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Leah Jean L.

Gaba                                                                                                            Ethics
2BSA-2                                                                                               Ass#4: Project for
            The topics that are discussed here are divorce, abortion, and surrogacy. I was born a
Christian, specifically a member of the Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo) so when it comes to
this kind of topic there’s no doubt and second thought about my beliefs or stand. But still, I asked
and interview my mother, one of my friends, and one of our church leaders; the KSKP in our
Kapisanan here in our local.

                When it comes to divorce and abortion, just what my mother taught me which is based
on the bible, is forbidden by God. During worship service, it is being taught how sacred it is that
when two people or souls are bound here on earth they were also bound in heaven by God and no
one is allowed to cut that bind unless God. As man and women vow before God, they became
one, hence not separable anymore by mere humans or laws on earth. So, it was forbidden to us a
member of the church. For the abortion, since I was a child back in PNK days, it was taught to be
good always and to love one another. To love also means not to kill a person or anyone even if
he/she was evil or bad to you. Let God decide and judge them and don’t ever depend it on
ourselves because we as human are all sinners. And abortion is seen as killing a child or a person
inside a mother’s womb. Some might say and argue that “no! that child is still not alive it still
need 9 months to fully evolve and complete inside the womb” But once the child is inside the
mother’s womb, no matter how long or short it is, it is already alive, the fact that it has its own
beating heart and blood flowing through its veins, it just needs some time to develop. Abortion
also is forbidden as a member of the church and a servant of God. The last one is surrogacy and
in this, I was kind of confused and the topic is somewhat new and questionable so when I asked
this to Brother Raven Pascua, our KSKP in the local, he answered me this. According to the
minister that he also asked regarding this, there was a letter requesting that (IVF), and based on
past letters (Letters/Request to Brother Eduardo Manalo, Executive Minister), it has so far never
been permitted. IVF involves fertilizing an egg in a laboratory setting, then transferring it into a
woman’s womb for gestation. This is the most advanced and effective fertility treatment today
while Surrogacy is the process of a woman carrying a child in her uterus on behalf of another
person or couple. There are differences though with IVF and surrogacy. But it seems like they
would pretty much be in a similar case.

                Divorce and abortion is not a new case or topic to me, ever since I was a child, I was
taught that is not allowed and I firmly believe and hold on to that as it was written in the bible.
But surrogacy is kind of a new topic to me so I was also very curious when I asked about it.
After knowing that it was not permitted or allowed, I’m still kind of confused as to why or how
because I’m looking for a basis or a verse specifically in the bible. But then, as I try to internalize
and think about it, well an administration's decision is guided by God and everything that they
decide is also from God, so why have doubts, right? For me, this scientific technology, the
human intelligence nowadays that is super modernized already has been kind of neglecting and
fighting God’s will. Like for example, if a couple were not able to bear a child in a natural way
maybe it was God’s will and He has a reason but because of technology we’re finding ways on
our own and not trusting God about our lives. To sum it up, as a member of the Church of Christ,
I will always firmly believe and hold on to my faith, and the same goes for my family and

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