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Additional classes, meditations, products, and information about Kirat

Kaur/Jamie Durner can be found at

This publication has received the KRI Seal of Approval. This Seal is
given only to products that have been reviewed for accuracy and
integrity of the sections containing the 3HO lifestyle and Kundalini
Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.

Copyright © 2009 by Kirat Kaur / Jamie Durner

Illustrations © 2009 by Abigail Engstrand

NOTICE: You Do NOT Have the Right to Reissue or Resell these products.

The audio and written guide for the Audio Yoga Class Series is copyrighted by Jamie
Durner, 2009 and Abigail Engstrand, 2009 for the illustrations. The musical selection played
in this class is “Aad Such” from Sat Kartar Khalsa’s "Listen" compact disc and is licensed
with permission of Spirit Voyage Records; it may not be altered, copied, sold, or distributed
with Spirit Voyage Record’s written consent.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this content shall be reproduced or transmitted in

whole or in part in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying
and recording, or by an information and retrieval system, without written, dated and signed
permission of the author. Illegal sharing of this material may result in a fine up to $150,000
as stated in Title 17, Chapter Five of US Code Collection 504.

For the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

All teachings, yoga sets, techniques, kriyas and meditations courtesy of the teachings of Yogi
Bhajan. Reprinted with permission. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable
laws. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of these teachings may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
recording, or by an information and retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted in
writing by the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. To request permission, please write to KRI at PO
Box 1819, Santa Cruz, NM 87567 or see

A special thanks to Siri Neel of KRI who spent many hours reviewing the audio and written
portions of this product to ensure its highest quality and accuracy in compliance with the teachings
of Yogi Bhajan. Though time consuming and at times challenging, the process and her guidance
helped me become a better teacher, student, and individual.

©2009 Jamie Durner -1- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
Table of Contents

Introduction to the Audio Yoga Series……………………….page 3

Cautions and Disclaimer…………………….……………… 4

Key Points and Mantras ...……………………………………page 5

Layout of the Audio Class………………………………....…page 6

Wake-Up from Deep Relaxation series………………………page 7

Kriya Instructions with Illustrations……………………….…pages 8-10

Meditation Instructions…………………………………….…page 11

Notes Section…………………………………………………page 12

©2009 Jamie Durner -2- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
A Few Words About The Audio Yoga Series

I have been practicing yoga since 1992 with a variety of teachers and styles of yoga.
However, it wasn’t until I began practicing Kundalini Yoga that I was able to hold a daily
practice which took my yoga path and my life to a whole new level. This consistency and
depth of practice gave me many benefits on all levels of my body, mind and spirit.
Although I still incorporate other yogic traditions, I use Kundalini Yoga as the
cornerstone for staying healthy and in balance and for my spiritual path. With the huge
variety of kriyas or yoga sets, and meditations geared towards specific and tangible
results, Kundalini Yoga was the tool which allowed me to best support myself in daily
self care.

Since my training as a Kundalini Yoga teacher in 2005, I have been able to hold a daily
practice without once missing a single day of yoga or meditation! The changes that have
come to my body and to my life as a result of having a daily practice have been enormous.
Not only was I able to shift a pattern of mental scarcity completely so that now I live in a
place of abundance and prosperity, but I am healthier than ever before and my life and
relationships flow with a harmony I had never before enjoyed. Though my daily practices
change along with my daily needs, having the space and tools to anchor each has truly
been a blessing and a key component to health in my body and my life.

As a Holistic Wellness Coach, I know the value of daily self care. What you do on a daily
basis truly keeps you in health or starts to create imbalance. Disease and illness, whether
in the mind or in the body, are the result of a cumulative build up of tension and
imbalance. Over time the patterns of imbalance cannot be sustained and you end up in a
crisis point of pain, illness, or disease. By releasing tension on a regular basis, you
effectively prevent the build up of chronic imbalance and instead create a life of health,
abundance, and happiness.

Yoga can be many different things. At its root it is a spiritual path helping to connect you
to your Infinite Self. That doesn’t mean there aren’t additional benefits such as increased
physical strength, flexibility and expanded health; greater mental acuity; a sense of inner
peace and calm despite the chaos of life, and much more. Whatever yoga brings to you, I
wish you the best and hope that these guided audio yoga classes will support you in your
daily self care needs.

Kirat Kaur / Jamie Durner

©2009 Jamie Durner -3- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
Cautions and Disclaimer

Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any exercise program may result in injury. To
reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain in a posture or exercise. Consult with your doctor before
beginning this or any other exercise program, especially if you have a current medical condition.

The creators, producers, and distributors of this program disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the
exercises as written, explained or expressed herein.

Women on the first and second day, if the flow is heavy, of menstruation should not practice inverted poses,
leg lifts, postures which apply pressure to the abdominal area i.e. bow pose, mulbandh, and should not do
Breath of Fire during the heaviest days of menstrual flow. A light Breath of Fire is permissible, if you
practice Breath of Fire regularly. During this time, women are encouraged to deepen their awareness of their
body’s limitations and capacities and not overdo.

Pregnant women should consult their doctor before beginning any exercise or yoga program. During
pregnancy, try to choose pre-natal programs rather than those geared towards general audiences to be safest.
During pregnancy, all physical exercise should be calm and quiet, resting when necessary even if the
exercise is not finished.

The following exercises should not be done during pregnancy after the 120th day or if a woman has any
medical complications:

• Exercises which apply pressure to the abdominal area (such as Bow, Cobra, or twists).
• Breath of Fire. Light Breath of Fire in the first 3 months is permissible if health permits but check
with your doctor first.
• Mulbandh or root lock
• Leg lifts except while lying on the side
• Exercising to the point of exhaustion
• All inverted postures (i.e. shoulder stand)
• Sat Kriya
• Venus Kriyas (avoid during entire pregnancy)
• Lying unsupported on the back after the fourth to sixth month as it can be uncomfortable and even
dangerous. Instead try relaxing in a side lying position

Pregnancy and Menstruation guidelines come from “The Aquarian Teacher Textbook, Level One” by Yogi
Bhajan, Ph.D., Third Edition 2005, pages 286-287.

Children younger than 12 years of age (pre-pubescent) should not practice Breath of Fire or apply the body
locks (bandhas) until they have begun puberty. They will also do better with exercises that flow comfortably
from one to another using a gentle breath rather than complete kriyas. A simple kriya done for half the time
or less can be appropriate for kids 10-13. Youths 13-15 years of age, who are at the stage of being between
an older child and young adolescent, are capable physically of doing the Kundalini Yoga postures but
emotionally need to feel more playful in the yoga.

Guidelines for children referenced from “Yoga for Youth” by Krishna Kaur, 2006, pages 6-7.

©2009 Jamie Durner -4- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
Key Points and Mantras

Honoring the Kriyas

In Kundalini Yoga, exercises are typically performed in sets or what is called a kriya.
Each kriya has a specific effect which is based upon the poses and meditations in the set, the
timing of each exercise, the order of the exercises as well as eye position, hand positions and
various breathing patterns. The effects of the kriya are cumulative…based on the whole of
how it is put together; therefore, it is very important to follow the kriyas as they are laid out.

Do not:
• Skip any exercise
• Alter the order of the exercises
• Add other exercises
• Change the times (although you can reduce the times for the set as a whole making sure
you reduce each exercise in the correct proportion; if you reduce one exercise in half, do
the same for all of them)
• Do exercises longer than the prescribed times
• Pull out exercises from sets and do them alone unless they are stated as a “stand alone”



I bow to the Creator, to the Divine Teacher Within

Long Time Sun Shine

Kundalini Yoga classes finish with this song of blessing to ground you and prepare you to
resume the activities of everyday life. It is a positive affirmation bringing blessings to all.

May the Long Time Sun shine upon you.

All love surround you.
End of the pure light within you.
Guide your way on.

©2009 Jamie Durner -5- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
Layout of Audio Yoga Class

Each class in the Audio Yoga Series is laid out in a consistent format to support your full
experience at home, on the road, or wherever you may be no matter whether you are new to
Kundalini Yoga or are a long time practitioner.

Special Class Instructions: this is the section where you will receive any specific
instructions about breath or posture that may be used in the kriya which requires additional
explanation. Feel free to listen to this track alone until you are comfortable with the new
material. By having this section, it will allow you to do the Kriya without unnecessary
interruptions so you can stay in the flow of energy.

Tuning in: before starting your practice of yoga and meditation, you tune in with a specific
mantra called the Adi Mantra. Chanting the Adi mantra at least three times before starting
Kundalini Yoga centers you and calms the mind to be open to guidance. It is an invitation to
your higher self to take the helm and guide the course of the experience.

Kriya: this is the specific yogic set that sets the focus of each class.

Deep Relaxation: this is a chance for you to integrate the energy of the Kriya, to connect
deeper with your Infinite Self, to relax, renew, and let go. I recommend covering yourself
with a blanket and removing your glasses at this point. In different classes, this section may
be a guided relaxation, an experience of the gong, or music leading you to stillness.

Wake Up Exercises: a series of exercises to transition out of deep relaxation. See full
description on next page.

Meditation: now that the body is loosened and primed, you are ready to meditate.

Class closing: this includes the Long Time Sun Song sung twice, the second time the last line
is repeated three times followed by a long Sat and a short Nam and a blessing.

Sat Nam and Enjoy!

©2009 Jamie Durner -6- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
Waking Up From Deep Relaxation
After deep relaxation, wake up your body with this series of exercises. These help you
transition back from the yoga set and ground you in reality.

While lying on your back, begin to deepen your breath, inhaling and exhaling through the

Wiggle your fingers and toes.

Make rotations with your wrists and ankles in small circles, first in one direction and then
in the other direction.

Bringing your arms above your head, stretch from the navel point up through the fingers
and down through the toes.

Keeping both shoulders and the left leg flat on the ground, bring your right knee in
towards the chest and, hooking the right foot on the left leg, drop the right knee over
towards the left side of the floor. Turn the head towards the right, the opposite direction
of the bent leg. Switch legs and repeat on the other side.

Continuing to lie on your back, bring both knees up and rub the soles of the feet together
and the palms of the hands together briskly.

Clasp the knees to the chest with both hands and begin rolling up and down on the spine
like a ball. Try to keep the nose tucked in towards the knees as you roll. Repeat this 3-4
times and then roll yourself up into a seated position.

In easy pose or basic cross legged position, bring the palms of the hands together at the
heart center (knuckle of the thumb at the base of the sternum with the fingers pointing up
towards the head) in prayer mudra. As you pause in this position, notice where you are in
your body, mind and spirit and give a closing prayer of thanks for your practice.

©2009 Jamie Durner -7- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
Set For Keep Up Spirit

Keep-up spirit is the radiant body quality that allows us to come through anything radiantly
and cheerfully no matter what setbacks, obstacles, or challenges we face. Practicing this set
enhances our radiance so that we don’t give up when prosperity is right around the corner. It
also enhances general flexibility and strengthens the aura and the sciatic nerve. This is a
very energizing set, but easy enough for most beginners.

1. Sitting in Easy Pose, extend the arms up at a 60° angle in front of the body with the
hands 2 ½-3 feet apart, palms facing each other and fingers side by side. Begin a four-
part motion.

On 1, bend the wrists so that the fingers are parallel to the ground with the palms
facing each other. On 2, bend the wrists so that the fingers point up with the palms
facing each other. On 3, bend the wrists so that the palms face the ceiling. On 4, return
the hands to the original position. Move quickly and rhythmically, focusing strongly at
the brow point to aid coordination. Continue for 3 minutes.

Starting position 60 degree view #1 fingers parallel to floor

#2 fingers point up #3 palms face ceiling #4 return to starting position

©2009 Jamie Durner -8- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
2. Sitting in Easy Pose, interlace the fingers with the fingers inside
the palms with the fingertips of opposite finger pressed together
and the thumbs crossed. Place this Mudra at chest level with the
palms facing inward. Inhale and stretch the arms out. Exhale
and bring them back to the chest. Move powerfully and rapidly.
Continue for 3-8 minutes.

3. Alternate leg lifts: Lie on the back with the hands under
the lower back, palms down. Inhale and raise the left
leg to 90°. Exhale and lower it. Then inhale and raise
the right leg to 90°. Exhale and lower it. Keep the legs
straight and the toes pointed. Continue for 3-4 minutes.

4. Life Nerve Stretch: Sitting with the legs straight out in

front, grab the toes or whatever you can reach, keeping the
legs straight. Inhale and stretch up. Exhale, bend from the
waist and bring the head to the knees or as far down as it
will go. Move and breathe powerfully. Continue for 3

5. Cat/Cow: On all fours with the arms and thighs

parallel to each other, Inhale and arch the spine
down and the head up. You will look something
like a swayback cow. Exhale and arch the spine
up and the head down. You will look something
like and angry cat. Keep the arms and legs
stationary. Continue for 1-2 minutes.

6. In Cow Pose with the head up and the spine arched down,
begin kicking the buttocks very fast and powerfully with
alternate heels. Make sure there is padding under the
knees and feet. The upper part of the body remains
stationary. Continue for 1 minute.

©2009 Jamie Durner -9- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
7. Stand up straight with the feet shoulder-width apart and the
hands on the hips. Roll the torso in full circles bending from
the waist as far as possible in all directions. Move powerfully
and quickly. Continue for 2 minutes.

8. Standing with the feet shoulder- width apart,

inhale and raise the arms straight up. Then
exhale and bring the palms to the ground or as far as they will go,
keeping the legs straight. Move powerfully and quickly. Continue for
1 minute.

9. Spread the legs as far apart as possible. Inhale

and raise the arms straight up. Exhale and bring
the palms to the ground or as far as they will go. Continue for 1

10. Stand with the feet together. Inhale and raise

the arms straight up. Exhale and bring the
palms to the ground or as far as they will go without bending the
knees. Continue for 2-3 minutes.

11. Standing with the feet shoulder- width

apart, place the hands on the shoulders with
the fingers pointing towards the neck.
Inhale and raise the arms straight up. Exhale and return the
hands to she shoulders. Move as fast as possible. Continue for
30 seconds.

12. Sitting in Easy Pose, roll the neck in good full circles. Move quickly, but carefully.
Continue for 30 seconds.

13. Relax deeply on the back. Continue for 3-10 minutes or more.

During the audio class, this kriya was done at 2/3 time so all times were reduced by 1/3.
This yoga set is from and available for $19.95 from Yoga for Prosperity by Siri Kirpal Kaur
Khalsa, first edition, Yogi Ji Press, PO Box 970, Santa Cruz, NM, 2002, pages 73-76.

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

©2009 Jamie Durner -10- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
Kriya To Magnify The Radiant Body

This is a meditation for the radiant body. The practice of this meditation empowers us to be
healthy, happy, creative and prosperous. If the fingers of the left hand are spread as wide as
possible and the navel is pulled powerfully, then it also enhances intuition.

The mantra used is a mantra of Truth, used to raise the Kundalini, and is translated as “True
in the beginning, True through all times, True even now, Nanak, Truth shall ever be.”

Aad Sach
Jugaad Sach
Haibee Sach
Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach

Sitting in Easy Pose with a straight spine, spread the fingers of

the left hand as wide as possible and place the hand on the
heart center with the thumb pointing up.

Make a fist of the right hand with the index finger extended
and pointing up.

Place the right arm by the side with the tip of the index finger
at eye level and the palm facing forward.

Close the eyes and breathe deeply a few times. Then chant the
mantra pulling the navel powerfully on each Sach so that the
navel connects with the spine.

Time is open. (11 minutes works well in most situations.) Then inhale and relax.

NOTE: This meditation is not recommended for pregnant women.

This yoga meditation is from and available for $19.95 from Yoga for Prosperity by Siri
Kirpal Kaur Khalsa, first edition, Yogi Ji Press, PO Box 970, Santa Cruz, NM, 2002,
pages 76-77.

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

©2009 Jamie Durner -11- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series
40 Day Commitment Notes
According to yogic science, the human mind works in cycles. You can use various cycles of
practice to help replace unwanted patterns of behavior with new, more positive ones. The
time required to change or break a habit is 40 days. I recommend that you start with the
kriya or meditation for 40 days and use this space to make note of what rises to the surface,
what changes, and what you notice.

General Notes
I invite you to use this section to make note of any modifications, adjustments, or areas you
want to highlight to remember about the class and/or the meditation.

©2009 Jamie Durner -12- www.

Audio Yoga Class Series

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