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Reflection paper

A salesman creates a vital role in a company since they are the one to sell a certain product in a
specific potential buyer. As I watched the short video clip, it helps me to visualize how important
the function of a salesman in a certain company. It also help me to value on how they sacrifice
for the needs of the customer. The nature if their job needs a lot of patience, confident and
perseverance inorder to reach their goal which is to sell and to provide a satisfactory service to
the customer.

However, a salesman usually need to update their skills on dealing with people inorder to capture
the necessity and desires of the potential buyer. Especially in this digital generation that internet
creates a broader possibilities, a bigger market and a more innovative ideas. The idea of adopting
new platform challenges every salesman to expand their horizon and to maximize their
capabilities. It is possible with proper training and seminars.

As a marketing student, it is a challenge since it is my possible job in the future. It helps me to

prepare myself and to be fully equip with necessary skills. As I reflect to the function, duties and
responsibility of a salesman and comparing my personal capabilities motivates me that I can do
it. The knowledge that the school taught me becomes my edge in dealing with people and
competing others.

Generally, I learned a lot on the video clip. I can relate it because I become a sales person in a
couple of years. I deal different customer with their different personalities and it challenges me
to adapt and to give my best. Knowing my strength and weaknesses helps me to create a wise
action out of it. And also help me to become a best version of myself.

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