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Leah Jean L.

2 BSA – 2

Assignment 1 Module#1
Identify and explain the three levels of dilemmas and give your own example for each.

1. Personal Dilemma – are dilemma experiences on personal level, wherein you are stuck
in between something whether to do it or not because you have to choose and decide
based on your personal perceptions or situation.

Example: You have a friend that you know is sick but asked you a favor, a promise to
hide it from her family and let her be the one to tell them, but you are also close to her
family and they want to know the situation of their daughter.

2. Organizational Dilemma – are dilemma encountered in an organization or group where

you’re in. Since being in an organization, you have to deal with different people that have
different beliefs, which leads to different kinds of dilemma in decision making.

Example: You are the leader of a certain organization and there are members there that
just don’t want to follow you and keep on doing things they usually do. But confronting
them would mean also losing them as members. The thing is they are members that are
crucial for the organization

3. Structural Dilemma – are dilemma in wider scope of organizations or sectors that have
level of degree of functions. A struggle in systems and flow of duties and accountability
or responsibility.

Example: You are a manager and you found out that your supervisor is covering up
something in the company for personal gain. You want to report it but the supervisor
have many connections and will not be good for you.

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