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Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis


ABSTRACT: As with many chronic diseases and the condition offragility itself. It is, in this way,
that express themselves late in life, osteoporo- analogous to hypertension, in which the term desig-
sis is distinctly multifactorial both in etiology nates both the blood pressure level and the condition
and in pathophysiology. Osteoporotic frac- of increased risk of untoward vascular events.
tures occur because of a combination of injury It is useful to see both sides of this ambivalent
and intrinsic bony fragility. The injury comes definition because the pathophysiology of osteoporo-
most often from a combination of falls, poor sis ultimately involves the development not just of
postural reflexes that fail to protect bony parts low bone mass, but of both the other skeletal compo-
from impact, and reduced soft tissue padding nents of fragility and the extraskeletal factors that
over bony prominences. The bony fragility it- lead to fracture . The interplay of the multiplicity
self is a composite of geometry, low mass den- of these pathogenetic mechanisms is illustrated in
sity, severance of microarchitectural connec- Figure 1, which situates the more important groups
tions in trabecular structures, and accumu- of causal factors relative to the undesired outcome:
lated fatigue damage. Reduced bone mass, in fracture. A consequence of this multifactorial patho-
turn, is caused by varying combinations of go- physiology is the realization that a comprehensive
nadal hormone deficiency, inadequate intakes approach to prevention will have to be multifaceted.
of calcium and vitamin D, decreased physical Before beginning a systematic survey of pathoge-
activity, comorbidity, and the effects of drugs netic factors, it will be useful to examine the relative
used to treat various unrelated medical condi- importance of mass and nonmass factors . It is often
tions. Finally, the often poor outcome from hip said that mass is the most important determinant
fracture in the elderly is partly caused by asso- of fragility, but this is probably not correct. Simula-
ciated protein-calorie malnutrition. An ade- tions suggest that mass explains less than half of
quate preventive program for osteoporotic the observed fracture risk, 1 and clinical studies have
fracture must address as many of these factors demonstrated that expressed fragility (for example,
as possible, ie, it must be as multifaceted as in the form of a prior vertebral fracture) is a stronger
the disease is multifactorial. KEY INDEXING predictor of future fracture than is low bone mass by
TERMS: Osteoporosis; Fracture; Pathophysiol- itself.2 The reasons for this nonmass-related fragility
ogy; Bone fragility. [Am J Med Sci 1996;312(6): will be discussed later, but an example will illustrate
251-256.] the aggregate importance. Figure 2 presents age-
specific fracture risk gradients for various values of
forearm bone mineral density (BMD). Three features
stand out: 1) risk rises with declining bone mass, as

O steoporosis is defined elsewhere in this sympo-

sium as a condition of skeletal fragility charac-
terized by reduced bone mass and microarchitect-
expected; 2) risk also rises with age, even when bone
mass is held constant; and 3) the gradients are
steeper with advancing age, that is, a given defi-
ural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent ciency of bone makes a bigger difference in an older
increase in risk of fracture . Low bone mass is, there- person than in a younger one. As Figure 2 indicates,
fore , visualized as a risk factor for fracture. The term the age effect is actually larger than the bone mass
osteoporosis is also used to designate a bone mass effect.
value more than 2.5 standard deviations below the Age, of course, is only a surrogate for a multiplicity
young adult mean. The term osteoporosis, therefore, of factors. These include the following: falling more
designates both one of the risk factors for fragility often, slow postural reflexes that cause a person to
fall in such a way as to strike vulnerable bony parts,
loss of soft tissue protection over bony prominences,
From Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. accumulation of unremodeled fatigue damage in the
Submitted June 25, 1996; accepted in revised form July 16,
bony material, loss of critical trabecular connectiv-
Correspondence: Robert P. Heaney, MD, Creighton University, ity, and possibly other factors predisposing to frac-
2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178. ture.



Architecture Clearly, for those elderly individuals who already

Falls and
/ometry Hormones
have fragile skeletons, attention to this pathogenetic
component of the osteoporotic fracture problem will

St~~~~h -
Bone mass ..,.._ Nutrition
be needed to reduce numbers of fractures.
Bone Geometry. Three examples of the importance

of bone geometry have been elucidated. One is hip
axis length, the distance from the lateral surface of
Padding Bone material the trochanter to the inner surface of the pelvis,
strength Lifestyle
Postural along the axis of the femoral neck. For any given
reflexes bone density, short hip axis length results in an ar-
Figure 1. Interplay of the major groups of pathogenetic factors chitecturally stronger structure. 6 Available evidence
leading to osteoporotic fractures. (Reprinted with permission from indicates that, holding bone mass constant, hip frac-
Robert P . Heaney, 1991.) ture risk approximately doubles for every increase
of 1 standard deviation in hip axis length. This geo-
metric difference is probably the major reason why,
after adjusting to the same bone density values,
Six of the 11 articles in this symposium deal with
treatment of low bone mass or prevention of bone Asian people have about half the hip fracture rate
loss. Bone mass, as we have seen, is but one of the of white people.
factors contributing to osteoporosis. Accordingly, al- Likewise, large vertebral body end-plate areas re-
though my primary concern is with pathophysiology, sult in lower spine pressure values under bending
I shall also briefly indicate preventive approaches and compression for individuals of the same body
for certain nonmass pathogenetic factors. size. 7 Those with small vertebral bodies are there-
fore more likely to sustain wedge or compression
Extraskeletal Factors fractures. Finally, the force sustained by a bone
Falls. Almost all osteoporotic fractures result from when struck in falling is a function of body height.
injury-the application of more force to the bone Other factors being equal, a tall person striking the
than it can sustain given its fragility. Such injury is lateral surface of the hip in falling is more likely to
usually incurred in a fall. Although only 2% to 5% sustain a fracture than is a short person.
of falls in the elderly result in fracture, both fre- Such geometric factors contribute to individual
quency of falling and mechanics of falling change fracture risk and explain a substantial portion of the
with advancing age. These alterations are caused by population level variance in fracture rate. In each
deterioration in gait and postural stability, de- situation, however, the ultimate pathogenesis of the
creased muscle strength, malnutrition, and comor- fracture is the fall and the force sustained by the
bidity and medications. (Drugs associated with pos- bone on impact.
tural hypotension-and psychotropic drugs gener-
ally-have been especially implicated.) Probably
even more important than falls is the way the elderly
person falls. Falls to the side, striking the lateral 160
surface of the hip, will often cause a hip fracture 140
even in healthy younger individuals. 4 But younger
::.::~ 120
individuals generally shift their bodies to land on
softer parts or break the force of the fall with their
- ......
llii::~ 100 ] 75-79
arms. Elderly individuals have slower response
times and more often fall to the side, so they more
80 70-74

often sustain force directly on the hip. u- 60 65-69

Energy Absorption. The foregoing discussion makes ~~

u..- 40

clear why energy absorption is of critical importance

in determining whether fracture occurs when force
is suddenly applied to a bony structure. Both soft 0
tissue padding over the hip and padding of the sur- >1.0 0.90-.99 0.80-.89 0.70-.79 0.60-.69 <0.60
face on which the fall occurs distribute the energy BONE MASS (g/cm)
of impact over a larger area of bone, and thereby
lessen point loads on the bone. That is partly why Figure 2. Age-specific fracture risk gradients for forearm bone
hip fracture risk varies inversely with body weight mineral density, redrawn from Hui et al. 3 Note that bone density
declines to the right. For any given bone density (eg, the dashed,
(even after adjusting for height). It also explains the vertical line at a bone mass density of 0.7) fracture risk rises with
protective benefits achieved by artificial hip pads in- age. Note, also, that the gradient of risk is steeper with advancing
corporated into undergarments for the elderly.5 age. (Reprinted with permission from Robert P . Heaney, 1991.)

252 December 1996 Volume 312 Number 6


Skeletal Factors sity is most often a result of inadequate exercise and

Decreased Bone Mass. Bone mass and density are insufficient calcium intake (alone or in combination).
the most obvious of the bone strength factors, and In other words, suboptimal loading results in subop-
certainly the most well studied. For a given material timal stimulation of bone deposition. The result is
density and architectural configuration, bone that bone mass falls short of the genetic limit. Insuf-
strength rises as approximately the square of struc- ficient calcium intake during growth operates in a
tural density. Therefore, any factor decreasing bone similar way: it limits how much bone can be amassed
mass will, of necessity, weaken bone: a 30% reduc- within the envelope produced by growth and exercise
tion, such as is common in osteoporosis, will decrease (for additional information, see the article by Reid
strength by about 50%. Extensive epidemiologic data on calcium, vitamin D, and exercise).
indicate that fracture risk increases 2 to 3 time for Disuse is a well established cause of reduced bone
every drop of 1 standard deviation in bone mass at mass. Bedrest and paralytic states regularly result
any given site. (As noted in Figure 2, this effect var- in bone loss. 8 The mechanism is the normal opera-
ies in magnitude at different ages and, therefore, the tion of the feedback loop controlling density: un-
cited gradient is only an approximation.) derused bone is thinned until its bending on use
Low bone mass (or density) is itself multifactorial matches the strain setpoint. With age, most individ-
in etiology involving: 1) genetic predisposition; 2) uals decrease the extent and intensity of physical
failure to achieve genetic potential during growth; activity. If weight stays the same, bone mass falls
3) excessive leanness; 4) disuse; 5) gonadal hormone along with exercise level. Even modest programs of
deficiency; 6) inadequate calcium and vitamin Din- physical activity in middle-aged and elderly individ-
take; 7) lifestyle and medical factors (eg, smoking, uals can halt or reverse this loss, 9 •10 demonstrating
alcohol abuse, corticosteroids); 8) remodeling errors; that it is not inexorable.
9) medical diseases such as malabsorption syn- The foregoing discussion of exercise presumes
dromes, biliary cirrhosis, and posttransplant dis- maintenance of normal body weight. However, if de-
ease; and 10) miscellaneous factors. Several of these creased physical activity is coupled with weight gain,
contributing causes are themselves related. For ex- the system operates differently. Weight is the single
ample, excessive leanness is frequently associated largest determinant of bone density in mature
with both ovarian dysfunction and low calcium in- adults, explaining approximately half the population
take. Nevertheless, each of these factors appears to level variance. The reasons behind this fact are not
make a contribution on its own. Some are covered known. Almost certainly the effect involves more
in greater detail in other articles. than just increased mechanical loading from car-
Before describing these effects, it will be useful to rying the extra pounds, as lean mass is better corre-
review the process by which bone tissue continually lated with bone density than is either fat mass or
renews itself. Remodeling consists of osteoclastic re- total body weight. Also, weight effects are evident
sorption of old, dead, damaged, or underused bone, in the hand and forearm bones, 11 which, for bipedal
followed by osteoblastic replacement with fresh, new humans, are not weight bearing. The bone structure
bone. It serves not only to replace damaged regions, of overweight individuals behaves as if it had a lower
but to adjust bone shape and density to current pat- setpoint for the reference level of bending under
terns of loading. All changes in bone mass, whether load. The importance of body weight is shown by the
they are losses that weaken bone or gains produced fact that fracture risk in women who are obese is
by treatment regimens, occur through adjustments about one-third that of women of normal weight.
in the balance between the resorption and formation This is partly because of the increased bone density
components of remodeling. and partly because of the extra padding. In the oppo-
Bony renewal involves not just replacing tissue, site direction, excessively lean women have low bone
but seeking always to restore optimal mass density. mass, excessive menopausal loss, and high fracture
This process is controlled by a classic negative feed- risk.
back loop in which some cellular apparatus, most By contrast, gonadal hormone loss (occurring
likely resident in the osteocytes, senses the degree abruptly at menopause, and gradually in women
of bending (technically called "strain") produced by with anorexia nervosa or athletic amenorrhea, and
routine loading of a part. During typical use, this in aging men), appears to raise the strain setpoint
strain amounts to a deformation of0.1% to 0.15% in of the bone mass regulatory system. In other words,
any given dimension. The signals from the sensing after gonadal hormone loss, prior bone mass is
apparatus in bone adjust the local balance between sensed as being excessive. The relatively sharp drop
bone formation and bone resorption to increase or in hormone levels across menopause results in re-
decrease local bone mass (and hence stiffness) and, modeling-induced loss of bone amounting to about
thereby, to achieve the desired reference level of 15% over 5 or more years. (The quantity varies from
bending. region to region; 15% loss is what is typically found
Failure to reach the genetic potential for bone den- in the spine.) This loss is not specifically related to



exercise or calcium intake and cannot, therefore, be

appreciably altered by diet or exercise regimens.
However, gonadal deficiency bone loss would stop at

~ 1000 ········-----------------------------·-··r
the 15% quantum if diet and exercise were adequate.
But often they are not. Calcium requirement rises 0...1 Estrogen deficiency 15%
with age and food intake falls with age. As a result,
calcium deficiency increases with age. This factor in 5 900
combination with decreased exercise causes bone c>- Disuse/entrop; ···fj%

~--;Q~~ r
loss to accelerate with advancing age. Women in 0
their 80s typically lose. bone at about the same rate ...1 ~ deficiency 16%
as in the early postmenopause. 12 In contrast to the
early postmenopausal years, adequate calcium and
vitamin D will greatly reduce bone loss at this

~ L
0 5 10 15 20
Smoking and alcohol abuse affect bone in uncer-
tain ways. Alcohol in moderation is associated with TIME MENOPAUSAL (yrs)
decreased fracture risk, but excess alcohol is directly
Figure 3. Diagrammatic partition of age-related bone loss in a
toxic to osteoblasts and is often associated with re- typical postmenopausal woman. The estrogen-deficiency loss as-
duced bone mass, with decreased calcium and vita- sumes no postmenopausal hormone replacement. The magnitude
min D intakes, and with excessive urinary loss of of the calcium-deficiency loss is typical; it may be nonexistent in
calcium. some individuals, or substantially greater in others. (Reprinted
Remodeling errors are of two main types. The first with permission from Robert P . Heaney, 1991.)
is excavation of over-large Haversian spaces in corti-
cal bone. Radial infilling is regulated by signals from
the outermost osteocytes, and generally advances in- tus, 13·16 and it may be that, in the samples studied
ward no more than 90 11M from the outer rim. Hence, to date, varying degrees of calcium deficiency were
the excavation of large external diameters, which the underlying cause of both the bone loss and the
may simply occur randomly, leads to large central high remodeling. Remodeling is typically elevated
Haversian canals. Inevitably, these accumulate with with advancing age but can be restored to normal
age, resulting in increased cortical porosity. In a sim- young adult values with adequate calcium.13
ilar way, osteoclast penetration of trabecular plates, An illustrative partition of postmenopausal loss in
or severing of trabecular beams, removes the scaf- women is shown in Figure 3, which superimposes
folding needed for osteoblastic replacement of re- entropic and nutritional losses on estrogen defi-
sorbed bone. In both ways random remodeling errors ciency loss. The estrogen- and calcium-related losses
(in addition to the other factors cited) tend to reduce are preventable. Note that, in the early menopausal
both cancellous and cortical bone density and struc- years, estrogen deficiency dominates. Note also that
tural integrity. These remodeling errors represent a later, if calcium and vitamin D intakes are not ade-
kind of entropy. quate, nutritional loss can account, in the last analy-
It is sometimes said that high remodeling rates sis, for more bone loss than did menopausal estrogen
accelerate bone loss, and there is empirical evidence loss. The entropic loss is not preventable, at least
of correlation between remodeling levels and rates intrinsically. However, because it is a function of the
of bone loss in postmenopausal women. 14 It has even ongoing remodeling rate, it will likely be more severe
been suggested that high levels of bone biochemical in individuals with high remodeling activity.
markers of remodeling can be used to diagnose osteo- One of the least understood, and yet most fascinat-
porosis or to predict fracture risk. Such claims would ing, aspects of the bone mass regulatory system is
seem to go well beyond the available data. Moreover, the strain setpoint. Setpoints exist in all physiologic
it is not clear from studies to date whether the con- regulatory systems. Familiar examples include regu-
nection between the remodeling and the bone loss is lation of blood pressure and respiratory rate. In no
causal. It is often presumed that remodeling is al- system, however, is the molecular basis of the set-
ways associated with some bone loss and that, there- point known, and bone is no exception. Although
fore, the higher the remodeling rate, the greater the there is remarkable constancy of strain under rou-
loss. But that, plainly, is not always true. Investiga- tine load across all bones in all mammalian skele-
tional use ofhuman parathyroid hormone in osteopo- tons studied to date (ie, bending on the order of0.1-
rosis has shown that, as long as vitamin D status is 0.15%), there still is variability around that level.
adequate, spine bone mass increases impressively The setpoint is probably the ultimate basis for ge-
despite greatly increased bone remodeling activity. 15 netic variations in bone density. (For example, black
Among other things, a high remodeling rate is a people have, presumably, a lower setpoint than
marker for inadequate calcium and vitamin D sta- white people.) I have already suggested that estro-

254 December 1996 Volume 312 Number 6


gen alters the setpoint, but it is not known whether in failure. In addition, there is suggestive evidence
other hormones or drugs might have similar effects, in certain osteoporotic fractures (notably hip), that
nor whether the setpoint itself might be affected in remodeling repair may be specifically defective at
(and thus be the ultimate pathophysiologic basis for) the site that ultimately fractures. 18 Why remodeling
some forms of osteoporosis. (Such an alteration surveillance or effectiveness might fail locally is not
seems to be present, for example, in osteogenesis known. Nevertheless, it is clear that such failure
imperfecta. Scientific attention in that disorder has would lead to accumulation of fatigue damage and,
focused mainly on the collagen defects and their ge- therefore, to local weakening of bone.
netic basis. However, these defects explain neither Trabecular Disconnection. Bone structures loaded
the low bone mass nor the fact that the exuberant vertically, such as the vertebral bodies and femoral
fracture calluses produced in this disease are remod- and tibial metaphyses, derive a substantial portion
eled down to the deficient bone mass that is a hall- of their structural strength from a system of hori-
mark of osteogenesis imperfecta.) Clearly, the ideal zontal trabeculae, which brace the load-bearing ver-
therapy for the low bone mass component of osteopo- tical trabeculae and limit lateral bowing and conse-
rosis would be an agent that lowered the strain set- quent snapping under vertical loading. Severance of
point. This would cause the skeleton's own remodel- such trabecular connections is known to occur pref-
ing apparatus to increase bone density, in a sense erentially in postmenopausal women 19 and is consid-
naturally. ered to be a major reason for the large female:male
Defects in Bone Quality. I noted above that the preponderance of vertebral osteoporosis. Long, un-
strength of a bony structure varies roughly as the supported vertical trabeculae clearly make a struc-
square of density, assuming maintenance of archi- ture flimsy. This is shown by the extraordinarily
tectural integrity and constant intrinsic strength of high prevalence of microscopic trabecular fracture
the bony material. Here is where fatigue damage, calluses in vertebral bodies from women examined
trabecular connectedness, and other architectural at autopsy-typically 200 to 450 healing or healed
factors enter into consideration. Fatigue damage fractures per vertebral body. Whereas at any given
weakens the material, changing its intrinsic time many of these will be healed well enough to
strength, and trabecular disconnection weakens the be structurally competent, others will be fresh and
structure. structurally weak. Such trabecular fractures are
Fatigue Damage. Fatigue damage consists of ul- asymptomatic and their accumulation silently weak-
tramicroscopic rents in the basic bony material, re- ens the cancellous structure of the vertebral body.
sulting from the inevitable bending that occurs when The ability to predict future fracture on the basis of
a structural member is loaded. Fatigue damage is prior vertebral fractures 2 is probably due in part to
the principal cause of failure in all mechanical engi- the presence of such otherwise undetected trabecu-
neering structures, and designers usually compen- lar defects. In other words, that may be why prior
sate by increasing the massiveness of a structure so fracture seems to predict future fracture even when
that it bends little and therefore has a greater mar- bone density is relatively high. The reason for prefer-
gin of safety. Bones, by contrast, are designed both ential osteoclastic severance ofhorizontal trabecular
to be more resilient and to take care of fatigue dam- is not known. It is sometimes attributed to over-
age by repairing it. Therefore, they have a relatively aggressive osteoclastic resorption, but that answer
narrow margin of safety (about 2 X over peak physio- seems more descriptive than explanatory.
logic loads).
Fatigue-damaged bone, being inherently weaker, Outcome After Fracture
deforms more under loading and thereby produces In addition to the disability and pain of osteopo-
a signal greater than the reference level of bending. rotic fractures, at least two typical fractures (spine
The remodeling apparatus detects and replaces the and hip) are known to be associated with excessive
damaged regions. Fractures related to fatigue dam- mortality. 20 Also, hip fracture carries with it a sub-
age occur whenever the damage occurs faster than stantial risk ofloss of independence. A growing body
remodeling can repair it, or whenever the remodel- of work makes plain that these bad outcomes are
ing apparatus is defective. March fractures and the not inevitable, and that they can be at least partially
fractures of radiation necrosis are well-recognized prevented. 21 - 23 Hip fractures are concentrated in the
examples of fatigue fractures caused by these two malnourished elderly. The best predictor of mortal-
mechanisms, respectively. ity in the group as a whole is low serum albumin on
Fatigue damage definitely occurs in normal bone admission. 22 Although hospital meals are nutri-
under ordinary use, 17 although it is less certain what tionally adequate, they are seldom consumed by the
its precise role is in predisposing to osteoporotic frac- elderly individual hospitalized with hip fracture and
ture. It would, on the other hand, be surprising if recovering from surgical repair. As a result, they do
bone were the only structural material known in nothing to alleviate the malnutrition, and the pa-
which fatigue damage were not an important factor tients' situation worsens while under care. Aggres-



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256 December 1996 Volume 312 Number 6

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