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Daniel Velasquez

Period 4
Humanities 10

Mixtape Project Reflection

The mixtape project had challenges of its own, but at the same time I grew and picked
up various skills and feedback to perfect my skills in Humanities 10. Even though I may be done
with the presentation as a whole, there are some aspects of what I did well, what I could work
on next time and most importantly the 21st century skill I have used to the best of my ability
during this project.

The 21st century I used in this project were communication skills, information skills and
Interpersonal skills. I believe all of which were used in the development of the mixtape project
because I not only had to create the mixtape art, I had to use technology to not only create the
presentation, but to also communicate with my partner. Speaking of which, I used
communication skills to work with my partner in order to evenly distribute the work we have
done in this project. I also used communication skills in orally presenting the mixtape project
(Dopamine) to the class. Last but not least I believe I used interpersonal skills the most and
therefore was most improved because we both worked together as a team to finish the project
and I was able to come up with ideas and agree with feedback from my partner, which created a
huge success in our project.

Some important aspects which went well and made me improve are agreeing with my
partner on our title, theme, ten songs and mixtape art. She even helped me recommend songs
like Lazy Song and Hey Mama. This means from day one of this project we already make
significant progress. Not to mention how time friendly the project was with my schedule and I
managed to get it done before the due date. The most important thing I did well on the project
was the presentation. I read the whole presentation without a script and only took a few glares
at the screen. All things considered, the project was a huge success because it was the
byproduct of teamwork, being fair, and most importantly adjusting to time and not wasting time

Of course, not all of our projects are perfect. There are caveats within our project that
most certainly should be perfected to further develop my 21st century skills. One thing I
should’ve done from the get go was choose a different theme. This may seem different but
having this energetic vibe to my playlist wasn’t the best idea for our theme. Then again, it all
played out. Although it played out, we could’ve chosen a theme which wasn’t so broad, maybe
different genres like punk or rock. I also could have chosen new songs like Here Comes the Sun
by the beatles. Then finally, jumping to the presentation itself. If I had to do it again I would
prepare better by reading the slides and reading it by heart without taking short glances at the
screen. I also should’ve projected my voice a tad bit more because of how muffled and distant
the masks make our voices sound. All in all, our project went great but there are a few aspects I
myself as well as our group in general should work on.

This project had similarities to projects I did in the past, and yet, it felt so different. Sure I
have been in group projects before, Sure i’ve done presentations myself, but this assignment
stands out from the others because it involved the power of music and teamwork. Even though
we had drawbacks at times, we agreed and went through with it and this project helped me
learn and grow my 21st century skills. Taking everything into consideration, this project helped
me learn, grow, and find the challenging aspects I have yet to work on.

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