social Connections
- Social activities serve many purposes. While some activities are purely for enjoyment, being
socially active also helps keep the body, mind, and spirit active and alive. In fact, people who
remain socially active are less likely to show physical decline as they age.
- There are two important things that motivate most people to stay involved in life: interaction with
people and contributing to life in some meaningful way.
 The Importance of Friends
- Friendships have been found to have as positive an effect on healthy aging as keeping physically fit.

 Keeping Your Mind Active

- According to recent research funded by the National Institute on Aging - NIA, studies suggest that
memory loss is not a normal part of aging and keeping your mind active is the key to maintaining
brain function.

Researchers believe that many of the supposed age-related changes which affect the mind, such as
memory loss, are actually lifestyle related. It appears to be a package deal. Keeping an active body
and social life and reducing stress are also crucial for an active mind.

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