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独立版–20210420 发布
针对 2021/04/25 考试

2021 年来了!

目前托福在家考和线下考同时可供考生们选择。经研究,托福 iBT 在家考为全球

性考试,所以出题方式和逻辑更像是以往北美地区的线下托福考试。而托福 iBT

整理,梳理出每次考试最值得练习的 25 道题,供大家参考。

的是除了多选一和绝对题以外的题型。利弊题和现象题的比例由去年的 6:1,进
一步扩大差距到将近 12:1,由于经年的话题有集中的体现,现象类题目减少,但

2020 年 教育类话题是出题频率最高,其次是让人很意外的政府社会类话题,从
去年的 6.23%占比提高到了 29.72%,根据 ETS 官方的理解是今年由于国际环

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独立写作 Independent Writing – W2

190615CN (new)
Some companies decide not to permit employees to replay the e-mail or
text associated with the work in the holiday or on the weekend. Some
people think that this policy will improve the satisfaction of the
employees. While others argue that banning the replay to the e-mail or
text associated with the work will decrease the satisfaction of employees.
What do you think?

180825CN (new)
Which kind of professors will you choose when selecting the courses?
1, Some professors who are voted to be the most popular one?
2, Some professors who are rewarded of outstanding research?

180902CN (new)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is the best way for teachers to help students become more interested
in a subject by explaining how this subject can help students live better
outside of the school.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Students do reading by their own personality is as important as, or more
important than reading assigned by teachers.

If you are required to give feedbacks about your classmates/colleagues,
would you like to give positive comments or negative comments first?

Should teachers assign homework that students must do everyday?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
It's a waste of money for Government to fund space travel or space
Give specific examples and details to support your answer.

Which kind of professors will you choose when selecting the courses?
1, Some professors who are voted to be the most popular one?
2, Some professors who are rewarded of outstanding research?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is the best way for teachers to help students become more interested
in a subject by explaining how this subject can help students live better
outside of the school.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Government should provide free access to the internet; the individual
should access to the internet without paying anything.

Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what
other group members want than by person who often strongly insists
that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group
wants to do.

Which kind of professors will you choose when selecting the courses?
1. Some professors who are voted to be the most popular one
2. Some professors who are rewarded of outstanding research

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is more effective if teachers let students learn record lecture before
class and discuss and practice during class.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is important to have rules about the types of clothes that people wear
in their workplace and at school.

Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school
start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school
should start the day at late time.
Which one do you prefer?

Which one of the following is the best approach to reduce living expense?
A. share the rent with roommate
B. do not buy the latest technology products like cellphone frequently
C. cook food at home.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Students do reading by their own personality is as important as, or more
important than reading assigned by teachers.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People should buy the products made in their own country.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
When working on a project, it’s better for classmates or colleagues to
communicate face to face than sending emails.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It's better to complete a project and then start another one than to do
several things at the same time.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The more money a person has, the more he or she should give away to
the charities.

190331 CN
People in communities can make decisions that protect and improve the
natural environment. Which one is the most useful?
A. plant trees and create parks
B. persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags to customers
C. increase access to public transportation to reduce the number of
automobiles on local roads

181117 CN
Which one do you think is important to long-lasting friendship?
A. help you when you need
B. share same interest and hobby
C. mutual trust

181111 CN
Are government doing good in educating people to pay attention to the
importance of the food nutrition and healthy eating?

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