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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313

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Genome-wide data reveal extensive gene flow during the diversification of
the western rattlesnakes (Viperidae: Crotalinae: Crotalus)
Edward A. Myers ⁎

Department of Herpetology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, USA
Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA


Keywords: Hybridization and introgression are important, but often overlooked processes when inferring phylogenies.
Reticulation When these processes are not accounted for and a strictly diverging phylogenetic model is applied to groups with

a history of hybridization, phylogenetic inference and parameter estimation can be inaccurate. Recent develop-
ments in phylogenetic network approaches coupled with the increasing availability of genomic data allow infer-
ences of reticulate evolutionary histories across the tree of life. The western rattlesnake species group (C. viridis
Multispecies network coalescent
species complex, C. mitchellii species complex, C. scutulutas, and C. tigris) is an iconic snake lineage that is wide-
spread across western North America. This group is composed of several species complexes with unclear species
limits, likely the result of ongoing gene flow among nascent lineages. Here I generate reduced representation ge-
nomic data and test for a history of reticulation within this group. I demonstrate that all species have undergone
hybridization with at least one other lineage, suggesting introgression is widespread in this group. Topologies
differ between phylogenies estimated under the multispecies coalescent and multispecies network coalescent
methods, indicating that gene flow has obscured phylogenetic relationships within this group. These past intro-
gression events are predominantly restricted to species that co-occur geographically. However, within species

that have a history of introgression, this signature is detected regardless of specimen sampling across geography.
Overall, my results suggest the accumulation of reproductive isolating barriers occurs slowly in rattlesnakes
which likely leads to the difficulty in delimiting species, furthermore, the results of this study have implications
for trait evolution in this group.

1. Introduction Introgression has been documented in a number of taxa, yet we have

a limited understanding of its prevalence during the process of species
Contrary to the long-held believe that reproductive isolation is re- diversification (Pulido-Santacruz et al., 2020). However, methods to
quired to form new species (Mayr, 1963), evolutionary biologists are in- test for divergence with gene flow have recently been developed. In-
creasingly finding that gene flow between lineages occurs during speci- complete lineage sorting (ILS) and gene flow both result in shared ge-
ation (Kautt et al., 2020; Mallet et al., 2016; Nosil, 2008; Roux et al., netic variation among species. Multispecies coalescent approaches as-
2016). These findings imply there is a period of time during which re- sume that incongruence among gene-trees is the result of incomplete

productive barriers are incomplete, allowing for hybridization and in- lineage sorting alone (Edwards, 2009). These models may be inappro-
trogression between diverging lineages (Singhal and Moritz, 2013). priate for reconstructing the evolutionary history of a group of hy-
During this protracted period of time, the intensity of gene flow may de- bridizing species where both ILS and gene flow must be considered
crease as divergence time increases between a pair of species (Pulido- (Ferreira et al., 2020; Malinsky et al., 2018). Recently developed multi-
Santacruz et al., 2020). Moreover, the timescale at which reproductive species network coalescent (MSNC) approaches allow for the recon-
barriers evolve between taxa with stable species boundaries may be > struction of phylogenies that are not strictly diverging and incorporate
10 mya (Barth et al., 2020). An extended period in which reproductive reticulation (Hejase et al., 2018; Solís-Lemus et al., 2017; Wen et al.,

barriers are incomplete may allow for even non-sister species to hy- 2018; Zhang et al., 2018). These methods are computationally intensive
bridize (Jónsson et al., 2014). and largely restricted to small numbers of terminals and reticulation
events (Yu and Nakhleh, 2015). Introgression can also be assessed using

⁎ Address: Department of Herpetology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, USA.
E-mail address:
Received 30 December 2020; Received in revised form 28 August 2021; Accepted 14 September 2021
1055-7903/© 2021
E.A. Myers Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313

site-based summary statistics of tree asymmetries across a known topol- two individual Crotalus atrox for use as an outgroup taxon (following
ogy (Durand et al., 2011; Green et al., 2010). These methods are useful Reyes-Velasco et al., 2013). My ingroup sampling included two C. cer-
in identifying cases of introgression and are computationally efficient, berus, one C. mitchellii, seven C. oreganus, five C. pyrrhus, 25C. scutulatus,
however, they are also less useful for identifying the number of intro- one C. stephensi, seven C. tigris, and 10 C. viridis (see Fig. 1 for sampling
gression events within groups that experience frequent gene flow of specimens across the distributions of these species). The species lim-
(Malinsky et al., 2018; Martin et al., 2015). Therefore, to understand di- its within some of these groups are unclear; however, I selected these
versification with gene flow, it is useful to combine these methods to in- taxa as they are representative of these species complexes and are

fer past introgression and reticulation across a phylogeny (Ferreira et therefore useful to study historical relationships and lineage diversifica-
al., 2020). tion above the species level (Fig. 1).

Rattlesnakes (Crotalus and Sistrurus) are one of the most recogniz-
able and iconic snake groups. These snakes have long fascinated biolo- 2.2. Data generation and bioinformatics
gists and their life history, behavioral ecology, and venom are relatively
well-studied (Campbell and Lamar, 2004). Despite being the subject of DNA was extracted using a Qiagen DNeasy kit, following manufac-
numerous phylogenetic analyses, many relationships within the genus turer protocols. I submitted DNA to the University of Wisconsin-
Crotalus remain unresolved (Reyes-Velasco et al., 2013). Additionally, Madison Biotechnology Center for genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)
the species limits of many species complexes are poorly defined. For ex- services using a dual enzyme DNA digest protocol. DNA concentration
ample, phylogeographic and species delimitation studies of the C. viridis was verified using the Quant-iT™ PicoGreen® dsDNA kit (Life Tech-

species complex have resulted in strikingly different conclusions, rang- nologies, Grand Island, NY). Libraries were prepared following Elshire
ing from the existence of one species with nine subspecies to seven et al. (2011) with minimal modification; in short, 150 ng of DNA was
species with the possibility of an additional two unnamed taxa (see digested using PstI and MspI restriction enzymes (New England Biolabs,
Ashton and de Queiroz, 2001; Davis et al., 2016; Douglas and Schuett, Ipswich, MA) after which barcoded adapters amenable to Illumina se-
2002; Pook et al., 2000). Genomic data suggest that there are additional quencing were added by ligation with T4 ligase (New England Biolabs,
unnamed lineages within this group that do not correspond to the tradi- Ipswich, MA). Ninety-six adapter-ligated samples were pooled and am-
tional subspecific taxonomy (Holding et al., 2021). Additionally, within plified to provide library quantities amenable to sequencing, and
C. scutulatus up to four lineages have been detected with genomic data

adapter dimers were removed by SPRI bead purification. Quality and
(e.g., Myers et al. 2017; Schield et al., 2018), but how much of this pop- quantity of the finished libraries were assessed using the Agilent Bioan-
ulation structure is discrete versus the result of isolation-by-distance is alyzer High Sensitivity Chip (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara,
not clear (e.g., Myers et al., 2019; Watson et al., 2019). Substantial phe- CA) and Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kit (Life Technologies, Grand Island,
notypic variation within species (Campbell and Lamar, 2004; Klauber, NY), respectively. Libraries were standardized to 2 nM. Sequencing was
1956) coupled with widespread gene flow among lineages likely cause performed using single read, 100 bp sequencing and HiSeq SBS Kit v4
disagreements in delimiting and diagnosing species (Schield et al., (Illumina) on a HiSeq2500 sequencer; samples were multiplexed to a
2019). Furthermore, interspecific gene flow occurs between C. viridis total of 144 samples per lane.
and C. scutulatus, and these two species maintain a narrow hybrid zone I used ipyrad (Eaton and Overcast, 2020) to demultiplex Illumina
in southwestern New Mexico (Glenn and Straight, 1990; Murphy and reads, de novo assemble loci, and call SNPs. Within ipyrad I allowed for

Ben Crabtree, 1988; Zancolli et al., 2016). Estimates of phylogenetic re- 4 low quality base calls within a locus, a minimum depth of 6 for statis-
lationships among the members of the western rattlesnake species tical and majority rule base calling, a maximum clustering depth of
group (here defined as being composed of the C. viridis species complex, 10,000 within samples, a 0.85 clustering threshold, zero mismatched
C. mitchellii species complex, C. scutulatus, and C. tigris) also differ barcodes, a 50 base-pair minimum length of reads after trimming, a
among studies depending on the molecular marker and method of maximum of five N’s in consensus loci, a maximum of 10 SNPs per lo-
analysis used (Blair and Sánchez-Ramírez, 2016; Castoe and Parkinson, cus, and a minimum of 36 individuals per locus (loci must con-

2006; Meik et al., 2015; Murphy et al., 2002; Reyes-Velasco et al., tain > 60% of all sequenced individuals).
2013). The young age of this species group (∼4.8 mya; Reyes-Velasco et
al., 2013) coupled with widespread intraspecific gene flow, suggests 2.3. Species tree estimation and fit to the MSC model
both ILS and introgression must be accounted for when inferring phylo-
genetic relationships. I used the multispecies coalescent (MSC) species-tree approach
Here, I demonstrate that all species within the western rattlesnake SNAPP v1.5 (Bryant et al., 2012) in BEAST v2.6 (Bouckaert et al., 2014)
group have a history of introgression with at least one other taxon and to estimate relationships among the western rattlesnake species group.

that the MSC and MSNC approaches infer different topologies. This sug- A total of 14 samples were used in this analysis: 2 individuals per lin-
gests a slow accumulation of reproductive isolating barriers in rat- eage with the exception of C. mitchellii and C. stephensi for which only
tlesnakes. To do this, I generated a reduced representation genomic one individual was available. These samples were selected to minimize
dataset for multiple individuals per species within the group. Then I es- missing data; missing data on a per individual basis ranged from 1.1 to
timated a species tree and assessed the fit of these data to the MSC 15.9%. A VCF file with these 14 samples was thinned to contain 1 SNP
model using posterior predictive simulations. I also used both MSNC per GBS locus to reduce linkage using vcftools (Danecek et al., 2011),
and site-base summary statistics to assess introgression and reticula- this was then converted to a NEXUS file using vcf2phylip v2.0 (Ortiz,

tion, then dated the timing of divergence within this group to incorpo- 2019) keeping SNPs only if they were present in >10 samples, finally
rate all observed introgression events. the R package phrynomics (
was used to format the file to SNAPP input specifications. This final bi-
2. Methods allelic SNP alignment contained 14,500 SNPs. In SNAPP, the mutation
rates u and v were set to 1.0, the lambda prior was set to a gamma dis-
2.1. Sampling and taxon selection tribution with alpha = 2.0 and beta = 200.0, the ‘snapprior’ was set
to default values. SNAPP was run for 4,500,000 iterations, sampling the
I acquired tissue samples from 58 individuals representing the diver- MCMC chain every 4,500 iteration. The first 10% of samples were dis-
sity of species within the western rattlesnake species group from my carded as burn-in and convergence was assessed by examining trace
own fieldwork, museum loans, and colleagues who did not collect plots in TRACER v1.6 (Rambaut et al., 2014) ensuring that all parame-
voucher specimens (Supplemental Table 1). Additionally, I sampled

E.A. Myers Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313

Fig. 1. Geographic distributions of all species, sampled individuals, and photos of representative species. (A) Distribution and sampling of Crotalus stephensi (ma-
roon), C. pyrrhus (blue), and C. mitchellii (yellow); (B) Distribution and sampling of C. oreganus (navy blue), C. viridis (orange), and C. cerberus (lavender); (C) C.
mitchellii; (D) Distribution and sampling of C. scutulatus; (E) Distribution and sampling of C. tigris; (F) C. scutulatus. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

ter ESS >200. A maximum clade credibility tree was generated from B), A). If ILS alone is responsible for the distribution of these ‘B’ alleles

the post burn-in samples. across species, then the total number of both of these configurations is
I then used posterior predictive simulations to test if these data are a expected to be equal. Deviations from such an expectation can be inter-
good fit to the multispecies coalescent model implemented in SNAPP. I preted as evidence of introgression between species 3 and species 1
used the R package P2C2M.SNAPP (Duckett et al., 2020) to conduct (more BABA configurations) or species 2 (more ABBA configurations;
these simulations. This method uses a posterior distribution of species Durand et al., 2011). I conducted a total of 21 comparisons between
trees produced from SNAPP run with empirical data to simulate poste- species based on the SNAPP topology to test for gene flow between all

rior predictive datasets and then uses summary statistics to compare the possible pairs. These tests were conducted using the R package admixr
empirical data to this posterior predictive distribution to identify poten- (Petr et al., 2019) which interfaces with the ADMIXTOOLS (Patterson et
tial violations of the MSC model. This method requires a mutation rate al., 2012) command-line programs. This method uses only bi-allelic
for simulations for which I used 7.62 × 10-9 substitutions/site/genera- SNPs and allows for multiple individuals per taxon, therefore all indi-
tion which has previously been used as a genome wide rate in Crotalus viduals were used in this analysis (with the exception of ROM38478
(Harrington et al., 2017). P2C2M.SNAPP was used to simulate 100 pos- and CAS228045 that were removed because of high levels of missing
terior predictive datasets that contained the same number of samples data). ADMIXTOOLS outputs a z-score, the number of standard errors

and sites as my empirical data. These simulated datasets were then run that the D statistic deviates from 0, and I used an absolute z-score
in SNAPP v1.5. To compare the posterior distribution from the empiri- of > 3 as evidence of a significant D statistic (Durand et al., 2011).
cal data to the predictive distribution all three summary statistics im- To assess whether the geographic location of specimens used in the
plemented in P2C2M.SNAPP were used, these are the Robinson-Foulds calculation of the D-statistic can influence the outcome of this analysis I
tree distance (RF), the standard deviation of maximum likelihoods of also conducted every pairwise comparison between C. viridis and C. scu-
posterior trees, and pairwise FST outliers. tulatus as well as between C. cerberus and C. tigris. These two taxon pairs
were chosen for this analysis because they showed significant gene flow

2.4. Introgression and reticulation from the above D-statistic test and have multiple individuals sampled
across geographic space. For the C. viridis and C. scutulatus analysis this
To differentiate between hybridization and incomplete lineage sort- involved 250 tests with a tree topology of (((C. oreganus, C. viridis speci-
ing, I used the D statistic (also referred to as the ABBA/BABA test; men), C. scutulatus specimen), C. atrox). The C. cerberus and C. tigris
Green et al., 2010). This analysis uses a 4-taxon statement, an outgroup comparisons involved 14 tests with a topology of (((C. scutulatus, C. cer-
and three ingroup species, and assesses the number of shared bi-allelic berus specimen), C. tigris specimen), C. atrox). Geographic distance be-
sites (labeled as A or B alleles) among the ingroup species. Within the tween sampled individuals was calculated using the earth.dist function
ingroup, species 1 and species 2 are most closely related and species 3 in the R package fossil (Vavrek, 2011). Using a linear model, I tested for
has a derived allele (allele B). Under a scenario of hybridization or ILS an association between D-statistic values and straight-line geographic
there are then two possible configurations in which the derived allele is distances between sampled individuals.
shared between species 1 or 2 and species 3, (((A, B), B), A) or (((B, A), I also used the multi-species network coalescent (MSNC) approach
SNaQ to simultaneously infer the topology of species relationships and

E.A. Myers Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313

historical reticulation events. This method which is implemented in the vergence was checked by examining trace plots from the MCMC runs in
Julia package PhyloNetworks (Solís-Lemus et al., 2017) is a maximum Tracer v1.6 (Rambaut et al., 2014). To convert τ into divergence time in
pseudolikelihood approach that uses a coalescent model extended to in- years before present I used a previously estimated divergence time be-
clude reticulation events (Solís-Lemus and Ané, 2016). Concordance tween C. atrox and the ingroup species (6.1 mya; Reyes-Velasco et al.,
factors (CF) of 4-taxon statements are used to estimate a semi-directed 2013) to fix the root time of divergence in these analyses. This allowed
species network with estimated reticulation events and γ-values (inheri- me to scale estimated divergence times within the western rattlesnake
tance probabilities of ancestral contributions to hybridization events). I species group across all G-PhoCS analyses.

converted the unlinked SNP PHYLIP file from ipyrad to a CF table using
the R package SNPs2CF (Olave and Meyer, 2020) using all sampled in- 3. Results

dividuals and calculated CFs between species only for a total of 35,176
quartets. Phylogenetic networks with the number of hybridization 3.1. GBS data
events (hmax) ranging from 0 to 5 were then reconstructed with the
snaq! function using this CF table, running 10 independent analyses for I sequenced 60 individual samples (including all western rattlesnake
each hmax value using the SNAPP tree as the starting topology. The in-group specimens, plus two C. atrox samples) for GBS resulting in 168
best number of reticulation events was inferred as the point where million reads, with 2.79 million reads per specimen on average (0.425 –
adding an additional migration event did not improve the likelihood 5.42 million reads/specimen; see Supplemental Table 1). After process-
score. With the best hmax, I then used the pseudoreplication approach ing these data with ipyrad the final dataset contained 24,302 loci with

in SNPs2CF to create a CF with credibility intervals that was used with 150,947 variable sites and 94,015 parsimony informative sites. Demul-
the bootsnaq() command of PhyloNetworks to conduct 100 bootstrap tiplexed fastq files for all samples have been accessioned on NCBI’s SRA
replications to estimate support for phylogenetic relationships and mi- (SRA data PRJNA756778; specimen accession numbers SAM-
gration edges. N20925586 – SAMN20925645).

2.5. Divergence dating 3.2. Species tree and model fit

To estimate divergence times I used the full likelihood approach im- The SNAPP species tree analysis resulted in a well-resolved phy-
plemented in G-PhoCS (Gronau et al., 2011). G-PhoCS uses the multi- logeny of the C. viridis species group with posterior probabilities equal
species coalescent to estimate divergence times and effective popula- to 1.0 at all nodes (Fig. 2). While the relationships in this phylogeny are
tion sizes (Ne) from multi-locus sequence data and models gene flow be- well-supported, posterior predictive simulations in P2C2M.SNAPP
tween populations given user-defined migration events (Gronau et al., demonstrate that the GBS data are not a good fit to the assumptions of
2011). This method uses gamma distributions to specify prior distribu- the MSC model used in SNAPP. The RF p-value was 0.005
tions on theta (θ = 4Neμ, where μ is the mutation per nucleotide site (P2C2M.SNAPP uses a p-value > 0.05 as an indication of model viola-
per generation), τ (species divergence time, TDIV = τ/μ), and msx (the tion for this metric; Duckett et al., 2020), however, both the MLSD (p-
proportion of individuals in population x that arrive via migration from value = 0) and the pairwise FST metrics suggest MSC model violations.
population s per generation). I used a random subset of 2,500 GBS loci The pairwise FST metric demonstrates a poor fit of this model with C.

for this analysis and up to five individuals per taxon depending on sam- stephensi and C. pyrrhus as outliers, suggesting that there has been or
pling within species. I ran G-PhoCS analyses under two different priors that there currently is gene flow between these two taxa. These MSC
(τ – θ [1, 300] and [1, 30]) that represent recent and deeper diver- model violations indicate that a strictly branching phylogeny may be a
gences as well as smaller and larger Ne (Oswald et al., 2017). Each of poor representation of the evolutionary history of these species.
these prior settings were run twice to ensure consistency among runs.
Two different topologies were fixed in these analyses, one following the 3.3. Introgression and reticulation

MCC tree from SNAPP and the other given the best topology from
SNaQ. Migration bands were set in the SNAPP topology run based on Eleven of the total 21 ABBA/BABA tests recovered significant gene
results from the ABBA/BABA and P2C2M.SNAPP analyses, whereas mi- flow among taxa (Fig. 3; Supplemental Table 2). Several of these tests
gration in the SNaQ topology run was based on ABBA/BABA and migra- were set up with combinations of species such that multiple tests sug-
tion inferred in SNaQ. Each analysis was run for 5,000,000 generations, gest gene flow between the same two pairs. For example, the tests (((C.
sampling every 500 iterations after a burn-in of 5,000 iterations. Con- stephensi, C. pyrrhus), C. oreganus), C. atrox) and (((C. stephensi, C.

Fig. 2. Topologies inferred under the MSC and MSNC models, inferred introgression, and estimated branch lengths. (A) SNAPP topology with migration, numbers
at nodes represent posterior probabilities; (B) SNaQ with migration, numbers at nodes represent bootstrap support values. Red arrows indicate significant D-
statistic instances of introgression, green arrows are inferred migration from P2C2M.SNAPP, and blue arrows are reticulations from SNaQ (blue numbers are values
of γ). Placement of arrows on trees do not represent when introgression occurred, nor do they necessarily represent that introgression was bidirectional. (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

E.A. Myers Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313


Fig. 3. Results from D-statistic analysis between all species level comparisons. Dots are calculated D statistic values, bars are confidence intervals based on the

standard errors. Those highlighted in red are statistically significant, values in black are not (significance values are based on z scores). Positive D statistics indi-
cate introgression between species 1 and species 3, while negative values indicate introgression between species 2 and species 3. (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

mitchellii), C. oreganus), C. atrox) both suggest gene flow between C. high bootstrap support values at most nodes. The topological differ-
stephensi and C. oreganus (Fig. 3; Supplemental Table 2). In total these ences are with the placement of C. tigris and the relationships among
ABBA/BABA tests suggest there have been at least seven introgression the C. mitchellii species complex (Fig. 2). The highest support for the

events during the diversification of this group and all species are impli- number of reticulation events was for hmax = 2 with historical gene
cated in past hybridization (Fig. 3), providing overwhelming support flow between (1) C. pyrrhus and C. stephensi and (2) between C. tigris
for introgression either between extant species pairs or between ances- and the ancestral lineage leading to (C. oreganus, C. cerberus). The pro-
tral lineages. portion of loci inferred to have followed these hybridization edges, γ,
Testing for an association between the signal of gene flow from the was inferred to be 49% from C. stephensi into C. pyrrhus and 32.8% from
D-statistic test and geographic distance between samples demonstrates C. tigris into the (C. oreganus, C. cerberus) lineage. The ABBA/BABA tests
that there is an association such that higher values of the D-statistic are do not detect the SNaQ inferred C. pyrrhus and C. stephensi reticulation

calculated between samples within closer geographic proximity (Fig. event (note, however, that these two taxa were treated as sister in all
4). A linear model for the comparison between C. scutulatus and C. ABBA/BABA analyses and therefore introgression could not be tested),
viridis resulted in an adjusted r2 = 0.1 (p-value < 0.05), and an ad- however both analyses do infer past hybridization between C. tigris and
justed r2 = 0.57 between C. tigris and C. cerberus (p-value < 0.05). All the (C. oreganus, C. cerberus) lineage.
pair-wise D-statistic comparisons resulted in statistically significant ab-
solute z-scores. Together these results suggest that the strength of the 3.4. Divergence dating
signal of gene flow detected by the D-statistic is influenced by the geo-
graphic sampling of specimens; however, in these cases gene flow is al- The MCMC runs in G-PhoCS reached stationarity as assessed in
ways detected regardless of pairwise comparison. Tracer so I combined replicate runs of the same prior combinations for
The network approach implemented in SNaQ recovers similar phy- divergence time estimation. These divergence times were robust to the
logenetic relationships as found using the species tree approach with two sets of priors used and I report the results of the τ – θ [1, 300] runs.

E.A. Myers Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313


Fig. 4. Individual specimen based pairwise D statistic values compared to geographic distance between sampling locality. More negative D statistic values indicate a
greater proportion of sites that suggest introgression has occurred. The comparison between all C. scutulatus and C. viridis specimens are in grey and comparisons be-
tween C. tigris and C. cerberus are in black. Associations in both cases are positive indicating fewer sites implicated in introgression as geographic distances increase;
however, all comparisons are significant indicating that introgression has occurred.

Fixing the divergence time between C. atrox and the ingroup taxa at 4. Discussion

6.1 mya resulted in a root divergence time of 5.7 mya (95% CI: 2.2 –
9.3 mya) and 5.5 mya (95% CI: 2.1 – 8.9 mya) for the SNAPP and SNaQ All species within the western rattlesnake group have a signature of
topologies respectively (Fig. 2). Divergence time estimates between past hybridization and introgression with at least one other taxon. This
these two topologies and parameterizations of gene flow are similar, has several implications for estimating phylogenies and understanding
however the timing of divergence is much younger within the C. diversification. First, the signature of past introgression is found across
mitchellii species complex in the SNaQ topology (Fig. 2; Supplemental the geographic distributions of species and therefore detecting hy-
Table 3). Despite these differences, the estimated divergence times have bridization within other groups may be possible by only sampling a few
wide confidence intervals that largely overlap between the SNAPP and specimens per species. Second, the topological differences between the
SNaQ topologies (Supplemental Table 3). MSC and MSNC approaches are driven by taxa also implicated in past
hybridization, suggesting that gene flow will obscure phylogenetic rela-
tionships when not accounted for. Furthermore, mechanisms that cause
reproductive isolation are seemingly slow to evolve and rampant intro-

E.A. Myers Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313

gression likely causes difficulty in delimiting species in this group. Fu- 4.2. Influence of gene flow on phylogenies
ture studies will need to incorporate reticulating phylogenies to better
understand trait evolution and biogeographic history within rat- The differences in topology between the MSC tree and the MSNC
tlesnakes. tree are between two taxa that have an inferred history of introgression
based on the SNaQ analysis (Fig. 2). For example, these analyses place
4.1. Biogeography of introgression C. tigris in two different locations in the phylogeny with strong support
(PP = 1.0, BS = 97). However, this discordance likely reflects a his-

The phylogenetic relationships I estimated using genomic data and tory of introgression between this taxon and the C. viridis species com-
the MSC model are similar to the relationships presented in several re- plex that is not accounted for in a strictly diverging phylogeny. Addi-

cent studies that use a few Sanger generated loci (mtDNA and single tionally, the relationships recovered here within the C. mitchellii com-
copy nuclear DNA genes; Alencar et al., 2016; Blair and Sánchez- plex differ from those inferred in a recent study of species limits within
Ramírez, 2016; Reyes-Velasco et al., 2013). However, all species within this group (Meik et al., 2015). These authors generated a ddRAD
this radiation are implicated in at least one introgression event. Most of dataset, used similar MSC methods to those implemented here (e.g.,
the identified introgression events are between lineages that are in SNAPP), and therefore should be comparable to the present study. This
close geographic proximity. This suggests that the geographic distribu- observed discordance is likely the result of introgression among lin-
tions of many of these rattlesnake taxa may have remained relatively eages, as both the current study and Meik et al. (2015) demonstrate that
stable through time irrespective of the glacial cycles of the Pleistocene gene flow is an important process within this group. Because the MSC

that impacted the historical demographic dynamics of many North model is a poor fit to these genomic data, the relationships recovered
American species (e.g., Comes and Kadereit, 1998; Hewitt, 2004). assuming no gene flow within SNAPP may be biased, necessitating the
There are, however, a few exceptions to this within the western rat- use of these network approaches. However, previous studies in other
tlesnake group, the most striking example being the detection of gene groups of organisms using both MSC and MSNC approaches have found
flow between allopatric C. oreganus and C. tigris, two species separated remarkably similar topologies between these models (e.g., Blair et al.,
by > 185 km (based on the two closest specimens listed on VertNet). 2019). This may reflect the intensity of introgression between taxa,
Therefore, it is possible that the geographic distributions of these where higher amounts of gene flow will lead to more discordant topolo-

species have shifted through time and may have repeatedly been in con- gies inferred between MSC and MSNC methods. Yet we still do not un-
tact with subsequent isolation. This scenario is possible given paleo- derstand how widespread divergence with gene flow is across many
projections of ecological niche models for several of these taxa that sug- taxonomic groups and how often these events result in reticulate phylo-
gest much smaller regions of suitable climate during the Last Glacial genies that necessitate the use of MSNC approaches. For example, gene
Maximum when compared to current geographic distributions (Schield flow that occurred early in the radiation of an ancient group may not be
et al., 2019). Similarly, a recent study on montane rattlesnakes suggests detectable and therefore is not necessary to model when reconstructing
that past hybridization events likely only occurred during the Pleis- evolutionary histories. This demonstrates the importance of using ap-
tocene when the geographic distributions of these species were more proaches that test the fit of a particular model to phylogenomic data
widespread and allowed for contact (Blair et al., 2019). (Cai and Ané, 2020; Duckett et al., 2020).
By examining the signal of past introgression using individual based Hybridization and introgression have likely resulted in poorly de-

pairwise estimates of the D-statistic I have demonstrated that the fined species boundaries within this group of rattlesnakes. Gene flow
strength of the signal of introgression declines with geographic dis- was detected among taxa within the youngest species complexes, for ex-
tance, however, this signal is always detected. Therefore, regardless of ample between C. pyhrrus and C. stephensi and between C. viridis and C.
the geographic origin of specimens, a signal of past introgression can be oreganus. This demonstrates that there are porous genomic boundaries
detected in the data and it may be sufficient to infer hybridization and between these species (e.g., Harrison and Larson, 2014), which is ex-
introgression between taxa by sampling genomic data from only a small pected given that many of these taxa hybridize during the early stages

number of individuals across a species’ range. This is further demon- of divergence, suggesting that speciation with gene flow is common in
strated here where sampling was unbalanced among taxa, with only a this group (e.g., Meik et al., 2015; Schield et al., 2019). Introgression re-
single specimen representing C. stephensi and two individuals sampled sulting in poorly defined species is best exemplified within the C. viridis
from C. cerberus whereas 25C. scutulatus specimens were sequenced; species complex where authors using similar data suggest that taxo-
however both of these taxa represented by 1–2 specimens were found to nomic diversity ranges between one and nine species (Ashton and de
have a signature of interspecific introgression. Queiroz, 2001; Douglas and Schuett, 2002; Pook et al., 2000). Addi-
This pattern of detecting introgression regardless of geographic lo- tional phylogeographic data for these groups may resolve species limits,

cation of sampled specimens is in contrast to some previous findings. however, it is likely that these taxa will be found to maintain gene flow
For example, within live oaks the sampling location of specimens did across contact zones. This is a common finding in many species delimi-
influence the ability to detect admixture between lineages, where re- tation studies (Burbrink and Guiher, 2015; Melville et al., 2019;
sults of significant admixture are restricted to samples that occur in Oliveira et al., 2015) and the width and nature of these contact zones
close geographic proximity of the hybridizing lineages (Eaton et al., can provide important insights into the nature of species divergence
2015). Furthermore, within the western rattlesnakes, introgression has and maintenance of species boundaries (Burbrink et al., 2020). Strict
been suggested between C. oreganus and C. scutulatus based on a data reproductive isolation is likely not necessary for the maintenance of

from venom genes (Dowell et al., 2018), this potential introgression species boundaries; however, it is likely that genomic islands of specia-
event was not detected in the data presented here. Further sampling of tion underlying traits responsible for local adaptation are keeping these
individuals across potential zones of sympatry or within communities nascent lineages distinct (Nosil and Feder, 2012).
where multiple members of the western rattlesnake group co-occur is Although there is rampant gene flow in the nuclear genome of these
necessary to address whether there are additional introgression events taxa, previous studies suggest that there is little introgression of the
not detected here or if signatures of admixture are intensified in these mtDNA genome among these species. For example, mtDNA introgres-
geographic regions (Zancolli et al., 2016). sion is only known to occur between C. oreganus and C. viridis in a nar-
row region of contact and seemingly only from C. viridis into C. oreganus
(Schield et al., 2019). Furthermore, within the C. mitchellii complex all
taxa are monophyletic in an mtDNA gene tree with no detected mtDNA
introgression (Meik et al., 2015).

E.A. Myers Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution xxx (xxxx) 107313

4.3. Species diversification despite hybridization lution and the importance of introgression acting as a driver of pheno-
typic evolution within rattlesnakes.
There are multiple hypotheses to explain species richness within pit
vipers. Two that receive the most attention are the evolution of the lo- 5. Conclusions
real pit as a key innovation (Goris, 2011; Roelke and Childress, 2007)
and the invasion of the Western Hemisphere triggering rapid diversifi- Phylogenetic reticulation and introgression are a common compo-
cation (Wüster et al., 2008). However, these hypotheses alone cannot nent of diversification within the western rattlesnake species group.

account for increased rates of speciation within this group (Alencar et This suggests the accumulation of reproductive isolating barriers in rat-
al., 2016). Recent work has suggested that a lack of reproductive isola- tlesnakes are slow to accumulate. Topological differences in estimated

tion and continued hybridization are important processes in promoting phylogenies are the result of historical introgression and reticulation, a
diversification via a combinatorial mechanism within rapid radiations pattern that is likely common in other groups. Furthermore, introgres-
(Marques et al., 2019). For example, a recent study has suggested that sion may influence trait evolution and could help drive species diversi-
salamander lineages with increased rates of diversification naturally fication in this group, future studies should explore these mechanisms
hybridize (Patton et al., 2020). Furthermore, gene flow among species in more detail.
is a protracted process that can occur for millions of years post-
divergence (Barth et al., 2020; Pulido-Santacruz et al., 2020; Esquerré Declaration of Competing Interest
et al. 2021) and rates of reproductive isolation and speciation are de-

coupled (Rabosky and Matute, 2013). This decoupling may be ex- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
plained by the protracted period of gene flow between lineages and interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
would suggest that the accumulation of species over evolutionary ence the work reported in this paper.
timescales is limited by processes other than strict reproductive isola-
tion. Acknowledgements
A similar process may be occurring within the radiation of viperids,
where groups that have experienced increased diversification rates are EAM was funded by the Gerstner Scholar/Theodore Roosevelt (at
AMNH) and Peter Buck/Walter Rathbone Bacon (at NMNH) fellow-

also those that have a signature of historical introgression and contem-
porary gene flow. Given this common theme of divergence with gene ships. I would like to thank the entire AMNH Herpetology department
flow, we might expect that there is a signature of introgression among for support and additional funding while conducting this research, and
the earliest diverging branches as well as among older extant lineages. C. Raxworthy for sponsoring my postdoctoral fellowship at the AMNH.
Within the western rattlesnake radiation, introgression occurs among Fieldwork was conducted under AZ permit number SP760664 and a
the most divergent lineages as there is evidence of gene flow between C. Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife permit number 1043.
stephensi and the C. oreganus/C. cerberus pair, even though these taxa Portions of the computational analyses were conducted on the Smith-
share a common ancestor >5.74 mya. From the estimated age of diver- sonian Institution High Performance Cluster (SI/HPC;
gence of C. stephensi this suggests that this introgression occurred 10.25572/SIHPC). J. Servis provided exceptional editorial feedback
within the last ∼1.27 mya. It is possible that within this clade of rat- and suggestions. Thanks to M. Petr and M. Kweskin for assistance with

tlesnakes there is little association between strong hybrid incompatibil- admixr, and to R. Bell who provided helpful suggestions on early drafts
ities and macroevolutionary speciation rates. Incorporating historical of this manuscript. Tissue samples were provided by B. Murphy at the
signals of introgression and gene flow into macroevolutionary studies Royal Ontario Museum, L. Scheinberg at the California Academy of Sci-
of diversification rates may illuminate whether lineages lacking strong ences, D. DeNardo, J. Badman, M. Goode, P. Rosen, and T. Reeder. B.
reproductive isolation barriers have higher rates of species diversifica- Reid was a huge help in the field and C. J. Cole and C. R. Townsend
tion. truly facilitated fieldwork in Arizona.

4.4. Trait evolution Funding

Incorporating historical signals of gene flow in macroevolutionary EAM was funded by the Gerstner Scholar/Theodore Roosevelt (at
studies can also allow us to study how introgression influences trait AMNH) and Peter Buck/Walter Rathbone Bacon (at NMNH) fellow-
evolution. The western rattlesnake group exhibits extensive intra- and ships.
interspecific venom variation, but how this variation has evolved is

largely unknown. The phospholipase A2 encoded neurotoxin, often re- Appendix A. Supplementary material
ferred to as Mojave toxin (after the Mojave rattlesnake, Crotalus scutula-
tus) is present in many populations but is missing in others. Within C. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
oreganus, populations in east-central Utah state and southern California
possess this neurotoxic venom (French et al., 2004; Glenn and Straight,
1977) where this species hybridizes with C. scutulatus (Dowell et al., References
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