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Raphael Bellosillo

A mental illness is a brain disease that causes difficulties with thinking, conduct, attitude,
or emotion, making everyday activities difficult. Genetics, brain chemistry, brain structure, trauma,
and/or having another physical condition, such as heart disease, are all being looked at as possible
causes of mental illness.

Despite the fact that public perceptions of mental illness have improved in recent decades,
studies show that stigma against mental illness persists, owing in part to media stereotypes and a
lack of education, and that people associate negative stigmas with mental health conditions at a
much higher rate than they do with other diseases and disabilities like cancer, diabetes, or heart

I realized the most significant learning for me comes from academic information, greater
experience dealing with people who have mental illnesses, attending mental health seminars just
like earlier, and doing mental status examinations. Knowledge helps me enhance my capacity to
go forward, perform better, learn from my mistakes, and evaluate myself. In addition, I will
cultivate positive attitudes about mental disease and use active listening skills and compassion
while dealing with psychiatric patients. In addition, I will enhance my ability to see mentally ill
people in a different light starting from now on.

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