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Book Adventure

Jasper Lynch
Story Map Activity

Students will be asked to remember four

animals and what they do before the book
adventure, then students will fill out this Story
map after the completion of the story. they will
recount four of the animals and what those
animals did to show their love. Students will
draw the animal and write the name or
Book Adventure Adaptations

● Include paths that are appropriate to the varying limits of students

○ Ex. avoiding forest paths if a student uses a wheelchair
● Include paths that have a range of background noise or distractions,
○ Ex. lakeside path vrs. down a busy street
Five Components of Reading
1. I will have students use Phonemic awareness to Identify new vocabulary
2. Phonics will be used as students read along with the story and write the
names of animals in the lesson (for younger students teachers can assist with
writing and spelling)
3. I will go over new vocabulary in the book, allowing students to become
familiar to the words, then I will connect back with them in the book going over
the meaning again.
4. This read aloud activity will help with fluency, allowing students to hear the
words and easily follow along with the text.
5. Student will show their comprehension by answering/asking questions,
recognising vocabulary, and working on the story map.

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