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Cardinal Numbers 0 zero 11 eleven 21. twenty-one 4101 one hundred (and) one 1 one 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 102 one hundred (and) two 2 two 13 thirteen 30 thirty 4,000 one thousand 3 three 14 fourteen 40 forty 10,000 ten thousand 4 four 15 fifteen 50 fifty 100,000 one hundred thousand 5 five 16 sixteen 60 sixty 41,000,000 one milion 6 six 17 seventeen 70 seventy 41,000,000,000 one billion 7 seven 4B eighteen 80 eighty 8 ight 49 nineteen 90 ninety 9 nine 20 twenty 100 one hundred 10 ten ‘A. How old are you? B. I'm years old. (Ordinal Numbers Ast first ‘Aith eleventh 2ist 2nd second 12th twelfth 2end 3rd third 18th thirteenth 30th 4th fourth 4éth fourteenth 40th 3th fifth 45th fifteenth 50th 6th sixth 46th sixteenth 60th 7th seventh 17th seventeenth 70th 8th eighth 48th cighteenth 80th 9th ninth 19th nineteenth 90th 20th twentieth 100th 10th tenth B. I live on the How many students are there in your class? How many people are there in your country? ‘A. What floor do you live on? floor. ‘A. How many people are there in your family? B, cae 25th Ae ?; Sort 401st one hundred (and) first ‘twenty-first twenty-second 102nd one hundred (and) second thirtieth 4,000th one thousandth fortieth 10,000th ten thousandth fitioth 100,000¢h one huncrad thoucancth See 1,000,000th one millionth Re 41,000,000,000th one billionth rinetieth one hundredth our country? B. No. It's my trip. What were the names of your teachers in elementary school? (My first-grade teacher wes Ms./Mrs./Mr...) al) a two o'clock two fifteen/ two thirty/ two forty-five/ a quarter after two half past two ‘a quarter to three two twenty/ two forty/ two fifty-five/ twenty after two. twenty to three five to three ‘A. What time does the movie begin? midnight/ twelve midnight usa When does itis ral A. What time will we arrive? leave? BAe Beat Tell about your dally schedule Tell about the use of time in eifferent cultures or countries you knew: ‘What do you do? When? Do people arrive on time for work? appointments? parties? get up at ih ) {Uo trains and buses operate exactly on scheduler ‘Do movies and sports events begin on time? ‘Do workplaces use time clocks or timesheets to record employees’ work hours? Do you usually have enough time to do things, or do you “run out of time"? Tell aboutit. Coins Name Value Written as: 4 penny one cent 1¢ $.01 2 nickel five cents. 5e $05 3 dime ten cents 10¢ $10 4 quarter twenty-five cents 25¢ $.25 5 half dollar fifty cents 50¢ $.50 6 silver dollar one dollar $1.00 A. How much is a Soda costs ninety-five cents. penny worth? Do you have enough change? B. Apenny is worth . Yes. Ihave a/two/three _(s) one cent. ieee Name We sometimes say: Value Written as: 7 (one-) dollar bill aone one dollar $ 1.00 8 five-dollar bill a five five dollars $ 5.00 9 ten-dollar bill aten ten dollars $ 10.00 10 twenty-dollar bill a twenty twenty dollars $ 20.00 11 fifty-dollar bi a fifty fifty dollars $ 50.00 42 (one-) hundred dollar bill a hundred ‘one hundred dollars $100.00 .. I'm going to the supermarket. Do you have any cash? Ihave a twenty-dollar bill ‘A. Can you change a five-dollar bill/a five? B. Yes. |have Twenty dollars is enough five one-dollar bills/ Thanks. five ones. We say: Tell about some things you usually buy. 2 dollar end thirty cents What do they cost? ‘dollar thirty Note and desuaibe the cus aid uurnency in your $250 ‘two dollars and fity cents pena OE anos ee -ountry, What are they worth in U.S. dollars? $56.49 fifty-six dollars and forty-nine cents Fity-six forty-nine 8 THE CALENDAR ©)_S08_| @) ABE!) ( OG] NOV] «DEE Days of the Week Months of the Year 41 year 6 Sunday 13 January 49 July 25 January 3, 2012 2 month 7 Monday 14 February 20 August January third, two 3 week 8 Tuesday 45 March 21 September thousand twelve 4 day 9 Wednesday 16 April 22 October 26 birthday 5 weekend 410 Thursday 17 May 23 November 27 anniversary 11 Friday 18 June 24 December 28 appointment 12 Saturday (13-24) ‘A. What month is it? B. t's ‘A. What year is it? B. It's (26-28) ‘A. When is your 2 Se] OB. It’son 2 ‘A. What's today's date? B. It's Which days of the week do you What is your date of birth? What's your favorite day of the week? go to work/school? (lwas born on....month dey, year...) Why? (ge to ware school on.) What's your favorite month of the What do you do on the weekend? year? Why?

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