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Who has not played as a child to be what you want to be when you grow up it can be
an astronaut, a doctor, a lawyer, a Singer.
But when is the moment to choose a career, its becoming difficult to choose something
that remains on force in the future.
So lets begine whit some numbers: an Oxford university study predicted that 47% of
the actual Works are in risk to be replaced whit robots and computers whit artifitial
intelligence, por example kodak used to have 145.000 empoyes and it was replaced by
Instagram whit just 13, blockbuster whit 60.000 was replaced by netlix whit just 30
the list contigius and the cifers are getting up in a way we have never seen,
So for example the most studies careers in Colombia right now are, system ingeneer,
medine and finances.
So lets see whats gonna happen whit medicine, moshe shoham that is one of the mans
that are basically reinventing medicine whit his Company and his microrobots said in
a interwiew that robots are not gonna replace surgeons but are gonna change the tipe
of job they do, the surgeon is going to program and controle the robot so its going to
need a lot of experince in programation and ingeneer.
Now lets see whats gonna happen whit the countadors or financials, this work is being
more and more automaded , theres internet sites that are offering making your
income statement, thats the principal funtion of a countador so this job is in real risk,
theres two big Companys of accounting H&R BLOCK and TURBOTAX that came up
whit comertials saying they have more eficient computers tan humans to do income
statment, this phenomenon is inevitable, thats why this tipe of companys are getting
more in the laws way, there, they have a real advantage because they can offer really
economic legal services to their corporative clients.
I think is really important to let something clear, this is not the apocalypse at all,
because the dissaperence of jobs is going to create te so many new Jobs for example if
robots start doing some doctor Jobs this is going to left more money for human
doctors and lab assistance so they can make important investigations and develope
new medicines or surgical process, in the USA army they´re replacing the human
pilots whit drones this has ended whit some Jobs but it has create so many new in
manteins, data analysis and ciber-security, the army needs at least 30 persons to
operate a drone and to analise the data they get it requires at least 80 more persons,
probably the Jobs in 2050 are going to be a cooperation between artifitial intelligence
and humans not a competence.
However the problem whit this is that its going to demand an habilitie and a very
different preparation that many people won´t have, i think this represents a challenge
for the countrys to make preparations plans for whats happening, the requierd
preparation its basically in something named stem that means science, tecnology,
engenier and matematics, this is a challenge but its also an oportunity to first include
the girls more in this areas, drive them, to choose much more this tipe of careers and
second, make a real change in things be used to belive that weren´t posible and
thanks to the tecnology are happening.
So this generations and the following ones are going to work on careers that have
been not invented yet, so lets adapt, lets update, lets reinvent, and lets prepá rate
ourselfs for whats happening, because this, is happening right now.
Y para hacer una formació n que tenga lo que la industria requiere porque muchos de
los niñ os de esta generació n trabajaran en proffesiones que ni siquiera han sido

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