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Nama ; Imam Mulyadi

Prodi : D3 Keperawatan
Nim : 2014401012

Activity 2
1. What is mike going to do today?

2. What is the girl going to do tomorrow?

3. When will she back?

4. What is mike going to do on Monday?

5. When will mike has to study for math test?

6. What is mike going to do on Wednesday?

7. When will his brother‟s birthday party?

8. How many people will come to the birthday paty?


1. play chess
2. took a short trip with family and some friends
3. back on Sunday evening
4. on monday i went to the dentist and maybe i won't after that go.
5. on Tuesday
6. 1. On Wednesday, I go to the library to read a book for May's English class.
7. on Saturday at the age of 7 to be exact
8. I think there will be about 25 people.
1. What do they think about the weather? (B)
a. It’s beautiful.
b. It’s terrible.
c. It’s snowing.

2. What does Lia has to share? (B)

a. News that she’s going to get married.
b. News that she’s going to have a party.
c. News that she’s going to have a baby.

3. What are Peter and Mark going to do? (B)

a. They’re going to cook lasagna.
b. They’re going to help with the cooking.
c. They’re going to come dressed as clowns.

4. What does Jane offer to do? (A)

a. She says she’ll help cook.
b. She says she’ll come dressed as a clown.
c. She says she’ll speak Italian with her cousins

5. How does Jane react to the news about the Italian cousins? (C)
a. She’s happy they’ll taste her lasagna.
b. She’s afraid they won’t understand English.
c. She’s says she’ bake a cake instead of lasagna.

6. What special plan is there?? (C)

a. Lia’s going to have a clown.
b. Lia’s going to make an announcement.
c. Lia’s going to have a themed party.
7. How does Jane think people will react to the clown? (B)
a. She thinks they’ll hate it.
b. She thinks they’ll love it.
c. She thinks they’ll have a good laugh.

Activity 5
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

5 years ago, in class 2 MTs to be precise, I saw myself having a change in attitude and
grammar. Previously, I was a student from the Nurul Hidayah Pondok Pesantren
Bengkalis Bantan Tua. and for more than 1 year, I stayed at the pesantren, I have gained
some knowledge from the pesantren, namely about speaking Arabic, recognizing the
yellow book, and so on.

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