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1)mkdir rajesh (creating new directory/new folder) *here "rajesh" is a direcory


2)ls (shown directories and files)

3)touch rajesh1 (creating 'new files' in direcory) *here "rajesh1" is a file name.

4)cat > rajesh1 (here we can 'type' any information). ex: rajesh is a good boy.

5)cat rajesh1 (here we can 'see' informaton in the file) ex: rajesh is a good

6)git status (it shows status of 'repository')

7)git init (.'git'--means hidden directory/hidden file).

8)ls -a (hidden directories shown).

9)git config--global "rajesh" ex: RAJESH.

9)git config--global "".

10)git config --list ex:list of every configuration.


11)git status (display shown Both 'workspace files' and 'staging/index files').

12)workspace indetify (Red colour/Untracked files) it'll display.

13)stagig/index identify (Green colour/changes to be commited) it'll display.

14)'git add file name' (moving workspace to staging).

15)git commit -m label file (moving local repo to central repo).

16)git log and git commit (display local repo files and commit id's create)

17)git push (moving local repo to central repo).

18)git show cid (here 'cid' means commit id)(it shows how many files in commit).

cid =copy and paste in cid place.

19)git add file1 file2 file3....etc (multiple files share ws to index)

touch file1 file2 file3 ....etc

git add *(or)

git add . (or)
git add -a.

11)git commit -m "label" file (only modify files 'WORKSPACE to LOCAL REPOSITORY'
12)git reset HEAD file ('STAGING TO WORKSPACE').

13)git reset --soft cid (LOCAL REPOSITORY TO STAGING)

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