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Values Education – Grade 10

I- Objectives/Competencies:
1. Identify disrespectful behaviors;
2. Learn ways in promoting social justice;
3. Inculcate the value respect for individual differences in people; and
4. Appreciate the existence of other people.

II- Subject Matter: Human Core Values

Learning Material: page_____
Teachers Guide

III- Materials :

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1. Writing materials

2. Meta cards

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3. Marker

4. Masking tape
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5. DLP/laptop


A. Procedure:
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A1. – Attendance

A2. – Drill
1) J __ __ t __ c __
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Justice – the quality of being just.

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2) __ __ s __ __ c __
Respect – a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good,
valuable, important, etc.

3) C o __ __ __ __ e __ c __
Confidence – a feeling or belief that you can do something well or

4) F i d e l __ __ __
Fidelity – loyalty, being thoughtful

5) G r a __ i t __ __
Gratitude – thankfulness for favors, gifts received

A3. – Motivation – samples: pictures or motivating questions

B. Lesson Proper

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B.1 - Activity:
1. Divide the class into 4 small groups.
2. Ask the group to select a group leader.
3. In 5 minutes, the groups are to conceptualize a situation depicting a
character with negative characteristics that may cause discrimination
and how the character handles the discrimination.
4. After conceptualizing, each group will portray the situation 2 minutes
per group.
5. After the presentation of each group, the facilitator will give 3 meta
cards to other group members (audience) and asks them to answer the
following questions. These meta cards are to be posted on the board:

a. What were the prejudice/biases shown in the presentations?

b. How did the character handle the situation?

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B.2 - Analysis:

1) What is Justice?
2) rs e
What are the ways to promote social justice?
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3) How could individual maintain social justice?
4) Why is it Important to have justice and avoid discrimination?

B.3 - Abstraction:
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Respecting is Caring

Showing other people respect is a critical part of maintaining important

personal relationships. Learning to respect people’s efforts, abilities and
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opinions will help keep you happy and successful in your interpersonal life.
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Respecting yourself can help you move forward with the confidence to make
a habit of respect and share it with the people around you.

Justice is fidelity to right relationship. It is a way of living and loving “in

harmony with God, with onw another and with creation”. In being just and in

promoting justice, we live our fundamental vocation to stewardship and to

care with compassion (Rodulfa, 2011).

Social justice can be obtained only in respecting the transcendent

dignity of man (CCC no. 1929). Respect for human person entails respect for
the rights that flow form his dignity as a creature (CCC no. 1930).

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Respect for the human person proceeds by way of respect for the
principle that “everyone should look upon his neighbor (without any
exception) as ‘another self,’ above all beraing in mind his life and means
necessary for living it with dignity (CCC no. 1931).


Method 1: Respecting Efforts

1. Show gratitude. Thank people for their assistance and their support
on a regular basis. It’s important to remember all the people who’ve
helped you on your journey. Show respect by saying “Thank you”.
2. Remember to speak politely to everyone.
3. Compliment the achievements of others. When others are
successful, draw attention to it and celebrate their ability and their

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achievement> Learn to recognize when other people put forth extra

effort and achieve something and praise them for it with sincerity. Take

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them aside and do it in private, so your compliments will seem

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4. Be sincere. While it’s important to thank people and praise others,
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most people don’t usually respect brown-nosing. Be geniune in your
thanks and in showingyour respect to other people’s effort. Speak from
the heart.

5. Do what you say you’ll do. If you commit to an event or make plans
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with someone, come through on your end of the deal. Being reliable
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shows respect for people’s time, and shows that you’re making a
special effort to be there for them. Respect other people’sefforts by
being on time, being prepared, and being enthusiastic.
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6. Offer your assistance. Go out of your way to help people whe it

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seems like they need it, especially if it isn’t required of you. Vonlunteer
to help your friend move, or stay late to help clean up after school
events. Go above and beyond. Even helping your litle brother with his

homework or helping your dad clean the yard without being asked

shows a tremendous amount of respect.

7. Respect the abilites of others. Offering too much help can
sometimes be disrespectful. Sometimes, it’s also smart to take a step

back and let other people prove themselves and take care of
manageable situations or problems on thier own.

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Method 2: Respecting Opinions

1. Be a good listener. Practice active listneing to show people that you

have respect for their opinions and ideas. Watch and be quiet when
someone is talking and spend time thinking actively about what the’re

Method 3: Respecting “Enemies”

1. Don’t judge people before you get to know them. Give people
the benefit of the doubt, even peopple of whom you might have a bad
firts impression. Everyone is fighting a big fight. Assume they have
good reasons for being the way they are, doing what they do, and

believing what they believe.

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Method 4: Respecting Yourself

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1. Take care of yourself. To show respect for yourself, try and give

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yourself the same consideration that you give everyone else.
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2. Avoid self-destructive behaviors. Try to work actively to build
yourself up and surround yourself with encouraging, enlightening,
helpful people.

3. Stay healthy. Make regular visits to the doctor to make sure you’re
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healthy and fit. Take care of health problems as soon as they arise and
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don’t put off “bad news.” Avoiding the doctor’s office because you
don’t like it isn’t showing respect for yourself and your own well-being.
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B.4 - Application
a. How can these realizations and insights be applied in your day-
to-day life?

b. How can you apply the character’s successful strategies to

present day situations?

V. - Evaluation: Quiz 1 – 5

VI. - Assignment:

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Philosophy of the Human Person – Grade 12

I- Competencies:
1. Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective
on life;
2. Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic

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II- Subject Matter: Introduction to Philosophy
Learning Material: page_____

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Teachers Guide

III- Materials :
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1. Writing materials
2. Post-it paper
3. DLP/laptop
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A. Procedure:

A1. – Attendance
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A2. – Drill

1. Pencil Twisting

A3. – Motivation – samples: pictures or motivating questions


1. What will we be studying?

B. Lesson Proper

B.1 - Activity:

1. Prepare your ball pen/pencil and Post-it paper

2. On your post-it write down one question that you would like to know…

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a. What’s your BIG question?

B.2 - Analysis:

1. What is Philosophy?
2. What does it mean to Philosophize?
B.3 - Abstraction:

What is Philosophy?

Philosophy is about asking question…

Ex. I think therefore I am.

What is reality?
Is truth relative?
What is the meaning of life?

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Literal definition:

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“Philosophy” from the Greek word “philos” love and “sophia”

wisdom, means the love of wisdom. The study of philosophy is a
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continual encounter, a dialogue carried on in search of truth wherever
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it may be found.

Philosophy can be termed as an inquiry which seeks to


encompass the whole of reality by understanding its most basic causes

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and principle in so far as these are acceptable to reason and

experience. It is characterized as ‘beginning in wonder and ends in
mystery”. (Reflections on Man by Jesse Mann et al. p2-4)
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What does it mean to Philosophize?

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 To philosophize is to wonder about life, about love and loneliness,

birth and death, about Truth, Beauty and Freedom.

 To philosophize is to explore Life by asking painful Questions.


When Man confronted with Mystery, or with Something whose causes

are still unknown, he wonders why. Such for Socrates was the beginning of
Wisdom. In the Theaetetus, Socrates says: “Wonder is the feeling of a

Philosopher, and Philosophy begins in Wonder.” (Plato, Theaetetus, 155 B.

Benjamin Jewett in vol. 7 of Great Books, p. 519)

What does it mean to Wonder?

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“To wonder means to realize that there is something strange behind
the things that we ordinarily perceive. To wonder is to notice something
extraordinary in the ordinary things we see”. (For the love of Wisdom by
Chris John-Terry, An explanation of the meaning and purpose of Philosophy)

“The only thing we require to be good philosophers is the faculty of wonder.”

- Jostein Gaarder

What does it mean “Philosopher”?

Philosopher can be best describe as one who loves truth in its

deepest meaning. This is in keeping with the literal meaning of the word
“Philosophy” as the love of wisdom.

B.4 – Application

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a. How can these realizations and insights be applied in your day-

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to-day life?
b. How can you apply philosophical strategies to present day

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V. - Evaluation: Quiz (Essay 10pts)

Essay Rubric
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Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when
writing your essay and check it again before you submit your essay.

Traits 10 7 5 3
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Focus & There is one There is one There is one The topic and
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Details clear, well- clear, well- topic. main

focused topic. focused topic. Main ideas are ideas are not
Main Main somewhat clear. clear.

ideas are clear ideas are clear


and but are

are well not well
supported by supported by
detailed and detailed

accurate information.


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1. What is Philosophy?
2. Who am I?

VI. - Assignment:

1. Is there a God?
2. Why am I alive?
3. What particular Track I’m going to take up? Why?

What is “Philosophy of Man”?

“Philosophy of Man is an overview of the nature, activity and destiny

of man. It attempts to assess his place in and his relationship to the world.

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(Reflections on Man by Jesse Mann et al. p13)

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 Some Themes of Philosophy of Man
o Man as Embodied Subjectivity

o Man as Being-in-the-World
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o Man as being with: The interhuman and the Social
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o Man as Person and his crowning activity is love which
presupposes Justice

 Some Insights from these themes in our Philosophy of

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o A Philosophy of Education must include social aims

o Our Educational Policies must aim at specific personal and
social values: of justice, love, honesty.
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Total development is not just education of the mind but also of the heart and
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we educate the heart by being exemplars.


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