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Acanus Tilernos, favoured of Iomedae

Tall, broad, and powerful in build, Acanus fits the part of a warrior of Lastwall and Iomedae.
Upon his right palm he bears the first Mark of Justice (a shield), indicating he is a citizen of
Lastwall and has sworn an oath of loyalty to support the crusade and its ideals, and to treat
citizens and strangers alike with fairness, honesty, and respect. Upon is left palm he bears a
second Mark of Justice (a blazing longsword - Iomedae's Holy Symbol). This second mark is
revered for Vigilant soldiers who swear to faithfully serve their commanders, to protect the
citizens even at the risk of their own life, to temper justice with mercy, and to uphold the
crusader ideal.

Acanthus was born to one of the oldest and most respected noble families of Lastwall. House
Tilernos have been sworn to the Knights of Ozem since the days of the Shining Crusade and the
founding of Vigil. Despite the recent threat of orcs from the Hold of Belkzen, House Tilernos has
always held to the funding principal of Lastwall - to guard against the return of the Litch-King,
Tar-Baphon. To this end, many scions of House Tilneros take the oaths of Iomedea's Paladins
and join the Knights of Ozem patrols in Virlych.

In contrast to his cousins though, Acanus followed a different path. Form the day of his birth,
Acanus has been favoured by Iomedae. Normally, those warriors who wish to bear the second
Mark of Justice must be vetted by a Precentor Martial of Vigil. By contrast, Acanus was born
bearing the second Mark of Justice as a birthmark. As he grew tall and strong, so to did his faith,
and soon Acanus left his bothers, sisters, and cousins in the martial training fields of the Ozem.
Inducted into the warriors’ priesthood of Iomedae, Acanus was taught the edicts and principals
of his faith.

The circumstances of his birth would have weighed heavily on some, but Acanus has embraced
what he sees as his calling. Iomedae has great plans for him, and it is up to him to find it. Acanus
has spent several years wandering in the blighted Virlych, both as part of official Lastwall
patrols, and in smaller less organized outings. These solo wanderings have become longer in
recent years, and has strained his relationship with the family heads of House Tilernos. Acanus
has always maintained close ties to his large family, and pays careful attention and affection to
the children of the House. He knows first-hand how hard it can be to grow up in a House so
steeped in honour and military tradition. While most of the House support his quest to discover
Iomedae's grand plan for him, many of the House Elders think he would be best to take up a
leading position with the Knights of Ozem rather than wander aimlessly.

Whether at home in Vigil or on the road in Ustalav, Acanus always seeks to help the needy and
punish the unjust. Wherever possible in Ustalav, he encourages the peasants to set aside their
fatalistic worship of Pharasma, and to follow the teachings of Iomedae and their more proactive
approach to addressing the injustices of their lives. Acanus believes that every individual has the
potential to overcome the evil and chaos in their lives, and eagerly reminds people of Iomedae's
mortal ascension as proof.

Acanus and Professor Lorrimor have been frequent collaborators in matters of the undead
horrors that once, and still, lurk in the blasted wastes of Virlych. More than once Acanus and
Professor Lorrimor have set off together to explore some half-sunken tomb, or to put down a
cabal of evil arcanists intent of stirring up slumbering evil. Acanus has never known the
Professor to leave work unfinished, and so sets out to close the final chapter in his life's work. It
is with a heavy heart that Acanus Tilernos sets off for Ravengro.

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