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Luis: Good morning friends! As you know, December is coming

Do you have plans for the end of the year holidays?

Nehemias: Hi Luis! It's true! December is coming.mmmmm

I think we should go on a trip!

Ronald: Hello guys!

It's a good idea. We can know a tourist place in our country.

Luis: OK then let's go on a trip, what place could we visit?

Nehemias: Let´s visit Cusco!

Luis: What is that place like?

Nehemias: Cusco is wonderful and interesting.What's more ,in cusco we can go sightseeing and we take

photos. Also Cusco is very famous because in Cusco is Machu of the seven

wonders of the world. I can take them in my car.

Ronald: Wait a minute Nehemias. We would travel in december, right?

Nehemias: Yes Ronald.

Luis: I don't think so Nehemias. Cusco is cold and rainy in December. I think we should buy sweaters

and long pants and I prefer to travel to a sunny place.

Ronald: Yes, I'd rather not travel there. Machu picchu will be cloudy and we can't take pictures.

What's more I don´t think you should drive Nehemias.

Nehemias: Really? I don't think so.what's more,I'm a good driver.

Luis: But the roads aren't safe.

Nehemias: maybe you are right. So , Where we go on a trip?

Ronald: I think we should visit Nazca.

Luis: How is the weather in Nazca, the same as or different from Cuzco's weather?

Ronald: Nazca's weather is different. It’s never cold in December there

Nehemias: You are right, According to the weather forecast for December it is sunny and clear in that


Luis: What are the activities to vacation in Nazca?

Ronald: Some popular activities for vacation in Nazca are hiking and we can visit The Nazca Lines.

They are considered among Peru’s must-see sites of interest.

Nehemias: I don't think we should go because it's hard buy a plane ticket and these are very expensive.

Ronald: Your are Right. Well, do you have a travel proposal Luis?

Luis: mmm What if we visit my hometown?

Ronald: Where were you born Luis?

Luis: I was born in Calango

Nehemias. What are the activities to vacation in Calango?

Luis: December is great for camping, hiking, and mountain biking. The popular Apple Festival is held

this month.

Ronald: How is the weather in Calango in december?

Luis: There are sunny days and comfortable evenings all year. In December the weather is warm and

Ronald: it is the ideal place to enjoy summer vacations.

Nehemias: good ¡we go Calango!

Luis: Yes friends. I think you should make a shopping list before the trip

Ronald: Really? I don’t think so. We can buy things by arriving at Calango.

Nehemias: Ronald.I think we should do because it is a long a journey.

Ronald: Ok I will. Well friends, see you soon

Nehemias: Good Bye friends!

Luis: See yo soon guys!

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