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l Usui System of Natural Healing J

*** REIKI - Prathama - First Degree * * *

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Dear Sir/ Madam,

Hearty Welcome to the amazing world of REIKI.
I believe there exists such ·supreme Being' - the ·Absolute Infinite' - a Dynamic Force
that governs the World and Universe. It is an unseen Spiritual Power that vibrates and
other Powers fade in to insignificance besides it. So, therefore, is it Absolute ... I shall
call it REIKI ... Being a Universal Force from the Divine Spirit, it belongs to all who seek
and desire to learn the art of Healing. - Hawayo Takata
You will be learning something valuable. I am sure you can make the best use of
REIKI for the rest of your life. People all over the World have got and have been
getting fantastic & unbelievable results by using REIKI. I want you to experience such
fantastic results yourseH by following all the Principles and Tools taught in the course
as sincerely as possible.
After receiving REIKl-1 Attonement, it is best to do as many healing sessions
[ suggested to treat your family members only] as possible for at-least the first month,
including a daily sett-healing. From second month, you can start healing others - but
should restrict to mild to moderate cases only. After 3 months of regular practice of all
the Principles taught in REIKI course, would I suggest you to take up treatment of
severe cases.
once receiving the initial Attunement, the person has only to place his/ her hands
down to heal. The REIKI energy does the rest, without any direction, flowing through
the Healer's hands. The Healer may or may not know what needs healing, but the
Divine Energy has the Intelligence far beyond Human and will go where it is needed.
After a REIKI session, both Healer and Healee l receiver J are energized and filled with
balanced energy.
Important Points
0 Knowledge Is Power ➔ ➔ Applied Knowledge Is Power
0 Everything In this Universe Is Energy - Albert Einstein
0 The total sum of energy remains constant. Energy can neither be created nor be
destroyed. But can be converted from one form of energy to another
- Law of conservation of Energy
0 Two types of energies - Positive and Negative
0 Positive energy Is constructive and developmental in nature.
0 Negative energy Is destructive and detrimental In nature.
0 Energy Heallng I Drugless Therapies:
One suffers in life when there is Imbalance / dis-harmony of energy.
A person is said to have imbalance / dis-harmony of energy when:
► There is negative energy
► There is inadequate positive energy
► There is excess of positive energy
► There is stagnation or blockage of positive energy.
The method used to bring about energy balance/ harmony for healing is called ' Energy
Medicine'. REIKI is one such Energy Medicine/ Drugless Therapy.
0 Two things cannot stay in the same place at the some time
0 Energy follows thought or intentions - hence one should always indulge in positive
thoughts/ intentions
0 Energy nows from higher level to lower level automatically- e.g., Water, Heat, Electricity,
Knowledge, etc.
0 Law of Cause and Effect or Law of Action I Karma-As you sow, so shall you reap

r What is Reiki? J
Meaning: Rei ➔ Universal, Ki ➔ Life Force Energy,
REIKI ➔ Universal Life Force Energy.
The living body, human or animal, warmth and energy. This energy is the
Life Force itself, ~nd has many names. It is known as PRANA in India, CHI
in China and Kl ,n Japan.



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C.elehr.!u Act

REIKI is a simple & effective method of self-treatment. You can calm down, relax,
strengthen & harmonise yourself immediately.
REIK! is also an effective preventive & maintenance tool. You can daily give self-
treatment and charge up 'battery of life'. This will help in preventing the occurrence of
any illness and you can stay hale and healthy.
@ TO HEAL OTHERS - Both Animates and In-animates
0 ANIMATES- Uving Beings
Pregnant women enjoy REIK! treatment. It helps to alleviate some of the complaints of
Infants appear to enjoy REIKI. It energises the baby. It is also special form of love that all
babies thrive on.
REIKI can be used to treat plants. Seeds that are treated before being planted, tend to
grow into healthier plants. Flowers and shrubs do very well when treated with REIKI.
Animals are appreciative of REIKI and most often become very calm and relaxed when
0 INANIMATES-Non-Uving Things
There are numerous other possibilities of giving REIKI to in-animates also - like House,
Office/ Shop, Vehicles, T.V., Jewelry, Machineries, Computers, Washing Machines,
Telephones/ Mobiles, Office equipment, etc.
@ TO HEAL RELATIONSHIPS - Both with Animates and In-animates
@ TO CONCENTRATE ABUNDANCE for Oneself and Others
@ TO MANIFEST INTENTIONS & Have things happen, instead of struggling & achieving
@ TO DISSOLVE BLOCKS & STRUGGLES in Life and make Life smooth
The 'Quality of life' will improve and the daily treatment [of One-self and Others] will further
Spiritual growth/ evolutions
WHO 's Defi nitio n of HEALTH :

Health is a slate
of co1nplete phys !caL ___.,_
, f;J. \_:_·'._- ~
n1ental, and S(1crnl - l.e _.-~ -~,~I,

well-being and
not 1nerely the
~~ta?,-2 ,1JM
~f--: : i 1/!

absence of disease --- ~
or infirn1 ity.

Defi nitio n of Holi stic HEALTH:

the aspe cts of our Bein g.
It's a wellness appr oach that addresses all the level s f.e., all
The perso n is treated as one or a whol e being.
being and not mere ly
A state of comp lete Physical, Ment al, Emot ional & Spiritual Well-
the abse nce of disea se or infirmity.
If is not just phys ical well- being / freed om from phys ical ailme

Lay man 's con cep t

Phys ical well -bei ng : Free from pains, ache s and body sufferings
Men tal well -bei ng · Being in think ing mod e and not worry ing mod e
Emo tiona l well -bei ng :
ss, tende rness,
Being in positive emot ions [ like happiness, Joyfulness, motherline
not in nega tive
honesty, core, affec tion, loyalty, belongingness, etc.] and
us, stres sed...]
emotions [like sad, depre ssed, disap point ed, dls-illusloned, jealo
Spiritual well -bei ng :
Universe, or Supe r-
The philo soph y of Source energy, God, High er lntell lgenc e,
he/ she lives in
conscious is 'Live and Let Uve '. One Is said to be Spiritual when
is in 'Harm ony with
this highe st philo soph y of 'Uve and Let Uve ' or when he/sh e
J. Simplicity. Anyone can learn and practice REIK/. It doesn 't require any special medical
knowled ge. One becomes a Healer In Just one day.
2. REIKI Is a Science. Hence, there Is no need to have any faith/ belief in It.
3. Once a person Is AHuned by a REIK/ Moster, he/she remains a REIK/ Channel for the rest
of his/ her life time.
4. Reikl is not given/se nt but taken/dra wn - hence, there Is no need to administe r, monitor
or control.
5. Ac ceptance by the Healee Is required. REIKI is, hence, to be given on asking.
6. For the same reason, REIKI cannot be used as a manipula tive tool.
7. REIKI can never cause any harm as it flows whereve r required and in quantifie s
required for a particula r Individual. 1
8. REIKI will bring what one needs and not what one wants
9. REIKI works on Aura level - physical, emotiona l and mental level and thus, a Holistic
healing system. Hence, irrespective of the disease, treatmen t is the same obviating the
need for any diagnosis. It has helped in healing virtually every known illness I disease.
J0. If you don 't know where to place your hands, you can simply place your hands
anywher e over healee's/ client's body. REIKI has the consciousness of it's own and
hence, it knows where to go, in what quantity & what to do I ;
1 1. REIKI operates beyond thoughts, feelings, emotions, faith, system, religion, time and
space·- you, therefore, don't have to hove faith/ belief in REIKI for REIKI to work for you.
It can work on you whether you believe if or not.
12. REIKI is not a religion or affiliated to any religion. This Ufe Force Energy is the source of
Life itself & far older in concept and fact than any religious philosoph y.]
13. REIKI enhances the effectiveness of other Therapies. Hence, it can be used as an
adjunct to any other type of Therapy.
J4. REIKI is very powerful, yet gentle- It works with a high degree of silken smoothness
15. REIKI con be made available effectivel y to groups as well.
16. REIKI can be made available to Animates ➔ human beings, animals, trees and plants ...
as well as In-anima tes ➔ non-living things. If you are to experien ce the well-bein g in
the real sense of the term, you need to be in harmony with the living beings as well as
non-living things around us.
J7. REIKI will bring opportunities - If is for us to pick them up or let fhem go by.
18. Energy exchang e is important.
19. You are not a Physician or a Doctor
20. You are only a Channel for the REIKI to flow.
2 1. Do not attach yourself to the results of treatmen t.
22. Patient should consult his/ her doctor in case of complica ted sickness.
\ S.No . Des crip tion
\.- A uthor
1 Be Your Own Doc tor Usin g REIK/ Dr. Dhire n Gala
Navn eet Publ icatio ns
Dr.M ikao Usui &
2 The Orig inal Reik i Han dboo k of Dr.M ik a o Usui
Fran k Arj a v a Pette r
New A g e Books
Essentia l Reik i
A Com plete G uide to a n A ncie nt Heal ing Art Dian e Stein
4 The Pow er of Sub- cons cio us Mind
Dr. Jose ph Murp hy
5 You con heal your life
Louis e L Hay
6 Emp owe rmen t thro' REIKI
Paul o Hora n
7 Haw ayo Taka ta 's Story
Hele l J. Hab erly
8 Hand s of LJght
Barb ara Ann Bren nan
9 Ugh t Eme rging
Barb ara Ann Bren nan
10 Basic Theosoph y
Geo ffrey Huds on
11 Wha t b ecom es the Soul after Deat h Swa mi Siva nond o
Divine Life Soci ety, Del.h i
12 Etheric Bod y I Astra l Body A.E. Pow ell
13 C rysta l Hea ling
Dae l Walk er

Important we bsi tes :

+ www.r eiki .org
+ www .reik m
+ www .iarp .org
+ www .reik
+ www .rei kiw itht rus
+ www .ind ianr eiki mas ters .com
+ pos itive .com
+ www .rei
- - - - --
\ 620 BC E Birth of Gautama Siddhartha , Sakyomuni Buddha, on the India-Nepal border

543 BCE Death of Gautama Siddhartha at Kusingara , India.

2nd to 1st
Ta ntra Lotus Sutra written, other healing texts extant
7 BCE Historic al birth of Jesus.
The 'Three Wise Men' come from the East [India] to seek the re-incarnation
of an Enlightened One. They take Jesus and Family to Egypt and India .
27 or 30 CE to
Jesus returns to Jerusalem for 2 - 3 years.
30 or 33 C E
30 or 33 CE The Crucifixion. Evidence that Jesus survived it.

46 or 49 CE Jesus returns to India 16 years after the Crucifixion.

Death of Jesus in Srinagar, India. Legends say he lived to 120 years of
110 CE
age, not unusual of his time.
Late 1800' s Mikao Usui's quest for REIKI.

1925 Chujiro Hayashi receives the REIKI Master's degree [REIKl-3] at age 47.
1930 Death of Mikao Usui. He made 16 - 18 REIKI Masters, sources vary.
Death of Chujiro Hayashi. He made 13 - 16 REIKI Masters, including the
May 10, 1941
first women - his wife Chie Hayashi and Mrs. Hawayo Takata [U.S.A.)
Dec 24, 1900 Birth of Hawayo Kawamuru [Takata]

Marlo, 1917 Marries Saichi Takata.

Oct, 1930 Death of Saichi Takata.

Mrs. Takata goes to Japan for healing at Maeda Hospital in Akasaka, then
1935 to Chujiro Hayashi's REIKI Clinic, Shina No Machi, Tokyo.
She is healed in 4 months.
Spring, 1936 Takata receives REIKl-1 from Chujiro Hayashi.
Takata receives REIKl-2 from Chujiro Hayashi & then returns to Hawaii.
1937 She opens her first Healing Clinic in Kapaa.
Takata receives REIKl-3 from Chujiro Hayashi in Hawaii. On February 22, 1938,
Winter, 1938 Chujjro Havashi announces Hawavo Takata as REIKI Master & his successor.
Death of Hawayo Takata. She made 22 REIKI Masters from 1970 _ 1980
Dec 11 , 1980 Some sources give death date as December 12 ·
Source: 'Essential RE IKI' by Diane Stein
Spiritual Plane


. .• I

Astral Plane
,.,• (bridge]
; .•• .

,....Emotional body
[Lower Emotional aspect] Physical Plane

1 + 5 ➔ Aches & Pains

2 + 6 ➔ Emotional Aspects
3 + 7 ➔ Mental Aspects
4 ➔ Life Challenges

The Seven Layer Auric Body System [Diagnostic View)



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- - - - - - - -- - - --- - -- -- - --- - -- - - - - - - - ------ --

The Seven Major Chakras, Front and Back Views
-- - ---
As soon as you get up in the morning
1. Thanking the Bed for the good night's sleep
2. Confession - Universa l Karmic Prayer
3. Common Invocati on
4. White Light 'Pyramid Shielding ' of Self [ 3 ~ 5 Mins. )
5. 'Violet Ught Shielding' of Self [ 3 ~ 5 Mins. ]

6. Short 'Reiki' Prayer

7. Treatment of Self J Cleansin g - 1O Positions [ 3 ~ 5 Mins. Per Position ]

8. Common Thanks Giving

+ REIKI is a 'Pure and Positive Energy' and it can not be contami nated. You may,
hence, practice REIKI at any place, at any time and in any conditio n. For the
same reason, you may do all the above 8 activities sitting on your Bed. It is better
to sit with your feet touching the ground.
+ Activity No. 1,2,3,4 & 5 are compuls ory in the morning before leaving the house
+ Activity No. 6 & 7 can be practice d at any part of the day. But it is necessa ry to
complet e at-least 1 cycle of Self-Treatment per day
+ Activity No 8 is compuls ory before retiring / going to sleep in fhe night

Optional Activities - optional but good to practice at any part of the day
9. Preparing the Place / Your House :
• Groundi ng [ 3 Mins. ]
• Energising [ about 1OMins. Dependi ng on the size of the house ) and
• Pyramid Shielding of the Place/ Your House
1o. 'Centerin g Meditati on' or REIKI Practice again or any other Meditati on you know

0 It is also good to shield your family members with Pyramid. Energise and Pyramid Shield
your Vehicles, M~bile Phones, Computers, Any Valuables, Expensive Electronic Items,
etc. for about 3 mmutes

@ Do Grounding, Energising & • Py~amid Shielding of any place you go and your Work
Plac e J Office I Shop, etc. This will go a long way in building your positive Karma.
@ For b~st ~ quick results, it is suggested to do REIK/ Practice [ 3 times per day 1 _ in the
morn~ng, ,n. the afternoon before lunch and in the night before dinner. If you can not
practic e 3 t,mes, at-least do self treatment onc e a day regularly.
A ctivity 1. Thanking the Bed : "I thank you for the good night's sleep "

Ac tivity 2. Confession - Universal Karmic Prayer :

Please God,
Pardon me for all the mis-deeds/ sins I hove done till today, either consciously or
unconsciously [ knowingly or unknowingly ], in this present life or in my previous
lives. If you must punish me, please punish me in my dream state.

Activity 3. Common Invocation :

"I c all upon all REIK/ Masters, REIK/ Guides, Angels, Arch-angels, Spiritual Guides
and My Personal REIKI Guide to come & help me in the Divine Cleansing,
Treatment of Chakras, Healing, Manifestation of Goals/ Intentions, Grounding,
Energising, Shielding and Meditation Processes during the course of the day for
the highest good of others & myself and also to correct me for whatever the
lapses I might commit during the course of the day".

Activity 4. White Light •pyramid Shielding' of Self:

Sit con:1fortably & gently close your ~yes. Visualise* yourself sitting inside a big
Pyramid, preferably made of glass, with a base [make the intention-the Pyramid
is big enough to cover my Aura and the Pyramid will automatically expand].
Invoke your favourite Deity 0 to come and shield you with Pyramid:
- " I call upon the Almighty God I Source Energy to do White Light Pyramid
Shielding on me " or better, to do the thanks giving in advance [PMAJ
- .. I thank the Almighty God I Source Energy for doing White Light Pyramid
Shielding on me "
Then visualise* that your favourite Deity** is above the apex of the p .d
sending down white light energy through His/Her blessing hand [Abhaya
on to the Pyra mid, c overing the entire Pyramid.
J~s 0
This light energy is falling on the Pyramid and through the Pyramid on to YOU.
You are, now, thoroug hly bathing in this white light energy. The God sending
down light shall be for 3 minutes.
Experie nce, sense & feel
@ the energy falling on your body,

@ a slight increase in the tempera ture &/ pressure around you due to
accumu lation of energy inside the Pyramid as a result of continuo us flow of
energy from your favourite Detty••
Positive Affirmations:
Chant the following positive affirmations Just before the complet ion of shielding .
+ This shield will stay/ be there for the next ·three & a half' days
+ Only positive energie s can enter this shield. Negativ e energie s cannot
penetra te this Pyramid Shield and they go back as Positive energy.
(The Negativ e Energies, on touching the wall of the Pyramid Shield, get
convert ed into positive energies ]
End the shielding by moving your dominan t hand across I above your Crown
Chokio (but Imagine that your hand is above the apex of the Pyramid) in anti-
clockwis e direcHon ( top perspec tive - as though you are looking down from the
top J and saying .. Stabilise ... , Stabilise ..., Stabilise... ( to seal the energy
from leaking away J.
Thank the God for doing the Shielding:
..I thank the Almigh ty God I Source Energy for doing White Light
Pyrami d Shieldin g on me".
Then, slowly open your eyes... with the feeling and Intention that you are truly,
Divinely protecte d and the Pyramid Is on you for the rest of your lite time ...
Every time you do the shielding the Pyramid gets re-lnforc ed.
This shielding would give you protectio n from negativi ty I negative vibration s for
three & a half days. But you can shield many times during the day. This would
only re-inforc e the shield i.e., make the shield more & more powelfu l.
Any negaHve emotion s will weaken or break the shield - hence, repeate d
shielding is better.
Do It preferab ly dally and especia lly before Reik/ Healing sessions for others.
• Visualise, Imagine, Pretend, Intend or make a Drama
•• Your Favourite Deity I God I Lord I Master I Cosmos ( who are nothing but
higher state of energy J
Activity 5. Violet Light Shieldin g of Self :
Sit comfort ably & gently close your eyes. Invoke your favourite Deity** to come and
shield you with Violet Light :
Invocati on: .. I call upon the Almighty God / Source Energy to do Violet Light
Shielding on me ".or better, to do the thanks giving in advance [PMAJ
.. I thank the Almighty God / Source Energy for doing Violet Light Shielding on me ..

Then, visualise* that your favourite Deity** is above your head sending down violet
light energy through His/Her blessing hand [ Abhaya Hastha Jon to YOU - covering
your entire body & your entire Aura.
You are, now, thorough ly bathing in this violet light energy for 3 minutes.
Experience, sense & feel
@ the energy falling on your body,
@ a slight increase in the tempera ture & pressure around you due to accumu lation
of energy inside your Aura as a result of continuo us flow of energy from your
favourite Deity
The God sending down light shall be for 3 minutes.
Positive Affirmations:
Chant the following positive affirmations just before complet ion of shielding.
+ This shield will stay/ be there for the next 'three' days
+ This shield prevents others from drawing any energy from my Auric
field either conscio usly or unconsciously, knowin gly or unknow ingly.
End the shielding by moving your dominan t hand across / above your Crown
Chakra in anti-cloc kwise direction [ top perspective - as though you are looking
down from the top J and saying .. Stabilise ... , Stabilise ... , Stabilise ... [ to seal the
energy from leaking away] ... Thank the God for doing the Shielding: " I thank the
Almigh ty God I Source Energy for doing Violet Light Shielding on me".
Then, slowly open your eyes with the feeling and intention that you are truly,
Divinely protecte d.
This shielding is to prevent others from drawing energy from your Auric field.
It is better to do this shielding daily and especial ly before you go for meeting s,
hospitals, out-of-station, to meet opponents I competitors, etc.
* Visualise, Imagine, Pretend, Intend or make a Drama
** Your Favourite Deity I God I Lord I Master I Cosmos [ who are nothin but
higher state of energy J g
Activity 6. Short REIK/ Prayer :
Every Healer [ Reiki Channel J shall chant the following prayer before every
Healing Session. You may scrub your hands for a minute, press your Palm
Chokros [with thumb], & Mini Chakra [finger tips with thumb] to sensitise them.


Hold your hands in Prayer Posture - Hands in cup shape & thumbs touching the
Heart Chakro ... Gently close your eyes ...
Mentally Chant:
l . Attitude of Gratitude - 3 times
2. I thank SELF* for being here
3. I thank Divine REIKI for being here
4. I thank _ _ __ for being here [ Your name ]
5. I thank _ __ for being here [Healee/ Client's name while treating others]
6. May REIKI flow (Let the Divine REIKI Energy flow through my hands for Healing] -
3 Times ,
Now, Do REIKI Power/Energy breathing i.e., take a few nice long deep breaths
and visualize & feel Beaming Hands ... i.e., REIKI HANDS.
After that hold your hands closer to your cheeks I face and feel the REIKI Energy
flowing through your hands [ i.e., take REIKI Bath J
Alternatively, you may also keep your hands on the Solar Plexus [ On the
stomach, 4 fingers above the Navel J- You may feel that your hands ore worm.
• SELF = Higher Self, Enlightened Soul or Guiding I Guardian Angel

Intention is very important :

You mentally say that you intend to pass REIK/ - I intend to do cleansing of my
chokras, healing, preparing place [ Grounding, Energising & Shielding J, healing
of Intentions, etc. as the case may be.
Note : Whenever you would like to make the REIK/ available, begin with ..Short
REIK/ Prayer" to kindle the energy flow in your hands. After regular practice, the
REIKI energy starts flow through your hands just by the mere thought of REIK/.
A c t1Y1ty I r,eatmen t o f Self / Clean5in g - AJso c oiled os Healing I Energising

Ene,g,,e the foftowing 10 positions for 3 to 5 m inutes per position.

1 Eye,

Hole the hand s

c overing the ~y~s In
111v4'f1ed ·v · shop~ 10 A
that you d o n ·, cover
the nose
. I

2. Crown Chakra/
Sohos rara

Hotd the hands on •


the sides of the

he,a d/ temples
3. Ajna I Third-Eye

Right hand on the

fo.r ehe-od for the
malei. .. . left hand
on the for•e he-od for
fhe female s .. .
and the other hand
o n the bac I< for more
effecffven eu
4. Brain/ Back
HeadI occipit al

Keep the hands on

the back of Head on
Right & Left Brain I
occipita l lobes

5. Throat Chakra /
Vishud dhi

Right hand on the

front for males, ...
left hand on the front
for females ...
and the other hand
on the backsid e for
more effective ness. You may also treat by keeping hands on the sides of the
6. Heart Chakra /
---, I

Anaha ta I
j I

·· _,'•·I l
Right hand on the
front for males, ...
· 1 I
' I

left hand on the front l

for females ...
and the other hand
on the backsid e for
more effectiveness.
If you want to be
comforta ble or it is
difficult keep the
hand on the
backsid e, you may
also treat Hearl
position by keeping
both the hands on
the chest area as
shown here ...
7. Solar Plexus /
Manipura Chokro
Four fingers above
the Novel ...
Right hand on the
front for m oles, ...
left hand on the front
for females .. .
and the other hand If you want to be comfortable or it is difficult keep the hand on
the backside, you may also treat Manipura Chakra by keeping
on the bac kside for
both the hands on the Solar Plexus area - 4 fingers above Navel
more effectiveness.

8. Sacral I Hara/
Three fingers below
the Novel ...
Right hand on the
front for moles, ...
left hand on the front
for females ... If you want to be comfortable or it is difficult keep the hand
and the other hand on the backside, you may also treat Swadhishtana Chakra
on the backside for by keeping both the hands on the Sacral or Hara area - 3
more effectiveness. fingers below the Navel

9. Base I Root I

Hold the hands in-

between the thighs,
on the hips or on the
Toil-bone of the
/~ \
- -- - - - - - - -- -.,..-- - - - - - - -- --------------,

I ' 0. Feet I Soles
I1 Jjt

! Ensure • I -

I that the hands ~-# \

do not cross. You

may treat both the
feet togethe r or one t~
after the other. Right hand fingers on the right toes and the other hand
below covering the entire foot area, left hand fingers on the
left toes and the other hand below covering the entire foot
area - this is to ensure that the hands do not cross

RULE for Treatm ent :

Treat the affected part & the concern ed/conn ected choleras for 30 min. minimum ...

Treatm ent : Keep your Beaming Hands on the part or the cholera to be healed ...
0 Chant: Thank you Reild for healing me {I him/ her/ this Intention ] - 3 times
0 Send the Reild energy [white light] through your ·seamin g Hands" ... REIK/ HANDS
{ ... through / by continuous REIK/ Power/ Energy Breathin g ...]

Boosters / Enhancers - Option al : Use of Boosters I Enhancers is purely

You may do optional . You may or may not use them
0 Creative Visualisation• while doing REIK/ Treatment. Howeve r, as
0 'OM' Chantin g the techniqu es employ ed are very
0 Deep Breathing powerfu l, the use of Boosters increase s
0 Thanks Giving" the effective ness of the treatme nt.

• Creative Visualisation :- As you ore treating, ..Visualise, imagine , intend,

pretend or make a drama that you are already active, energet ic, hale &
heaffhy. You may also visualize the chokra becomin g Cleaner , Whiter, Brighter,
Luminous & Glowing and becomi ng 10 times bigger in size & vibrating with
50~100% more frequen cy I spinning with more speed".

• • Thanks Giving - Chant mini prayers / affirmations like a} I have been

complet ely healed to the pink of my health & happine ss with Divine Love Hel &
Wisdom, b] Thank you God for blessing me with Heaffhy Heart/ Heart Ch~kra .~
Activity 8. Comm on Thanks Giving :
"I thank all REIKI Masters, REIKI Guides, Angels, Arch -angels, Spiritual Guides
and My Personal REIKI Guide for helping/ assisting me in the Divine Cleansing,
Treatment of Chakras, Healing, Manifestation of Goals/ Intentions, Grounding,
Energising, Shielding and Meditation Processes during the course of the day for
the highest good of others & myself and also for correcting me for whatever
the lapses I might have committed during the course of the day".
It is good to thank the Almighty God/ Universe/ Source Energy & REIK/ for all the good
things that happened to you during the course of the day and bless all those whom
you m et "with Happiness, Health, Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity".


As we know from the study of Physics, solid matter does not really exist. Everything is
composed of Energy, thus everything has a vibration. Even rocks and minerals are
made of energy. They simply have a lower rate of a vibration. In a similar fashion,
negative blocks and emotional patterns, which are stored in our Physical and Etheric
bodies, have a lower vibratory rate than the thought waves or pockets of energy that
we create when we are ·thinking. When we k>ve, we ar-e creating positive thoughts.
Thus, as we begin to maintain a positive flow [through steady persistence at
whichever spiritual discipline we have chosen to study], due to the snowball effect,
we will have increased our vibratory rate.
After the attunement process in each of the three degrees, the student
will undergo a 21-day cleaning process.
When we receive REIKI attunements, the sudden amplification of vibratory rate acts
as a trigger to set off and accelerate loosening of negative, dense energy within our
systems which can not resonate with the finer vibrations created by the 'Attunement'.
Since our vibration is adjusted so quickly, a reaction fakes place, which allows old
stored-up emotions and memories to be released, as is appropriate for further growth.
Although the change is sudden, it takes time for the adjustments to become
effective. It takes approximately three days for the energy to move through each of
the seven main charkas. Although t~~ opening of the REIKI channel occurs between
the Heart C~nter and the Crown Chakra, the centers in the lower part of the body are
equally important and go through corresponding adjustments in vibratory rate.
After 'Attunement' it takes about 3 to 4 weeks for effective adjustment and
adaptation. During that time the REIKI energy may turn on at odd non-hear
moments. Due to the raised vibratory rate of the Physical and Etheric bodies •~~
dense negative energy is forced " to the surface" and is released. '
Some of the typica.l outward signs yo u may notice in your life as a result of this
c leansing process includes - you may feel spacey or tingly, have intense dreams
including po st life dreams; experience strange feelings , emotional changes, physical
changes suc h a s de-oxidation. These can include diarrhea, running nose or
increased urination and an old habit of favourite food may lose its importance in y o ur
life. These are just a few of the possible symptoms of the change, which occ urs at
different level of the Physical and Etheric bodies. Some reactions may seem
unpleasant at first, as the negative energy is released. But by just saying ''yes" to eac h
experience, accepting it and not attaching a great deal of concern, each one will
simply pass away.

What is happening is that the energy is adjusting and increasing the new healer' s
capacity to channel it. More Kif PRANA energy is entering the person's aura & body
than he/she has experienced before, and the person's Aura & Chakras are being
cleared, cleansed and refined.
It is good also, at this time, to develop a habit of giving yourself REIKJ treatments
before you fall asleep at night and first thing after you wake up in the morning [after
writing down your dreams]. It is best to do as many healing sessions as possible for at-
least the first month including daily self-healing.
If you continue to treat yourself after the initial 'cleanse process' is completed, you
will help the growth process to continue and further refinement of energy will occur.
As you release old undesired feelings and concepts, you will begin to feel t he
"attitude of gratitude" flow naturally in your life process, which will in turn create
a greater level of abundance in all areas of your life.

Important Points to Remember

Healing and Medicine are two very different discipline~. REIKI is Universal & Divine
Love. REIKI is used for Healing. The information given in this Book is not Medicine but
Healing, and does not constitute Medical advice. In case of serious illness consult the
practitioner of your choice.

Five Important Things To Remember While Making The Reiki Available:

1. Use cupped palms, i.e., hold the palms. of the hands in cup shape.
2. Both the Healer and the Healee I Client should not c ross the legs or hands.
3. Visualise 'Beaming Hands' (i.e., the REIKI energy - 1.5" to 2" thick beams of p
white light is flowing out of y our hands as though you are holding two torch ligh~;~
4. Move the Hand/s in anti-clock-wise d irec tion w hile stabilising the energ
5. Both the Healo/ and the Healee I Clie nt shall not wear any met Ir
mobile phone & watch on the body ( Gold & Silver Jewelry are OK]. tc articleS,
1. Invoc ation 2. Intent ion 3. Actua l Treatm ent and 4. Thanks giving
I caU upon aJI REJKI MaJters, REIKJ Guides, Angels, Arch-a ngels, Spiritual Guides and
My Persona l REIKI Gulde to come and assist/help me In the Divine healing of ,m yself
(or the Healee / Client's name whom- so-eve r you are treating ) and correc t me for
whatever lapses I might commi t during the proces s". You may drop this if yo u have
alread y done the "Comm on Invoca tion" & procee d with treatme nt Just by.

2. INTENTION : You mental ly say that you now intend to pass/ offer REIKJ or make
the REIKI availab le. I intend to do healing , Intentio n healing , prepar e the place [-
Ground ing, Energising, Shielding... as the case may be]

Shield your-se lf & the Healee / Client [by pyrami d shield]. AJternatety, you may teach
Pyrami d Shielding to the Healee and ask the Healee to self-shield. Now, you can start
the treatme nt. Sit dlagon alty opposi te to the patient . Just hold your hands over the
part / chakra you want to treat and visualise REIKI energy passing out of your hands
as a thick beam of white light into the affecte d area / cholera that you are treating .
Genera lly you treat each part / chakra for 3 mins. minimu m (in severe cases upto 10
- 15 minutes]

You may also make Healee to lie down while giving treatme nt.
As you are treating , visualise the chakra becom ing cleane r, whiter, brighte r,
luminous, glowing , and 10 times bfgger. You also instruct the chakra to increas e the
vibratio ns by 50% to 100%. Chant 'OM' mental ty while Inhalin g & Exhaling and keep
doing deep breathi ng through -out the treatme nt. Visualise, imagin e, preten d or
intend that the patient is already hale & healthy, active and normal . /
you may also chant mlnf prayers / posfffve aff11mations [like " With divine blessing of
(your favouri te deity's name), the Healee has been
comple tely healed to the pink of his/her health]. This will make the treatme nt more
effectiv e.
Please note that the REIKI will flow through the hands, when the hands are just placed
on the positions / part with the intentio n of healing.
To Increas e the flow of energy through your palms, mental ly chant the followin g
affirma tion while giving treatme nt: "More and more energy flows through my hands
for healing whenev er I use REIKI".
End the treatme nt by moving right hand across the Aura of the Person & saying
"Stabilise - 3 times" to seal the energie s that you have project ed from leaking away.
Then, finally do the Thanks-giving ➔ "I thank all REIKI Masters, REIKI Guides, Angels,
Arch-angels, Spiritual Guides and My Personal REIKI Gulde for helplng/ assisting me
during the Divine hea ling of myself [or the healee's name whom-so-eve r you have
treated) a nd also for c orrecting me for whatever the lapses I might have committed
during the process.
Always keep in mind that it is REIKI - the Universal Life Force Energy, which is doing
the healing and not yourself. So always thank REIKI at the end of the treatment.
~lways be grateful to REIKI - for choosing you to be a REIKI Channel and giving you
· the privilege to learnt it.

The REIK/ Principles

1. Just for today, I will not be angry
Anger is the result of feeling out of control & caused by EGO / situCl"f ion. When you
get angry, become aware of your reactions and also be thankful for having got on
opportunity to look at the phenomenon anger. Do not feel guilty for experiencing
anger, Be in the attitude of gratitude and just for today anger in gratitude.
To control anger: Take the message, the problem goes away; sit for meditation; Do
more and more of positive deeds - help others, give charity.....
2. Just for today, I will not worry
Wocry results from a feeling of separateness from the Universal Wholeness. Do not
interfere with the Universal Timing in Life. Live each day to the best of your ability &
everything else will be taken care of
3. Just for today, I will do my work honestly
To be honest with oneself is to face -truth in all things. Truth brings clarity. Honestly with
oneself will project honesty on to others.
4. Just for today, I will be kind, show love & respect for every Uving thing
we are all of one source & are interdependent. To show love & respect and being
kind to all others (neighbors, friends, colleagues, relatives, etc.) is to love & respect
and being kind to oneself and our mother earth.
5. Just for today, I will live in attitude of Gratitude I give thanks to my
many blessings
Afways feel thankfut for what we have as well as what we know wilf constantly b e
provided. our normal state is that of all-sufficiency or abundance. By living in
gratitude, one would shift from vicious spirals of lackness or inadequacy to virtuous
spirals of abundanc e.
Activit y 9. Prepa ring the Place:
[ Grounding, Energ ising & Shielding of Yo ur House I Place J

A} Ground ing [ 3 to 5 Minutes J :

Just hold both your 'Beamin g Hands' facing downwa rds [i.e., facing Earth /
ground]. Gently close your eyes & mentally say the intention - " I intend to do
the Groundi ng of this place " - 3 times. Visualise 'Beamin g Hands ' [ i.e., the REIK/
energy - 1.5" to 2" thick beams of white light is flowing out of your hands as
though you are holding two torch lights ] .
Visualise the REIKI energy going 50 feet below the ground level and spread this
white light flowing out of your hands for about 3 minutes, to each & every nook
and c orner covering the entire foundati on & plinth area of your house / building.
Then close the Groundi ng by moving your 'Beamin g Hands ' in anti-cloc kwise
direc tion [top perspec tive] and saying Stabilise ... Stabilise ... Stabilise [ to seal
the energy sent so far &/ to prevent the energies from leaking away}.
BJ Energis ing [ 10~ 15 Minutes Aprox.J :

Sit comfort ably. Just hold both your 'Beaming Hands' facing the room. Gently close
your eyes & mentally say the intention - I intend to do Energisin g of this place - 3
times. Visualise 'Bea m ing Hands' [i.e., the REIKI energy - 1.5" to 2" thick beams of
w hite light is flowing out of y our hands as though you are ho lding two torch lights].
Me ntally walk [ phys ically you may b e sitting anyw here in your hous
e/ p lace] into
every place and room of your house includ ing Main Gate of your
house, Entra nce,
Varan da, living / Draw ing Room, Bed Rooms, Kitchen, Pooja Room
, Balco ny, Sit-out,
Bathr oom, Attick , Back -yard , etc. and sprea d/ proje ct the REIKI energ
y - white light
flowin g out of your hand s for abou t 10 minutes to each & every nook
and corne r of alf
the room s c overing the entire house/ place . Then close the Grou
nding by movi ng
your 'Beam ing Hand s' in anti-c lockw ise direc tion and sayin g Stabm
se ... Stabilise ...
Stabilise [to seal the energ y sent so far &/ to preve nt the energ ies from
leakin g away ].

CJ Whit e Light 'Pyra mid Shie lding ' of Your Hous e/ Plac e [ 3 Minu tes}

Gentl y close your ey es. Visualise* a big Pyram id, prefe rably made
of glass, cove ring
the entire house*** i.e., the house is inside a big Pyramid with a
base [ make the
intention - " the Pyramid is big enou gh to the entire house*** " and
the Pyram id will
autom atica lly expa nd }.
Invok e your favou rite Deity** to come and shield your house with Pyram
id - " I call
upon _ _ _ _ to do White Light Pyramid Shielding of this house ".
Then visua lize that your favourite Deity* * is abov e the apex of the
Pyramid sendi ng
d own white light energ y through His/ Her blessing hand [ abha ya hasth
a I on to the
Pyram id, cov ering the entire Pyramid.
This light energ y is falling on the Pyramid and throu gh the Pyramid on
to the house &
to y ou all who are inside the house. The entire house is imme rsed
in this w hite light
energ y.
Experience , sense & feel
• I the energy falling on your house and your body,
• slight incre ase in tempe rature & pressure all aroun d you d ue to a c cumu
of energ y inside the Pyramid as a result of c ontinu ous flow of energ y
from your
favou rite Deity* *
The God se nd ing dow n light shall be for 3 minut es.
Positive Affirmations:
Chant the following positive affirmations ( 1 to 3 times ] just before completion of
• Only positive energy can enter this shield. Negative energy can not penetrate
this Pyramid Shield and it goes back as Positive energy.
• This shield will be there for the next 'three & a half' days

End the shielding by moving your dominant hand across / above your Crown Chakra,
imagining that your hand is above the apex of the Pyramid, in anti-clockwis e
direction ( top perspective - as though you are looking from the top J and saying "
Stabilise ... , Stabilise ..., Stabilise... to seal the energy from leaking away.
Thank your favourite Deity/ God for doing the Shielding - " I thank ___ for doing
White Light Pyramid Shielding for this house ".
Then slowly open your eyes.
• Visualise, Imagine, Pretend, Intend or make a Drama
~ Your Favourite Deity/ God/ Lord/ Master/ Cosmos-who are nothing but higher state
of energy
... House/ Building/ Place
This shielding would protect your house from negativity / negative vibrations for three
& a half days. But you can shield many times during the day. This would only re- the
shield i.e., makes the shield more & more powerful. Any negative emotions will
weaken or break the shield - hence, repeated shielding is better.
Pyramid Shielding gives protection from any negativity from outside. Hence, do it
preferably daily. You can do Pyramid Shielding for your kith & kin [family members),
client's/ healee's, shop, office, vehicles, jewelry, mobile phone, important
documents, valuables, etc.
When you shield your children, it will prevent them from getting into bad company/
association, meeting accident, etc.
When done
• for vehicles, the shielding will prevent accident to your vehicles/ theft of y our
ve hic Ie.
• For the house, it will prevent any theft, burglary, etc. and
• For Jewelry, it will avoid being stolen & so on
You may even teach the Shielding Techniques to others, especiall our f .
members. They need not be REIKI Channels to use Shielding Techniques~ y amily

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