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The Sexual System and the Sixth Sense

8 exercises 1 hr 20 min - 1 hr 20 min Lecture

If you seriously practice this kriya for at least one session, then it is recommended to practice the last meditation
activity 11 minutes per day for 40 or 90 days, listening to the recording of "Bharia Hath", or another recording of
Japji's 20th Pauri. During this time be very conscious and careful. A period of adjustment is possible where you will
feel especially elevated and light, yet you may still have the regular routines of life to conduct. If you wake up at night
a little hungry or in an odd state, just have a little cup of something to drink, then meditate for a little while, and
return to sleep. Adjust to this new state of body and mind, be light and happy, yet maintain a steady state while being
conscious and graceful.

1. Finger Split
Comments: You have to create a balance between the sixth sense and the sexual system. In this kriya the middle nger is
sex, fore nger is God (knowledge), thumb is ego. When you touch the fore nger and thumb together, you split the sex and
"mix" God and the ego. When you touch the middle nger and the fore nger together, you split the ego and mix God and the
sex. It is an ancient and secret practice from 5000 years ago. Try it, see what it does to you! It will give you a "new" nervous
system. It will hurt. If the female or male lower parts are not aligned in the nervous system, it can be irritating. But just go
through it and the alignment will self-correct.

Finger Split (11 minutes)

1. Sit in Easy Pose.
2. Bend the ring and little ngers down. Join the middle and
fore ngers together and extend them straight, while extending
the thumbs out away from the palms.
3. Then split the fore ngers from the middle ngers and join them
with their corresponding thumbs. The nger-splitting movement
is simple but challenging. Exchange between the thumb-
fore nger and the fore nger-middle nger.
4. Extend the arms straight up at a 60 degree angle to the sides of
the body, and hold the arms there while the nger motion
continues. Set a rhythm for the nger exhange at about one
second per movement.
5. Fix the eye focus on the tip of the nose.
6. Play the recording Healing Sounds of the Ancients - Volume 5 by
Liv Singh.
7. When the time is complete, immediately begin the next exercise.

Eye Focus Tip of the Nose

2. Navel Pump - Hands on Head
Comments: The sex and the sixth sense is the same thing; sex is just a pituitary adjustment. This exercise is for the potency,
both male and female. It will hurt, but it is a good hurt. Keep up and it will help you be healed.

Navel Pump (8 minutes)

1. Put your hands on your head.
2. Relax in place. Let the pain go through the body and release. Sit
straight and sit calmly.
3. Begin pumping the navel as much and as quickly as you can.
4. Move the navel. Faster is better! Move Move Move!

To End
1. Inhale deep and pull root lock (pull the anus and sex organ area
and the navel towards each other), holding the breath for 40
2. Exhale the breath fully out and again pull root lock. Hold out for
20 seconds.
3. Relax.

3. Rest - Talking
Rest (8 minutes)
1. Relax and talk. Move the jaw. If you are with others,
4. Hand Circles
Comments: The next two activities start with an exercise that increases your magnetic eld, adjusts your spine, and moves
the spinal serum up the spinal column towards the brain. It is very hard to get rid of the dead neurons, but this will do it!
Immediately after this activity you will do a speci c meditation.

Hand Circles (4 minutes)

1. Sit in Easy Pose.
2. Hold the elbows at the sides, bend the arms so the forearms are
extended forward, and have the palms face each other. Hands
and ngers are pointed forward and perfectly straight.
3. Think of the ngers as antennas and make them strong and sti .
Fingers are straight and touch each other.
4. The hands move in a speci c pattern and rhythm. Scribe an
approximately 10 inch (25 cm) outward circle with the hands,
moving down rst and then circling back to a point a few
inches/centimeters higher than the starting point.
5. At the top of the circle apply great acceleration, stopping
abruptly back at the starting position. Most of the circle is just
repositioning for that nal abrupt motion, using your entire force
and focus. This movement is hugely important, it will circulate
and change the spinal uid. Make a slow circle with the hands
followed by an intense shock, a focused explosion of power.
6. The harder you do it, the better will be the result!
5. Meditation
Meditation (15 minutes)
1. Immediately begin meditating.
2. Hold the hands in front, pointing up, and the palms facing
inward towards the body's centerline. The hands are at with the
ngers straight and parallel, perfectly perpendicular to the oor.
The thumbs point backwards. The right hand is in front of the
face with the thumb touching the nose. The left hand is above
the right, base of the palm touching where the right ngertips
end, and the left thumb is pointed back like the right thumb.
3. Play the music Humee Hum, Brahm Hum by Nirinjan Kaur. Chant
out loud with the recording.
4. To get the right stimulus, sing it with the lips! Chant normally, but
emphasize the touching of the lips to each other.
5. Continue.

To End
1. Inhale deep and place the palms together in Prayer Mudra at the
heart center, ngers pointing up, and elbows pointing straight
out to the sides. Forearms are parallel to the ground. Put all the
pressure you can into the center, pressing hard for 20 seconds.
2. Inhale again, very deeply, and press again for 20 seconds,
tighter, tighter, tighter still! Exhale.
3. One more time, inhale deeply and press the palms together for
20 seconds. Press with maximum e ort! Exhale and relax.

Eye Focus Closed
Humee Hum Brahm Hum

6. Rest - Talking
Rest (3 minutes 30 seconds)
1. Relax and talk. Move the jaw. If you are with others,
7. Circle Fists
Comments: Our power, our love, our friendship, and our relationship is based on communication. There is no school for
learning to speak a ectionately. This exercise creates the energy and a state where your Mercury power, your
communication power, will get strong. It is a very quick exercise. What you have to do, you have to do it fast.

Circle Fists (4 minutes)

1. Sit in Easy Pose.
2. Look at the tip of the nose.
3. Press the thumbtips onto the Mercury mound of the palm,
which is just below each of the little ngers. Then lock the
thumbs in place by wrapping the ngers around the thumbs. It is
a kind of st.
4. Begin circling the sts around each other in front of the heart
center. The circle moves up when close to the chest, and down
when away from the chest.
5. Move very fast, circling the sts tightly around themselves. Do
not allow them to touch.
6. Circle as fast as you can. With great urgency create the energy!
Drive yourself to your highest performance!

To End
1. Inhale and stop the hands in front of the chest. Hold the breath
for 12 seconds, squeezing the thumbs with the sts, applying
maximum pressure. Exhale.
2. Inhale again and hold the breath for 12 seconds, squeezing the
thumbs even more. Exhale.
3. Inhale once more and hold the breath for 12 seconds, squeezing
the thumbs onto the mounds. Press hard! Exhale and relax.

Eye Focus Tip of the Nose

8. Meditation and Self-Blessing
Meditation and Self-Blessing (12 minutes)
1. Sit in Easy Pose.
2. Close the eyes.
3. Bring the hands together in Prayer Mudra, ngers straight and
pointed up. Bring the thumbs together and point them back
towards the top of the nose where it meets the forehead. Rest
the thumbtips onto the joint between the eye sockets, forehead,
and top of the nose.
4. Look far up, deep inside the head, and focus on the crown
chakra. This is the former location of the frontal fontanelle (a
baby's "soft spot") at the top of the head. In an adult this is the
location of the crown chakra
5. Play the recording of "Bharia Hath", by Mata Mandir Singh.
6. Meditate.

To End
1. Inhale deep and hold the breath. Say your prayer, whatever you
desire from your inner self. This is the prayer you have to say to
yourself. Then let the breath go.
2. Inhale deeply again and hold the breath. Hold the breath with
reverence and respect, and pray to your own breath of life, to
give you Health, Wealth, and Wisdom. Then let the breath go.
3. Inhale deeply once more and hold the breath. With reverence,
with love, and with your compassion and kindness, communicate
with your own breath of life that it must give you peace of mind,
peace on the mother planet earth, and peace with God and His
4. Inhale once more very deeply. Hold the breath with reverance,
love, compassion, and kindness. With one God it gives you
Oneness, with one God it gives you let the breath
go, and relax.

Mudra Prayer Mudra

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