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Exploring NumPy!

NumPy package provides us with various features and functions which helps us in arithmetic
and logical operations. Let us look at some of them:

1. NumPy Arrays: As discussed before, arrays are homogenous collection of datatypes.

With NumPy, we can create n-dimensional arrays (where n can be any integer) and operate
on them using other mathematical functions.
Here are some ways by which you can create arrays using NumPy package assuming the
NumPy packages is imported already.

Function Code
Creating a Numpy Array numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5])
Creating a 2-Dimensional zero array (4X3 – numpy.zeros((4,3))
4 rows and 3 columns)
Creating an array with 5 random values numpy.random.random(5)
Creating a 2-Dimensional constant value numpy.full((3,4),6)
array (3X4 – 3 rows and 4 columns) having
all 6s
Creating a sequential array from 0 to 30 with numpy.arrange(0,30,5)
gaps of 5

One of the features of array is that we can perform arithmetic functions on the elements of
the array directly by performing them on the whole array.

Let us assume the array is “ARR” and it has been initialized as:
ARR = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,5])

Now, let us look at various operations that could be implemented on this array:

Function Code
Adding 5 to each element ARR + 5
Divide each element by 5 ARR / 5
Squaring each element ARR ** 2
Accessing 2nd element of the array (element
count starts from 0)
Multiplying 2 arrays
{consider BRR = numpy.array([6,7,8,9,0]) }

As you can see, direct arithmetical operations can be implemented on individual array
elements just by manipulating the whole array variable.


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