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Twelve Tips for Facilitating Millennials’ Learning Abstract

David H. Roberts, Lori R. Newman, & Richard. M Schwartzstein

Harvard Medical School
Medical Teacher, 2012; 34(4):274-278

Key Points:
Generational differences exist
Generational views and behaviors are often shaped by world events
Here are 12 tips to approach the Millennial learner

What they did: Describe 12 tips to provide a detailed approach and specific strategies for
understanding and engaging the Millennial learners and enhancing their learnings.

What they found:

1. Educate yourself about concept of generational differences
1928-1945 - Shaped by the great depression
1946-1964 - Shaped by the end of WWII and subsequent political and social
Content to sit in lectures
1965-1982 - Shaped by cultural freedom and relative economic stability
Self directed learners
1982-2000(Millennials) - Shaped by technology
2. Recognize the environmental and cultural forces that affect them
They have been exposed to technology since birth
They have a deep interest in “fairness”
They accept diversity but are driven by self interest and often instant gratification
They are attracted to teamwork and community
3. Understand how potential intergenerational tension may impact learning
Teachers need to be aware of their own contextual biases
Teachers would encourage curiosity and discovery
4. Millennials need guidance and focus in their learning
Millennials were raised by helicopter parents and are used to getting help
Teachers can emphasize relevance and priorities
Teachers can help students engage in synthesis and analysis
Teachers should encourage a focus on “why, how, and in what context”
5. Identify your own teaching or life philosophy
Teachers should try to connect with the student on a personal level
Tell stories, explain what you are doing and why you are doing it
6. Learn how to utilize current eLearning technologies
Work with IT
Meet the student where they are - ask them what they want to use
7. Recognize that Millennials value (and expect) aesthetically appealing education
Gamify learning
Utilize web resources
8. Emphasize opportunities for additional help and support
Learners may be anxious - some discomfort may be helpful but paralyzing
anxiety is not
Learners want instant feedback/help
Teachers can help by posting assignments online, posting set office hours
Teachers should set clear learning objectives or aims
Reviewed by Zoey Goore, MD, MPH, FAAP; Roseville, CA; January 2018
9. Encourage modern forms of curiosity and exploration
Provide challenges where the answer isn’t instantly available
Don’t set limits on how to do something
10. Recognize the importance of team dynamics and encourage collaboration
Facilitate group learning
Allow time for group discussion
Role play/simulation with shifting roles
11. Be Fair and straightforward
Be transparent in grading
Be clear in learning objectives
Give useful and meaningful feedback
12. Identify the limit(s) of multi-tasking
Define pitfalls and risks of multitasking

How to apply: We can design education for the next generation of learnings by attending to
generational differences and approach learners in a manner best suited for their style and

Reviewed by Zoey Goore, MD, MPH, FAAP; Roseville, CA; January 2018

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