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Find the practices.

Basically what I'm talkin about here is the need to find the practices that give you what you're looking

There's a lot of ways to approach the process of growth, change and conscious active participation in
the flow of our lives.

One of the ways that you often see, in a lot of communities that are focused on these types of
trajectories, are a “thinking your way through” to the change that you want.

So all you have to do is change your thoughts and then suddenly your life will change.

So there is in fact a truth to that, no question. That in many ways, the mental maps that you create are
going to determine a lot about the results you get. 

And yet at the same time, the crux of this is that the most useful mental map is the observation that
putting systems and practices into place, that will overtime lead you to the results you want is one of
the most effective ways to go about the process of change.

See the thing here is that our thoughts are incredibly powerful,  but they are powerful in how they lead
to action, because the way we think about life, our life, the world... about what it takes to get things
done. Those thought processes lead to the types of action that we undertake, how we go about taking
those actions, and it is action in itself that leads to the desired change.

So because of that, what we need to do is realize that the best map, is a map that is not excessively
focused on thinking even though that is something that we must reach to through thought,  and then
anchor ourselves in the reality of taking consistent habitual action towards our goals.

Thus find the practices. 

What I mean… is if you want your relationships to improve, if you want your relationship to your
physicality to improve in a certain way, or to change in a certain direction. If you want that with money.
If you want that with your spirituality. It doesn't matter what you're looking for, once you know the
arena and you know the type of change; such as in a relationship, we could say I want more intimacy
or I want more freedom while still being connected for example:

Find a practice that gives you those results, that fosters those results, that cultivates them in some
way or another.

Plug that practice into place. Get to work. Give it some time and then see if the outcome is what you
That's what I mean that one of the most important maps, important mental maps there is, is that we
have to find the practices that cultivate the changes that we want. 

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