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COVID-19: the vasculature unleashed

Laure-​Anne Teuwen1,2,3, Vincent Geldhof1, Alessandra Pasut1 and Peter Carmeliet   1,4 ✉
On the basis of emerging evidence from patients with COVID-19, we postulate that endothelial
cells are essential contributors to the initiation and propagation of severe COVID-19. Here, we
discuss current insights into the link between endothelial cells, viral infection and inflammatory
changes and propose novel therapeutic strategies.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the with progressive lung damage, in part owing to an over-
betacoronavirus SARS-​CoV-2, is a worldwide challenge reacting inflammatory response1. Mechanistically, the
for health-​care systems. The leading cause of mortality pulmonary complications result from a vascular bar-
in patients with COVID-19 is hypoxic respiratory fail- rier breach, leading to tissue oedema (causing lungs to
ure from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)1. build up fluid), endotheliitis, activation of coagulation
To date, pulmonary endothelial cells (ECs) have been pathways with potential development of disseminated
largely overlooked as a therapeutic target in COVID-19, intravascular coagulation (DIC) and deregulated inflam-
yet emerging evidence suggests that these cells contrib- matory cell infiltration. We hypothesize that, similar to
ute to the initiation and propagation of ARDS by alter- the key role of ECs in ARDS induced by other causes,
ing vessel barrier integrity, promoting a pro-​coagulative ECs play a central role in the pathogenesis of ARDS and
state, inducing vascular inflammation (endotheliitis) and multi-​organ failure in patients with COVID-19.
mediating inflammatory cell infiltration2,3. Therefore, a Vascular leakage and pulmonary oedema in patients
better mechanistic understanding of the vasculature is with severe COVID-19 are caused by multiple mecha­
of utmost importance. nisms (Fig. 1). First, the virus can directly affect ECs as
During homeostasis, the endothelium, surrounded SARS-​C oV-2-​infected ECs were detected in several
by mural cells (pericytes), maintains vascular integrity organs of deceased patients3. These ECs exhibited wide-
and barrier function. It prevents inflammation by lim- spread endotheliitis characterized by EC dysfunction,
iting EC–immune cell and EC–platelet interactions and lysis and death. Second, to enter cells, SARS-​C oV-2
inhibits coagulation by expressing coagulation inhibitors binds to the ACE2 receptor, which impairs the activity of
and blood clot-​lysing enzymes and producing a glyco- ACE2 (an enzyme counteracting angiotensin vasopres-
calyx (a protective layer of glycoproteins and glycolip- sors)6. Which vascular cell types express the ACE2 recep-
ids) with anti-​coagulation properties2,3. Interestingly, tor remains to be studied in more detail. Reduced ACE2
recent studies using single-​cell transcriptomics revealed activity indirectly activates the kallikrein–­bradykinin
Laboratory of Angiogenesis endothelial phenotypes that exhibit immunomodu- pathway, increasing vascular permeability2. Third, acti-
and Vascular Metabolism,
latory transcriptomic signatures typical for leukocyte vated neutrophils, recruited to pulmonary ECs, produce
Center for Cancer Biology,
VIB, Department of Oncology,
recruitment, cytokine production, antigen presentation histotoxic mediators including reactive oxygen species
Leuven Cancer Institute, and even scavenger activity4. Compared with ECs from (ROS). Fourth, immune cells, inflammatory cytokines
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. other organs, lung ECs are enriched in transcriptomic and vasoactive molecules lead to enhanced EC contrac-
Translational Cancer signatures indicating immunoregulation5, and a sub- tility and the loosening of inter-​endothelial junctions.
Research Unit, GZA Hospitals type of lung capillary ECs expresses high levels of genes In turn, this pulls ECs apart, leading to inter-​endothelial
Sint-​Augustinus, Antwerp,
involved in MHC class II-​mediated antigen processing, gaps2. Finally, the cytokines IL-1β and TNF activate glu-
loading and presentation4. This suggests a role for this curonidases that degrade the glycocalyx but also upreg-
Center for Oncological
Research, University of
EC subtype as antigen-​presenting cells and a putative ulate hyaluronic acid synthase 2, leading to increased
Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. function in immune surveillance against respiratory deposition of hyaluronic acid in the extracellular matrix
State Key Laboratory of pathogens. As ECs do not express the CD80/CD86 and promoting fluid retention. Together, these mecha­
Ophthalmology, Zhongshan co-​activators4, they cannot activate naive T cells but nisms lead to increased vascular permeability and
Ophthalmic Center, only antigen-​experienced T cells and thus function as vascular leakage.
Sun Yat-Sen University, semi-​professional antigen-​presenting cells. Whether and An established feature of severe COVID-19 is the
Guangzhou, Guangdong,
P.R. China.
to what extent this subtype of capillary ECs is involved activation of coagulation pathways with potential devel-
✉e-​mail: peter.carmeliet@ in the immune response against SARS-​CoV-2 infection opment of DIC. This is also related to EC activation and is a focus of further investigation. dysfunction because the disruption of vascular integrity After the initial phase of viral infection, ~30% of hos- and EC death leads to exposure of the thrombogenic
s41577-020-0343-0 pitalized patients with COVID-19 develop severe disease basement membrane and results in the activation of the

Nature Reviews | ImmunOlOgy volume 20 | July 2020 | 389


a Normal state Diseased state

epithelial cell

Type 1 alveolar Inflammation

epithelial cell SARS-CoV-2

Type 2 alveolar
epithelial cell
Cytokine storm
IL-2, IL-2R, IL-6,
Endothelial IL-7, IL-8, IL-10,
cell IP10, G-CSF,
Inflammatory cell

Pulmonary Inflammation 3
Pericyte D-dimer
Vascular Coagulation
Vascular integrity
1 leakage

b Proposed mechanisms of vascular leakage

IL-1β and TNF


↓ ACE2 Cytokines: IL-6, IL-8, TNF Degradation

Vasoactive molecules: of glycocalyx
↑ Kallikrein– • Monocytes and thrombin, histamine, bradykinin,
bradykinin neutrophils thromboxane A2, VEGF
• IL-1β, TNF IL-1β and TNF
Cell death
Loosening of Hyaluronic acid
Actomyosin synthase 2
inter-endothelial complex
↑ Contractility Hyaluronic acid

c Proposed mechanisms of coagulation initiation d Proposed mechanisms of promotion of inflammation

Platelets Platelet Amplification
production Complement
factors of cytokine
P-selectin VWF (C3a, C5a)
Activation of
coagulation VEGF
Fibrinogen Tissue
Trophic ICAM1 E-selectin S1PR1
cytokines factor
release VCAM1
Exposure of (SDF1, FGF4,
basement Leukocyte adhesion
membrane SCF, TPO, molecules

Basement membrane

Fig. 1 | Proposed vessel–lung tissue interface in normal state and in COVID-19 disease. a | On the left, the normal
interface between the alveolar space and endothelial cells is depicted; the right side highlights pathophysiological
features of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the lung, including loss of vascular integrity (1), activation of the
coagulation pathway (2) and inflammation (3). b–d | Proposed contributing endothelial cell-​specific mechanisms are
detailed. ROS, reactive oxygen species; S1PR1, sphingosine 1 phosphate receptor 1; VWF, von Willebrand factor.

390 | July 2020 | volume 20


clotting cascade7. Moreover, ECs activated by IL-1β and whether EC subtypes or other vascular cells in specific
TNF initiate coagulation by expressing P-​selectin, von pathological conditions have a metabolic phenotype
Willebrand factor and fibrinogen, to which platelets that is more attractive to SARS-​CoV-2. Second, occa-
bind2. In turn, ECs release trophic cytokines that fur- sional clinical reports suggest an increased incidence of
ther augment platelet production. Platelets also release Kawasaki disease, a vasculitis, in young children with
VEGF, which triggers ECs to upregulate the expression COVID-19. Third, severe COVID-19 is characterized
of tissue factor, the prime activator of the coagulation by multi-​organ failure, raising the question how and to
cascade, which is also expressed by activated pericytes2. what extent the damaged pulmonary endothelium no
In response, the body mounts countermeasures to dis- longer offers a barrier to viral spread from the primary
solve fibrin-​rich blood clots, explaining why high levels of infection site. Additionally, whether infected pericytes
fibrin breakdown products (D-​dimers) are predictive can promote coagulation remains to be studied. As
of poor patient outcome. As a result of the DIC and such, the consequences of SARS-​CoV-2 on the entire
clogging/congestion of the small capillaries by inflam- ­vasculature require further attention.
matory cells, as well as possible thrombosis in larger The proposed central role of ECs in COVID-19
vessels, lung tissue ischaemia develops, which triggers disease escalation prompts the question whether vas-
angiogenesis2 and potential EC hyperplasia. While the cular normalization strategies during the maladapted
latter can aggravate ischaemia, angiogenesis can be a immune response could be useful. Indeed, a clinical
rescue mechanism to minimize ischaemia. However, trial (NCT04342897) is exploring the effect of target-
the newly formed vessels can also promote inflamma- ing angiopoietin 2 in patients with COVID-19, based
tion by acting as conduits for inflammatory cells that are on the rationale that circulating levels of angiopoietin 2
attracted by activated ECs2. correlate with increased pulmonary oedema and mor-
Many patients with severe COVID-19 show signs of tality in patients with ARDS. Several other clinical trials
a cytokine storm8. The high levels of cytokines amplify (NCT04344782, NCT04275414 and NCT04305106) are
the destructive process by leading to further EC dysfunc- investigating bevacizumab, a monoclonal antibody that
tion, DIC, inflammation and vasodilation of the pulmo- binds to VEGF and counteracts its vessel-​permeabilizing
nary capillary bed. This results in alveolar dysfunction, effect, in patients with COVID-19. Normalization of the
ARDS with hypoxic respiratory failure and ultimately vascular wall through metabolic interventions could be
multi-​organ failure and death. EC dysfunction and acti- considered as an additional route of intervention10. For
vation likely co-​determine this uncontrolled immune instance, ECs treated with drugs targeting key metabolic
response. This is because ECs promote inflammation enzymes of the glycolytic pathway adopt a ‘normalized’
by expressing leukocyte adhesion molecules2, thereby phenotype with enhanced vascular integrity and reduced
facilitating the accumulation and extravasation of ischaemia and leakiness10. Although the hypothetical
leukocytes, including neutrophils, which enhance tissue role and therapeutic targetability of the vasculature in
damage. Moreover, we hypothesize that denudation of COVID-19 require further validation, the possibility
the pulmonary vasculature could lead to activation that ECs and other vascular cells are important players
of the complement system, promoting the accumula- paves the way for future therapeutic opportunities.
tion of neutrophils and pro-​inflammatory monocytes
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Competing interests
diabetes mellitus) are all characterized by pre-​existing The authors declare no competing interests.
vascular dysfunction with altered EC metabolism10. As
hijacking of the host metabolism is essential for virus Related links
replication and propagation, an outstanding question is

Nature Reviews | ImmunOlOgy volume 20 | July 2020 | 391

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