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ANIMALS/ PETS 1. Wild animals Thave seen wild animals several times in person and plenty of times on TV through ‘National Geographic TV shows. I vividly remember the first time when I went to the 00 in the city centre with my family. T was instantly smitten by all the wild ammals when seeing them, T6i da nhin thay cde lodi dng véit hoang da nhiéu Ién ign meit va rat nhiéu lén trén TV thang qua céc chong minh truyén hinh National Geographic. Toi nko rdt r0 Tin dé én Khi cing gia dink dén sé thit 6 rung tam thanh pho. Téi ngay Id the say mé tat cé cic loat déng vét hoang da khi nhin théy ching. ‘Well, to be honest, I've never seen any wild animals in real life before In the countryside where I've been living, there are no zoos, nature reserves or such like. I {just see some on TV in nature shows. Thanh that ma néu, 161 chuea bao gid: nhin thay bat ky déng vat hoang da néo trong déi thuc tube déy. O ving néng thén noi téi dang séng, Hhéng cé vuedn thi, Khu béo tin thién nhién hay nhitng thie trong tr. Toi chi thay mot s6 trén TV trong cdc chucong inh thién nhién hoang dat “My all-time favourite wild animals are lions. [admire ow fierce they are and how they ‘value unity when hunting prey. The lion is the king of the jungle but it’s a myth because they inhabit grasslands, but not jungles. Dong vat hoang da yéu thich nhat cia t6i la su tc. T6i nguong mé suc hung di¢-ctia ching va cach ching coi trong sir dodin két khi san con méi. Si tela chia son lam nlung dé Khong phdi sur that vi cluing song én dong cé chit Khong song wong rimg. don’t take any keen interest in wild animals, so it’s hard to answer this question. But in case Thave to give a definite answer, I will opt for mammoths - a group of elephants that lived thousands of years ago and is now extinct. They are the main characters in the blockbuster Ice Age. Téi Khong quan ram nhiéu dén déng vat hoang da, vi vay thé kho dé 14 loi cdu hoi nay. Nhung trong truéng hop phai dea ra céiu tra Idi, chéic chéin, t67 s8 lea chon voi ma mit - mgt nhém voi song céch day hang nghin nam vé hién da wy ét ching. Ching id nhén wt chinh trong phim bom tn Ky bang ha. thich tit vung: vividly remember something /‘vividli/ (verb phrase): nhé 10, nhé abu in ENG: to remember something in a way that produces very clear pictures in your mind smitten by somebody/ something /" smitu/( adj): cm nding ENG: suddenly feeling that you are in love with somebody nature reserve /“neit{3 1123:v/ (noun phrase): khu bao tén thién nhién ENG: an area of land where the animals and plants are protected fierce /fies/ (adj): manh mé, quyét liét, dit ton ENG: (especially of people or animals) angry and aggressive in a way that is frightening myth /nu6/ (noun): chuyén hoang duong, Idi én dai ENG: something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false inhabit something /m' hebit/ (verb): song 6 dau ENG: to live in a particular place grassland /’gra:slend/ (noun): thio nguyén ENG: a large area of open land covered with wild grass take a keen interest in something (verb phrase): quan tam, himg thi ENG: to be interested in something opt for something /opt/ (verb): chon ENG: to choose something blockbuster /"blokbasta(e)/ (noun): bom tan ENG: something very successfull, especially a very successful book or film 2. Going to zoos ‘Well. Going to zoos is one of my greatest pleasures. Visiting zoos can really broaden my horizons about behaviours of different wild animals that I couldn’t leam at school. Besides, I love the tranquillity of nature at zoos. én so thii la mét trong nhimg thi vui lon nhdt ctia t6i. Tham quan cdc vieén thi thaec sit c6 thé mé-réng tam nhin ciia 161 vé céc hémh vi ciia céc lodi déng vat hoang da khiic nhau mé t6i khong thé hoc & trréng. Bén canh 6, t6i yéu thich sie yén tinh ctia thién nhién tai cée vicon thi. I love visiting zoos. Seeing wild animals in person really fulfils my curiosity about them. I’m always eager to leam about the way they behave. It’s always exhilarating being close to wild animals. T6i thich dén tham céic vicén thi. Tin mat chimg kién céc lodi déng vat hoang da thie sit théa man sie 16 mé ciia t6i vé ching. Téi luén mong muén tim hiéu vé cach ching biéu hién hanh vi. Toi ludn thich thii Khi duoc 6 gén cdc lodi déng vét hoang da. Ibelieve visiting zoos is just a pastime of kids. As a little boy, I used to jump for joy whenever my parents took me to the zoo in the city. But now, Ino longer have this great excitement. I am now occupied with work so I can’t spare any time for this activity. Toi tin rang di tham vucén thi chi ld 176 tiéu khién ctia bon tré. Khi cén la mét edu bé, 161 thong nhdy cdng lén vi sung swéng mdi khi doc bé me dua di choi so thi trong thanh pho. Nhung bay gid, t61 khong con hing thi: Ién niue thé nay nita. Toi hién dang béin r6n voi céng viéc vi vay 161 khong thé danh thai gian cho hoat déng nay. ‘Actually, I’m against zoos or any kinds of establishments keeping wild animals for entertainment and commercial purposes. That’s why I will never pay any visits to zoos, during my lifetime. Such animals look so miserable in cages. Trén thc té, 161 phén ai so thi hoc bat kp logi co sé néo nudi nhot déng vét hoang da cho muc dich gidi tri va thong mai. Dé Ia by do tai sao t6i sé khong bao gié ghé tham s6 thi: trong suét cugc déi ciia minh. Nhig con vét nue vay tréng that khon kho trong long. Giai vung: = broaden one’s horizons /ha ‘raizn/ (verb phrase): mé mang kién thite ENG: to broaden the limit of your desires, knowledge or interests = tranquility /trey'lowtlati/ (noun): su yén bin ENG: the state of being quiet and peaceful - fulfil one’s curiosity /ful il / kjvari'vseti/ (verb phrase): théa man sy to mo ENG ‘to find out something that you want to know - eager to do something /'i:ge(e)/ (adj): himg tha, ham ENG: very interested and excited by something that is going to happen or about something that you want to do - exhilarating /1g'zilerertmy/ (adj): tha vi, vui v8 ENG: very exciting and great fun = pastime /"pa:starm/ (noun): tré tiéu khién ENG: something that you enjoy doing when you are not working = jump for joy (verb phrase): nhiy cng lén vi swéng ENG : to be very pleased and happy = spare something /spea(s)/ (verb): dank ra ENG: to make something such as time or money available to somebody or for something, especially when it requires an effort for you to do this - establishment /' steeblifmant/ (noun): 6 cite ENG: a business or other organization, or the place where an organization operates = pay a visit to somebody/ something (verb phrase): tham ENG : to visit somebody/ something 3. Pets ‘Yes, I have! I used to take care of my cat 5 years back. Andy is such a lovely and playful cat. He’s actually my best friend! Unfortunately, he went away and never came ‘back. I don’t know what happened to him. I still miss him dreadfully. Ving t6i cé! Toi da tig cham séc con méo ciia minh 5 nam truéc. Andy ld mét con meéo déing yéu va vui toi. Né thuec suc Id ban than nhat ciia t6i! That khong may, no da di xava khéng bao gic 1ré lai. Téi khong biét chuyén gi da xdy ra véi nd. Toi van nhé né lam. To be honest, I’m not much of an animal lover. Dogs and cats are sometimes really amoying and keeping them as pets is not as easy as I thought. Looking after a pet is. like looking after a kad. It takes time, money and energy, ‘Thanh thét ma néi, 161 khong phat 1a mér ngueai yéu déng vir. Cho vé méo doi kit thure sic KhS chiu va vige nudi ching lam thi cung khong dé niuc 16i nght. Cham séc dui cung cing giong nhue cham séc mét dita tré. Rat mat thor gian, ton tién bac va site lirc. I love pets but my current situation doesn’t favour raising an animal. I’ve been living in a mini flat in the city centre and animals are not allowed in the building. On top of that, raising an animal means I’m likely to go beyond my budget as Ihave to buy them food and other stuff. Téi yéu ti cig nlumg hodn cénh hién tai ciia t6i khong cho phép toi nudi ching. Toi dang song trong m6t cin hé nhé & trung ttm thanh pho va déng vat khong ducoc phép vdio trong téa nha. Trén hét, nudi mét con vat cé nghia 1a t6i cé kha nding tiéu vwcot qué ngtin stich ciia minh vi t6i pheii mua thute am vai nhing thit Khe cho ching. I would say I’m an animal lover and I absolutely adore cats and dogs. But, sadly, I'm allergic to their hair. That’s why I can’t keep them in my home. Toi c6 thé ndi rang 161 Id mét nguéi yéu déng vet va t6i circ kp yéu quy’ ché va méo. Nhung, ihdt ding buén, t6i bj di img véi long dgng vat. BS Ia If do tai sao t6i Khong thé nui ching trong nha minh duoc. take care of somebody ~ look after somebody (phrasal verb): cham se ENG: to care for somebody/ something dreadfully / dredfali (adv): v6 cing nhiéu ENG: extremely; very much playful /‘plesfl (edj). tink nghich ENG: full of fun; wanting to play aot much of a ..: khdng phai 1A mét ... t6t ENG: to be not a very good thing of a particular kind favour something /'ferva(s)/ (verb): ting h6, tao diéu Kién thuén lot ENG: to provide suitable conditions for a particular person, group, ete on top of that (prepositional phrase): bén canh 46 ENG: in addition: g0 beyond one’s budget /"badst/ (verb phrase): vuot qua ngan sich ENG: to spend more money than you have adore somebody/ something /a"do:(s)/ (verb): yéu quy, eung, ENG: to love somebody/ something very much allergic to something /a'Is:dgtk/ (adi): di img. ENG: having an allergy to something, 4. Reasons for keeping pets ‘Well, keeping Andy is good for my mood. He, of course, doesn't speak our language ‘but he can hear me loud and clear. He’s quite aware of my emotional needs. always confide in him when I have a problem. He can’t help tackle the problem but at least, I can feel relieved when doing so. Ché, nudi Andy t6t cho tam trang ciia t6i. Tat nhién, né khong néi duage ngén ngit ctia Jodi nguoi nung né cé thé ngdi dé nghe 161 chia sé. Né hiéu nhu cau tinh cam ctia t6i. Toi ludn tém sue ve nhat, t6i c6 thé cam thay nhe nhém Khi lam nlue’ i nd Khi gap chuyén. NO khong thé gidp gid quyét van dé nhueng it ‘Well, the cat is like my companion on the joumey of losing weight. I used to be a lazy obese boy until he came. Now, I walk him around the park in the locality on a daily ‘basis and this activity really helps me get myself into shape Ché, con méo nlucmét nguéi ban dong hanh ctia t6i trén hanh winh gidm can, Toi ting Ta m6t cu bé béo phi luai biéng cho dén khi né dén. Hién nay, t6i dat nd dao quanh cong vién 6 Ki 161 & hing ngay va hoat déng néy tec su gitip t6i léy Iai voc déng. Iwas an introvert finding it hard to befriend others. I mean Thad few friends. That’s why I adopted Mike from a dog rescue organization in the city and treated him as a family member and my best friend as well. He was loyal and playful, not to mention the fact that he could serve as a guard in our home. Toi la mét ngudi hudng ngi cam thay khé két ban vi nguoi khac. Téi cé it ban bé. D6 1a: Bj do tai sao t6i nhdin Mike tic mét t6 chuéc citu h6 ché trong thanh pho va coi né nine thanh vién trong gia dinh cing nue nguci ban than nhdt cia t6%. NO trang than va thich tie vung: loud and clear (idiom): 16 rang ENG: very clear and easy to understand confide in somebody /kan’ fard/ (phrasal verb): tim sw ENG :to tell somebody secrets and personal information because you feel you can trust them, tackle a problem /"tekl/ (verb phrase): gidi quyét van 48 ENG: to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation relieved /'irvdl (adi): nhe nhidm ENG: feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not ‘happened: showing this in the locality /lou'ke-lati/ (prepositional phrase): 6 trong ving ENG in the area that surrounds the place you are in get oneself into shape (idiom): khée khoan, thon gon ENG to take exercise, eat healthy food, etc. in order to become physically fit introvert /'mtravs:¥ (noun): ngwdi huéng néi ENG: a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people befriend somebody /br'frend/ (verb): két ban ENG: to become a friend of somebody, especially somebody who needs your help 5. Humans’ effects on wild animals ‘Well, our populations are growing so fast and we take up more space on Earth for our ‘homes and cities. We occupy natural habitats and take resources away from wildlife. As far as I'm concerned, wild animals are now disappearing 1000 times faster than they were in ancient times due to the loss of the living environment Cha, dan sé cia ching ta dang tang qué nhanh vé chuing ta chiém nhiéu khong gian hon trén Trai dat cho céc ngéi nha va thinh phé ctia minh. Cluing ta chiém méi trursng song tir nhién va lay di tat nguyén tie ding vat hoang da. Theo nhue toi diege bier, ding vat hoang da hién dang bién mat nhanh hon 1000 Ian so vor thén c6 dai do mot mung song bi mat di. I believe that humans have been so cruel to Mother Nature. With the advent of industrialization, tons of industrial parks have been springing up over the last decades and many of them have unlawfully released toxic waste into the environment, causing the death of many animals and plants as well. The extinction of an individual species can lead to an ecological imbalance because each organism has a unique place in the food chain. Toi tin ring con nguéi dé qué tin nhdn voi Me thién nhién. Véi sera ai ciia cong nghigp héa, hang tan cic kiu cong nghiép moc lén trong nhing thdp kj qua va nhiéu hu cong nginep trong s6 6 dai xa chét thar doc hai ra mat tredng mot cach bat hop hp, gay ra cai chét ctia nhiéu lodi ding thnee vat. Su nayét ching ctia m6t Todi ca thé in dén se mat cn bing sinh thai vi mai sinh vt cé mét vi tt riéng trong chudi ‘Well, I think we are all aware of the repercussions of what we've done to the wildlife ‘We created wars that caused tremendous damage to all species on this planet. We've been destroying natural habitats for commercial purposes. Consequently, the number of species has declined at an unprecedented rate. I believe if we don’t take action promptly, the damage will run out of control and doomsday will come closer. Téi nghi tat cd ching ta déu nhéin thite deoc hau qué cita nhing gi ching ta da lim aéi vai ding vét hoang da. Chiing ta da tao ra nhimg cusc chién tranh gay ra thiét hai to én cio muén lodi trén hank tinh nay. Ching t6i dang pha niy moi tracéng séng te nhién vimuc dich thaong mai. Do d6, s6 hegng lodi da suy gidm v6i téc d6 cinea timg théy. Téi tin réing néu ching ta khéng hinh dong kip thei, thiét hai sé vt khoi tim kiém soit va ngay tin thé sé dén gin hon. i sit vung: - take up something (phrasal verb): chiém ENG to fill or use an amount of space or time ~ as faras 'm concemed: theo nhue t6i biét, theo t0i thi ENG: used when you are giving your opinion = cruel to scmebody/ something /‘kru:al/ (adj): dée de, tan nin ENG: having a desire to cause physical or mental pain and make somebody suffer = spring up /sprn/ (phrasal verb): moe én ENG: to appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly ~ unlawfully /an'lo:foli (adv): pham phap ENG: in a way that is not allowed by the law ~ repereussion /.1i:po'Ieafn! (noun): hitu qua ENG: an indirect and usually bad result of an action or event that may heppen some time afterwards - tremendous /tre"mendas/ (adj): cue ky lon, king khiép ENG: very great ~ unprecedented /an'presidentrd/ (acl): chwa timg c6 ENG: that has never happened, been done or been known before - promptly /‘promptly (adv): kap thei, ding hic, ngay lép tite ENG: without delay; immediately - run out of control (idiom): vuot ngoai tam kiém soat ENG: to be or become impossible to manage or to control ~ doomsday /'du:mzdev (noun): ngay tn thé ENG: the last day of the world when Christians believe that everyone will be judged by God (Cau héi luyén tp: Part 1: = Have you ever seen wild animals? - What is your favourite wild animal? = Do you like going to zoos? - Do you keep a pet at home? - Why did you keep that dog/ cat? Part 2: Describe an interesting animal you’ve seen. + what the animal is + when you first saw it + what its features are + why you like it = Describe a pet you once had. + what kind of animal it is + why you raise it + what does it look like + why you like it = What are some effects human activities have on wild animals? ~ Should we teach children to protect wild animals? - _Isit the responsibility of schools to teach children about protecting wildlife? ~ What are the benefits of a child having pets? = Do you think that governments should place a complete ban on owning exotic animals as pets?

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