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The effects of alcohol pressure:

-For people who force drink alcohol.

According to the law, not only those who drink alcohol are dealt with but also those who force
others to drink alcohol will suffer consequences. "The drinker causes damage, the person is
forced to compensate". This is a piece of information from the Civil Law 2015 but not
everyone knows it. Accordingly, Article 596 of thi Law stipulates that, when a person
intentionally uses alcohol or other stimulants to make another person fall into a state of
cognitive loss and control behavior, causing damage to another person, he / she must indemnify.
From the above regulations, it can be seen that the act of intentionally forcing another person to
drink alcohol, causing the person to lose cognitive ability and causing damage, the compensator
is the person who forces another person to drink alcohol. In other cases, in case no one forces
the drinker, the drinker will be liable to compensate if he causes damage due to drunkenness, he
loses cognitive ability and mastered the behavior (Clause 1, Article 596). According to the
representative of the Legal Department, Decree 117 of the Government stipulates the
sanctioning of administrative violations in the health sector signed by the Prime Minister,
effective from November 15 to here (replacing Decree 176/2013 ) there are new points and
regulations on administrative sanctions in the alcohol and beer sector. A fine of between VND
500,000 - 1 million shall be imposed for one of the following acts: drinking alcohol at a place
where alcohol or beer is not allowed (medical institutions, educational institutions during the
time of teaching, studying or working. ); incite, incite, and entice others to drink beer. A fine of
between VND 1-3 million shall be imposed for the following acts: drinking alcohol, beer right
before, during working hours, studying and taking breaks between working and studying hours;
Forcing others to drink alcohol or beer.

- For people who are forced to drink alcohol.

For those who are forced to drink alcohol to the point of not being able to control themselves, it
will certainly have severe consequences. Just because of the drinking cups, many people have
left their families when they lost consciousness. Many tragic accidents happened in a row every
day, making people worry. Especially, traffic accidents often happen on big holidays like
traditional Tet. The consequences of traffic accidents caused by drivers of alcohol use are often
very serious both in terms of nature and extent of damage. According to statistics of the
National Traffic Safety Commission, about 40% of traffic accidents and 11% of deaths due to
alcohol-related accidents and this number are tending to increase (according to VTV
newspaper. VN) . In the first 7 months of 20120, the country had 11,852 traffic accidents,
killing 5,023 people, injuring 10,286 people. Compared to the same period in 2019, a decrease
of 1,058 cases, a decrease of 144 deaths and a decrease of 1,360 injuries.

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