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Historical Text

 Historical text informs the reader about key events and

important people from the past
 Historical text gives the reader an understanding of
what led up to the important events in history
 Examples of historical text are: nonfiction history
books, autobiographies, biographies, historical research
websites, diaries, social studies/history textbooks, past
newspapers, encyclopedias
Scientific Text
 Scientific text informs the reader about concepts in
 Scientific text gives the reader a greater
understanding of the world around them. Topics may
include nature, animals, plants, the scientific method,
space, chemistry, geology, the human body, and
 Examples of scientific text: nonfiction science books,
science magazines, science textbooks, science blogs,
science research websites, scientific journals
Technical Text
 Technical text provides the reader information about a
specific topic.
 Technical text teachers the reader how to do
 Technical text has vocabulary words that are specific
to its area of focus.
 Examples of technical text: directions, instructions,
websites, cookbooks, trade books, game rules, how-to-
books, atlas, scripts, manuals, recipes
**Students will also need to read a text and determine if it is
historical, scientific, or technical. They will also need to tell
why. This will be in the format of MULTIPLE CHOICE.

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