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Ha Nguyen


ELL-English I

Mrs.Elena Willis

Argument Essay

Protecting Our Fifth Amendment Rights

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. The Bill of

Rights protects freedoms like the freedom of religion, speech, assembly, the press, and the right

to a fair trial. The Fifth Amendment protects us from having our rights abused by the

government “all Americans are guaranteed the right to a fair and legal trial. It also protects

someone from testifying against him- or herself under oath” (Bill 128). It is Important because it

protects us from having the government take our freedom or our property without convicting us

of a crime.

One reason protecting citizens is abused by the government is because the government

takes our freedom without any evidence. In the “Freen Man Talking: Death Penalty System

Broken.” by Ray Krone. In the text states, “Thanks to some bad forensic science, bite marks on

the body were mistakenly said to have been made by my teeth” (Krone 155). The forensic

science made a mistake and said bite marks on the body had been made by him but it was not.

Then he came to prison, so he can not use his right to a fair. They did not have any evidence to
convince him, they just said that was made by him. So that is why the fifth amendment is really

significant in this situation.

The Fifth Amendment is also important to guarantee the right to a fair and legal trial by

which the crime can have evidence to convince someone innocent. The text states, “I owe my

freedom to the extraordinary efforts of my family, friends, and volunteer lawyers who fought

tirelessly for me to obtain the DNA evidence from my case. The DNA proved my innocence–

and a match has now been made with the DNA of another man” (Krone 156). By efforts of

family, friends and lawyers who fought tirelessly for him to obtain the DNA evidence. He can

get back his right to a fair and convince himself innocent.

To conclude, the Fifth Amendment continues to be the most important in the Bill of Right.

Because now we have the right of a fair trial. It gave the people rights that they did not

previously have. It also changes the way we live our lives and protect our country.

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