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78 KRIVA FOR DISEASE RESTSTANCE 1, Sit on heels and stretch arms over- head, palms pressed together. Inhale and ‘pump the stomach by forcefully drawing the navel in towards the spine, and then relaxing it, rhythmically until you mist exhale. Inhale and begin again. Continue for 1-3 minutes and. relax. Stimlates digestion and Kundalini energy in the 3rd Chakra. 2.Still sitting on heels, place hand in bear grip at chest level, forearms Parallel ‘to the ground. Inhale, hold and try to pull the hands apart, apply- ing maximm force without separating “ hands. Exhale, inhale and repeat for 1-3 minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax. Opens the Heart Center and stimlates the Thyms Gland. 3. Still on heels, clasp hands in Venus Lock behind the neck. Inhale, exhale and bend forward, touching forehead to the ground, ‘Inhale and arise, Continue with powerful breath- ing for 1-3 minutes. ‘Inhale, exhale and ‘relax. Improves digestion and adds flexibility to spine. 4, Stretch legs out in front, reach forward and grab toes. Bénd and bring forehead to knees and elbows to the floor, and remain there breathing normally for 1-3 minutes. Inhale, exhale and relax. Inplements circulat- ion of glandular secretions from prev ious exercises, and deep relaxation. 5, In Easy Pose, roll the neck clock- wise, bringing ‘each ear to shoulder in tum, ‘keeping shoulders relaxed and still, gently stretching neck as_head circles stoothly around, for 1-2 minutes, Then revers directions * for 1-2 minutes more. Relax. This and the following two exercises open circulation to the brain and stimilate higher glands including the pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid and pineal glands which work together. 6. Cat/Cow: Supporting yourself on hands and knees, knees hip width apart, ams straight and shoulder width apart, inhale, and with head relaxed dow throughout, flex the spine down, exhale flex it up. Continue rhythmically and powerfully for 1-3 minutes, gradu- ally increasing speed. Relax. Trans forms sexual and digestive energy while stimulating the nerves of the lover cervical vertebra. 7, Sitting on heels alternately shrug shoulders as high as possible without moving the head, inhaling as the left shoulder rises, and exhaling as the right is lifted for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and raise both shoulders, exhale and relax, 8. Deeply relax, lying on the back, ams at sides, palns-up for 5-7 minutes 9. Dog (or Triangle) Pose. Form a triangle with buttocks at pimucle, body “forming a straight line from heels to buttocks, and from buttocks to wrists, head in line with body, shoulders pressed straight (and towards knees), hands about 2)-3} feet from toes. ‘Hold the position for 5 minutes breathing normally. Inhale, .exhale and slowly come out of the position to relax. Aids digestion, strengthens nervous system and relaxes major muscle groups. 10. Standing, reach and grasp ankles. Keepding the body straight, walk around the room in this position, for 1-3 minutes. Sit down and relax. Aids elimination and adjust the magnetic field to prepare you for meditation. COMMENTS: To avoid persistent colds and illness, it is essential to keep digestion and elimination well funct- joning. A strong metabolic balance adds heartiness. This kriya develops these capacities and builds disease resistance. 79

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