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Astragalomancy Page 1

Ancient Greek Oracle

Alphabet Oracle

The ancient Greek alphabet oracle is from an inscription in

Olympos, a city in ancient Lycia. In the alphabet oracle each letter has
its corresponding oracle. Ancient Greek had four methods of
consulting the alphabet oracle.

1. 24 stones or potsherds method.

2. 5 astragalus method.

3. 5 dice method.

4. 3 Coins method

The consultant check the result on the table of The Olympian


Two methods to count:

Old, classical method: Count the face down side.

Modern method: Count the face up side. Page 2

24 stones/potsherds

Each stone/potsherd has inscribed a letter of the greek alphabet.

To consult the oracle pick a stone without looking or shake the stones
in a bowl or frame from until one jumped out. Page 3

5 astragalus

Astragaloi (latin astragalus) are the anklebones of sheep, goats,

or rams, and were used as a type of die by primitive people and arre
still used in some cultures, especially nomadic, shepherding, or rural
communities like those in mountainous areas of Greece or by
Mongolian people in traditional games.

Each astragalus or knucklebone has four sides, each one has a

traditionally given value: 1 (monas), 3 (trias), 4 (tetras) and 6 (hexas).
There are 24 possible total values from 5 astragalus: 5 to 30 (6 are 29
are impossible to obtain). Each number is associated to one letter of
the Greek alphabet in decreasing order.

Hyption Pranes Khion Koon

Khion (of the island of Chios): Value 1

Hyption (lying on the back): Value 3

Pranes (Lying on the front): Value 4

Koon (of the island of Cos): Value 6 Page 4

5 dices

There are 26 possible total values from 5 dices: 5 to 30. Each

number is associated to one letter of the Greek alphabet in decreasing
order. This method adds two more letters: archaic Digamma and
Qoppa, neither of them has given oracles in the Olympian table.

3 coins

3 heads: Value 1

2 heads: Value 3

2 tails: Value 4

3 tails: Value 6

Each method had different probability chances for each result. Page 5

The Olympian Oracle: Table

Greek Letter Astragal Dice Gematria Oracle

Aα - Alpha 30 30 1 “The God says you will do everything successfully”

Ββ - Beta 29 28 2 “With the help of Tyche, you will have an assistant: The Pythian. “

Γγ - Gamma 28 27 3 “Gaia will give you the ripe fruit of your labor”

Δδ - Delta 27 26 4 “In customs, inopportune strength is weak”

Εε - Epsilon 26 25 5 “You desire to see the offspring of righteous marriages”

Ζζ - Zeta 24 24 7 “Flee the very great storm, lest you be disabled in some way”

Ηη - Eta 23 23 8 “Bright Helios, who watches everything, watches you”

Θθ - Theta 22 22 9 “You have the helping Gods of this path”

Ιι - Iota 21 21 10 “There is sweat, it excels more than anything”

Κκ - Kappa 20 20 20 “To ght with the waves is dif cult: Endure, friend”

Λλ - Lambda 19 19 30 “The one passing on the left bodes well for everything”

Μμ - Mu 18 18 40 “It is necessary to labor, but the change will be admirable”

Νν - Nu 17 17 50 “The strife-bearing gift ful ls the oracle”

Ξξ- Xi 16 16 60 “There is no fruit to take from a withered shoot”

Οο - Omicron 15 15 70 “There are no crops to be reaped that were not sown”

Ππ - Pi 14 14 80 “Completing many contest, you will seize the crown”

Ρρ - Rho 12 13 100 “You will go on more easily if you wait a short time”

Σσς - Sigma 12 12 200 “Phoibos speaks plainly: ´Stay, friend´”

Ττ - Tau 10 11 300 “You will have a parting from the companions now around you”

Υυ - Upsilon 9 10 400 “The affair holds a noble undertaking”

Φφ - Phi 8 9 500 “Having done something carelessly, you will thereafter

blame the Gods”

Χχ - Khi 7 8 600 “Succeeding, friend, you will ful l a golden oracle”

Ψψ - Psi 6 7 700 “You have this righteous judgment from the Gods”

Ωω - Omega 5 5 800 “You will have a dif cult harvest season, not a useful one” Page 6


The Olympian Oracle: Explanations and Notes

1. Alpha: Everything (Hapanta)

1. Aα - Alpha 30 30 1 “The God says you will do everything successfully”

God: Apollo.

Do: Achieve, bring about, effect, accomplish, make, manage,

negotiate, transact, practice, fare.

Everything: Hapanta.

Successfully: Prosperously, luckily, with good fortune.

Your entire project will turn out well and you will meet all your
goals. You will have good luck in all your activities, or prosperous
business transactions and negotiations.

Alpha: Alpha is the Phoenician name for ox (or dead of cattle).

The Phoenicians considered ox the rst of all necessities.

Alpha: The moon, number 1, the rst, primary or principal. Page 7



2. Beta: Assistant (Boethos)

2. Ββ - Beta 29 28 2 “With the help of Tyche, you will have an assistant: The Pythian. “

Tyche: Fortune.

Assistant (Boethos): Helper, auxiliary, one who hastens (theo) to

the battle cry or other call for help (boe).

Pythian: Apollo as the God at Delphi (which was in Pytho), one of

the most important oracular sites.

Pythian assistant: The help to be expected might be of a

prophetic nature.

You are at a critical point, but if you are fortunate, Apollo the Far-
shooter will help you if you call on Him. Even with luck, the God will
only assist; ultimate responsibility is yours.

Beta: Phoenician name for House (the 2nd necessity).

Beta: Number 2. Page 8

3. Gamma: Gaia, the Earth (Ge)

3. Γγ - Gamma 28 27 3 “Gaia will give you the ripe fruit of your labor”

Gaia: The Earth (Ge).

Ripe: Complete, nal.

Fruits: Produce, returns, pro ts, results.

You will have a successful harvest, or you will reap all your pro ts
from the Earth. The Mother of All will bring your labours to a fruitful

Gaia will give you your just desserts.

Gamma: Phoenician word of “Throwing stick” or “camel”.

Gamma: Number 3 Page 9



4. Delta: Strength (Duramis)

4. Δδ - Delta 27 26 4 “In customs, inopportune strength is weak”

Customs: Rules, laws, allotments.

Inopportune*: Ill-timed, un reasonable, importunate, undue.

Strength: Power, ability, authority.

Ill-timed force will be ineffective. Act with precision.

Timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more

important than strength.

Misapplied ability is disability. Blind conformity to customs is


Overly strict adherence to rules is self-defeating.

Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself. A tyrant must fall.

* Note: Kairos (opportune) - Not Kairos (inopportune)

Kairos: Fit, in due measure, exact, at the appropriate or critical time, etc. Page 10

5. Epsilon: Desire (Eros)

5. Εε - Epsilon 26 25 5 “You desire to see the offspring of righteous marriages”

Desire (Erao-Eros): Love, are in love with.

Offspring: Seed, sowing.

The oracle may also refer to seeds, other than children,

sown by the marriage (alliances, wealth or in uence).

Righteous: Fitting, well-balanced.

The “rightness” admits many interpretations: It could be a

terrible marriage if that was tting and righteous

Marriage may be any kind of alliance or union.

This is a statement of fact, not a command or prediction: The

querent wants children or grandchildren from from suitable marriages.
It may means: He/She is in love with seeing this, maybe obsessed with
the idea. Page 11



6. Zeta: Storm (Zale)

6. Ζζ - Zeta 24 24 7 “Flee the very great storm, lest you be disabled in

some way”

Storm (Zale): Surge, distress.

Disabled: Hindered.

Don’t make a sea-voyage in bad weather. It is futile to ght the

force of the ocean. Likewise, bucking the inevitable will weaken you
and hinder your progress.

Avoid raging storms of any kind. Save your energy for when it
can be effective. Sometimes ight is wiser than ght. Page 12


7. Eta: Helios, the Sun (Helios)

7. Ηη - Eta 23 23 8 “Bright Helios, who watches everything, watches


Helios: Sun

Helios is an enforcer of oaths and promises, and He knows

the deceit in your heart.

The life-giving Sun will care for you. Page 13

8. Theta: Gods (Theoi)

8. Θθ - Theta 22 22 9 “You have the helping Gods of this path”

Helping: Propitious, defending.

Path: Road, course, way.

The way may be a concrete road, a plan of action, a

spiritual path, a way of life, etc.

The Gods who oversee this way will help and defend you, so you
may go forward with con dence.

You are under divine care, because you are following your
destiny. Page 14


9. Iota: Sweat (Hidros)

9. Ιι - Iota 21 21 10 “There is sweat, it excels more than anything”

Sweat (Hidros): Gum, exudation of trees.

Excels: Is superior to, outlives, remains in hand, is a result, is


There will always be hard work. Work is never done. Hard work is
the surest means of success.

When you have lost all your possessions, you still have your labor
as an asset.

The oracle recommends elbow-grease. Page 15

10. Kappa: Waves (Kuma)

10. Κκ - Kappa 20 20 20 “To ght with the waves is dif cult: Endure, friend”

Waves (Kuma): Swells, ood.

Waves can be a metaphor for repetitive, unstoppable


Dif cult: hard to bear, do, or deal with, painful, grievous,


Endure: Delay.

In time, the force of ocean waves can grind down anything.

It is dif cult, dangerous, and painful to try to resist the waves, the
sensible thing to do is to wait until they abate, or if that is impossible,
then to endure the inevitable with courage. Page 16




11. Lambda: Left (Laios)

11. Λλ - Lambda 19 19 30 “The one passing on the left bodes well for everything”

Passing: Going through.

Left (laios): Sinister side, unconscious, lunar mind, intuition.

Bodes: Shows, indicates, gives a sign, signi es, declares.

Well: Rightly, happily, fortunately.

An apparently sinister thing may be a blessing in disguise.

Unconscious processes or intuition may signal a favorable


A promising sign comes from an unpromising quarter. Page 17


12. Mu: Labor (Mokhthos)

12. Μμ - Mu 18 18 40 “It is necessary to labor, but the change will be admirable”

Labor: Be weary, distressed.

Change: Exchange.

Admirable: Fair, beautiful, good, noble.

Through toil and distress, a change will be made for the better.

Hard work will result in a good return. Page 18

13. Nu: Strife/Bearing (Neikephoros)

13. Νν - Nu 17 17 50 “The strife-bearing gift ful ls the oracle”

Strife: Quarrel, abuse.

Gift: Anything given.

Ful ls: Con rms, perfects, brings to an end.

Something will be given (to you, by you, or from one to another)

that brings strife with it. This will discharge the force of the oracle.

This gift will be the answer to the question asked to the oracle or
the sing that shows, reveals or brings the answer/ful lment to the
question. Page 19



14. Xi: Withered (Xeros)

14. Ξξ- Xi 16 16 60 “There is no fruit to take from a withered shoot”

Fruit: Produce, return, pro t.

Withered (Xeros): Lean, harsh.

There is no good to be gained from an angry young man or


The frayed end of a good line.

Harshness and stinginess will achieve nothing.

You cant get blood from a turnip, you cant get water from a

Dont polish a turd. Page 20


15. Omicron: There is Not (Ouk Esti)

15. Οο - Omicron 15 15 70 “There are no crops to be reaped that were not sown”

No (Ou)

Crops: Fruit-trees, corn- elds, crop-lands.

Reap: Mow, cut off.

Sown: Engendered, begotten, scattered.

What we spread about, comes back to us. What goes around

comes around.

You must plan ahead in order to achieve anything. Page 21


16. Pi: Many (Polla)

16. Ππ - Pi 14 14 80 “Completing many contest, you will seize the crown”

Many (polus).

Contests: Struggles, trials, dangers.

Crown: Wreath, garland.

If you persist in your struggles, after many trials you will succeed.

Perseverance through adversity. Page 22

17. Rho: Easily (Rhainon)

17. Ρρ - Rho 12 13 100 “You will go on more easily if you wait a short time”

Go on: Live, continue.

Easily (Rhaion): Willingly, recklessly, thoughtlessly.

Wait: Stand fast, remain, stay.

If you hold your ground for only a short time, you will be able to
proceed (more easily or with greater cooperation).

You will go faster by waiting than by going now; on the other

hand, delaying too long may provoke reckless action.

By standing fast you live recklessly.

By remaining where you are, you live life thoughtlessly. Page 23

18. Sigma: Plainly (Saphos)

18. Σσς - Sigma 12 12 200 “Phoibos speaks plainly: ´Stay, friend´”

Phoibos: Apollo as Bright and Pure.

Plainly (Saphos): Distinctly, certainly.

Stay: Wait, stand fast, remain.

Neither advance not retreat.

Wait or hold your ground, as appropriate: The best action is

inaction. Page 24

19. Tao: From the Companions (Ton Parouson)

19. Ττ - Tau 10 11 300 “You will have a parting from the companions now around you”

Parting: Release, deliverance.

Companions (Ton): Those accompanying.

An unwelcome parting from friends or a welcome release from

enemies, in either case, they are people now around you.

This may also mean a growing apart or forced separation of a

person from his or her family, peers or fellow travellers on the path. Page 25

20. Upsilon: Undertaking (Huposkhesis)

20. Υυ - Upsilon 9 10 400 “The affair holds a noble undertaking”

Affair: Deed, act, issue.

Holds: Involves, implies, gives cause for, holds fast, hinders,

guides, steers.

Noble: high-born, high-minded, excellent, notable.

Undertaking: Engagement, promise, profession.

There is some issue to be resolved, or some deed is under

consideration. It involves high-mindedness, either in commitment,
deed, or professional pursuit.

It maybe and admirable affair, due to its noble element, or a

situation that may guide us to seek the appropriate noble undertaking
or profession: The hero quest.

The oracle may mean that the situation hinders a ne

undertaking but you should try to understand the situation: Does it
demand an excellent undertaking or impede it? Page 26


21. Phi: Carelessly (Phaulos)

21. Φφ - Phi 8 9 500 “Having done something carelessly, you will thereafter
blame the Gods”

Done: Caused, accomplished, made, managed, negotiated,

transacted, practiced, fared.

Carelessly (Phaulos): Thoughtlessly, indifferently.

Take responsibility for your action (or inactions), don’t blame the
gods (or the universe, or fate, or society, or nature) for your own

The ancient Greeks said, “Hermes will help you get your wagon
unstuck, but only if you push on it”. Page 27

22. Khi: Golden (Khruseos)

22. Χχ - Khi 7 8 600 “Succeeding, friend, you will ful l a golden oracle”

Succeeding: Gaining your end, hitting the mark, meeting


Ful l: Bring to pass, cause, accomplish.

Golden (khruseos): Rich, noble, excellent, etc.

This admirable oracle will be ful lled by you attaining your ends,
or a mere chance meeting could constitute the golden event. Page 28



23. Psi: Judgement (Psephos)

23. Ψψ - Psi 6 7 700 “You have this righteous judgment from the Gods”

Righteous: Just, tting, meet, fair.

Judgment (Psephos): Resolve, decree.

A psephos (in latin Calculus) is a stone used for divination, voting,

counting, and similar purposes.

Gods: This oracle refers to collective judgment rather than

individual judgment. The majority of the gods concur in this judgment,
and that judgment is appropriate, fair, and righteous. Page 29


24. Omega: Dif cult (Omos)

24. Ωω - Omega 5 5 800 “You will have a dif cult harvest season, not a useful

Dif cult: Cruel, rough, untimely, unripe.

Harvest season: Fruit-time, autumn, summer bloom, bloom of


Useful: Suitable, apt.

Concretely, there will be a poor harvest, or autumn will be

dif cult. The harvest will be too early, before the fruit is ripe.

Abstractly, too early grasping of the fruits of your labor (whether

voluntary or necessary) will yield a poor return. The rewards will not be
suitable for their purpose.

Your youth will be rough, you will have to grow up before your
time. Page 30


Web References


Kostas Dervenis, Oracles Bones Divination.

F. Heinevetter, Würfel- und Buchstabenorakel in Griechenland und Kleinasien, Breslau:

1912, p. 35. The source of the Olympian oracle (there incorrectly said to be from Limyra)

B. F. Cook, Greek Inscriptions (“Reading the Past” series), Berkeley: Univ. California Press,

1987, pp. 8, 12. Source for archaic Greek alphabet and Greek numerals

The Greek text of the Olympian oracle (from Heinevetter) is available as a PNG le. 
A copy of the inscription of the similar Adadan oracle is also available (PNG) along
with a transcription as ordinary Greek text (PNG).  This will illustrate what the
original oracle looked like.

T. Curnow, The Oracles of the Ancient World: A Comprehensive Guide, Duckworth, 2004.  A

survey of oracle sites in the ancient Mediterranean world, including alphabet and dice

W. R. Halliday, Greek Divination: A Study of its Methods and Principles, Chicago: Argonaut,

1967, pp. 215–6. A brief description of Greek alphabet oracles

H. G. Liddell, R. Scott & H. S. Jones, Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed., Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1968. The source for ancient Greek meanings Page 31



J. Nollé, Kleinasiatische Losorakel: Astragal- und Alphabetchresmologien der
hochkaiserzeitlichen Orakelrenaissance. München: C.H. Beck, 2007. Up-to-date
discussion and texts.

R. Ritsema & S. Karcher (trs.), I Ching: The Classic Chinese Oracle of Change, Rockport:
Element, 1994, pp. 11–14. Source for history of the I Ching

Reece, David S. (2000). "Worked Astragali" (PDF). Kommos: an excavation on the south

coast of Crete volume IV: the Greek sanctuary. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
pp. 398–401

Reece, David S. (1989). "Faunal remains from the altar of Aphrodite Ourania,
Athens". Hesperia. American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 58 (1): 63–
70. doi:10.2307/148320. JSTOR 148320

"Divination Dice (Hakata)". The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Archived from the original on

2008-05-09. Retrieved 2008-07-31. “Sets of dice (hakata) are the quintessential Shona
instruments used to divine the source of illness or personal misfortune. These consist of a
series of four miniature tablets, made of wood, ivory, or bone, each with a distinct design
motif inscribed on one side. According to Shona conceptions of experience, personal
dif culties—ranging from unemployment or poor grades in school to the death of one's
livestock—may all be attributed to some spiritual agency. Consequently, a distinction is made
between medical treatment of certain ailments and a diviner's probing analysis and diagnosis
of the ultimate cause of a client's problems.

"Astragalomancy." Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. Ed. J. Gordon Melton.

5th ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. 100. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Feb.

"Pessomancy (or Psephomancy)." Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. Ed. J.

Gordon Melton. 5th ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. 1202. Gale Virtual Reference
Library. Web. 28 February 201

 Evan Osnos, Pro les, “The Next Incarnation,” The New Yorker, October 4, 2010, p. 63

Tseten, Dorjee. "Tibetan art of divination". The Of ce of Tibet. Archived from the original on

2008-05-04. Retrieved 2008-07-31 Page 32




Anexe: Table of letters

Egyptian/ Proto- Phoenician Meaning Early Greek Latin

Hierogly Sinaitic

𐤀-Alep Ox Aα - Alpha Aa

𐤁-bet House Ββ - Beta Bb

𐤂-Gimi Throwing Stick Γγ - Gamma Cc, Gg

(or Camel)

𐤃 -Dalet Door Δδ - Delta Dd

(Or Fish)

𐤄 - He Widow Εε - Epsilon Ee
(or Jubilation)

𐤅- Waw Hook (F), Yu Ff, Uu, Vv,

Υυ - Upsilon Yy, Ww

𐤆 - Zajin, Zayin Weapon Ζζ - Zeta Zz

(or manacle)

𐤇 - Het courtyard/Wall Ηη - Eta Hh

/ ?
𐤈 - Tet Wheel Θθ - Theta -
𐤉 - Yod Arm, hand Ιι - Iota Ii, Jj

𐤊 - Kap Palm of a hand Κκ - Kappa Kk

Χχ - Khi

𐤋 - Lamed Goad (farming Λλ - Lambda Ll


𐤌 - Mem Water Μμ - Mu Mm

𐤍 - Nun Serpent (or Fish) Νν - Nu Nn

𐤎 - Samek Pillar (?) Ξξ- Xi - Page 33

𐤏 - Ayin Eye Οο - Omicron Oo

Ωω - Omega

𐤐 - Pe Mouth Ππ - Pi Pp
(or corner)

𐤑 - Sade Papyrus plant/ (Mϻ-Sam) -

sh hook?

𐤒 - qop Needle eye (ϙϙ- Koppa) Qq

? Φφ - Phi

𐤓 - Res, resh Head Ρρ - Rho Rr

𐤔 - Sin Tooth (or Sun) Σσς - Sigma Ss

𐤕 - Taw Mark Ττ - Tau Tt

Χχ - Khi

Ψψ - Psi Page 34

Anexe 2: Brief Resume Page 35 Page 36

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