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Directions to be followed: Each group has 10minutes to finish all the challenges.

Carefully read
the entire instructions of the challenge before attempting it.

All the best!

1. Read all the instructions before execution

2. Count the number of alphabets in the word
3. Multiply the answer of Instruction 2 by 7
4. Say your full name out loud 3 times
5. Do a bunny hop
6. Move around in a circular manner for 3 times
7. Tap your head 3 times
8. Touch the nearest wooden item and whisper “Touchwood”
9. Draw five small squares in the upper left-hand corner.
10. Hold your right arm outstretched for 30 seconds
11. Fold the piece of paper into a small square
12. Count the number of words in this sheet
13. Put a circle completely around sentence number seven.
14. Shout loudly 5 times your name
15. Add all the numbers in this sheet
16. Put an “X” in each square
17. Raise your left hand
18. Run for 100 m and come back to the start point.
19. Put a circle around each square
20. On the reverse side of this paper, add 8950 and 9305.
21. Say aloud “I’m halfway done”
22. Put an “X” in the lower left corner of this paper.
23. Draw a triangle around the “X” you just put down
24. Shout out loud 3 times your birth month
25. Underline all even numbers on the left side of this paper
26. Draw a rectangle around the word “name” in sentence four
27. Jump the number of times a vowel occurs in “Mississippi”
28. Take off one shoe and put it back on.
29. Tear this sheet of paper into 5 pieces
30. Put a Crossmark on all numbers appearing on this sheet
31. Choose one of these words and say it out loud three times: "Moo!" "Oink!" "Meow!"
32. Write down alphabets in the reverse order (Z to A)
33. Tear a part of this paper
34. In the center of the paper, about 5 lines below line 10, draw a box.
35. On line 30, draw a small picture of your favorite food.
36. Write all your teammates names on the sheet
37. Shout the names of 10 colors
38. Add all numbers from 1 to 10 and multiple by 100
39. Draw 5 squares and 5 triangles on this sheet
40. Don’t do any of the above-mentioned tasks and just submit the papers.

Outcome of the challenge

Essentially, the task is proving the importance of following and documenting rules and processes
efficiently as in the 40th task says that the team needn’t do any of the tasks and return the papers.
But in reality, this isn’t usually what happens because the team would be keen in completing the
tasks as soon as possible and thus would ignore reading the entire instructions beforehand and
start working on the tasks.

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