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Anshul Gupta

Address: KIET, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India Linkedin: Anshul1507

Phone: +91 6395825922 Portfolio:
E-mail: Github:

Software Engineering Intern Stamurai - 2020-04 - Present
● I am working in the engineering team on Android Application of the Healthcare product Stamurai.
● Added Speech-to-text paragraph matching algorithm, Audio Synchronisation from server, In-app Video Player.
● Working on Networking, UI/UX, Functionality and Features on Application.
Software Engineering Intern Get-Bachat - 2019-06 – 2019-11
● Worked on the main MVP from scratch of the Fintech product GetBachat.
● Added UI/UX by adding micro-animations & micro-interactions across all the screens.
● Developed intuitive, faster and engaging to use app according to the requirements.

Bachelor of Technology : Computer Science & Engineering - 2017--2021
KIET Group of Institutions - Ghaziabad 8.04 CGPA till 6th semester

Club – Android Lead Developer Student Clubs KIET (Google Developers) - 2019-02 - present
● Establishing a development culture at KIET and driving a community of 300+ students.
● Responsible for organizing competitive programming contests, webinars and hackathons with core team.

● Google Udacity Challenge Scholar.
● ACM ICPC Kanpur Preliminary online Round (2019): Honorable Mention.
● Ranked 1st multiple times in coding competitions among students at college.
● HackVSIT 2020: Among top 10/300 teams.
● HackDay Skillenza 2019 : Best Innovator Award (2nd) among 60 teams.
● App-athon 2019: Best App Design.

 Melodix (Music Player App)
Offline Music Player with powerful visualizer, shake to change feature and custom list on user favorite tracks.
Tech-stack : Kotlin, SQLite, MVC.
 Portfolio Generator (Template)
One page minimal portfolio template for students and Developers for their contact links.
Tech-stack : HTML, CSS & JS(Animations).
 Covid ERP Solution
An ERP system includes Digitalisation of management of Hospital Beds, Ambulance Tracking App, Doctor App for
analyzing patients, Admin App to monitor all modules.
Tech-stack : Java, Kotlin, SQLite, Realm, Firebase, MVC.
 Budget Bucket (Budget Tracker App)
Application for tracking & planning budget for online(Automatic SMS-Read) & offline(User based) transactions.
Tech-stack : Java, Volley, Firebase, SQLite.

● Android Basics NanoDegree by Google | Programming, Data Structures And Algorithms | Android Kotlin Developer by
Internshala | Google Cloud Qwiklabs | Cambridge English Assessment CEPT – B2.
● Data structures, Analysis of Algorithms, DBMS, Software Engineering, Operating system, Computer Networks.

C, C++, Java, Kotlin, HTML5, CSS3, SQLite, Google Cloud.
Tools - Github / Git/ Gitlab/ BitBucket, Android Studio, Adobe XD, Postman, Firebase, Jenkins.
Making algorithms to solve problems, Competitive programmer as Anshul1507 at codechef, codeforces, hackerearth, hackerrank.

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