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About Shorthand/Stenography

Sir Isaac Pitman, an English instructor, invented the Pitman

shorthand method, which was first released in 1837 as
Stenographic Sound Hand. Gregg shorthand, which was invented in
1888 by John Robert Gregg, is a phonetic shorthand based on
elliptical figures. Winifred Weislogel's high school secretarial
training taught her shorthand and typing, and she went on to work
in the United States Foreign Service from 1957 to 1978. He
distributed inexpensive posters and banners and later benefited
from word-of-mouth from his students, who were easily and
quickly reaching a speed of 100 words per minute using Gregg
shorthand. The 17th century saw the birth of four significant
inventors of shorthand systems: John Willis, considered the father
of modern shorthand; The fastest shorthand writer in the
world.Gregg abbreviation (the most popular system in the U.S.)
Pitman abbreviation (the most popular system in the U.K.)
Stenography is the process of memorising speech (usually for later
dictation or testimony), usually using shorthand, whereas
shorthand is a concise and rapid method of writing by simply
replacing symbols for letters, words, and so on; Shorthand is a
lifelong personal skill that frees one from the tedium of longhand
writing. Most people can write three or four times faster with
shorthand than they can with longhand. Shorthand is required for
the highest-paying secretarial jobs.

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