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Crossword Answers M3

f F S H a r P p
i n r
f o u r f l a t s t o n i c c
t t w m o
h u n a c o r d a m
p r r p
r e l e a s e y o
r l l u
s f i r s t i n v e r s i o n
t e i a d
e c g d u p l e t
m e t r o n o m e i r
s o n m i
c h a n g e g i p
b t a n l
a a s i m p l e t r i p l e
s v t m
s c h e r z a n d o s f z

across down
2. Leading note of G minor (1,5) 1. The dominant is also known as the _____ degree of
the scale (5)
5. F minor has this key signature (4,5)
3. You don’t always use a sharp sign to raise the 7th,
6. Chord I is known as the _____ triad (5)
sometimes you use... (1,7,4)
8. Italian term meaning to use the soft pedal (3,5)
4. Chords I, IV and V are known as the 3 _______
(see page 58 for this, as well as clues 10, 15, 21 and 22)
triads (7)
10. ‘Tre Corde’ or T.C. means to _______ the soft
6. Number of minims in a bar of cut common time (3)
pedal (7)
7. Type of time that has three dotted crotchet beats
13. Position of a triad when the root is on the top (5,9)
per bar (8,6)
14. Something you would never find in simple time (7)
9. The inversion of a perfect unison (7,6)
(hint: remember that quavers are SUPPOSED to be in twos)
11. Raise this note in cadences and triads as well as
15. Johann Maelzel invented this in 1815 (9)
scales in minor keys (7)
17. Do this to some rhythms in your rhythmic invention
12. The rules for the direction of these change in
(hint: so that it’s not all the same) (6)
SATB writing (5)
20. ,  and  are all examples of this type of time 16. You are often asked to write cadences using these
(6,6) note values because of clue no. 12 (6)
21. Italian word for ‘playfully’ or ‘jokingly’ (10) 18. Vocal range with highest note middle C (4)
22. Abbreviated version of ‘Sforzando’ (3) 19. The second highest female voice (4)

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