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Sh. Arshadnejad
Islamic Azad University


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Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009



Hassani, H.
Assistant Prof., Faculty of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology,
No. 424, Hafez Avenue, Tehran, Iran. (
Arshadnejad, Sh.
Mining Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, Mahallat Branch, Mahallat, Iran.

ABSTRACT: The Siah Bishe Pumped Storage Dam is located in the northern part of the Alborz mountain range in Iran. The
investigation results and the effect of brittle deformation of two fault sets in the right pressure shaft of Siah Bisheh Dam are
discussed in this paper. The shaft is arranged in sedimentary and volcanic highly jointed rocks of Triasic and Jurasic ages. The
length of the shaft is 450m and its diameter is 6m with 65 degree inclination relatively south-north trend. The results of geo-
engineering surveys using boreholes and statistical joint-graphics of stereograms reveal at least two sets of faults in the rock mass.
Several transversal sections along the shafts were studied in order to analyze the effect of faults in shaft collapse. The findings
from the surface and underground mapping and investigation boreholes are described and interpreted in a geological map of
pressure shaft slope including sections and stereograms. The site area and especially the area of the pressure shaft are characterized
by the presence of three important thrust faults that cut through the whole stratigraphic series. The Main Thrust Fault (MTF), fault
Nr. 2, both dipping to the north and fault Nr.3 that dips to the south. East of the site, faults 2 and 3 border a large ‘pop-up’ structure
while the Main Thrust Fault occupies a lower tectonic position. The results show that the collapse could be a local occurrence
which is limited to a critical, fractured and water-saturated rock zone at the boundary between MTF and fault 3. Stability of the
shaft was analysed with Unwegde 3.0 software. Result of rock bolting of the shaft was not suitable because of depth of the tip
wedges are longer than maximum allowable rock bolt length. The lowest safety factor occurred on wedge number 4 (SF=0.873).
But using of shotcrete as a support shows that safety factor of the wedge is increased to 3.219, when shotcrete thickness is 20 cm.
Keywords: Jointed rocks; Brittle deformation; Collapse; Wedge analysis; Siah Bisheh Dam

Iran Water and Power Resources Development Right Pressure
Company was entrusted 1983 with the design of
Siah Bisheh pumped storage scheme. The
waterways of the plant are now under construction
(see fig. 1). It is located in the northern part of the
Alborz Mountain, at a distance of 80 km from the
Caspian Sea [1].
The pumped storage plant is situated in layers of the
Jurassic Shemshak, Triassic Elika and in the strata
of Permian age called Dorud, Ruteh and Nessen
formation. The Main Thrust Fault (MTF) separates
the Jurassic formation from the Triassic one [2].
The shaft lies in the Elika, Nesen, Routheh and Fig. 1. Layout of Siah Bisheh Pumped Storage Project and
Doroud formations. These formations consist of location of shafts [1]
shaly, slightly sandy siltstone, sandstone and thin
layered limestone and intrusions of igneous rock The investigation results and effect of brittle-ductile
such as spilitic basalt partially bedding parallel thrust wedges on the left pressure shaft of Siah
orientated. Bisheh Dam are discussed in this paper. The

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

geology of the pressure shaft slope continuously thrust planes that converge in the pressure shaft area
raised discussions since end of 2003. An extensive can be considered valid (Fig.3). On the large scale
investigation program was thereafter initiated in also the disappearing of the south dipping planes
April/May 2006 by authors with the aim to moving toward the west can be considered valid.
investigate the geological conditions of shaft area in In particular four thrusts dipping to north (MTF, T-
more detail. A few boreholes were drilled from the S_1, T-S_2 and T-S_3) and two dipping to south
main access tunnel, the intermediate access tunnel
(T-N_1 and T-N_2) are present. Geometries and
and the surface.
kinematics of these planes indicate that they belong
to a conjugate thrust system developed in a
2. GEOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL SETTINGS compressional regime and have the same age.
The area of the pressure shaft slope of Siah Bisheh The projection of the Main thrust fault with this
Dam is characterized by the presence of non- orientation along the pressure shafts nearly
metamorphic or very low metamorphic stratigraphic coincides with the observed position of the MTF in
series. The oldest rocks outcropping in the area the displacement chamber. Here the measured dip
belong to the Early Permian Dorud Formation angle is 55°.
(Sandstones and shales). The series continues with a
late Permian limestone (Ruteh Formation) and 3. GEOLOGICAL SURFACE MAPPING
interbedded limestones and shales (Nesen
formation). Both formations are intercalated with 3.1. Basis of the Field Work
volcanic rocks of the Melaphyre complex. During field work, bedding planes, foliations, faults
planes and related kinematics indicators as well as
In the pressure shaft area this stratigraphic series is
joints were measured. The results of the field work
in some cases complicated by thrusts and faults that
are displayed in an outcrop map and an interpreted
produce repetitions and/or lacks within the
map. The most significant data were plotted on the
stratigraphic series. The main geological features
map and all measured data were interpreted and
observed on both sides of the pressure shaft slope
plotted on stereo-nets.
are two major sub-vertical fault zones with
considerable vertical displacements [3]. Both faults Data and information collected in the field were
are aligned in E–W direction and are thus parallel to then compared with data from boreholes and
the main tectonic block-fault structure in this area. underground excavations. Combining these data
five cross sections through the pressure shaft slope
Both faults can also be observed in the Garmrudbar
and a 3-D model were compiled in order to better
valley (Quarry II area) with the same offset in the
understand and visualize the geology of the area.
formations. The distance between the faults narrows
from 400–600 m east of Siah Bishe to <100 m in
the Garmrudbar valley. In the area of Quarry II,
large slices of a massive dark grey limestone
tectonically embedded within igneous rocks of the
Melaphyre complex are outcropping in between the
two faults.
The ‘Main Thrust fault’, a major thrust fault along
which the Elika formation is thrust over the
Shemshak formation, shows a SE–NW alignment.
This alignment differs from the general tectonic
picture in the adjoining northern formations. The
Main Thrust fault is associated with the active
Kanodavan fault (Fig. 2) further south which shows
the same orientation. Fig. 2. Geological map of study area, extract from the
geological map of Iran 1:100,000 with location of the pressure
Based on the results from the detailed field mapping shaft.
the general model of a pop-up structure bordered by
north (MTF and fault 2) and south dipping (fault 3)

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

The field mapping was carried out using a new immediately in the Footwall of the MTF was
topographic map of the site at the scale 1:1,000. observed. Due to the position of the synform and
due to the fact that its axial trace and cleavages are
The site area and especially the area of the pressure
nearly parallel to the MTF, this fold is interpreted to
shafts are characterized by the presence of three
be coeval with the MTF.
important thrust faults that cut through the whole
stratigraphic series (Fig. 2). These faults were The intersection of these two S2 cleavage planes
named as Main thrust Fault (MTF), fault Nr. 2, both results in a pencil cleavage that worsens the
dipping to the north and fault Nr.3 that dips to the mechanical characteristic of the Shemshak
south. East of the site, faults 2 and 3 border a large formation considerably, especially in the area where
‘pop-up’ structure while the Main Thrust fault its pelitic components are abundant.
occupies a lower tectonic position (dashed circle in 3.3. Brittle Deformation
Fig. 2). According to the provided geological model three
According to the available geological maps these major faults (MTF, Fault 2 and Fault 3) converge
three faults converge and turn into parallelism in the and turn into parallelism (dipping then steeply to the
area of the pressure shafts. Consequently the large north) in the area of the pressure shafts. As expected
pop up structure disappears and is not anymore from this information, field-work confirms an
present west of the site (Fig. 3). intense brittle thrust tectonic activity in the area
associated to intense fracturing of the rocks and the
Following this interpretation of the structures two
development of cataclasis, as well of penetrative
main faults nearly parallel and dipping at high angle
foliations (slaty cleavages and fracture cleavages).
to the north are present in the area of the pressure
shafts. Two major sets of faults were observed in the field
showing different orientations and kinematics
3.2. Cleavage and Folds
In the mapped area deformations appear to be
generally strong and associated with the –A first system of fault planes dips generally to the
development of cleavages, folds and fault zones. north and shows top-south movements (blue lines
Due to the presence of several thrusts that cut on the map, pictures and sections). The MTF and
through the stratigraphic series or activate fault Nr. 2. belong to this system.
stratigraphic contacts, a lot of attention was given to –A second set of thrust faults is dipping steeply to
the observation and description of the features the South and shows top north movements (red lines
related to these thrusts. in Fig. 3). This second system of faults presents the
The first cleavage (S1) is a fracture cleavage often same orientation and kinematics of fault Nr. 3.
well developed in the pelitic layer of the Dorud and
Shemshak formation and in the tuffites of the
Melaphyre complex. This cleavage is a persistent 4. TIME-RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE
fracture cleavage generally parallel to bedding (S0) TWO FAULT SETS
and characterized by planes spaced few millimeters. The two sets of thrust planes are visible and described at
More competent lithologies from these and other regional scale east of Siah Bishe, where they generate a
formations show only rarely the development of any large pop-up structure that cuts through the whole
penetrative foliation. No folds related to this stratigraphic series.
cleavage were observed in the mapped area. In the area between Quarry II and R5 a top-North thrust
In the pelitic layers of the Shemshak formation a (T-N_1 in Fig. 4) clearly cuts a top-south thrust (T-S_3
second cleavage (S2) is also present in the area in Fig. 4). In the same area fault T-S_2 (for which
kinematics are not clear) is clearly folded and cut by
comprised between the surge tanks and the portal of
secondary top-North faults related to fault T-N_1 (Fig.
the New Adit in the footwall of the MTF. The 4). In front of the western portal of the TR5 tunnel the
second cleavage is also a fracture cleavage with same time-relationship can be observed on a smaller
planes spaced 1–2 centimeters oriented at high scale. Here in fact minor top-N thrusts cut the thick
angle to the bedding. This cleavage is the axial cataclasites of fault T-S_1.
plane cleavage of the F2 folds observed in the
In Quarry II, within the Elika formation (Fig. 5), several
Shemshak formation. A fold, a synform, top-N and top-S thrust planes are visible. Here these

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

thrust planes are clearly conjugated and appear to be

In general looking at these structures on a larger scale,
the two fault systems can be interpreted to be coeval and
Despite this, single thrusts might have been active
at different times and indeed cutting each other
locally. This is clearly resulting from field
observations, where movements along the T-N_1
fault postdate at least partly the tectonic activity of
the T-S_2 and T-S_3 faults.

Fig. 5. Top) top North shear sense indicators within foliated

cataclasites of the Shemshak formation within the damage
zone of T-N_1 faults, below) minor plane in Elika limestone
Fig. 3. Stereographic projection (Schmidt lower hemisphere) with clear Top-North shear sense criteria.
of two fault sets on the pressure shaft area.
As a result from the available outcrops the tectonic
Pop-Up activity along the T-N_1 fault appears to post date
at least in part the movements along T-S_1 and
MTF. Looking at the map a displacement of
apparently a few dozen of meters along the MTF
and the T-S_1 postdating the tectonic activity along
the T-N_1 could be possible. Due to the conjugate
nature of these thrust systems a multiple
reactivation of these faults mutually cutting each
other at different times cannot be excluded.



Fig. 4. Panoramic view of the pressure shaft slope and pop-up 5.1. Access Gallery to Collapsed Area (AGC)
structure from Varkalu with overlain geology. T-N: Top-North The construction of a new access gallery to the pressure
faults; T-S: Top-South faults. Arrows indicate the observed shaft excavation was introduced in March 2006 after the
dense of movements. collapse during excavation.
Portal location: N = 79,283.17 E = 49,755.19
The interpretation of the relationship between fault Z = 2,210.75 m a.s.l.
T-S_1, MTF and fault T-N_1 instead are not
univocal and the outcrop conditions in the In the first section of this tunnel reddish, highly sheared
intersection area of these structures does not allow and weathered volcanic rock was encountered. The
bedding planes dip with an angle of approx. 45° into the
to draw a clear conclusion.
slope. The rock is intensely fractured with E–W striking,
vertical to sub-vertical shear zones with slickensides.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

Due to the dry conditions the tunnel walls were mostly south dipping faults between progressive 60 and
stable and could be excavated by excavator without 100 m. These faults are considered to be the
major difficulties. continuation of the T-N_1 fault to the East.
Important information is provided by the geological 5.2. Borehole Drillings
map of the AGC tunnel, which is located in an area Boreholes drilled in the pressure shaft slope during
with very poor rock outcrops. The map of this excavation are listed in the Table 1.
tunnel shows the presence of several important

Table 1. List of boreholes in the pressure shaft slope

Borehole Coordinates Chainage Elevation Depth Azimuth Inclination
No. X Y m*) m a.s.l. M Deg. Deg.
Investigation Boreholes (1986)
PS 1 49,733.39 79,051.03 2360.17 112.5 160°  60°
PS 2 49,748.26 79,176.14 2284.59 124.0 174°  60°
PS 3 49,713.53 79,316.19 2190.89 216.4 174°  50°
Investigation Boreholes (2005–2006)
NPS 1 49,759.00 79,086.00 2355.0 100.0 178°  44°
NPS 2 49,763.24 79,285.60 651.0 1879.58 98.6 213°  15°
NPS 3 49,767.24 79,300.49 651.0 1879.95 57.0 350°  16°
NPS 4 49,763.24 79,285.60 1882.50 112.0 195°  30°
NPS 4-A 49,763.24 79,285.60 651.0 1880.50 70.0 195°  5°
NPS 5 49,752.73 79,193.48 286.0 2077.60 200.4 177°  30°
NPS 6 49,750.73 79,193.43 286.0 2082.00 195.1 205°  45°
NPS 7 49,752.40 79,197.43 282.0 2082.73 101.4**) 359°  75°
NPS 8 49,740.70 79,232.76 244.0 2087.60 71.0 177°  65°
NPS 9 49,752.26 79,202.39 2270.52 190.0 – vertical
NPS 10 New adit, right shaft alignment –abandoned 60.0
NPS 11 New adit, right shaft alignment – replacing NPS10 170.0*)
NPS 12 49,749.68 79,313.30 1879.79 40.0 357°  65°
NPS 13 49,749.57 79,315.56 1874.95 20.0 357°  65°
*) NPS10 abandoned due to technical problems (final depth 170 m), will be replaced by NPS11

As for the tunnels the attribution of some lithologies 5.2.1. Boreholes Drilled from the Surface
to a stratigraphic formation remains uncertain. Two boreholes NPS1 and NPS9 were drilled from the
Some changes in this regard were also made for the surface. NPS1 was the first additional borehole drilled in
boreholes. Major uncertainties were encountered in the pressure shaft slope and had mainly the purpose to
the boreholes NPS5, NPS6, NPS7, NPS8, NPS9 and locate the Main thrust fault at the intersection with the
NGW2 concerning the attribution of some displacement chamber.
limestone to a formation.
The aim of borehole NPS9 (Table 2) was to further
The attribution to a stratigraphic formation chosen investigate the rock conditions in the upper part of the
in the present study is considered the most reliable penstock after borehole NPS8 had to be abandoned.
considering the sedimentological facies described in
the logs and the structural evolution of the area. Borehole NPS9 was abandoned in December 2005
at a depth of 64 m due to difficulties with the
The boreholes provided a large amount of drilling rig. It was continued only in April 2006
information with regard to the position of numerous after the collapse in the upper left shaft occurred. In
shear zones. Unfortunately the orientation and NPS9 dark fossiliferous limestone possibly of
kinematics of these shear zones could not be Nesen formation was found at a depth of 20 m
reconstructed due to the lack of optical or acoustic below slopewash material. The limestone reaches
scanner logs. down to a depth of 32.3 m, where a fault zone
separates it from the volcanic Melaphyre complex.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

Table 2. Log of NPS9 borehole drilled in upper part of pressure shaft

Depth Description Remarks
0.0–20.0 m Silt, sand and rock fragments Slope wash
20.0–32.3 m Black limestone, strong, fossiliferous, bedding planes 50–60° to drilling direction, fractured, core
losses Nesen of Ruteh fm. (?)
27.0–32.3 m: Fault zone in limestone
32.3–49.2 m Highly to completely weathered rock with volcanic rock fragments, dark brown to grayish
Fault/shear zone
42.5–49.0 m: fault zone with core losses
49.2–55.1 m Reddish tuffite and andesite fragments, fractured and sheared Melaphyre complex
55.1–58.3 m Core loss
58.3–60.0 m Andesite, fractured Fault zone
60.0–62.0 m Reddish, completely deteriorated, soil like rock, weak
62.0–84.0 m Greenish Andesite, strong, and red-brown Tuff, weak, sheared and fractured
78.3–84.0 m: intrusive volcanic rock, strong
84.0–151.7 m Green, hard tuffites alternating with red, fractured and sheared tuffites and completely deteriorated
Melaphyre complex
rock (sandy/clayey material)
92.8–101.0 m: fault zone with many core losses
151.7–167.8 m Andesite, greenish, and grey basalt, strong
167.8–179.5 m Fault zone with volcanic rock fragments and core losses
177.0–178.5 m: cavity
179.8–181.3 m Limestone, dark grey ?
181.3–182.6 m Black clay, soft to stiff Fault (Main Thrust
Continued in April 2006 Fault?)
182.6–183.0 m Fractured, light grey limestone
Elika fm.
183.0–190.0 m Light grey limestone, strong

The Melaphyre complex consists of an alteration of contained by the different sections was maintained
completely deteriorated soil-like material, reddish as similar as possible.
volcanic rock (tuff) fragments with layers of strong
The two western most cross sections were built
intrusive rock. Significant fault zones were found
using mainly field data. In fact they are located in
between 55.1–62.0 m and 167.8–179.5 m.
an area with very good outcrop conditions where
From 179.5–181.3 m limestone fragments of good vertical and horizontal natural sections allow
probably Ruteh or Nesen formation were found reconstructing the geology at depth. For the
before a distinct fault zone was encountered construction of the PSR cross section, tunnel and
between 181.3–182.6 m. This fault is characterized borehole data played a major role since outcrop
by black, soft to stiff, clayey material separated the conditions above the pressure shafts are poor. The
formations above from grey Elika limestone below. latter cross section was then reinterpreted using
The drill hole was terminated at a depth of 190 m in field data projected from the west (Fig. 6) along the
Elika limestone. The fault zone from 181.3–182.6 m other cross sections.
with its distinct characteristics resembles the Main The TR5E cross section was also constructed using
Thrust fault as it has been encountered in other drill field data (Fig. 10). Outcrop conditions above this
holes and exposures. profile are sometimes poor; indeed some of the
planes displayed in this cross section had to be
6. CROSS SECTIONS projected from the side, i.e. from TR5W and PSR.

Five cross sections were drawn through the mapped The eastern most cross section however was
area. All of them are parallel to the trace of the constructed mainly projecting lateral information
pressure shafts. This orientation is ideal to represent from the PSR section and fitting them with the few
the structures observed in the field. These sections field data available from the area.
are from west to east Q2, TR5W, TR5E, PSR and The first two sections clearly show the T-N_1 thrust
‘East’. In order to allow the construction of a 3D cutting the lower T-S_2 and T-S_3 thrusts.
model of the area the amount of information Furthermore in the profile TR5W an interpretation,

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

as discussed above, of the complex relationship value of zero has been assumed due to the potential
between T-N_1 and T-S_1 is made. for filling material in the discontinuities being
washed out by drainage water in the long term and
friction angle ( φ ) of bedding planes and joint sets
are shown in Tables 3 and 4.
Table 3. Orientation parameters of shaft and discontinuities
Type of
No. Formation Dip
1 --- 350/65
Bedding 350/30
Shemshak Joint 1 190/65
F. Joint 2 090/77
Joint 3 275/80

Table 4. Discontinuity shear strength parameters

Type of
All other rock
Disconti- Siltstone
Bedding Friction Friction
Cohesion Cohesion
planes angle angle
(MPa) (MPa)
& (Deg.) (Deg.)
shear a) 25 0 a)25 0
planes b) 20 0.05 b)20 0.05
27.5 0.05 30 0.10
Fig. 6. View of the Elika limestone in Quarry II with Joints
conjugate top-North (red lines) and Top-South (blue lines) Transv.
27.5 0.05 30 0.10
reverse faults. Bedding is highlighted with black lines. Joints
a) Thickness > 1 cm b) Thickness < 1cm
The two main north dipping faults visible in the
PSR cross section are in alignment with the Geomechanical classification of various types of
projections of the T-S_1 and T-S_2 faults. The rock masses in Shemshak formation have been
limestone presented between these two faults and performed using GSI classification system [10],
encountered by many boreholes is interpreted to be [11]. The required data obtained from field
the same as the limestone outcropping in the Quarry observations and joint survey data collected from
II area embedded within the Melaphyre magmatic direct measurements on rock exposures. Estimate of
rocks. As discussed above this limestone is rock mass parameters has been done using
interpreted to belong to the Ruteh formation. RocData. This information is summarized in Table

7. GEOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES Table 5. Geomechanical properties of rock mass [14]

Orientations and characteristics of the Parameters Er Em Gr Gm Kn

discontinuities have been defined based on the field Shear zone 2300 942.94 884.6 362.7 639.25
measurements [9]. Shear strength parameters of the
discontinuities are assumed based on the conditions Formation 8000 3882.2 3200 1552.9 1639.6

of the joint surfaces, type of rock materials and φ

Parameters Ks Spacing
C δ
using the previous experience.
Shear zone 245.87 2.5 0.168 33.08º 1.74 º
The shear strength parameters for the jointed rocks Shemshak 655.84 4.6 0.425 45.73º 2.40 º
have been selected based on previous experience, Formation
the existing lithology (intercalations of Coal, Shale
and Sandstone) and the disturbances. A cohesion

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

As shown in this table, only one rock mass type has after installation of the supports. Fig 3 shows the
been identified in the power intake and pressure Stereonets of joint sets in the shafts and tunnels.
shaft area. From the lithological and weathering The geometries and the locations of the wedges
point of view, the above rock type is slightly to obtained using Unwedge software are displayed in
moderately weathered, moderately disturbed Fig. 8.
siltstone, with intercalation of coal, shale and
sandstone (Flysch Type C, GSI = 38). Table 6. Rock strength test results

The dilation angle (δ ) for rock mass is calculated

Compressive Tensile Modulus of
strength strength Elasticity
as [12]: Type of (MPa) (MPa) (GPa)
Rocks Range
Ave- Range Ave- Ave- Range
  GSI 
 GSI  rage of value rage rage of value
 δ = − 0 . 28 φ   + 0 . 85 φ  100  − 0 . 23 φ
  100    (1) Red
7.5 5.2-9.7 7.5 6.4-8.7
 shale 67.1
 30 〈 GSI 〈 75
 Sandy 51.3- 6.7-
δ = 0 GSI ≤ 30
60 7.5 8.0 7.1-9.5
Siltstone 74.8 11.2
Quartzite 100
Sandstone 113.9 21.3 17.4
Elasto-plastic behavior of rock mass parameters was Igneous 93.2- 13.6- 13.8-
100 15 15.0
evaluated as follows [15]: Rocks 108.4 19.8 18.3

GSI − 100
m = mi exp( ) (2)
28 − 14 D
GSI − 100
s = exp( ) (3)
9 − 3D
GSI r = GSI .e − 0.0134 GSI (4)
GSI r − 100
mr = mi exp( ) (5)
28 − 14 D
GSI r − 100
sr = exp( ) (6)
9 − 3D
m & s are constants of Hoek & Brown criterion for
the rock mass. mi is the constant of Hoek & Brown
criterion for intact rock and mr & sr are constants of
Hoek & Brown criterion for the rock mass in
residual behavior and D is the disturbance factor.

Fig. 7. Stereo projection shows orientation of joint sets and

8. ANALYSIS OF WEDGES inclined pressure shaft

The discontinuity analysis in underground spaces is

very important. The movements of wedges along
intersections of such discontinuities around the
underground spaces are very critical [7]. Thus, it is
necessary to incorporate the results of the stability
analysis into the numerical modeling [13]. To this
end, Unwedge software is employed. It is found
that, for the shotcrete thickness of 20cm,
respectively, the bolt spacing of 1.5 × 1.5 m with 5m
length for the shafts lead to stable wedges in the
corresponding regions. Table 6 shows the influence
of underground wedges on the shafts and tunnels

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009


Wedge 5

Safety Factor

Wedge 4
3.219 4.187
4.527 2.218
0.873 1.181
0 10 15 20 25

Shotcrete Thickness (cm)

Fig. 8. Critical wedges on the inclined pressure shaft Fig. 9. Effect of shotcrete thickness on increasing of safety

Elika F. Collapse area in

Right Pressure
PS. 9

Nesen F.

Shemshak F.

Ruteh F.

Dorud F.

Fig. 10. The TR5E cross section along left pressure shaft shows the collapse area between MTF and fault3, small part of pup-up
structure dominant in study area.

dipping planes moving toward the west can be

9. CONCLUSIONS considered valid.

Based on the results from the detailed field The present field study shows that both, north and
mapping, the general model of a pop-up structure south dipping thrust planes are still present in the
bordered by north (MTF and fault 2) and south pressure shaft area and both play a major role in
dipping (fault 3) thrust planes that converge in the determining the overall geometries of this area and
pressure shaft area can be considered valid. On the caused collapse in left pressure shaft.
large scale also the disappearing of the south In the mapped area top-N thrusts are running mainly
parallel to stratigraphic contacts. This makes it

Proceedings of the International Conference on Rock Joints and Jointed Rock Masses, Tucson, Arizona, USA, January 7-8, 2009

difficult to detect them. Despite this the amount of REFERENCES

deformation hidden within these apparently 1. Moshanir Consultant Engineer (2002) The Siah Bishe
stratigraphic contacts is large. As mentioned before Pumped Storage Project in Iran, Report NO: 39.
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