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Nurul Khalishah/21506006


A. The Meaning of Assessment

According to H. Douglas Brown (2003:4) in order to know the ability of students in
learning English, teacher give the test to the students and take the score to get the result
of assessment, whereas assessment and testing are not same. Assessment is important
evaluation because it is part of learning management ( Winarno, 2019: 46). Based
on Deni Iriyadi (2021: 46) students often get the difficulties when they are learning, then
as the teacher should help the students through assessment that conducting in the class
during teaching and learning process.
Formal assessment is planned systematic to using the skills and knowledge of
students. Formal assessment gives the valuation of students’ attainment to the teacher and
students. In other hand, informal assessment can be response, feedback, and comment
towards the students’ assignment for example the teacher said “Good Job” to the students
or give the suggestion for students’ assignment if the assignment have a little mistake (H.
Douglas Brown 2003:5-6).
The last one is norm-referenced and criterion-referenced test. Norm-references is test
for take the result in score and teacher take in mean (average score), median (middle
score), and standard deviation (extend of variance in scores). In other hand, criterion-
referenced test is designed to give feedback to the students after the teacher conducting
B. The Kinds of Test Assessment
Tests is an activity to determine the students’ ability in skills, knowledge, or
performance (H. Douglas Brown 2003:3). Generally, tester give test about general ability
then into one focus that test-takers’ want to learn. It is must match with background and
ability of the test-takers. For example, the testers can test in speaking, writing, listening,
and writing.
Finally, a test measures a given domain. It means testers can classify the test-takers
into many categories in teaching learning process. It is also can used by teacher to know
the ability of their students in learning the lessons because the students come from
different backgrounds and abilities (Bambang Afriadi & Dahlia, 2021).
C. The Kind of Non-Test Assessment

Non-test usually is aimed to know the students’ motivation in learning and it does not
took the score to measure the students’ ability in skills but from non-test it can know the
students’ ability in skills and knowledge after the teacher conduct final tests. According
to Maida Norahmi and Suharyono (2018: 25), there are many kinds of non-test

1. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is list of questions that must filled by respondent. Questionnaire
usually asked about background of the respondent for learning process or opinion
from respondent with give the statement and the respondent choice for example agree,
disagree, or neutral.
2. Observation
Observation can conduct during teaching and learning process. It’s mean that
teacher can know the most active students or silent students. The teacher also can see
the affective and psychomotor of the students. To prepare the observation, the teacher
must focus the particular aspect to be observed.
3. Portfolios
Portfolios usually can mean students’ work or project in teaching and learning
process. The students’ ability information is can know from portfolios assignment.
Portfolios is aimed to improving students’ ability in learning process.
4. Conferences and Interviews
Conferences can be conversation or sharing between teacher and student. It can
also such as teacher give the questions and students are answer the questions.
5. Journals
Journal is note to doing the agenda during teaching learning process. Journals also
can feel, response, ideas, or progress.
6. Self and peer- assessment
Self and peer- assessment are students can do assignment in short time, students
can learn be learn fluently, students can be implementation problem solving in
learning process and also can be improve their motivation in learning process.

From assessment, the teacher can know the students’ problems before learning
English. Students’ come from different environment, background, motivation, also specific
problem before learning English. For example, many students are able in speaking, but they
weak in listening. From it, assessment is important for teacher in order to classify the students
into many levels in learning activity. It can also make the teacher give motivation to other
students that weak in one or two skills for students to improve their skills to be better.

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