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Why China has the potential to be a lasting world power

1. China's political and policy stability

China's lack of internal and external chaos is the most basic prerequisite for
China's rapid economic development. It is precisely because China has not fought any
domestic and foreign organizations in the past 40 years, which has brought the most
stable factor to our economic development.

2. China's higher education plan and talent introduction plan

     2.1 China's higher education: firmly establish the central position of talent training
in the work of colleges and universities, and focus on cultivating high-quality specialized
talents and top innovative talents with perseverance, good moral character, rich
knowledge, and excellent skills. Increase teaching investment. Teachers should take
teaching as their primary task and constantly improve the level of education and teaching;
strengthen the basic construction of teaching in laboratories, practice bases inside and
outside the school, and course materials. Deepen teaching reform. Promote and improve
the credit system, implement a flexible academic system, promote the integration of arts
and sciences; support students to participate in scientific research, strengthen practical
teaching links; promote entrepreneurship education. Create a new mechanism for joint
training of talents by universities, research institutes, and industry companies. Full
implementation of undergraduate teaching quality and teaching reform projects in
colleges and universities. Strict teaching management. Improve the teaching quality
guarantee system, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students, encourage
students to study hard, work hard, and enhance the sense of integrity. Improve college
teaching evaluation. Strengthen employment guidance services for students
2.2 Talent Introduction Plan: Since the end of 2008, the Central Organization
Department, which has only been responsible for appointing senior officials, has initiated
a “Thousand Talents Plan” aimed at introducing high-level overseas talents—at the
national level, 5-10 During the year, about 2,000 strategic scientists and leading talents
who can break through key technologies, develop high-tech industries, and drive
emerging disciplines to return to domestic development careers were introduced. This is a
plan with the highest political level considered and approved by the Politburo Standing
Committee meeting. Obviously, in order to attract overseas students to return to China,
the Chinese government is determined to do its utmost.

3. China's infrastructure construction continues to develop rapidly

   3.1 Capital investment: The general government capital stock reaches 31.3 trillion US
   3.2 Transportation: From 1996 to 2018, the national transportation industry's
investment increased by an average annual rate of 16.7%, and a comprehensive
transportation network consisting of railways, roads, water transportation, aviation and
other transportation methods was formed throughout the country
   3.3 Energy: From 1982 to 2018, the national energy industry investment grew at an
average annual rate of 15.4%, and the installed capacity of hydropower, thermal power,
wind power, and solar power ranked first in the world
   3.4 Communication: As of the end of 2018, the national access network has basically
been fiberized, the total length of optical cable lines ranks first in the world, the national
optical network cities have been fully completed, the mobile communication network
coverage level is leading in the world, and 5G network construction has been fully
   3.5 Public facilities: From 2004 to 2018, the national investment in the management of
public facilities increased at an average annual rate of 23.3%. At the end of 2018, the
actual urban road area in the country exceeded 8 billion square meters; more than
640,000 kilometers of urban drainage pipelines were built

4. China started the "seven new infrastructure construction" in 2019, which is based
on high-tech infrastructure construction
It mainly includes seven major areas including 5G communication, ultra-high
voltage power system, intercity high-speed railway and urban rail transit, new energy
vehicle charging piles, big data centers, artificial intelligence, and industrial Internet.

5. 2025 China Manufacturing Plan

"Made in China 2025" was formulated by more than 100 academicians and
experts to design the top-level planning and roadmap for China's manufacturing industry
in the next 10 years. Through efforts to achieve the three major brands: Made in China,
Made in China, Speed in China, Quality in China, and Chinese Brand The transformation
will push China to basically realize industrialization by 2025 and enter the ranks of
manufacturing powers.
"Made in China 2025" is based on digital networked intelligent manufacturing that
reflects the deep integration of information technology and manufacturing technology. It
mainly includes eight strategic countermeasures: promoting digital networked intelligent
manufacturing; improving product design capabilities; improving manufacturing
technology innovation system; strengthening manufacturing foundation; improving
product quality; promoting green manufacturing; cultivating a globally competitive
enterprise group and advantageous industries : Development of modern manufacturing
service industry

中国没有内、外乱因素是中国经济高速发展最基本的前提。正是因为近 40 年中国

2. 中国的高等教育计划和人才引进计划
2.1 中国的高等教育:牢固确立人才培养在高校工作中的中心地位,着力培养信念
- 2.2 人才引进计划:从 2008 年底,由向来仅负责任命高级官员的中组部牵
用 5~10 年时间,引进 2000 名左右能够突破关键技术、发展高新产业、

3. 中国的基础设施建设持续高速发展
2.1 资本投资:广义政府资本存量达到 31.3 万亿美元
2.2 交通:1996-2018 年,全国交通运输业投资年均增长 16.7%,全国形成了以铁
2.3 能源:1982-2018 年,全国能源工业投资年均增长 15.4%,水电、火电、风电、
2.4 通信:截至 2018 年末,全国接入网络基本实现光纤化,光缆线路总长度稳居世
界第一,全国光网城市全面建成,移动通信网络覆盖水平在全球领先,5G 网络建设已
2.5 公共设施:2004-2018 年,全国公共设施管理业投资年均增长 23.3%,2018 年
末,全国城市实有道路面积超 80 亿平方米;建成城市排水管道 64 万多公里

4. 中国从 2019 年开始了“七大新型基础设施建设”,是立足于高新科技的基础设施

主要包括 5G 通信、电力系统特高压、城际高速铁路和城市轨道交通、新能源汽

5. 2025 中国制造计划
《中国制造 2025》由百余名院士专家着手制定,为中国制造业未来 10 年设计顶层规划
大转变,推动中国到 2025 年基本实现工业化,迈入制造强国行列。
“中国制造 2025”以体现信息技术与制造技术深度融合的数字化网络化智能化制造为主线 。

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