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The Best Ways to Improve Your English

Based in Houston, Comstone Cavella specializes in male health and education

research and has published articles in men's health magazines and "The Chronicle of
Higher Education." A former middle school teacher of the year, he has degrees in
English, psychology, and education.
By Comstone Cavella, eHow Contributor
An increasingly popular world language, English has been the "power" language of politics, engineering and
popular culture for several decades. Its increased popularity is due in part to the easier access to English
media through the Internet and other technologies. Still, like any language, English has its peculiarities.
Continued practice with experienced writers and speakers will improve your comprehension and
communication skills.

1. Know and Motivate Yourself

o First, recognize your own capacity to learn and your learning style. If you are a visual learner,
seek out images, movies and graphics that complement this strength. If you are a verbal learner, use
textual sources. Auditory learners benefit from listening to the radio or podcasts. Identify through
informal testing and trusted friends where your strengths and weaknesses are concerning English and
then consider where you need to improve. Set reasonable and attainable goals that can serve to guide
you as you progress. Such goals can be specific vocabulary development, taking a formal course,
reading a book or joining an on-line English forum for active participation.

Practice, Practice, Practice

o Learning a language is more than just reading a text or listening to an instructor. Write
regularly to practice English vocabulary and syntax. Publish your writings in a blog that encourages
reader feedback. Use on-line websites to upload a video of you speaking about any topic you know
well. Write letters or e-mail messages to English speakers you know will return your letter with their
own style of communicating. Participate in an active forum about a topic you're familiar with so you can
learn the jargon of your hobbies, career or other interests.

Use the Web

o Use reliable Web sources to read and hear other proficient English speakers on topics that
you are familiar with and find professionally written articles about your job. By seeing and hearing
others use jargon, slang and vernacular in context, your confidence will increase. Watch a video in
your language with subtitles in English, or in English with subtitles in your language to see how the
same ideas often have different idioms and expressions. Chat with an English speaker regularly on-
line and ask for critical supportive corrections and suggestions to your communication. Reading
English-language news elevates your vocabulary and typically shows very structured writing patterns.

Play in English
o Sing karaoke in English to practice diction and vocabulary. Read comics in English to learn
street vernacular and context. Watch a movie solely in English, considering context. A popular movie
has one level of discourse, while an independent or artistic film has another. Acquaint yourself with
English-language learning games, such as those by Nintendo, that have multiple learning levels. Take
a trip abroad and converse with native speakers to hear their particular accent and vernacular and to
practice everyday speech patterns. Remembering to use multiple resources will provide greater
satisfaction and accelerate your progress in English.

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Read more: The Best Ways to Improve Your English |

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