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Blossom into Your Full Potential

1 Exercise 5 min - 31 min Kriya: Yoga Sets, Meditations, Classic Kriyas

When your prayers don't work and nothing else seems to work practice this meditation and they will work. The
rhythm must be constant. This meditation causes the heavy area of the vagus nerve to activate. This extends the
brain, eventually to in nity. The result for the meditator is that he will blossom into his entire potential.

1. Blossom into Your Full Potential

Blossom into Your Full Potential (5 min to 31 min)
1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.
2. Bring the hands, palm up, in front of the body about 1 inch
above the navel.
3. Rest the right hand in the palm of the left hand. Extend the
thumbs and press the thumb tips together.
4. Chant Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat
Naam Sat Naam Waah Guroo.
5. Inhale and chant the mantra in a monotone as the breath is
6. Be sure to pronounce each word exactly and be sure to keep
the rhythm exact. Each word gets one beat.

Eye Focus Tip of the Nose

Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam Sat Naam
Waah Guru

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