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Aspect of Global Warming for a High School Senior

Global warming nowadays getting more attention and becoming a vital science to explore for the

newly graduates to research more and find out the possible outcomes to improve the ozone layer

and temperature of earth as well. Global warming is considered one of the serious and severe

threat for not just for humans but also for all other living organisms growing on the earth in such

polluted environment.

We are living in an era where more automobiles, vehicles running on petrol, diesel, LPG etc. are

being used nowadays than the local bicycles and electric cars which are pollution free. Global

warming occurs more when there is no mechanism of producing more oxygen than mechanism

of producing CO2 implemented in our city or country. Air pollutants and other gases absorb all

the radiation which are supposed to be taken out into the space for having safe and pollution free

environment but unfortunately these radiations are trapping all the incoming heat to themselves

and making this land hotter than before every time.

According to the Nordhaus, W. D. (2010), the recent prediction says that substantial future

warming will be going to happen if lessening policies will not be implemented. The model that

author has presented in his research paper, suggests us that if we have to calculate the path of

carbon pieces and have to keep it less about 2 degrees Celsius which is the efficient value of

global mean temperature. We have to follow strictly our country’s Copenhagen Accord to

achieve our already set temperature related objectives for making our country more pollution

free and safe in terms of environment.

According to Yoganathan, D., (2001), Global warming is mainly increased more due to some

unavoidable circumstances like increased Co2, increasing temperature which is reflected in many

ways e.g. atmospheric warming with such raised levels of sea, shortage of water or droughts,

deadly hurricanes, floods and to some extent shrinkage of glaciers etc. we have to research more
Aspect of Global Warming for a High School Senior

and have to create a panel of global warming and environmental specialists to address these

issues by adapting new technologies to decrease emissions of such polluted and toxic Co2 more

in our environment.

We are working on chemical sectors to enhance the level of production in fertilizer area and

many more chemical related areas without following the OHSAS health and safety international

Standard, the chemical plants we are operating in our country creating more environmental

pollution and enhancing the level of global warming by emitting more of Co2 which results in

new diseases of skin and other body parts. We are working on nuclear experiments which are

highly risky for environment and which will make a country more carbon polluted and more

radiated than before so by burning of fossil fuels for making electricity is also considered one of

the most highlighted source of heat and pollution. According to the Freije, M., (2017), they have

recommended that integrative environmental related curriculum must be a part of students

studying in any specialization for awareness purposes.

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