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Phrasal Verbs Set Twelve Example Sentences

Listen to the accompanying MP3 and read these sentences. This will train your brain to
master these phrasal verbs.

Yield to sth = to agree to do something that you don’t want to do or shouldn’t do

Stick with sth = to continue to do or use something and not change it
Soldier on = to continue doing something even though it is difficult or unpleasant
Tire of sth = to become bored with something

The country announced that it would not yield to pressure from the international
community to stop developing weapons.

We are the inventors of this product, so I don’t think we should yield to the company’s
demands. We should be in control of this negotiation.

I promised myself when I quit smoking that I would never again yield to the temptation of
just one cigarette.

He knew that he shouldn’t have entered the deep, dark cave, but he yielded to his curiosity
and decided to go and explore.

I’m not making any changes to the team this week. I’m sticking with the same team that
won the match last week.

Shall we stick with our usual brand of washing powder or shall we try a new one?

Even though this barber’s prices have gone up, I’m sticking with it. The staff here offer an
excellent level of service.
Student: I know I’ve already chosen my essay topic, but I don’t like it. Can I change it?
Teacher: No, please stick with what you originally chose.

The player injured his leg and foot badly, but he soldiered on and even managed to score
points for his team.

James didn’t like studying at university at all, but he soldiered on for a few years and
managed to obtain his PhD.

Frank: This early morning training is just too hard for me. I don’t know if I can continue.
Phil: Are you going to complain about it and quit, or are you going to soldier on?

I have to finish this 20,000 word essay by tomorrow morning. I’ve only written 5000 words.
I’ll have to soldier on through the night and get it done.

Mum: You watch that movie every week. Don’t you tire of that thing?
Son: No, I love this movie. I could watch it hundreds of times without getting bored.

Director: You need more energy on screen, otherwise the viewers will tire of the movie.
Actor: OK, let’s shoot that scene again.

My parents have visited the seaside town dozens of times, but they never tire of the place.

The man told fascinating anecdotes about his life. People would listen to him for hours and
never tire of his company.

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